Who Here Personally Sets Their Real Estate Value for Taxes, Loans and Insurance Value?

See, this is why I hate to interact with retards.

You asked me why Jon Stewart has not been arrested. I ask - on what charge? And you do your best to avoid answering the question. Do you really think I am going to forget? Are you that much of a retard?

Do you see why we make fun of you?
So you’re unaware?

Jon Stewart benefited by 829% ‘overvalue’ of his NYC home​

Fortress had expected to receive $300 million from Mr. Trump's company, but settled for $48 million, the Times reported. The forgiven debts appeared in Mr. Trump's tax returns, the Times reported.

They lost $252 million from Trumps default.
This loan was not in default
So now there’s no property valuation issue!

The only time there is a property valuation issue is if the owner of a property OVERVALUES his property in order to get a better interest rate on his loan.

Anyone is free to undervalue their property to their bank. That's not illegal. For example, Trump told his banker that his 10,000 square foot apartment was actually 30,000 square feet, and then blamed this "error" on the appraiser who included roof access and elevator shafts in the square footage.

Donald Trump builds and sells condominiums for a living. He built his own apartment in Trump Tower. Do you mean to tell me that the guy who built that apartment doesn't know down to the square INCH how big it is? Or how the square footage of condos is calculated and costed?

You have to be wilfully stupid not to realize he was lying about blaming the appraiser.
So you’re unaware?

Jon Stewart benefited by 829% ‘overvalue’ of his NYC home​

You're so fucking stupid it's beyond belief.

Jon Stewart sold his home for more than the assessed value. Where is the crime?

Did Stewart inflate the value of the property over the market value when he applied for a bank loan? If the answer is "No", he didn't commit a crime.

Did he apply for a reduction of his assessed value to reduce his property taxes? No. Well again there is no crime.

Did he sell it for more than the assessed value. Yes. That isn't illegal.
And what State lets you do that if yes.

Asking for a friend. Because I really want to understand this Trump accusation and “my friend” may want to move to your State if you don’t need to involve outside appraisals.

I do of course only happens when I’m at my home on.
You really think that a bank is going to take years to untangle his 500 Shell companies when determining his net worth?


not really. But banks are smart enough to make a decision about a borrower's credit worthiness, and if they aren't able to, for whatever reason, they'll say "no thanks" to the loan.
not really. But banks are smart enough to make a decision about a borrower's credit worthiness, and if they aren't able to, for whatever reason, they'll say "no thanks" to the loan.
Actually Deutsche bank said just that, but not until 2021.
And what State lets you do that if yes.

Asking for a friend. Because I really want to understand this Trump accusation and “my friend” may want to move to your State if you don’t need to involve outside appraisals.

What state doesn’t let you set the value of what you think your property is worth? I don’t want to live there
Why don't you look up the laws on bank and insurance fraud, and stop annoying us with your whining threads about how unfair it is to expect Trump to be honest and obey the law.
Why don't you and the rest of the lefturds here crying and whining and LYING just STFU? Hey jackass, the bank testified that they did THEIR OWN assessments. No fraud occured. Period. Keep your idiocy in you own country.
The only time there is a property valuation issue is if the owner of a property OVERVALUES his property in order to get a better interest rate on his loan.

Anyone is free to undervalue their property to their bank. That's not illegal. For example, Trump told his banker that his 10,000 square foot apartment was actually 30,000 square feet, and then blamed this "error" on the appraiser who included roof access and elevator shafts in the square footage.

Donald Trump builds and sells condominiums for a living. He built his own apartment in Trump Tower. Do you mean to tell me that the guy who built that apartment doesn't know down to the square INCH how big it is? Or how the square footage of condos is calculated and costed?

You have to be wilfully stupid not to realize he was lying about blaming the appraiser.
As opposed to you just being STUPID. The banks did their own assessments dumbass. Explained to retards like you and Flaming Fart multiple times. The appraiser sets the value and fills in the numbers. Remain stupid.
What kind of bank loans money on peoples word?

I didn't say the loan was on peoples word.

I said the * * RATE * * charged is based on false information supplied by FPOTUS#45 two very different things. The loans required legal documents called "Statements of Financial Condition" based on FPOTUS#45 personal guarantee of the principal based on his net worth.

This case was NOT about the amount borrowed for a project, the case was about falsification of net worth documents.

We peons don't get to lie in legal documents for things like home loans/car loans. For my home loan I had to submit not my word (via an SFC) but pay ships, tax returns, copies of account statements, and the bank (actually Credit Union) checked my credit score.

How does a bank check the "value" of 500 shell companies?

Then the banks agreed with Trump’s valuation? Then how could they have been fraudulent?
They weren’t. That’s the point. The banks agreed, hence why they gave the loan, and they testified they were happy with him and would do business again

Like do you dembots even pay attention to the evidence at these show trials you are putting on?
They weren’t. That’s the point. The banks agreed, hence why they gave the loan, and they testified they were happy with him and would do business again

Banker says Trump's financial statements were key to loan ...​

Yahoo Finance
https://finance.yahoo.com › news › donald-trump-finan...

Oct 11, 2023 — Donald Trump obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in loans using financial statements that a court has since deemed fraudulent, ...
Like do you dembots even pay attention to the evidence at these show trials you are putting on?

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