CDZ Who Declared a War on Dead People and Their Statues and Why Ukraine Comes to Mind?


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2014
It's pretty obvious for me a suggestion to remove the statue in Charlottesville was a planned provocation: Soros knew there would be some WHITE people willing to protect it. And he must have prepared a group of his trained people to provoke the statue defenders and to blame all the turmoil on them later.

In 2014 in Ukraine after the coup (which Soros organized and sponsored through Obama Administration + McCain) Soros puppets permitted Ukrainian Nazis to ruin quite a few monuments. I was among those thousands of people who have been coming for months to guard those monuments and to protest against the coup. I've seen those Nazis, throwing Molotov cocktails into our crowds and police protecting THEM from us (police had that kind of order!). In a few months hundreds of our leaders have been thrown into prison (nobody knows if they are still alive or not) and our protests have been shut down. In Odessa on May, 2 2014 Nazis burned over 60 protesters alive and nobody punished them.

This is just a long story short. I have seen all those provocative actions from Soros puppets, just different country and different faces. Everything else is the same. And you know, in "democratic" Ukraine only crooks and Nazis feel free and good after the coup. I wish you guys control the events in your country before Soros gets total control on it.
Who Declared a War on Dead People and Their Statues and Why Ukraine Comes to Mind?

I saw the title and thought, solely because of the bit about the Ukraine, that it would be something interesting and novel....Then I saw the conspiracy theory line about Soros and gave up on that notion.
I participated in those events you call "conspiracy theory". I just want to share my own experience with Americans, it may help them not to see their country in ruins and thousands of their people killed.

Soros has a lot of experience organizing coups all over the world, especially in post Soviet republics around Russia. (He tried really hard to make coups in Russia and Belarus but the leaders of those countries appeared to be real leaders and Soros attempts failed). For Soros to organize a coup is just a routine: he knows which buttons to push and which people to involve. And the more innocent blood the better for him. (In Ukraine there were snipers shooting both sides of protesters, over 100 victims in a few minutes! And of-course that was blamed on the current president who was overthrown later.)

To make a coup successful in a country the society there must be very well divided. Looks like USA is in a perfect condition for a coup.

Reason: President Trump is the worst Soros' nightmare, he threatens Soros' plans for global control. And the longer Trump is the president, the weaker Soros' chances are looking.
Yeah, Soros had this all planned out, Jeebus. NaziKlansers think it's coup time thanks to Don. And it's only a "war" on concrete son. Stone in some cases.
I participated in those events you call "conspiracy theory". I just want to share my own experience with Americans, it may help them not to see their country in ruins and thousands of their people killed.

We're involved in 7 wars son, killing hundreds of thousands over the past few years, in places we have no business other than for business reasons.
Yeah, Soros had this all planned out, Jeebus. NaziKlansers think it's coup time thanks to Don. And it's only a "war" on concrete son. Stone in some cases.

It's not Don's fault city of Charlottesville suddenly decided to demolish statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, which is about 100 y.o. and then suddenly some other blue cities decided to demolish their confederate statues. It doesn't look spontaneous at all. It looks like well organized action.

Before demolishing such kind of monuments blue cities should have asked the opinion of their residents to begin with.
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I participated in those events you call "conspiracy theory". I just want to share my own experience with Americans, it may help them not to see their country in ruins and thousands of their people killed.

Soros has a lot of experience organizing coups all over the world, especially in post Soviet republics around Russia. (He tried really hard to make coups in Russia and Belarus but the leaders of those countries appeared to be real leaders and Soros attempts failed). For Soros to organize a coup is just a routine: he knows which buttons to push and which people to involve. And the more innocent blood the better for him. (In Ukraine there were snipers shooting both sides of protesters, over 100 victims in a few minutes! And of-course that was blamed on the current president who was overthrown later.)

To make a coup successful in a country the society there must be very well divided. Looks like USA is in a perfect condition for a coup.

Reason: President Trump is the worst Soros' nightmare, he threatens Soros' plans for global control. And the longer Trump is the president, the weaker Soros' chances are looking.
To make a coup successful in a country the society there must be very well divided. Looks like USA is in a perfect condition for a coup.

So you say, however, extreme bound analysis does not corroborate your assertion.
I participated in those events you call "conspiracy theory". I just want to share my own experience with Americans, it may help them not to see their country in ruins and thousands of their people killed.

Soros has a lot of experience organizing coups all over the world, especially in post Soviet republics around Russia. (He tried really hard to make coups in Russia and Belarus but the leaders of those countries appeared to be real leaders and Soros attempts failed). For Soros to organize a coup is just a routine: he knows which buttons to push and which people to involve. And the more innocent blood the better for him. (In Ukraine there were snipers shooting both sides of protesters, over 100 victims in a few minutes! And of-course that was blamed on the current president who was overthrown later.)

To make a coup successful in a country the society there must be very well divided. Looks like USA is in a perfect condition for a coup.

Reason: President Trump is the worst Soros' nightmare, he threatens Soros' plans for global control. And the longer Trump is the president, the weaker Soros' chances are looking.
To make a coup successful in a country the society there must be very well divided. Looks like USA is in a perfect condition for a coup.

So you say, however, extreme bound analysis does not corroborate your assertion.

When to expect a coup d'etat and where? Anytime wherever a president is not Soros' puppet and is not willing to be the one.

Soros has such a huge experience in overthrowing disagreeable presidents that he can write his own instructions about that now.
When to expect a coup d'etat and where? Anytime wherever a president is not Soros' puppet and is not willing to be the one.
Soros has such a huge experience in overthrowing disagreeable presidents that he can write his own instructions about that now.
Soros needs to be arrested for sedition, given a fair trial then executed behind an outhouse.
I participated in those events you call "conspiracy theory". I just want to share my own experience with Americans, it may help them not to see their country in ruins and thousands of their people killed.

Soros has a lot of experience organizing coups all over the world, especially in post Soviet republics around Russia. (He tried really hard to make coups in Russia and Belarus but the leaders of those countries appeared to be real leaders and Soros attempts failed). For Soros to organize a coup is just a routine: he knows which buttons to push and which people to involve. And the more innocent blood the better for him. (In Ukraine there were snipers shooting both sides of protesters, over 100 victims in a few minutes! And of-course that was blamed on the current president who was overthrown later.)

To make a coup successful in a country the society there must be very well divided. Looks like USA is in a perfect condition for a coup.

Reason: President Trump is the worst Soros' nightmare, he threatens Soros' plans for global control. And the longer Trump is the president, the weaker Soros' chances are looking.
To make a coup successful in a country the society there must be very well divided. Looks like USA is in a perfect condition for a coup.

So you say, however, extreme bound analysis does not corroborate your assertion.
JimBowie1958, would you mind telling me what you find funny about my having cited the findings of extreme bounds analysis (EBA) of coup d'etat determinants as the refutation to the OP-er's assertion?

EBA is precisely the sort of analysis that addresses the question of "what matters and what doesn't matter all that much" in situations having many causes and one wants to figure out which of them alone or in concert with others is material to effecting a given outcome. ("Everything" matters, but each thing may or may not matter enough on its own to make a difference.) Indeed, in economics and other social sciences, EBA is a huge boon to overcoming the dilemmas of uncertainty, dissimilarity among variables (parm heterogeneity), and exceptional situations/outcomes. (A comparatively simple example of how EBA works and the proof for it is here: Reasonable Extreme Bounds Analysis.)

What does EBA tell us about coups d'etat? It tells us that no single parameter alone -- including the one the OP mentioned -- is critical enough to reliably predict that a coup will result when that variable is present. That's not funny, it's a good thing. It tells us that, among other things, a nation's stability isn't going to "go to hell in a handbasket" at the "drop of a hat."
When to expect a coup d'etat and where? Anytime wherever a president is not Soros' puppet and is not willing to be the one.
Soros has such a huge experience in overthrowing disagreeable presidents that he can write his own instructions about that now.
Soros needs to be arrested for sedition, given a fair trial then executed behind an outhouse.

It would be such a fair thing and USA and the whole world would feel a lot better and a lot safer if that happened. However we both know how many powerful people Soros has in his pockets and it's hard to imagine such a fair thing can happen to him. But everything is possible because everything is up to God in this world, not up to the people like Soros.
Scratch a Soros-hater, and you always find a fascist. That's because Soros is anti-fascist and pro-democracy.

Moscow and the agents of Moscow especially hate democracy, so they've got a propaganda machine dedicated to faking stories about Soros. These sorts of conspiraacy theories get a "pants on fire" rating from the fact-checkers.

Alex Jones falsely says Soros, Clinton stoked Va. violence

Alas, to the fascists, that just proves that the fact-checkers are part of a liberal conspiracy. There's no getting through their anti-reality bubble.
Scratch a Soros-hater, and you always find a fascist. That's because Soros is anti-fascist and pro-democracy.

Moscow and the agents of Moscow especially hate democracy, so they've got a propaganda machine dedicated to faking stories about Soros. These sorts of conspiraacy theories get a "pants on fire" rating from the fact-checkers.

Alex Jones falsely says Soros, Clinton stoked Va. violence

Alas, to the fascists, that just proves that the fact-checkers are part of a liberal conspiracy. There's no getting through their anti-reality bubble.

Soros is currently the main fascist in the world. He goes to any country, sponsors brainwashing the population there, divides it and then makes them kill each other in a war or a coup or both. He has done exactly the same in my home country of Ukraine and now is trying to do the same in YOUR country with YOUR stupid liberals help.

You saud: Moscow and the agents of Moscow especially hate democracy, so they've got a propaganda machine dedicated to faking stories about Soros. These sorts of conspiraacy theories get a "pants on fire" rating from the fact-checkers.

You would be right with a few corrections: SOROS and the agents of SOROS especially hate democracy, so they've got a propaganda machine dedicated to faking stories about PUTIN and TRUMP. These sorts of conspiraacy theories get a "pants on fire" rating from the fact-checkers.
On Dec 20, 1998, on 60 Minutes did Steve Kroft interview George
Soros where Soros, a Hungarian Jew, admitted collaborating with the Nazi's
as a teenager and stated: "...I had no sense of guilt."
George Soros, Nazi collaborator -

I give you George Soros. A SS in the National Socialist German workers party. Nazi party. He served under Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. He said it was the best time of his life. The destruction and agony around him was euphoric to him. This man was making policy with Hillary Clinton. And some of you think Trump is dangerous. Wow!
Tom Dogionne

JimBowie1958, would you mind telling me what you find funny about my having cited the findings of extreme bounds analysis (EBA) of coup d'etat determinants as the refutation to the OP-er's assertion?

Sure. You referenced this doc in stating that the conditions for a coup were not present by denying Stratfords claim that conditions are indeed good for a coup.
Your document states around page 5:
staging a coup would seem to be more attractive (and B should hence be larger) if one or more of the following three conditions are fulfilled. First, control over the state promises control over resources (which is, 5 for instance, the case if property rights are not secure, natural resources are abundant, inequality is high and the state apparatus is large).4 Second, the status quo of the elites or the military has been negatively affected by government policies that could be reversed easily in the aftermath of a coup (for instance, reduced military expenditure or liberalized economic sectors). In a similar vein, Tullock (2005) has argued that dictators maintain control by paying out benefits to those on whose loyalty they depend (see also Wintrobe 2012). If these payments are reduced by the incumbent regime, the net benefits of staging a coup may become positive for some actors. And third, the state does not depend financially on foreign governments being well disposed toward it (e.g., low dependence on foreign aid, not being under programs of the IMF or the World Bank, limited foreign trade).​

ALL THREE CONDITIONS ARE MET TODAY here in the USA with an angry political establishment elite shocked that Trump won the last election and determined to do everything that they can to stop him, neutralize him and to remove him.

But about this use of statistical models to tell us what can happen as opposed to what is merely more plausible, it doesnt work that way. The past historical record does not have DETERMINANTS in it, but only indicators as to future plausibility, not possibility.

We are talking about the plausibility of a coup in a specific case, here in the USA. Mathematical/statistical models of what makes the conditions most likely for such an event cannot be used as a refutation for any specific event in a specific time and place. I took you to say it cant happen here because of the modeling for coups show that it is very unlikely to happen here.

As an analogy. Suppose we are playing some parlor game and to win the game, in some final end game situation, you have to roll 2 six sided dice and beat a nine. Were I to tell you I have already won the game because the odds are much more likely that you will roll an 8 or less because that is how dice operate would be premature. Even though dice do usually roll 8 or less you could still roll a 12.

Using statistics like this tells us about more fruitful methods, means, situations, etc, but it does not tell us what can happen, normally. You are saying that there is no determinant cause here, but that is conjecture based on incomplete information. For all we know the essential factors are there, but hidden from the public. Also, the events that are occurring are following many past chains of events that led to destabilized nations. That these mathematicians state that the past record of similar events has upper and lower ceilings and floors is at best dealing in mere plausibility. "Black Swan" events are always outside the record of known events and do happen.

You are an educated and intelligent person, and I am sorry if my lol was insulting, but it was all I could do at the moment.
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When to expect a coup d'etat and where? Anytime wherever a president is not Soros' puppet and is not willing to be the one.
Soros has such a huge experience in overthrowing disagreeable presidents that he can write his own instructions about that now.
Soros needs to be arrested for sedition, given a fair trial then executed behind an outhouse.

It would be such a fair thing and USA and the whole world would feel a lot better and a lot safer if that happened. However we both know how many powerful people Soros has in his pockets and it's hard to imagine such a fair thing can happen to him. But everything is possible because everything is up to God in this world, not up to the people like Soros.
Kidnapping him and secretly dumping him in Russia is a very pleasant thought.
If conservative media would stop couching everything as 'a war on something' perhaps all the easily manipulated derps out there would stand down.
JimBowie1958, would you mind telling me what you find funny about my having cited the findings of extreme bounds analysis (EBA) of coup d'etat determinants as the refutation to the OP-er's assertion?

EBA is precisely the sort of analysis that addresses the question of "what matters and what doesn't matter all that much" in situations having many causes and one wants to figure out which of them alone or in concert with others is material to effecting a given outcome. ("Everything" matters, but each thing may or may not matter enough on its own to make a difference.) Indeed, in economics and other social sciences, EBA is a huge boon to overcoming the dilemmas of uncertainty, dissimilarity among variables (parm heterogeneity), and exceptional situations/outcomes. (A comparatively simple example of how EBA works and the proof for it is here: Reasonable Extreme Bounds Analysis.)

What does EBA tell us about coups d'etat? It tells us that no single parameter alone -- including the one the OP mentioned -- is critical enough to reliably predict that a coup will result when that variable is present. That's not funny, it's a good thing. It tells us that, among other things, a nation's stability isn't going to "go to hell in a handbasket" at the "drop of a hat."

Sure. You referenced this doc in stating that the conditions for a coup were not present by denying Stratfords claim that conditions are indeed good for a coup.
Your document states around page 5:
staging a coup would seem to be more attractive (and B should hence be larger) if one or more of the following three conditions are fulfilled. First, control over the state promises control over resources (which is, 5 for instance, the case if property rights are not secure, natural resources are abundant, inequality is high and the state apparatus is large).4 Second, the status quo of the elites or the military has been negatively affected by government policies that could be reversed easily in the aftermath of a coup (for instance, reduced military expenditure or liberalized economic sectors). In a similar vein, Tullock (2005) has argued that dictators maintain control by paying out benefits to those on whose loyalty they depend (see also Wintrobe 2012). If these payments are reduced by the incumbent regime, the net benefits of staging a coup may become positive for some actors. And third, the state does not depend financially on foreign governments being well disposed toward it (e.g., low dependence on foreign aid, not being under programs of the IMF or the World Bank, limited foreign trade).​

ALL THREE CONDITIONS ARE MET TODAY here in the USA with an angry political establishment elite shocked that Trump won the last election and determined to do everything that they can to stop him, neutralize him and to remove him.

But about this use of statistical models to tell us what can happen as opposed to what is merely more plausible, it doesnt work that way. The past historical record doe snot have DETERMINANTS in it, but only indicators as to plausibility, not possibility.

We are talking about the plausibility of a coup in a specific case, here in the USA. Mathematical/statistical models of what makes the conditions most likely for such an event cannot be used as a refutation for any specific event in a specific time and place. I took you to say it cant happen here because of the modeling for coups show that it is very unlikely to happen here.

As an analogy. Suppose we are playing some parlor game and to win the game, in some final end game situation, you have to roll 2 six sided dice and beat a nine. Were I to tell you I have already won the game because the odds are much more likely that you will roll an 8 or less because that is how dice operate would be premature. Even though dice do usually roll 8 or less you could still roll a 12.

Using statistics like this tells us about more fruitful methods, means, situations, etc, but it does not tell us what can happen, normally. You are saying that there is no determinant cause here, but that is conjecture based on incomplete information. For all we know the essential factors are there, but hidden from the public. Also, the events that are occurring are following many past chains of events that led to destabilized nations. That these mathematicians state that the past record of similar events has upper and lower ceilings and floors is at best dealing in mere plausibility. "Black Swan" events are always outside the record of known events and do happen.

You are an educated and intelligent person, and I am sorry if my lol was insulting, but it was all I could do at the moment.

What an excellent and profound post, Jim! :clap2:Top political expert wouldn't say better. I wish you could post an article like that in a Mainstream Media, people of your country need to look deep into the events taking place in USA now to be prepared to protect their country from internal enemy. However Soros owns almost all the Media and keeps feeding the people with self-created BS.

I participated in those events you call "conspiracy theory". I just want to share my own experience with Americans, it may help them not to see their country in ruins and thousands of their people killed.

Soros has a lot of experience organizing coups all over the world, especially in post Soviet republics around Russia. (He tried really hard to make coups in Russia and Belarus but the leaders of those countries appeared to be real leaders and Soros attempts failed). For Soros to organize a coup is just a routine: he knows which buttons to push and which people to involve. And the more innocent blood the better for him. (In Ukraine there were snipers shooting both sides of protesters, over 100 victims in a few minutes! And of-course that was blamed on the current president who was overthrown later.)

To make a coup successful in a country the society there must be very well divided. Looks like USA is in a perfect condition for a coup.

Reason: President Trump is the worst Soros' nightmare, he threatens Soros' plans for global control. And the longer Trump is the president, the weaker Soros' chances are looking.

Kumbaya Gets KABOOMed

The transnationalist Estabishment in America should be forced to consider that the rest of us have 300 million guns.
JimBowie1958, would you mind telling me what you find funny about my having cited the findings of extreme bounds analysis (EBA) of coup d'etat determinants as the refutation to the OP-er's assertion?

EBA is precisely the sort of analysis that addresses the question of "what matters and what doesn't matter all that much" in situations having many causes and one wants to figure out which of them alone or in concert with others is material to effecting a given outcome. ("Everything" matters, but each thing may or may not matter enough on its own to make a difference.) Indeed, in economics and other social sciences, EBA is a huge boon to overcoming the dilemmas of uncertainty, dissimilarity among variables (parm heterogeneity), and exceptional situations/outcomes. (A comparatively simple example of how EBA works and the proof for it is here: Reasonable Extreme Bounds Analysis.)

What does EBA tell us about coups d'etat? It tells us that no single parameter alone -- including the one the OP mentioned -- is critical enough to reliably predict that a coup will result when that variable is present. That's not funny, it's a good thing. It tells us that, among other things, a nation's stability isn't going to "go to hell in a handbasket" at the "drop of a hat."

Sure. You referenced this doc in stating that the conditions for a coup were not present by denying Stratfords claim that conditions are indeed good for a coup.
Your document states around page 5:
staging a coup would seem to be more attractive (and B should hence be larger) if one or more of the following three conditions are fulfilled. First, control over the state promises control over resources (which is, 5 for instance, the case if property rights are not secure, natural resources are abundant, inequality is high and the state apparatus is large).4 Second, the status quo of the elites or the military has been negatively affected by government policies that could be reversed easily in the aftermath of a coup (for instance, reduced military expenditure or liberalized economic sectors). In a similar vein, Tullock (2005) has argued that dictators maintain control by paying out benefits to those on whose loyalty they depend (see also Wintrobe 2012). If these payments are reduced by the incumbent regime, the net benefits of staging a coup may become positive for some actors. And third, the state does not depend financially on foreign governments being well disposed toward it (e.g., low dependence on foreign aid, not being under programs of the IMF or the World Bank, limited foreign trade).​

ALL THREE CONDITIONS ARE MET TODAY here in the USA with an angry political establishment elite shocked that Trump won the last election and determined to do everything that they can to stop him, neutralize him and to remove him.

But about this use of statistical models to tell us what can happen as opposed to what is merely more plausible, it doesnt work that way. The past historical record doe snot have DETERMINANTS in it, but only indicators as to plausibility, not possibility.

We are talking about the plausibility of a coup in a specific case, here in the USA. Mathematical/statistical models of what makes the conditions most likely for such an event cannot be used as a refutation for any specific event in a specific time and place. I took you to say it cant happen here because of the modeling for coups show that it is very unlikely to happen here.

As an analogy. Suppose we are playing some parlor game and to win the game, in some final end game situation, you have to roll 2 six sided dice and beat a nine. Were I to tell you I have already won the game because the odds are much more likely that you will roll an 8 or less because that is how dice operate would be premature. Even though dice do usually roll 8 or less you could still roll a 12.

Using statistics like this tells us about more fruitful methods, means, situations, etc, but it does not tell us what can happen, normally. You are saying that there is no determinant cause here, but that is conjecture based on incomplete information. For all we know the essential factors are there, but hidden from the public. Also, the events that are occurring are following many past chains of events that led to destabilized nations. That these mathematicians state that the past record of similar events has upper and lower ceilings and floors is at best dealing in mere plausibility. "Black Swan" events are always outside the record of known events and do happen.

You are an educated and intelligent person, and I am sorry if my lol was insulting, but it was all I could do at the moment.

What an excellent and profound post, Jim! :clap2:Top political expert wouldn't say better. I wish you could post an article like that in a Mainstream Media, people of your country need to look deep into the events taking place in USA now to be prepared to protect their country from internal enemy. However Soros owns almost all the Media and keeps feeding the people with self-created BS.

View attachment 144448
He is also a puppet for others. These control freak haters and hate pushers who sell themselves for naught need to be stopped and taken out of control positions. This world is not theirs to do with as they please.

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