Who has a better understanding of Constitutional Law: Obama or Bush?

Who has a better understanding of Constitutional Law

  • Bush

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
Obama would obviously declare he has more knowledge but Bush would get the true answers from advisors and not hoodwink citizens on merits of constitutionality or threaten justices.
Bush with the Patriot Act and paying to bail out the banks.
Obama Health Care and paying companies for solar energy and baling out car companies.
Obama thinks if Congress passes a law, its automatically Constitutional
Just guessing, I'd say Obama. That's not to say anything about his, or Bush's, respect for the Constitution, or the values it lays out. Both seemed more than willing to work against it.
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You're joking, right? Let's see - President Obama has a list of legal qualifications as long as your arm. Bush does not.

I would say that President Obama would be the winner on this one.

Obama does not seem to be aware of the concept of "Judicial review"

Not true, he was being bombastic and immediately acknowledged that. Plus he was echoing conservative arguments...

I wouldn't expect Bush to have any real understanding of Constitutional law. He obviously listened to more knowledgeable people than himself. obama on the other had is an attorney and a nominal law professor so I expect him to have a greater understanding. Which makes obama more of a disappointment that his knowledge is so limited. Or, worse, he knows and doesn't care.

Does anyone think obama read his bill? Should he have read his bill before he signed it? Did he know what was in it? obama never read so much as a page.
Obama would obviously declare he has more knowledge but Bush would get the true answers from advisors and not hoodwink citizens on merits of constitutionality or threaten justices.

Riiiight :rolleyes: Like he did from his justice dept that had christian litmus tests :eusa_pray: administered by Monica Goodling :eusa_eh:

Monica Goodling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Goodling continued her education at American University. Deeply religious and politically conservative, she then transferred to Pat Robertson's Regent University School of Law, where she received her Juris Doctor degree in 1999.
On April 6, 2007, Goodling announced her resignation from the Department of Justice, writing to Gonzales, "May God bless you richly as you continue your service to America."
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Frank, this is beyond your ken, my friend. You have to look at the reverse printing on your forehead in the mirror in order to spell your own name.

Leave it alone.
Obama thinks being President gives him the right to assassinate US Citizens and again, no familiarity with the concept of "Judicial Review"
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Hmm, that's a hard one. The guy who lied the country into war. Graduated with a C minus average or the guy who taught Constitutional Law at a top Chicago University for 10 years. It's a difficult choice.

Let me pretend to be a Republican and pick Bush. Republicans aim low.

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