Who is a bigger threat to our Democracy; Hunter Biden or Donald Trump?

You mean except for the Top Secret documents tRump stole.

You are correct you never had entertainment value because you are a partisan hypocrite.

Oh and tRump is a threat because of his big lie that helped inspire Jan 6. Thanks for playing and back to the kiddie table Cletus.
And the pigeon takes another lap.
When I was in my 20's I worked for a company where the boss' daughter would sell Girl Scout Cookies. The size of your annual bonus was proportional to the amount of cookies you bought.

I'm sure most of the finger painting by Hunter end up in the trash. That's not what America's enemies are buying from him.
Having a problem equating the sale of girl scout cookies to do with anything that is important about how the running of our country should be handled.
Yet your Reich is still trying to put him in prison, because he questioned election results - illegal speech.

"Rhodes’ seditious conspiracy conviction suggests the jury believed, as one prosecutor asserted, that he “concocted a plan for an armed rebellion to shatter a bedrock of American democracy.” In other words, he was convicted over what he had said and written prior to the actual Jan. 6 attack – and this is where free speech comes into play.

The First Amendment guarantees that “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It’s considered a sacred American right, one that sets the U.S. apart from many peer nations, some of which have stricter controls and consequences for speech that may be harmful.

Efforts to arrest and convict groups in the U.S. that have discussed violence against racial groups, politicians or others have often been stymied by appeals to the First Amendment.

Far-right extremists or other hate groups can claim they are just venting or even fantasizing – both of which would be protected under the First Amendment. In the absence of any specific plan, threat or incitement, group members may never suffer legal consequences for oral or written expressions that nonetheless create fear in those who draw these groups’ ire.

For this reason, seditious conspiracy charges have historically been hard to prosecute.

The last time this charge was attempted was against members of the Christian militia group called Hutaree in Michigan in 2009, for allegedly planning to engage law enforcement “in armed conflict.” But the judge dismissed the sedition charges, citing First Amendment protections.

What is interesting about the Oath Keepers case is that Rhodes himself did not breach the Capitol yet was convicted of seditious conspiracy. Meanwhile three of his co-defendants – Jessica Watkins, Kenneth Harrelson and Thomas Caldwell – did storm into the Capitol building, but were not convicted of that charge.

This suggests that the jury believed that Rhodes’ texts and other communications incited others to violent, undemocratic action in a way that requires accountability."

Nope it is Jared's failed real estate deal that has put his family's real estate business in jeopardy.
LOL, you are insane and desperate to distract from the crimes of Quid Pro.

"Rhodes’ seditious conspiracy conviction suggests the jury believed, as one prosecutor asserted, that he “concocted a plan for an armed rebellion to shatter a bedrock of American democracy.” In other words, he was convicted over what he had said and written prior to the actual Jan. 6 attack – and this is where free speech comes into play.

The First Amendment guarantees that “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It’s considered a sacred American right, one that sets the U.S. apart from many peer nations, some of which have stricter controls and consequences for speech that may be harmful.

Efforts to arrest and convict groups in the U.S. that have discussed violence against racial groups, politicians or others have often been stymied by appeals to the First Amendment.

Far-right extremists or other hate groups can claim they are just venting or even fantasizing – both of which would be protected under the First Amendment. In the absence of any specific plan, threat or incitement, group members may never suffer legal consequences for oral or written expressions that nonetheless create fear in those who draw these groups’ ire.

For this reason, seditious conspiracy charges have historically been hard to prosecute.

The last time this charge was attempted was against members of the Christian militia group called Hutaree in Michigan in 2009, for allegedly planning to engage law enforcement “in armed conflict.” But the judge dismissed the sedition charges, citing First Amendment protections.

What is interesting about the Oath Keepers case is that Rhodes himself did not breach the Capitol yet was convicted of seditious conspiracy. Meanwhile three of his co-defendants – Jessica Watkins, Kenneth Harrelson and Thomas Caldwell – did storm into the Capitol building, but were not convicted of that charge.

This suggests that the jury believed that Rhodes’ texts and other communications incited others to violent, undemocratic action in a way that requires accountability."

This suggests that a jury in Washington DC is prone to utter and complete bullshit - that no one to the right of Putin can get a fair trial - and this whole affair is a mockery.

As I said, you're Reich openly assaults our constitution and freedom of speech. While you cheer them.
This suggests that a jury in Washington DC is prone to utter and complete bullshit - that no one to the right of Putin can get a fair trial - and this whole affair is a mockery.

As I said, you're Reich openly assaults our constitution and freedom of speech. While you cheer them.
These are the things that happen when the Orange God unleashed his Biglie on the mentally incompetent Militia's who actually thought Trumpy "The Back Stabber" was going to cover their backs, declare Martial Law, adjourn Congress, and disregard the Constitution.....and do all the fantastical things those Trumpybear supporting Militia's all dream of...
Says the chicken!
So, why DID Hunter get that job? Can you even pretend to answer that or is your deflector shield on too much? And I want to talk to the adult, not the 5-year-old that's been borrowing your phone.
So, why DID Hunter get that job? Can you even pretend to answer that or is your deflector shield on too much? And I want to talk to the adult, not the 5-year-old that's been borrowing your phone.

I would not let you borrow my phone, no worries. For the same reason that Jared was given $2,000,000,000 to "invest" by the Saudis.
So, why DID Hunter get that job? Can you even pretend to answer that or is your deflector shield on too much? And I want to talk to the adult, not the 5-year-old that's been borrowing your phone.
For his PR values. Did they break any Ukrainian law or US law by offering him a job? Did Hunter break any laws by accepting it?
And there you go again, right down the same rabbit hole I dragged you out of before. Haven't you figured it out yet that yelling about somebody else doesn't help you at all when dealing with me? You continue as well to duck the reality that (and I'll put it in here because your deliberate attempts to appear ignorant are so persistent) Hunter would have gotten neither his cushy do-nothing, high paid job nor be able to sell any of his stupid paintings if he wasn't Quid Pro's son. I stated it because you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge that you're just being dumb (since I'm starting to doubt you know what obtuse means) on purpose (since I'm also starting to doubt you know what deliberately means) about the whole thing.

Here's reality. You as well as everyone else knows very well that the only reason Hunter got what he did and continues to get what he does is because Quid Pro has a lot of power and influence, the access to which he can peddle. THAT'S the problem and that's what needs to be properly investigated, including any kickbacks to The Big Guy. You know, the guy you're trying hard to ignore, along with everything else. Naturally, you will deny knowledge of any of this and will continue to pretend that Hunter is somehow a great artist as well as a highly trained executive in the oil and gas industries. Awaiting your inevitable dance.
TRUTH, Everyone who has money connections & some power, GETS preferred treatment, and or access to money making possibility's. And you and every one else knows it. Not about political party, Its just reality.
These are the things that happen when the Orange God unleashed his Biglie on the mentally incompetent Militia's who actually thought Trumpy "The Back Stabber" was going to cover their backs, declare Martial Law, adjourn Congress, and disregard the Constitution.....and do all the fantastical things those Trumpybear supporting Militia's all dream of...

No, these are the things that happen when fascists seize power. Civil rights are trampled under the jackboots of the democrat thugs.

This is under appeal, and in a different venue - outside of the swamp, it will be tossed out and the political assault on the opposition that it is.

I hope that the Department of Injustice and that corrupt pile of shit Garland appeals that and it goes to the SCOTUS, but then SCOTUS threw out "sedition" over a hundred years ago under "Debs," yet the lust of your Reich to crush civil rights drives you to keep testing what you can get away with.
For his PR values. Did they break any Ukrainian law or US law by offering him a job? Did Hunter break any laws by accepting it?
Ah, an adult enters the fray. Okay, PR value is a POSSIBLE reason for giving him such a job, along with access to the two highest political offices in the US. Do we have any idea if they used him for PR? As for breaking laws, that's never been in contention, as we don't know, but if there is influence peddling, or cash kickbacks to the "Big Guy", we will need to deal with that, and hopefully that will come to light and not be buried by the partisan democrats in House (thankfully out of power now).

Now, there was another factor to this, with which I started, but temporarily shelved because the other poster was being a moron and got overwhelmed very easily, and that's regarding Hunter's paintings. I don't believe they're worth $10, but he's getting big bucks for them, and I don't see any reason for that beyond access to the Oval Office. Do you? I don't think PR would apply in this case.
I would not let you borrow my phone, no worries. For the same reason that Jared was given $2,000,000,000 to "invest" by the Saudis.
And the TRUMP! obsession continues unabated in the fever swamp. Too bad he's not actually in power and therefore relevant.
No, these are the things that happen when fascists seize power.
Try to seize power......Trumpyturd failed, and the winner of the 50 democratic elections assumed office a couple of weeks later. The ongoing prosecutions are a direct result of the attempt to seize power. Of course it's the ones dumb enough to buy into the Biglie and go on that rampage who are paying the price so far........
Ah, an adult enters the fray. Okay, PR value is a POSSIBLE reason for giving him such a job, along with access to the two highest political offices in the US. Do we have any idea if they used him for PR? As for breaking laws, that's never been in contention, as we don't know, but if there is influence peddling, or cash kickbacks to the "Big Guy", we will need to deal with that, and hopefully that will come to light and not be buried by the partisan democrats in House (thankfully out of power now).

Now, there was another factor to this, with which I started, but temporarily shelved because the other poster was being a moron and got overwhelmed very easily, and that's regarding Hunter's paintings. I don't believe they're worth $10, but he's getting big bucks for them, and I don't see any reason for that beyond access to the Oval Office. Do you? I don't think PR would apply in this case.
Well, I don't know for sure but I'd be willing to bet they have laws and loopholes that most all political families know about that let them get away with millions.....
And the TRUMP! obsession continues unabated in the fever swamp. Too bad he's not actually in power and therefore relevant.

He and his cult believe he is. Hell they still believe he is president.
Remember HE called himself "The Chosen One".

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