Who Folds faster?

Who Folds faster: Obama or Republicans?

  • Republicans

    Votes: 10 100.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Not even close. The Republican Party is not an opposition party. Its leaders are all frauds. They're all in on the fix. Both Parties have the same leadership. They're Big Government NWO Globalists.

It's a One-Party System. They probably think it's hilarious so many Americans still believe they actually have choices in who leads their nation. The fix is in folks. Sadly, it is what it is.
:lol: Crazy a bit, pauli? Oh, that's right, you are a conspiracy libertarian.
Not even close. The Republican Party is not an opposition party. Its leaders are all frauds. They're all in on the fix. Both Parties have the same leadership. They're Big Government NWO Globalists.

It's a One-Party System. They probably think it's hilarious so many Americans still believe they actually have choices in who leads their nation. The fix is in folks. Sadly, it is what it is.
:lol: Crazy a bit, pauli? Oh, that's right, you are a conspiracy libertarian.

Both Parties have the same leadership at the end of the day. It's proven all the time. In the end, both Parties are led by Big Government NWO Globalists.

Republicans got kicked in the nuts again. They still believed they had credible leadership. They still believed they were members of an opposition party. I'm guessing they're getting it now though. It's all a lie.
What you far right cons and libertarians and you far lefties and libs is that compromise and consensus is required.

Neither group of you wankers can run this country, and the GOP mainstream is tired of trying to work with the far right cons and libert wankers.

CrusaderFrank loves him some progressive statist The Donald.
What you far right cons and libertarians and you far lefties and libs is that compromise and consensus is required.

Neither group of you wankers can run this country, and the GOP mainstream is tired of trying to work with the far right cons and libert wankers.
The political environment we have now is exactly what you desire, but are too stupid to realize.
Poor gipper, always to be mocked.

Try doing what Correll and Sun Devil learned.

Be nice, get nice in return.
Obama in Foreign Affairs or House Republicans to Obama?

It's a tough call

That is a tough call.


Since Obumbler doesn't DO much in the arena of foreign affairs, though, and since the Republicans in the House of an extensive record of caving in to Obumbler like unregulated mines in West Virgina, I'd have to come down on the side of the House Republicans.

I mean, fuck sake. They and their Senate colleagues even permit Obumbler to obtain approval on his foreign affair fiascoes by the simple expedient of pretending treaties aren't treaties. It's another way for them to capitulate.

The folds in cheap suits laugh at the House Republicans.
Poor gipper, always to be mocked.

Try doing what Correll and Sun Devil learned.

Be nice, get nice in return.

BO and the Demrats got almost everything they wanted. What compromise?
I said years ago that BHO was smarter than the entire TP put together and a lot of mainstream as well, as Liability pointed out immediately above. My little valentine knows how to please me.

He generally got what he wanted. The knowledgeable ones were saying, "Watch him clean up in the lame duck session" after the Pubs beat the hell out of the Dems in the 2010 elections. And, yes, yes, he did.
Poor gipper, always to be mocked.

Try doing what Correll and Sun Devil learned.

Be nice, get nice in return.

BO and the Demrats got almost everything they wanted. What compromise?
I said years ago that BHO was smarter than the entire TP put together.

He generally got what he wanted. The knowledgeable ones were saying, "Watch him clean up in the lame duck session" after the Pubs beat the hell out of the Dems in the 2010 elections. And, yes, yes, he did.

Obumbler is not smarter than the GOP members of Congress as a whole, just because the latter (his supposed opposition) is feckless and reckless and ineffective.

An Obumbler fluffer such as you trips over himself to give credit where it isn't due. If Obumbler faced ANY kind of decent organized and principled opposition (the kind Boehner and the other weak-ass Republicans whom you tend to like), he'd not have gotten anything accomplished. Clinton was an assclown, but he understood enough about the real world to grasp that accommodation to the other side does NOT mean a one way street.
Poor gipper, always to be mocked.

Try doing what Correll and Sun Devil learned.

Be nice, get nice in return.

BO and the Demrats got almost everything they wanted. What compromise?

That little thing called 680 billion in fucking tax breaks!!! Of course you'll keep driving on our roads, use our nws, enjoy our clean air, water and food but keep on bitching.

Some things both sides should support.
My little liability fluffer, the fact remains that Obama did exceptionally well in getting what he wanted.

As you do when you pout and flout and deny.
Fakey said:
* * * the fact remains that Obama did exceptionally well in getting what he wanted.

As you do when you pout and flout and deny.

And again, you liberal Democraps see things in a very distorted way because reality to you is just a hazy concept.

Obumbler DID largely get his way -- but NOT because he out-maneuvered anybody.

He got his way because its easy to GET your way when you find your opponent is unwilling to even engage in a fight.
Fakey said:
* * * the fact remains that Obama did exceptionally well in getting what he wanted.

As you do when you pout and flout and deny.

And again, you liberal Democraps see things in a very distorted way because reality to you is just a hazy concept.

Obumbler DID largely get his way -- but NOT because he out-maneuvered anybody.

He got his way because its easy to GET your way when you find your opponent is unwilling to even engage in a fight.
If you say so, my little sweet.
Fakey said:
Fakey said:
* * * the fact remains that Obama did exceptionally well in getting what he wanted.

As you do when you pout and flout and deny.

And again, you liberal Democraps see things in a very distorted way because reality to you is just a hazy concept.

Obumbler DID largely get his way -- but NOT because he out-maneuvered anybody.

He got his way because its easy to GET your way when you find your opponent is unwilling to even engage in a fight.

{ Some gay irrelevant bleatings adding nothing of any value at all to this or any other conversation. Same old shit. }

Fakey said:
Fakey said:
* * * the fact remains that Obama did exceptionally well in getting what he wanted.

As you do when you pout and flout and deny.

And again, you liberal Democraps see things in a very distorted way because reality to you is just a hazy concept.

Obumbler DID largely get his way -- but NOT because he out-maneuvered anybody.

He got his way because its easy to GET your way when you find your opponent is unwilling to even engage in a fight.

{ Some gay irrelevant bleatings adding nothing of any value at all to this or any other conversation. Same old shit. }

Sleep well, little Valentine. I wore you out.
Fakey said:
Fakey said:
* * * the fact remains that Obama did exceptionally well in getting what he wanted.

As you do when you pout and flout and deny.

And again, you liberal Democraps see things in a very distorted way because reality to you is just a hazy concept.

Obumbler DID largely get his way -- but NOT because he out-maneuvered anybody.

He got his way because its easy to GET your way when you find your opponent is unwilling to even engage in a fight.

{ Some gay irrelevant bleatings adding nothing of any value at all to this or any other conversation. Same old shit. }

Sleep well, little Valentine. I wore you out.

wore --- bore.

Not the same thing, Fakey.

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