Who here has had the shot and negtive effects?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
So....MrG just now told me that the virus is speaking to him. I said "what? What do you mean?" and he said he couldn't explain it, but it is speaking to him in a sublimal way.

Since he got his moderna shots (2), he has gone deaf in one ear, is dizzy often, has to have his gall bladder out, has something going on with his lungs that they have no clue what it is and must now have a biopsy done on upper, middle, lower right lung. The spot they saw on the xray is now smaller, so they ruled out cancer but have no clue WHY there are blood vessels surrounding the little oxygen balls in the lung are being overwhelmed by the gas vessels. The two are supposed to work together but one is overtaking the other...and they don't know why.

And now....the virus is "speaking" to him. WTF???
I think this is in the wrong forum. Can staff move it to the correct one?

I haven't had the shot. Another story. My daughter in law was sick for two days. She got better. My son developed an inflammation in his heart. He is still under the care of a cardiologist.
Was at my church meeting last night and a lady who had just gotten booster complained of being very sleepy and fell asleep and slumped out of her chair. She was difficult to reawaken and was out of it
Hideous experimentation going on here.
Was at my church meeting last night and a lady who had just gotten booster complained of being very sleepy and fell asleep and slumped out of her chair. She was difficult to reawaken and was out of it
Hideous experimentation going on here.
Yow. That's a little scary.
I spilled 3 drops of blood, and my arm hurt for about an hour.
Moderators shunted this to hinterlands fast. Dont let the No Nos about the booster craze get out

I haven't been vaccinated but...

My wife had a bad rash/hives for a few days and was weak during that time.


Moderators shunted this to hinterlands fast. Dont let the No Nos about the booster craze get out
I asked them to.

Meanwhile, since I started this thread, I have been on the phone with 3 doctors. They all are now aware of the problem. I think when he fell a month ago and konked his head, a few wires came loose. Or, a slow leak of blood on his brain? Anyway....THANKFULLY, I finally found someone to help me deal with all this shit. And, instead of coming home after his surgery on the 17th, he will be sent to a rehabilition place to monitor him 24/7 until he is well enough for the gall bladder surgery and POSSIBLY brain surgery to fix whatever came loose up there.
Was at my church meeting last night and a lady who had just gotten booster complained of being very sleepy and fell asleep and slumped out of her chair. She was difficult to reawaken and was out of it
Hideous experimentation going on here.
It may just have been the company she was in.

I had the booster and had no reaction. Didn't miss a minute of work.
Got the booster shot yesterday just before lunch....and as soon as I stopped shaking from hearing Satan whisper in my ear about how I just got the mark of his beast I paid for the frozen steak fingers I found in the freezer case.
This morning when I woke up though my arm was sore and so were all of my joints....but then again I got arthritis so beyond feeling dragging and a bit slower than normal I guess I'm ok...got a bit of a headache though.

We'll see what happens tomorrow.
Called 911 for MrG. In emergency. I am waiting word. He is not good. Fell again in bathroom. Confused, garbled words. Ambulance came, he is now on gurney waiting for a room. I am across the street (home), waiting for response. They won't let me in there.
So....MrG just now told me that the virus is speaking to him. I said "what? What do you mean?" and he said he couldn't explain it, but it is speaking to him in a sublimal way.

Since he got his moderna shots (2), he has gone deaf in one ear, is dizzy often, has to have his gall bladder out, has something going on with his lungs that they have no clue what it is and must now have a biopsy done on upper, middle, lower right lung. The spot they saw on the xray is now smaller, so they ruled out cancer but have no clue WHY there are blood vessels surrounding the little oxygen balls in the lung are being overwhelmed by the gas vessels. The two are supposed to work together but one is overtaking the other...and they don't know why.

And now....the virus is "speaking" to him. WTF???
My wife got the first vaccine.... I'm not sure if it's the Pfizer or Moderna one, but before she goes for a second one I will encourage her to do more research like reading this.....she just turned 59 ( yesterday ), but I think she's experiencing more back pain than usual since the shot, but she won't admit it. I'll keep you posted. Personally so far I'm fine..... I've probably had it like we all will but never been tested for it and I'm not going to be.
I feel better today than yesterday...but my arm is still sore.
Shots affect some with nothing. Others, with death or horrible ailments.

I'll keep y'all posted. Waiting for Hosp to call.
Called 911 for MrG. In emergency. I am waiting word. He is not good. Fell again in bathroom. Confused, garbled words. Ambulance came, he is now on gurney waiting for a room. I am across the street (home), waiting for response. They won't let me in there.
This sounds like a stroke. I hope not. You keep us posted.

I have not been vaccinated. I caught a cold. I am in lockdown because my runny nose could cause hysteria. I would be in ICU on a ventilator before you could say Nyquil.

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