Who here has lost friends due to political differences?

y'all don't know what you're talking about and it shows.

As always Dragonidiot gets her ass handed to her on a platter plus the fact Langley shill candyass calls it fake news proves you hit a homer.lol
Lost one friend of 50 yrs and another one. They bonded over their hatred for conservatives and tag teamed me. I know a few others that have lost friends. The ones that break off the friendship tend to usually be progressive white women, you know, the tolerant and inclusive ones.
Yep, he sure did.

During his presidency, Trump reported over $1.6 billion of outside revenue and income from his companies, including the Trump Organization. "While Trump publicly took credit for donating his taxpayer-funded salary," Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington noted, the presidential salary he donated was not even one-thousandth of what he was earning as a businessman.[30]

Political donations from small and large donors alike ended up funding Trump's personal businesses. During his presidency, his businesses received $8.5 million from political fundraising under his control, including the Trump campaign, and $2 million from other Republican fundraising sources.[31]

Though the Trump Organization claimed it would let federal employees who traveled with President Trump stay his properties “for free” or “at cost”, it charged the Secret Service up to $1,185 per night, generating over $1.4 million in Secret Service lodging expenses over four years. This bill is charged to taxpayers and paid to the Trump Organization.[
Trump didn't set up those laws and rules. Politicians who knew what they were doing and intended to get rich and permanently hold their positions did.....while cheating us, their constituents, their patsies.and you want to hold him responsible for using their tactics to beat them. Lol. Well of course you do.
I am glad they are gone. Two Americans, one Brit and I have a Korean and Tawaniese on my list too. They probably can feel it but don't know how to play the situation once they outed themselves.
That's a statement on you. I haven't lost a single family member or friend, regardless of political leanings. I enjoy the political debates with the ones who are conservatives and so do they. We're grownups and can handle our differences
That’s fine. I’ll take the “blame”. I don’t debate. I’m not always even one for discussion much of the time. That’s why I prefer online conversations - IGNORE buttons.

Maybe I just don’t need as many people in my life as some of the rest of you do. I’m fine with a very small nucleus of friends and family around me. The few people I actually trust in this world.
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And please share your stories if you have them if you lost close friends due to political differences… and what you’re doing to find new friends with like-minded thoughts to make yourself a better person to make those around you better to make your community stronger.
Well i simply don't force my stance on anyone around me Frank

Now if there's a thread on line that wishes to debate, fine, i'm in

But once they lower themselves to ad hominems and non sequiturs , i'm out, no game is no game.....

Much in step with this is the whole religmo deal. Being a recovering catholic i'm still fairly up on scripture, but start pulling history out for them and they fold

For example those nice Jehovahs , whom i invited in, and apparently bored them ........ eventually looking at their watches insisting they 'had things to do'......:rolleyes:~S~
In bands, it's best not to discuss religion and political affiliation. There are just certain times that are more important than that stuff.

I've never lost a friend to that. We would've never made friends, if we were that shallow.
because donny...
“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

knows his mark.

The economy was way better under Trump. Lots of Americans are furious that they can’t afford a home as they have a family.
In bands, it's best not to discuss religion and political affiliation. There are just certain times that are more important than that stuff.

I've never lost a friend to that. We would've never made friends, if we were that shallow.
You might not want to hang out with friends if they call you racist every time they see you

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