Who gets screwed with the new tax cut?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Something rdean said reminded me about the new payroll tax holiday Obama tacked on to the Bush tax cut extension.

Except for 90% of the Republican Party, America will see Obama as a good president at the very least. Just the fact that he clearly works for the Middle Class proves it.

Republicans? Well, they work for 1.7% of the American people. And the funny part? Because that 1.7% pays them off, they don't respect the Republican leadership, no, they see them as "stooges". They are a little ahead of "history", that's all.

Tell me rdean, if the Democrats are the champions of the little guy, why did Obama negotiate a special deal that would specifically screw the little guy over?

this chart tells the tale.

Making Work Pay Credit versus Social Security Tax Cut; Baseline: Current Policy; Comparison of Benefits by Cash Income Percentile, 2011

The federal tax bill passed by Congress yesterday includes some extras for the middle class and lots of goodies for the wealthy. But individuals making less than $20,000 and households making less than $40,000 a year will actually get less tax relief in 2011 than they got in 2010 and 2009. That's because the Making Work Pay credit, a temporary tax credit that's been in effect for the past two years, is going away as of January 1. That credit provides up to $400 per individual, $800 per household, for all eligible workers. And it adds more to the pockets of households making between $20,000 and $40,000 than the new, 2-percent drop in the Social Security payroll tax.
Why is the payroll-tax cut not as beneficial to those workers? Because at lower income levels, a 2-percent decline doesn't add up to much.The Tax Policy Center, a non-profit, non-partisan research organization, estimates that 51 million households, including many making $40,000 or less, would do worse under the new law. (On the Tax Policy Center's table illustrating that point, see the fourth column from the right, in the row labeled "All," for the total number of households benefiting more from Making Work Pay than from the Social Security payroll tax cut; the number is in thousands, so add three zeros to it.)

Consumer Reports Money & Shopping Blog: 51 million, mostly lower-income, will do worse under new tax law

Once again the Democrats betray rdean and prove they care more about people with money than people who work for a living.
The TRUTH is the Democrats knew that they had to get something passed as soon as possible. Once the Republicans take control of the house, it's "fuck America". This is why Obama didn't fight tax breaks for those making over a million a year. Anytime the middle class is losing money, Republican's Masters are getting it. It has to be somewhere.

You guys know the Republican leadership can barely stand to say the words, "Middle Class". What have Republicans done for the Middle Class in 20 years? That Bush tax break had 52% going to 1% of the country. The other 48% was "payoff" so the rest of America wouldn't squawk.

That "tax cut" turned out to be the greatest redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1% in the history of the world. Remember, the rich can always "leave" and move that money "elsewhere". The middle class is stuck with the bill, Republicans made sure of that.
The TRUTH is the Democrats knew that they had to get something passed as soon as possible. Once the Republicans take control of the house, it's "fuck America". This is why Obama didn't fight tax breaks for those making over a million a year. Anytime the middle class is losing money, Republican's Masters are getting it. It has to be somewhere.

You guys know the Republican leadership can barely stand to say the words, "Middle Class". What have Republicans done for the Middle Class in 20 years? That Bush tax break had 52% going to 1% of the country. The other 48% was "payoff" so the rest of America wouldn't squawk.

That "tax cut" turned out to be the greatest redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1% in the history of the world. Remember, the rich can always "leave" and move that money "elsewhere". The middle class is stuck with the bill, Republicans made sure of that.

The truth is the Democrats hated this whole thing. The truth is they would rather have let taxes go up for everyone than not raise taxes on the rich. The truth is Obama is incapable of taking a position based on principles and holding to it regardless of the cost. The truth is that the payroll tax holiday is an idea that the Democrats like because it sounds like it helps everyone, puts money into the economy, and gives them a good feeling, when it actually hurts the poor whom they despise.
if the Democrats are the champions of the little guy, why did Obama negotiate a special deal that would specifically screw the little guy over?

The majority of the dems no longer represent the little guy. both sides have mostly sold out to corporate interests.
if the Democrats are the champions of the little guy, why did Obama negotiate a special deal that would specifically screw the little guy over?

The majority of the dems no longer represent the little guy. both sides have mostly sold out to corporate interests.

Im hoping that some sanity will be injected into Congress in January.

Maybe a pipe dream, but I can always wish
if the Democrats are the champions of the little guy, why did Obama negotiate a special deal that would specifically screw the little guy over?

The majority of the dems no longer represent the little guy. both sides have mostly sold out to corporate interests.

They have subjegated themselves to being nothing but power mongering whores.
if the Democrats are the champions of the little guy, why did Obama negotiate a special deal that would specifically screw the little guy over?

The majority of the dems no longer represent the little guy. both sides have mostly sold out to corporate interests.

They have subjegated themselves to being nothing but power mongering whores.

Yeah, just like retards.
if the Democrats are the champions of the little guy, why did Obama negotiate a special deal that would specifically screw the little guy over?

The majority of the dems no longer represent the little guy. both sides have mostly sold out to corporate interests.

I would say this is sorta true..except with Democrats you have a mixed bag.

Republicans are all the same color of jellybean.
The TRUTH is the Democrats knew that they had to get something passed as soon as possible. Once the Republicans take control of the house, it's "fuck America". This is why Obama didn't fight tax breaks for those making over a million a year. Anytime the middle class is losing money, Republican's Masters are getting it. It has to be somewhere.

You guys know the Republican leadership can barely stand to say the words, "Middle Class". What have Republicans done for the Middle Class in 20 years? That Bush tax break had 52% going to 1% of the country. The other 48% was "payoff" so the rest of America wouldn't squawk.

That "tax cut" turned out to be the greatest redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1% in the history of the world. Remember, the rich can always "leave" and move that money "elsewhere". The middle class is stuck with the bill, Republicans made sure of that.

The truth is the Democrats hated this whole thing. The truth is they would rather have let taxes go up for everyone than not raise taxes on the rich. The truth is Obama is incapable of taking a position based on principles and holding to it regardless of the cost. The truth is that the payroll tax holiday is an idea that the Democrats like because it sounds like it helps everyone, puts money into the economy, and gives them a good feeling, when it actually hurts the poor whom they despise.

The truth is they would rather have let taxes go up for everyone than not raise taxes on the rich. That doesn't make sense. Obama and the Democrats cut a deal.

a position based on principles and holding to it regardless of the cost. Regardless of how many it hurt? Well, at least you admit Republican policies are designed to hurt the middle class.

Remember, Obama was one of those middle class. He was even on food stamps. Most of those Republicans in office? Not so much. The Republican base? More than they want to admit.


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The TRUTH is the Democrats knew that they had to get something passed as soon as possible. Once the Republicans take control of the house, it's "fuck America". This is why Obama didn't fight tax breaks for those making over a million a year. Anytime the middle class is losing money, Republican's Masters are getting it. It has to be somewhere.

You guys know the Republican leadership can barely stand to say the words, "Middle Class". What have Republicans done for the Middle Class in 20 years? That Bush tax break had 52% going to 1% of the country. The other 48% was "payoff" so the rest of America wouldn't squawk.

That "tax cut" turned out to be the greatest redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1% in the history of the world. Remember, the rich can always "leave" and move that money "elsewhere". The middle class is stuck with the bill, Republicans made sure of that.

The truth is the Democrats hated this whole thing. The truth is they would rather have let taxes go up for everyone than not raise taxes on the rich. The truth is Obama is incapable of taking a position based on principles and holding to it regardless of the cost. The truth is that the payroll tax holiday is an idea that the Democrats like because it sounds like it helps everyone, puts money into the economy, and gives them a good feeling, when it actually hurts the poor whom they despise.

The truth is they would rather have let taxes go up for everyone than not raise taxes on the rich. That doesn't make sense. Obama and the Democrats cut a deal.

a position based on principles and holding to it regardless of the cost. Regardless of how many it hurt? Well, at least you admit Republican policies are designed to hurt the middle class.

Remember, Obama was one of those middle class. He was even on food stamps. Most of those Republicans in office? Not so much.



Yeah right. He was given every fucking thing he has...You speka of him as one who NEVER held a private sector JOB in his life...

And guess what deany?

You're correct. :lol:
The truth is they would rather have let taxes go up for everyone than not raise taxes on the rich. That doesn't make sense. Obama and the Democrats cut a deal.

They did not cut a deal, Obama di, and he did it because the Republicans were winning the debate about raising taxes during a recession.

a position based on principles and holding to it regardless of the cost. Regardless of how many it hurt? Well, at least you admit Republican policies are designed to hurt the middle class.

Regardless of the cost does not mean it hurts anyone other than the person who is afraid to stand up for his principles. Nice of you to try to blame the Republlicans for Obama's failures though.

Remember, Obama was one of those middle class. He was even on food stamps. Most of those Republicans in office? Not so much. The Republican base? More than they want to admit.

He was? When was that? I remember his blathering during the campaign about raising taxes on those who, like himself, mke more than $250,000 a year. That makes him, by the standards of Democrats, and yourself, one of the super wealthy.


Some weird actor gives the official Republican position? Does that mean I can quote Garafalo and call her the official Democrat position?

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