Who Folds faster?

Who Folds faster: Obama or Republicans?

  • Republicans

    Votes: 10 100.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'd say Republicans fold faster, at least Obama takes the time to draw lines in the sand, Republicans just grab their ankles
The yearly budget is necessary and a part of governing. Good for the republicans doing the right thing. They surely of shot down any chance of power in 2016 if they didn't.

If they gave a damn about the shit they bitch about they would of taken out the 800 billion per year in tax breaks.
Yet libs and progs are told incessantly by their media, of gridlock in DC...or the Rs are so extreme that they will not compromise...nothing will get done...partisanship is run amok.

Amazingly they believe these easily refuted lies.
Republicans did good governance on this one.


The TP members can go fold their shorts.
Not even close. The Republican Party is not an opposition party. Its leaders are all frauds. They're all in on the fix. Both Parties have the same leadership. They're Big Government NWO Globalists.

It's a One-Party System. They probably think it's hilarious so many Americans still believe they actually have choices in who leads their nation. The fix is in folks. Sadly, it is what it is.

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