Who Is Excited About A Rigged Superbowl?

This is the first time in years that I could give a darn about the Superbowl.
Neither of the teams deserved to be in it.
It's always the same few teams that go to the Superbowl every year and this year's Superbowl is predicted to go to the KC Chiefs anyway. Taylor Swift is predicted to win the Superbowl and immediately run to the cameras and endorse Joe Biden.

It was pretty clear that Baltimore got shafted in the AFC Championship, and I would have liked to see Detroit get to the SB for the first time. Instead we get Sh*t City and Mahomes doing the same ole act.
I hold no interest in any of it.

So you have another conspiracy theory.
This is the first time in years that I could give a darn about the Superbowl.
Neither of the teams deserved to be in it.
It's always the same few teams that go to the Superbowl every year and this year's Superbowl is predicted to go to the KC Chiefs anyway. Taylor Swift is predicted to win the Superbowl and immediately run to the cameras and endorse Joe Biden.

It was pretty clear that Baltimore got shafted in the AFC Championship, and I would have liked to see Detroit get to the SB for the first time. Instead we get Sh*t City and Mahomes doing the same ole act.
I hold no interest in any of it.

My wife and I have some “boxes” for the game. My interest this year is mostly just that of a casual bettor.
Philly had some of the best players and they had a total collapse.
Baltimore had some of the best players and still lost.

If New York has it in for you, you're never going to win a SB.
Everyone always absolutely hated the Pats, and we have won a bagillion super bowls. Somebody wins, somebody loses. Get over it.
Everyone always absolutely hated the Pats, and we have won a bagillion super bowls. Somebody wins, somebody loses. Get over it.
They tried to destroy Tom Brady because of his conservative beliefs, but he ended up having to change teams to win another SB. That crap about deflating footballs was pure garbage. Brady knew they weren't about to let the Pat's owner win another SB.

If you openly cuss out Trump or the GOP or support vaccines your chances go up in the Superbowl. Travis Kelce has put in the groundwork for a win. We'll see if they reward him with one. It's going to be tough this year because SF is Pelosi's town.

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This is the first time in years that I could give a darn about the Superbowl.
Neither of the teams deserved to be in it.
It's always the same few teams that go to the Superbowl every year and this year's Superbowl is predicted to go to the KC Chiefs anyway. Taylor Swift is predicted to win the Superbowl and immediately run to the cameras and endorse Joe Biden.

It was pretty clear that Baltimore got shafted in the AFC Championship, and I would have liked to see Detroit get to the SB for the first time. Instead we get Sh*t City and Mahomes doing the same ole act.
I hold no interest in any of it.

i hope the chiefs win......i get about 200 bucks...
This is the first time in years that I could give a darn about the Superbowl.
Neither of the teams deserved to be in it.
It's always the same few teams that go to the Superbowl every year and this year's Superbowl is predicted to go to the KC Chiefs anyway. Taylor Swift is predicted to win the Superbowl and immediately run to the cameras and endorse Joe Biden.

It was pretty clear that Baltimore got shafted in the AFC Championship, and I would have liked to see Detroit get to the SB for the first time. Instead we get Sh*t City and Mahomes doing the same ole act.
I hold no interest in any of it.

:thankusmile: :thup: It was obvious Dan Campbell was Told if the game was close to sabotage the Super Bowl for the Lions. Going for it on fourth and 3 when you were in field goal range.? When are people going to wake up and smell the coffee.?

If swift endorces Biden like you mentioned you will have the last laugh here.

Yeah people need to look at that first video you posted.there are a lot of clueless sheep here that still don’t get it that that Super Bowl of the raiders and buccaneers was the most obviously rigged Super Bowl in Super Bowl history.Jerry rice and Tim brown are correct,bill Callahan totally sabotaged that Super Bowl so his friend John gruden could win.brown and rice are not the only raider players thst have said this either,many other raider players did as well,they just have not come public with it as they have.

Only the most braindead can’t see callahan threw thst game for the raiders. The original game plan callahan had had the players excited about it.the bucs weakness was against the run.the Steelers on a Monday night game that year exploited it calling most of thier plays to be running plays winning that game.

Callahans original game plan called for most of their plays to be running plays,the raiders players were excited about it the fact their offensive lineman greatly outweighed the bucs lineman and they had an excellent running back combo with Charlie garner and napoleon kauffman.then a mere 48 hours before the game,callahan inexplicably changed the game plan calling for most the plays to be passing plays instead.that was unprecedented fir a coach to do that.

Tim brown said never in all his life as a football player had a coach EVER changed the game plan just a mere 48 hours before the game started.Never in the NFL,never in college,high school or pee wee league.

Only the most seriously braindead deny reality callahan threw that game.why would you change a game plan the players were excited about and had confidance in to a plan the players were NOT confidant about? Yep nothing to see here.:cuckoo: Callahan should have been given a lie detector test,I guarantee he would have flunked it.

Callahan did not like many of the players and he hated Al Davis as well fir his treatment of gruden that caused him to resign.only an idiot can’t see reality that game was fixed.that callahan threw this game so his friend John gruden would have his revenge against Al Davis.

The NFL is as corrupt as our government is.that is just one of many superbowls and playoffs fixed by either the refs or the coaches.it wasn’t always this way with the NFL,the trend only recently started in the early 2000,s with the patriots.

I remember wondering after that game why callahan did not call for many more running plays in the first half against the bucs especially how remembering how the Steelers ran it down their throats in beating them on a Monday night game that year.well now we know why.
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The chiefs weakness on defense is stopping the run.it made no sense why John harbaugh did not exploit thst by calling for the majority of plays to be running plays instead of passing plays especially after the bills exploited their weakness running the ball down their throats.had he done what the bills did,no way do the chiefs win thst game the way their offense went to sleep in the second half.harbaugh threw that game same as Campbell did for the lions and callahan did for the raiders in the raiders bucs Super Bowl as I just proved.

First Mahomes brother gives a bad name to Patrick now his dad,if I were pat I would not have anything to do with either of them.
So where is the refs money on? Which side?
I’m guessing the chiefs.they are going to want the chiefs to win multiple superbowls as they did with the cheatriots whom the owner always had them in the pockets of.plus with this Taylor swift stuff,the NFL doesn’t want the chiefs to lose.that’s my guess anyways,we shall see.
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The chiefs weakness on defense is stopping the run.it made no sense why John harbaugh did not exploit thst by calling for the majority of plays to be running plays instead of passing plays especially after the bills exploited their weakness running the ball down their throats.had he done what the bills did,no way do the chiefs win thst game the way their offense went to sleep in the second half.harbaugh threw that game same as Campbell did for the lions and callahan did for the raiders in the raiders bucs Super Bowl as I just proved.

First Mahomes brother gives a bad name to Patrick now his dad,if I were pat I would not have anything to do with either of them.
I think the refs were hyper-sensitive to throwing flags for the slightest infraction, but they ignored holding against KC on numerous occasions. Once the players find out the refs are on their side they feel they can get away with just about anything. It makes it easy to defend the pass.
I think the refs were hyper-sensitive to throwing flags for the slightest infraction, but they ignored holding against KC on numerous occasions. Once the players find out the refs are on their side they feel they can get away with just about anything. It makes it easy to defend the pass.
Indeed,the cheatriot players always knew the refs were in krafts pockets,that cannot be debated the fact they NEVER had bad calls go against them in their playoff and Super Bowl wins and the other teams ALWAYS had bad calls against them at the most crucial time.

I remember the AFC title game with the pats and chiefs where a chiefs player incredibly got a personal foul call against them just fir merely slamming their hand down on Brady’s shoulder pad which kept their drive alive and they got a touchdown from it yet Mahomes had a far more vicious hit on him that was NOT called,Mahomes could not believe that no flag was thrown.then after a kickoff to the pats,the pats player touches it and the chiefs run it in fir a touchdown then AFTER the pats player yelled at the refs,they inexplicably changed the call saying he did not touch it. :cuckoo: And the touchdown gets taken away from the chiefs.I guarantee you that pats player yelled at that ref saying what the hell you doing,I thought you had our backs?

That same year,the rams got to the Super Bowl on a hit to the saints player before the ball got there thst also was not called.those two games were so obviously rigged because LA is obviously a much larger market than New Orleans same with Boston over Kansas City.

Same that year as this year,the two teams that should have been there the chiefs and saints both got screwed.i was not surprised in the least Campbell threw that game for the Lions.the NFL does not want the Lions in the superbowl,ever.

Remember the year stafford was with the Lions and they got screwed in the playoffs against the cowboys by the refs when on third and long stafford threw the ball deep down the field and a flag was correctly called against a Dallas defender fir pass interference and despite the fact that cowboys player clearly MUGGED the Lions receiver and the call was clearly correct thst pass interference occurred,the flag was then picked up by the official with no explanation whatsoever.that horrible NON call that git reversed against the Lions cost the Lions that game.

I have seen high school games that have been far much better officiated than what you see with NFL refs.
This shit is not even worth a rational response.

Everyone knows that the refs rig games.
Just like everyone with half a brain knows Biden wasn't elected, but installed.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: You do much owned him and took him to school.:thup: The ones who keep saying there is nothing to what you say are idiots who won’t even watch those excellent videos you posted in the op.
I’m guessing the chiefs.they are going to want the chiefs to win multiple superbowls as they did with the cheatriots whom the owner always had them in the pockets of.plus with this Taylor swift stuff,the NFL doesn’t want the chiefs to lose.that’s my guess anyways,we shall see.
I grew up a 49ers fan, loved Montana, Jerry Rice, Roger Craig etc. That kneeler dampened my interest in the team, not that I followed NFL much anyways anymore so I became a causual Cowboys fan to spite them lol. We will see I guess, I wont even be watching it though.

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