CDZ Who is investigating Russia?

That's their only horse, they hate to see it dead and keep digging it out of grave.

Cnelson, you should hide the second part of your signature. It casts a shadow on the legitimacy of anything you type and makes me think you are a cheerleader for a team.

The first part of your signature about the what supremacists hating white people I might need context on.... Does it have to do with this: If you take the blacks and Hispanics away suddenly whites can see differences in each other and start picking on those who came from the "wrong" parts of Europe?

You mean trumpery lied about this too?

Seriously, this isn't MY "pet theory" and even Agent Orange confessed that Russia meddled. If you have proof he didn't, you really need to tell Mueller et al.

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The main purpose is of course to deflect the spotlight away from the felon Hillary and Podesta's dealings with Russia; this became important when they lost the election and could no longer put a pliable stooge in the AG office, and why Obama is so busy stalking Trump around and trying to sabotage his foreign policy. His own policies and the felon Hillary's and Kerry's was a miserable failure and designed to weaken the U.S. and hopefully destroy the country. They really hate Americans, especially patriotic and blue collar ones. The Luddlies especially love that sort of traitorous activity, which is why real liberals need to deport them all.

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