Who funded the mujahideen first? Why the Jimmeh did. On 3 July 1979 Operation Cyclone.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
You know I really don't give a crap on who has screwed up where and when on this planet. But I detest revisionist history.

Reagan simply expanded what Carter started.


On 3 July 1979, Carter signed a presidential finding authorizing funding for anticommunist guerrillas in Afghanistan. Following the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in December Operation Storm-333 and installation of a more pro-Soviet president, Babrak Karmal, Carter announced, "The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is the greatest threat to peace since the Second World War".

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Had it not been the catastrophic Carter presidency, we wouldn't have had the Islamic revolution of Iran, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, a Taliban or Al Queda, 9-11, ten years of the Iran Iraq war. But rest assured, Obama is on his way to one-up Carter.

That's why, Obama = Jimmy Carter on steroids.
Reagan was Jimmy Carter and Obama on steroids. Actually Obama is only following through with what Bush started and the Zionist put him in office for.
Only 2 Presidents in history have increased the deficit by more than triple the size it was the day they took office. Bush and the GOP messiah. Reagan wasn't that great. He was just a good actor, and good at acting like he was great.

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