Who here has lost friends due to political differences?

i apologize. I used the “funny button” on your Hamlin posts early in the thread. I almost never use that button. It was bad timing perhaps? I was probably just reading about vaccine deaths on GP? I had also played or watched sports since forever. That looked to be a typical play. Yet suddenly everyone labeled it a hard-tackle or Myocardiatist? Sorry, I laughed. your posts are always a good read. Far less toxic than my own. 😈
No need to apologize , I must apologize. I think it’s because I’m from Buffalo I’m a big bills fan and when it originally occurred and some people are saying hey, wait a second, he might’ve got this from the Covid vaccine. I was upset with that opinion, and I should not have been upset with that people are entitled to that opinion.

there are many people around the world who are questioning the vaccines. Was it the right thing to do. It seems rushed. I got a vaccine as I was in a really bad accident three years ago so I convinced myself I should get it. Sometimes I regret it. I’m lucky that I haven’t had any negative effects from it.
Do you consider yourself “indoctrinated”

If not then, why is that how you describe your brother and friends? Are they not intelligent adults capable of make their own decisions
It is no secret that Minnesota has taken a hard swing left.
y'all don't know what you're talking about and it shows.


I live in a part of the country where people have a lot of common sense, and are self-aware enough to recognize when they bought a bill of goods.
I saw a lot more common sense people in Utah and Nevada. During my cross country trip last year.
I just try not talking politics. My brother and I used to feel the same about a lot of stuff and had many good conversations over the years. He lives in Minnesota and several years ago I realized that he has been indoctrinated there. I also have another good friend in Minnesota who has also been indoctrinated. I used to live there a long time ago when it was a highly democratic state but I was immune to it then as it wasn't that big of a deal back then. But, over the last few years, Minnesotans have gone batshit Progressive crazy. Maybe the water they have been drinking has come down from Canada.
You make a good point. And I will always have a relationship with my brother, even though he’s a big-time Biden supporter. Most of my closest family members did not vote for Trump or won’t vote for him.

By the way, it seems like there is some hope from the Arab American community in Minnesota. That is traditional, I’m talking about the Christians and Muslims of the Arab communities of places like Dearborn. They are at parent school board meetings, opposing radical LGBT agendas for children, I’ve seen it on video … so hopefully something good there?

As for my close friends, though, like I discussed in the original post it was impossible to avoid. Like, for example, when the BLM riots occurred in 2020 and the January 6 event occurred my friend Al sent out a group text message including me …so I was forced to respond to it. And I’m going to respond as I see fit using my free speech and common sense to say wait a second now what about the BLM riots when people were actually murdered by BLM supporters. That was a true crime.

Nobody was shot on January 6. Many of the January 6 supporters had American flags. Many of them walked around the capitol building peacefully and a great great great majority of them never even entered the Capitol Hill building. On the other hand, the Black Lives Matter rioters cost billions of dollars worth of damage burned down government buildings and shot at people. When I brought this up to my friend guess what happens …I get called the “racist”.

So for me, it comes down to a decision. Do I continue to try to win these people over by maybe changing who I am as a man …as a Catholic as an American of Italian heritage, who is proud of my ancestors.

Or do I stay strong do I surround myself with strong people some that I have known for 10 years.

So I choose to surround myself with strong people and reject weakness, I reject racism. I accept tolerance.
Do you consider yourself “indoctrinated”

If not then, why is that how you describe your brother and friends? Are they not intelligent adults capable of make their own decisions
I think the same as my brother did ten years ago. I have not changed. He has.
It’s very simple matter. It’s all about who you wanna be surrounded by. So my friends are left wing extremist. If you’re talking about people who are waiving a BLM flag, who don’t care that white people were enslaved throughout history, who believe that a Trump supporter is evil. That is far left wing politics. It’s simply comes down to a matter of who you wanna be friends with you. Have a nice Fourth of July man.

This is a country with free speech. At least it’s supposed to be. If one want to wave a flag of Ukraine, an LGBT, flag, BLM flag, if one think that white people were the oppressors of history. If one doesn’t acknowledge that Black people also owned slaves thru history. If those are ones beliefs I don’t wanna work with them . I don’t want to be in the same room with them .

I want to be surrounded with men who are proud of where they come from.
That’s your call but I think you’re being played by politics. Perhaps your friends too.

I hear the way Trump talks about our country and I don’t hear a patriot, I hear a hateful whiner who spends most his time complaining about how bad and corrupt we are.

So your side thinks they are patriots. They other side thinks they are the patriots.

It’s all just a game. Don’t get played
Having a core group of friends, especially for guys is a huge part of American society. It is a political thing. Only in the recent times have things like Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Black Lives Matter, LGBT things broken up friendships. This is a relatively new thing. It has happened in the past but today it’s a more serious problem for sure.

I had four really close friends that I’ve known since high school really close with them for 15 years. But Around 2020 with the rise of the Black Lives Matter riots …. those friendships were shaken up.

I’ve lost good friends from my high school years because they are far left wingers.

For example, when the 2020 BLM riots took place. A good friend of mine went to BLM rallies, he supported what they were saying. I was astonished at it completely shocked. We would get into arguments. I would tell him you can’t do this. You’re of Italian heritage like me. You can’t turn your back on your ancestors and call them racist when they weren’t racist when they were honorable people. We would get into arguments. He would call me a racist. It’s the same friend who has been a “stay at home boyfriend” for about 10 years now. His girlfriend goes to work and makes all the money. He’s a disgrace. He’s also a drug user … smoking weed using cocaine various things. if you look on his Facebook page, he has an LGBT flag. He is a different man compared to when I knew him in the high school years and my early 20s.

By the way, here’s the idea for this conversation

Throughout the podcast featuring Andrew Tate and Justin Waller, you get to hear the importance of having good friends around you. Strong minded people who care about honorable traditions. It’s really important for men to have friendships with strong minded men who are drug-free, who work out who respect traditions. If one has weak friends, one will be weak.

If one has strong minded, kind, compassionate, honorable friends, they will retain those values.

I had about four really close friends growing up through high school… I saw one of them about four weeks ago. He’s also a far left wing extremist. He doesn’t wanna listen to things.. he’s unemployed. He smokes a ton of weed. He sits around selling things on eBay, making a fraction of what he made his old job.

The third friend I recently texted a few weeks ago. He supports abortion, infact, one of his girlfriends from 15 years ago or so actually had an abortion. He’s not really that religious. But he still retain some level of Dignity …he works. He just had a child. Of the four close friends I’m talking about here. He’s the only one with a kid. He smokes weed quite a bit I think, sells weed. Of all four of my high school friends this is the one I might retain some level of a relationship with we will see.

And then my fourth friend would always call me when he’s drunk. He seems to have various issues. He smokes a lot of weed. Who knows where this one will go… he lives in Florida and likes Ron DeSantis, which is interesting considering the amount of weed he smokes

And so I have myself as I have told many people on this board was in a terrible car accident about three years ago. I eventually came to the conclusion that I need to work out, be healthy. Be strong get off the weed. I am off weed work out as much as I can. I got all the reasons in the world to give up. But I don’t. And I could change who I am to try and go back to my old friends who support BLM, whi smoke dope , who support waving an LGBT flag and probably who even support waving the flag of Ukraine. There’s no way I’m going to do that. Because I am who I am and I’m a man I can’t change that. I can’t become lesser of a man to fulfill the desires of far left wing extremists, even if they were my close friends in high school.

Btw I do have a few traditional old school friends that I play poker with. I have known these guys for 10 + years. But for the most part they’re much older than me in their 70s including Vietnam veterans. Really great guys to hang out with. But other than Poker I don’t really see them much.

I’m sure many people here can relate their own stories of losing friends because of a difference over Donald Trump or something similar. And these people, my fellow posters many of you might be in a similar position where you’re trying to find new friends meet new acquaintances. And this is again important thing for a man if you wanna be able to find a woman, it helps to have good close, friends guy friends that is with like minded thoughts.

I’m happy to say that I recently I went back to the Islamic school I used to work at (I made a thread about this). I talked with a guy I recognized from my time working at the school. And I realize I can probably get something positive from this. I can start hanging out with this guy and more people from the mosque, who are about traditions, being strong, doing the right things opposing far left wing extremism. And they don’t even necessarily have to be Muslims. I realize that these types of guys they’re black, they’re Arab, some are white but they are all from the “old school” even though we’re in our 20s and 30s. And so with these types of men, we won’t be sitting around smoking dope watching some dumb cartoon movie playing some dumb video game…. will be sitting around like men discussing real topics how to make our lives better how to be stronger. That’s it. Have a nice day folks

And please share your stories if you have them if you lost close friends due to political differences… and what you’re doing to find new friends with like-minded thoughts to make yourself a better person to make those around you better to make your community stronger.

This is quite the self own post.
Having a core group of friends, especially for guys is a huge part of American society. It is a political thing. Only in the recent times have things like Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Black Lives Matter, LGBT things broken up friendships. This is a relatively new thing. It has happened in the past but today it’s a more serious problem for sure.

I had four really close friends that I’ve known since high school really close with them for 15 years. But Around 2020 with the rise of the Black Lives Matter riots …. those friendships were shaken up.

I’ve lost good friends from my high school years because they are far left wingers.

For example, when the 2020 BLM riots took place. A good friend of mine went to BLM rallies, he supported what they were saying. I was astonished at it completely shocked. We would get into arguments. I would tell him you can’t do this. You’re of Italian heritage like me. You can’t turn your back on your ancestors and call them racist when they weren’t racist when they were honorable people. We would get into arguments. He would call me a racist. It’s the same friend who has been a “stay at home boyfriend” for about 10 years now. His girlfriend goes to work and makes all the money. He’s a disgrace. He’s also a drug user … smoking weed using cocaine various things. if you look on his Facebook page, he has an LGBT flag. He is a different man compared to when I knew him in the high school years and my early 20s.

By the way, here’s the idea for this conversation

Throughout the podcast featuring Andrew Tate and Justin Waller, you get to hear the importance of having good friends around you. Strong minded people who care about honorable traditions. It’s really important for men to have friendships with strong minded men who are drug-free, who work out who respect traditions. If one has weak friends, one will be weak.

If one has strong minded, kind, compassionate, honorable friends, they will retain those values.

I had about four really close friends growing up through high school… I saw one of them about four weeks ago. He’s also a far left wing extremist. He doesn’t wanna listen to things.. he’s unemployed. He smokes a ton of weed. He sits around selling things on eBay, making a fraction of what he made his old job.

The third friend I recently texted a few weeks ago. He supports abortion, infact, one of his girlfriends from 15 years ago or so actually had an abortion. He’s not really that religious. But he still retain some level of Dignity …he works. He just had a child. Of the four close friends I’m talking about here. He’s the only one with a kid. He smokes weed quite a bit I think, sells weed. Of all four of my high school friends this is the one I might retain some level of a relationship with we will see.

And then my fourth friend would always call me when he’s drunk. He seems to have various issues. He smokes a lot of weed. Who knows where this one will go… he lives in Florida and likes Ron DeSantis, which is interesting considering the amount of weed he smokes

And so I have myself as I have told many people on this board was in a terrible car accident about three years ago. I eventually came to the conclusion that I need to work out, be healthy. Be strong get off the weed. I am off weed work out as much as I can. I got all the reasons in the world to give up. But I don’t. And I could change who I am to try and go back to my old friends who support BLM, whi smoke dope , who support waving an LGBT flag and probably who even support waving the flag of Ukraine. There’s no way I’m going to do that. Because I am who I am and I’m a man I can’t change that. I can’t become lesser of a man to fulfill the desires of far left wing extremists, even if they were my close friends in high school.

Btw I do have a few traditional old school friends that I play poker with. I have known these guys for 10 + years. But for the most part they’re much older than me in their 70s including Vietnam veterans. Really great guys to hang out with. But other than Poker I don’t really see them much.

I’m sure many people here can relate their own stories of losing friends because of a difference over Donald Trump or something similar. And these people, my fellow posters many of you might be in a similar position where you’re trying to find new friends meet new acquaintances. And this is again important thing for a man if you wanna be able to find a woman, it helps to have good close, friends guy friends that is with like minded thoughts.

I’m happy to say that I recently I went back to the Islamic school I used to work at (I made a thread about this). I talked with a guy I recognized from my time working at the school. And I realize I can probably get something positive from this. I can start hanging out with this guy and more people from the mosque, who are about traditions, being strong, doing the right things opposing far left wing extremism. And they don’t even necessarily have to be Muslims. I realize that these types of guys they’re black, they’re Arab, some are white but they are all from the “old school” even though we’re in our 20s and 30s. And so with these types of men, we won’t be sitting around smoking dope watching some dumb cartoon movie playing some dumb video game…. will be sitting around like men discussing real topics how to make our lives better how to be stronger. That’s it. Have a nice day folks

And please share your stories if you have them if you lost close friends due to political differences… and what you’re doing to find new friends with like-minded thoughts to make yourself a better person to make those around you better to make your community stronger.

Andrew Tate is charged with human trafficking.

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