Who here has lost friends due to political differences?

Having a core group of friends, especially for guys is a huge part of American society. It is a political thing. Only in the recent times have things like Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Black Lives Matter, LGBT things broken up friendships. This is a relatively new thing. It has happened in the past but today it’s a more serious problem for sure.

I had four really close friends that I’ve known since high school really close with them for 15 years. But Around 2020 with the rise of the Black Lives Matter riots …. those friendships were shaken up.

I’ve lost good friends from my high school years because they are far left wingers.

For example, when the 2020 BLM riots took place. A good friend of mine went to BLM rallies, he supported what they were saying. I was astonished at it completely shocked. We would get into arguments. I would tell him you can’t do this. You’re of Italian heritage like me. You can’t turn your back on your ancestors and call them racist when they weren’t racist when they were honorable people. We would get into arguments. He would call me a racist. It’s the same friend who has been a “stay at home boyfriend” for about 10 years now. His girlfriend goes to work and makes all the money. He’s a disgrace. He’s also a drug user … smoking weed using cocaine various things. if you look on his Facebook page, he has an LGBT flag. He is a different man compared to when I knew him in the high school years and my early 20s.

By the way, here’s the idea for this conversation

Throughout the podcast featuring Andrew Tate and Justin Waller, you get to hear the importance of having good friends around you. Strong minded people who care about honorable traditions. It’s really important for men to have friendships with strong minded men who are drug-free, who work out who respect traditions. If one has weak friends, one will be weak.

If one has strong minded, kind, compassionate, honorable friends, they will retain those values.

I had about four really close friends growing up through high school… I saw one of them about four weeks ago. He’s also a far left wing extremist. He doesn’t wanna listen to things.. he’s unemployed. He smokes a ton of weed. He sits around selling things on eBay, making a fraction of what he made his old job.

The third friend I recently texted a few weeks ago. He supports abortion, infact, one of his girlfriends from 15 years ago or so actually had an abortion. He’s not really that religious. But he still retain some level of Dignity …he works. He just had a child. Of the four close friends I’m talking about here. He’s the only one with a kid. He smokes weed quite a bit I think, sells weed. Of all four of my high school friends this is the one I might retain some level of a relationship with we will see.

And then my fourth friend would always call me when he’s drunk. He seems to have various issues. He smokes a lot of weed. Who knows where this one will go… he lives in Florida and likes Ron DeSantis, which is interesting considering the amount of weed he smokes

And so I have myself as I have told many people on this board was in a terrible car accident about three years ago. I eventually came to the conclusion that I need to work out, be healthy. Be strong get off the weed. I am off weed work out as much as I can. I got all the reasons in the world to give up. But I don’t. And I could change who I am to try and go back to my old friends who support BLM, whi smoke dope , who support waving an LGBT flag and probably who even support waving the flag of Ukraine. There’s no way I’m going to do that. Because I am who I am and I’m a man I can’t change that. I can’t become lesser of a man to fulfill the desires of far left wing extremists, even if they were my close friends in high school.

Btw I do have a few traditional old school friends that I play poker with. I have known these guys for 10 + years. But for the most part they’re much older than me in their 70s including Vietnam veterans. Really great guys to hang out with. But other than Poker I don’t really see them much.

I’m sure many people here can relate their own stories of losing friends because of a difference over Donald Trump or something similar. And these people, my fellow posters many of you might be in a similar position where you’re trying to find new friends meet new acquaintances. And this is again important thing for a man if you wanna be able to find a woman, it helps to have good close, friends guy friends that is with like minded thoughts.

I’m happy to say that I recently I went back to the Islamic school I used to work at (I made a thread about this). I talked with a guy I recognized from my time working at the school. And I realize I can probably get something positive from this. I can start hanging out with this guy and more people from the mosque, who are about traditions, being strong, doing the right things opposing far left wing extremism. And they don’t even necessarily have to be Muslims. I realize that these types of guys they’re black, they’re Arab, some are white but they are all from the “old school” even though we’re in our 20s and 30s. And so with these types of men, we won’t be sitting around smoking dope watching some dumb cartoon movie playing some dumb video game…. will be sitting around like men discussing real topics how to make our lives better how to be stronger. That’s it. Have a nice day folks

And please share your stories if you have them if you lost close friends due to political differences… and what you’re doing to find new friends with like-minded thoughts to make yourself a better person to make those around you better to make your community stronger.

I had people who were on my social media ...........when I would challenge their left wing views, they ghosted me......that is how weak they are.....I decided to not ghost people even when they are left wing nuts....I like the debate.......I don't unfollow people here on U.S.messageboard, even the real left wing nuts.......

Here is a nice example of leftists being leftists...

This woman tells a beloved uncle he can't come to her wedding because he is a Trump supporter.....and then gets upset when he doesn't send his customary 1,000 dollar wedding gift....


What did Grifty "sacrifice"?

Why do i have to tell you this? He gave up his salary for one. He gave up his cushy life because he felt the importance of getting this country back on track from career politicians and liars SUCH AS...Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden and others. He has been cheated out of a second term as well as the people who voted for him. He has endured backstabbing from both parties because he threatened their wealth and power off OUR BACKS. He is still enduring consistent and vicious persecution and harassment from the left and ignorant people such as yourself.
Having a core group of friends, especially for guys is a huge part of American society. It is a political thing. Only in the recent times have things like Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Black Lives Matter, LGBT things broken up friendships. This is a relatively new thing. It has happened in the past but today it’s a more serious problem for sure.

I had four really close friends that I’ve known since high school really close with them for 15 years. But Around 2020 with the rise of the Black Lives Matter riots …. those friendships were shaken up.

I’ve lost good friends from my high school years because they are far left wingers.

For example, when the 2020 BLM riots took place. A good friend of mine went to BLM rallies, he supported what they were saying. I was astonished at it completely shocked. We would get into arguments. I would tell him you can’t do this. You’re of Italian heritage like me. You can’t turn your back on your ancestors and call them racist when they weren’t racist when they were honorable people. We would get into arguments. He would call me a racist. It’s the same friend who has been a “stay at home boyfriend” for about 10 years now. His girlfriend goes to work and makes all the money. He’s a disgrace. He’s also a drug user … smoking weed using cocaine various things. if you look on his Facebook page, he has an LGBT flag. He is a different man compared to when I knew him in the high school years and my early 20s.

By the way, here’s the idea for this conversation

Throughout the podcast featuring Andrew Tate and Justin Waller, you get to hear the importance of having good friends around you. Strong minded people who care about honorable traditions. It’s really important for men to have friendships with strong minded men who are drug-free, who work out who respect traditions. If one has weak friends, one will be weak.

If one has strong minded, kind, compassionate, honorable friends, they will retain those values.

I had about four really close friends growing up through high school… I saw one of them about four weeks ago. He’s also a far left wing extremist. He doesn’t wanna listen to things.. he’s unemployed. He smokes a ton of weed. He sits around selling things on eBay, making a fraction of what he made his old job.

The third friend I recently texted a few weeks ago. He supports abortion, infact, one of his girlfriends from 15 years ago or so actually had an abortion. He’s not really that religious. But he still retain some level of Dignity …he works. He just had a child. Of the four close friends I’m talking about here. He’s the only one with a kid. He smokes weed quite a bit I think, sells weed. Of all four of my high school friends this is the one I might retain some level of a relationship with we will see.

And then my fourth friend would always call me when he’s drunk. He seems to have various issues. He smokes a lot of weed. Who knows where this one will go… he lives in Florida and likes Ron DeSantis, which is interesting considering the amount of weed he smokes

And so I have myself as I have told many people on this board was in a terrible car accident about three years ago. I eventually came to the conclusion that I need to work out, be healthy. Be strong get off the weed. I am off weed work out as much as I can. I got all the reasons in the world to give up. But I don’t. And I could change who I am to try and go back to my old friends who support BLM, whi smoke dope , who support waving an LGBT flag and probably who even support waving the flag of Ukraine. There’s no way I’m going to do that. Because I am who I am and I’m a man I can’t change that. I can’t become lesser of a man to fulfill the desires of far left wing extremists, even if they were my close friends in high school.

Btw I do have a few traditional old school friends that I play poker with. I have known these guys for 10 + years. But for the most part they’re much older than me in their 70s including Vietnam veterans. Really great guys to hang out with. But other than Poker I don’t really see them much.

I’m sure many people here can relate their own stories of losing friends because of a difference over Donald Trump or something similar. And these people, my fellow posters many of you might be in a similar position where you’re trying to find new friends meet new acquaintances. And this is again important thing for a man if you wanna be able to find a woman, it helps to have good close, friends guy friends that is with like minded thoughts.

I’m happy to say that I recently I went back to the Islamic school I used to work at (I made a thread about this). I talked with a guy I recognized from my time working at the school. And I realize I can probably get something positive from this. I can start hanging out with this guy and more people from the mosque, who are about traditions, being strong, doing the right things opposing far left wing extremism. And they don’t even necessarily have to be Muslims. I realize that these types of guys they’re black, they’re Arab, some are white but they are all from the “old school” even though we’re in our 20s and 30s. And so with these types of men, we won’t be sitting around smoking dope watching some dumb cartoon movie playing some dumb video game…. will be sitting around like men discussing real topics how to make our lives better how to be stronger. That’s it. Have a nice day folks

And please share your stories if you have them if you lost close friends due to political differences… and what you’re doing to find new friends with like-minded thoughts to make yourself a better person to make those around you better to make your community stronger.

You’re the problem

Andrew tate?

Try to stop being a fuckup
All families, tribes, clubs, or any social group of any significance is always leftist
Leftist means being willing to share, caring more about rights than profits, etc.

How can people friends or social when one is only profit motivated?

You really don't understand the left.....the mass graves, and murder at the far end, the cancelling and black listing at the beginning?

They don't share, they don't care about Rights....as we see with their reactions to recent Supreme Court rulings.....what you see is simply their using your empathy and compassion as a tool to gain power over you........much like when the democrats in the 1960s decided they finally had to get on the Civil Rights band wagon in 1964 after fighting every other Civil Rights act tooth and nail....

They are not willing to share, they don't care about Rights over profits......they exploit those against people to gain power.
I had several friends who revealed themselves as - in my view - mindless Leftists when Mr. Trump first became a political reality. A whole bloc of my family - all intelligent, educated people - also defected to the Dark Side, which put us on opposite sides of the "fence," and our relations have been "chilly" since then (2016).

My opinion is that there is a two-fold split in the country, and the differences in perspective and general opinion are so great that even casual conversation becomes a figurative mine-field, where it is easier to cut off communications than to stay in touch with these sensitivities present.

While one aspect of the split is obvious - the polarized notions of how the country should be run - the other is more difficult to articulate. It is this: One side of the political spectrum is so intense in their hatred of Donald Trump, the PERSON, that they are unable to discuss actual policies, left vs right, rationally and without reference to Trump's personal shortcomings (or perceived shortcomings). It comes out as, "How can you support that guy?" rather than, "How can you support that policy?"

So it used to be possible to discuss different views of political issues, and even if neither side could be convinced, at least the discussion could take place. With Trump in the picture, discussion is not possible.

Coincidentally, I spent this past weekend with family members from whom I had been estranged since 2016. Nothing political was on the table for discussion. Perversely, one of those in attendance at this family gathering was a 15-year-old girl who fancies herself a boy - and gets full support in this delusion from that entire branch of the family. There was a bit of un-articulated tension about, wondering if I were going to say anything that I oughtn't.

I didn't.

As for the old friends, fuck 'em. Not worth the aggravation.
Explains quite a bit about your posting history. You're a loser in your personal life too.
Sounds to me like you have control issues. My advice. Accept that people are different and let them be who they are… maybe shut your mouth and open your ears and mind for a minute… don’t let politics affect relationships. That’s lame
I doubt he had many friends to lose to start with.
I’ve lost good friends from my high school years because they are far left wingers.

I have friends from all political persuasions, our friendship is not based on politics so it would never be the cause the friendship ending

I cannot imagine living my life where politics was that much a part of it
my friends lean left, as do i - but my family members are big time right wingers & avid watchers of fox. i don't start any political conversations but won't back off when the regurgitated fox spewing points start to make their way into a fun time. the thing is - when presented with the truth, they usually back down because they can't really defend themselves.

today will be an interesting day for sure since i haven't seen them in a few months & the indictments of their chosen one has occurred - i wonder if they know that guiliani has probably flipped & it's starting to feel like more charges are gonna be dealt to donny soon enough....
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Only one. I live in a fairly rural area and there are lots of Trumpers here. For the most part we agree to disagree and leave politics out of our interaction.

One however was a neighbor who was a snowbird and eventually moved to Florida. We tried to keep in touch via Facebook and wow did we ever learn who he really was. Disgusting homophobic racist rants were the norm for him.

Ghosted him after that. Just don’t need that in my life
Why do i have to tell you this? He gave up his salary for one. He gave up his cushy life because he felt the importance of getting this country back on track from career politicians and liars SUCH AS...Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden and others. He has been cheated out of a second term as well as the people who voted for him. He has endured backstabbing from both parties because he threatened their wealth and power off OUR BACKS. He is still enduring consistent and vicious persecution and harassment from the left and ignorant people such as yourself.


You're such an idiot. Yeah, he gave up an annual salary of 400K for 4 years and then bilked his base for a quarter of a billion dollars.

That's a sacrifice, huh?
I’ve lost dozens of acquaintances, friends, family members and potential friends due to my polical beliefs. I don’t miss them.

That's a statement on you. I haven't lost a single family member or friend, regardless of political leanings. I enjoy the political debates with the ones who are conservatives and so do they. We're grownups and can handle our differences.
Maybe this has been covered ... my politics is based strictly on my wallet ... and keeping money in my wallet ...

No one disagrees with my politics ... I lose friends the regular ways ... our interests diverge or we move away ... never about my wallet ...
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder. Men can have babies and breast-feed? Wave dics around in front of 6 yr old kids during a parade? A 280lb guy in a dress is OK to go in the stall next to your 12yr old daughter and you must accept it or go to jail?

Above the idiots say "its just Politics"? Maybe long ago. Now it's a threat. A hostile takeover in broad daylight has occurred. Those supporting it are too stupid to take seriously or active enemy? Why would anyone remain friends with someone who wants to collapse the World economies into Elite rulers and all the rest?

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