Who is Mashiyah

intelligence agencies lie to you, actually Aliens exist, and agents of intelligence agencies speak among themselves and with Aliens telepathic.

There are specially trained people who telepathic speak with Aliens.
They are called contactors.
Two Thumbs said:

I mean Kot.
It is a new virus of culture
It's not a word.

I can translate psy settings to words.
That's awesome.

kot is still not a word of any kind, at all, not even close.

kot - Google Search

a name
an abbreviation

but not a word
I a Prophet.

I write about new ideas.

This information there is not in Internet becouse it is new Ideas.

If I wrote about old ideas I am not be Mashiah.
I don't have the time or patience for this... weird.
WTF??? Do aliens, prophets and new discoveries scare you? You need to live in today's rapidly advancing world. Keep up with it, don't fall behind. This lunatic is here to help us all. He is imparting vital knowledge. Listen, learn!!
The way of the Beggar is a noble way. I ask to give me money.

Give money to Mashiyah.

My purses in the WebMoney system:

I don't have the time or patience for this... weird.
WTF??? Do aliens, prophets and new discoveries scare you? You need to live in today's rapidly advancing world. Keep up with it, don't fall behind. This lunatic is here to help us all. He is imparting vital knowledge. Listen, learn!!

thanks but I choose to die in my backward ways and stupidity... ;)
so what ever happened to Daniel Palos?
Maybe he was resurrected to be this moron. Souns quite like DP.
Is this Mashiyah also the guy/poster named "Militant?" Multiple personalities? Their writing style is the same.
With me for 7 years Aliens telepathic speak.

I promoted себ naked кружительню at Aliens.

I was the senior agent in different intelligence agencies of Aliens.

I obtained citizenship in the huge empire of Aliens.

Intelligence agencies lie to you, they telepathic speak many years with Aliens.

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