Who is Bill Ayers?

Bok bok.
(That's chicken noise)
I despise little-girl game playing...backstabbing, lying, doing underhanded things when you know you'll look bad if you do it in the open.

I haven't caught Ravir doing that. Jillie's got it down. It takes me back to school when I used to beat the crap out of the bullies, and steal the boyfriends of the twits.
Allie, quit kissing my ass. j/k

And btw, it is true, you were proven incorrect in your assumptions, by Gunny no less. I'm okay with Shog thinking I'm a bitch. The alternative would bother me more.

Have a great weekend.
Bok bok.
(That's chicken noise)
I despise little-girl game playing...backstabbing, lying, doing underhanded things when you know you'll look bad if you do it in the open.

I haven't caught Ravir doing that. Jillie's got it down. It takes me back to school when I used to beat the crap out of the bullies, and steal the boyfriends of the twits.

trust me, you couldn't have ever taken anything away from me... or beaten me at anything. ;)

and unlike you, i never got into fights. amazing, isn't it? i actually got along with most people. and if i didn't, big deal.. .unlike you, i didn't feel the need to bully anyone or pretend i was something (lots of things) that [you] aren't.

though you really do seem like someone who got into lots of fights. i actually believe that one. but i don't think it was because you were bullied. i think it was because you were ignorant and obnoxious.

but do keep going. it's really cute watching you squirm and tantrum.
We do post them...we're told it's spin.

See, I figure whether the candidates "associates" (and, mind you, I couldn't give a flying about Ayers) are going to affect US is relevant to me. Show me where Obama is going to screw up our Constitution and our Courts to pay these people back and we'll talk.

Until then, what I'm seeing from you guys is "obama...blah blah blah blah blah..."

because none of it has a thing to do with POLICY. McCain's buddy Hagee is a nutcase for whom McCain is trading my right to self-determnation.

And, Gunny...that isn't spin. That's what McCain is SAYING he's going to do. Now THAT is relevant.... unlike Ayers.

Actually you do post spin, because he hasn't said the types of things Wright has, not that what he has said isn't plenty negative and wrong. Problem is the connection between Hagee and McCain, that does exist between Wright and Obama. You wish it wasn't, but THAT is the problem.

As I said, if you can find the connections of depth and relations that tie McCain with any of these 'awful' preachers, as the obvious depth and relationship between Wright and Obama, do please post, if credible, I may well sit out this election.
Exactly right! Particularly when it's McCain who's associations are far more relevant to any presidency he might have.

Jillian, instead of patting the back of someone you know is incapable of a reasonable level of discussion, how about summarizing or posting links to how the closeness and depth of McCain, Hagee, and/or any other racist preachers match the closeness and depth of Obama and Wright.

I'm well aware that after Wright through Obama's campaign under the bus via the National Press Club meeting, Obama slammed him, but that doesn't change the prologue to "The Audacity of Hope" or his PA speech.
No. What you're not getting (see, I'll individualize it instead of defining you by stereotype) is that the way I see it, I have a choice. None of these guys are perfect. They BOTH have associates that I find offensive. I find them EQUALLY offensive... I think Rev Hagee is a sick SOB who shoiuldn't be embraced by ANY politician.

Where did I say that ANY judge wants to overthrow Marbury v Madison? That WAS, however, pretty much what McCain said, which is why he could walk on hot coals and I wouldn't vote for him.

However, anyone who knows Constitutional Law knows that the constitution is not intended to be read literally like a fundie reads a bible or koran. From day 1 Marbury v Madison, BY IT'S INTERPRETATION of the Constitution said there was a right of judicial review in order to effectuate the RIGHTS guaranteed by the Constitution. Yet NOWHERE DOES THE CONSTItUTION PROVIDE FOR JUdICIAL REVIEW. Yet, it exists. And it exists because people did not pretend that there is something called "strict constructionism" in terms of the words. When originally used, (by a LIBERAL JUDGE) it was used to say rights couldn't be abridged and you don't allow limitation of them.

I think YOU need to look into the "conservative judges" because I know all about them. And I will never vote for anyone who talks about how judges shouldn't engage in judicial review of legislation. That is the whole point of the bench, IMO... limiting the power of the other two branches. And if you think for a second that I think Antonin Scalia is upholding the Constitution, I'd reconsider that if I were you. You don't uphold the Constitution when you violate precedent by inserting the USSC's opinion in an election law matter over the highest court of a state and then stating within the decision that it has NO PRECEDENTIAL VALUE.

So, with every candidate it's about what the dealbreakers are for you. Obama's associates, while I don't appreciate some of them, aren't because ultimately they won't affect public policy. McCain's BECAUSE HE INTENDS TO ADVANCE THEIR AGENDA... are relevant to me... and ARE dealbreakers, especially when we're one, maybe two judges away from overturning RvW and the next president is going to get to appoint at least one justice, probably two.

Really that simple.... and talking about one's "associates" without talking about the others is silly... because each of us gets to decide on the dealbreakers.

McCain's are dealbreakers... for me. Obama's might be... for you.
Jillian, I agree with you, both pastors are shits. The difference is, McCain wanted a cohort from Hagee and got it. Obama claimed Wright as his mentor. He defended him right up until Wright threw the campaign under said bus, same one Obama had previously thrown his 'white' grandma under.
The Ayers story is pretty crappy.

I don't think it has any legs.

If a fresh Rev. Wright story didn't bring down Obama in Indiana and NC last week, a stale October Ayer's story certainly will not either.

It's going to be mouldy when our horses begin galloping towards the final stretch.

Sorry guys, but this story isn't the "October surprise" you're looking for.
The Ayers story is pretty crappy.

I don't think it has any legs.

If a fresh Rev. Wright story didn't bring down Obama in Indiana and NC last week, a stale October Ayer's story certainly will not won't either.

Sorry guys, but this story isn't the "October surprise" you're looking for.

Well that's all any of us need to know. The TGS summary. :rolleyes:
Well that's all any of us need to know. The TGS summary. :rolleyes:

It's just a stupid all around story.

And the guilt by association thing is a reach too.

How many dictators, tyrants and Latin American strongmen have our Presidents and Senior officials shaken hands, or brokered deals with?

Nineteen of the 9/11 hijackers hail from Saudi Arabia. Look whose hand Bush is holding - the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.

Do you find that normal? I do not. But that does not mean Bush supports terrorism.

People who use guilt by association tactics to cheat themselves into office remain despicable characters, incapable of running on their own record with the dignity, civility and humility expected of all Americans all of the time.

It's just a stupid all around story.

And the guilt by association thing is a reach too.

How many dictators, tyrants and Latin American strongmen have our Presidents and Senior officials shaken hands, or brokered deals with?

Nineteen of the 9/11 hijackers hail from Saudi Arabia. Look whose hand Bush is holding - the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.

Do you find that normal? I do not. But that does not mean Bush supports terrorism.

People who use guilt by association tactics to cheat themselves into office remain despicable characters, incapable of running on their own record with the dignity, civility and humility expected of all Americans all of the time.


What is that pic supposed to convey?
He is a radical activist unapologetic left-over nut-job from the 60s that Obama happened to know. The conservatives and Republicans are making a big deal out of it. As far as I’m concerned, it is a molehill of significance – a tiny blip on the radar screen.
The Ayers story is pretty crappy.

I don't think it has any legs.
LOL it doesn't have legs in your mind because it hurts your candidate.

If a fresh Rev. Wright story didn't bring down Obama in Indiana
Before the Wright story broke Obama was leading the polls in IN, after the story Clinton took the lead in the polls and the state. Despite the fact that Obama outspent her.

and NC last week, a stale October Ayer's story certainly will not either.
That vast majority of those who voted in the primary were Black. The whites stayed away. What does that mean, the whites will be turning to McCain in the generals. The Whites that did show up 60% of them voted for Clinton. Astonishing! Obama can't win the generals without Whites and Wright and now Moss has lost him the White vote and I think the Latino vote will go to McCain also.

It's going to be mouldy when our horses begin galloping towards the final stretch.

Sorry guys, but this story isn't the "October surprise" you're looking for.
:eusa_liar: You can tell yourself that all you, if it helps you sleep better at night.
19th amendment is women's sufferage. I am referring to the 26th amendment, 18 year old's right to vote. I think it should be ratified to 25 yr, however, that is another thread and I won't derail this one further.

Are you really a moron, or do you just pretend you are this dense?
It's just a stupid all around story.

And the guilt by association thing is a reach too.

How many dictators, tyrants and Latin American strongmen have our Presidents and Senior officials shaken hands, or brokered deals with?

Nineteen of the 9/11 hijackers hail from Saudi Arabia. Look whose hand Bush is holding - the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.

Do you find that normal? I do not. But that does not mean Bush supports terrorism.

People who use guilt by association tactics to cheat themselves into office remain despicable characters, incapable of running on their own record with the dignity, civility and humility expected of all Americans all of the time.


Back from pouting? Where's you pic of Carter meeting with Hamas?

You are just TOO fucking easy, junior.

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