Who is Mashiyah

I overtook a mankind level of development in trillions of times.
I went beyond culture of mankind.

I definitely mentally sick for mankind. My experience have to be studied in scientific laboratory.
I'm so torn.

Part of me is like; "Stop fucking with this guy, he's sick and needs help."

but the other part is like; "This guy is to fucking funny, poke him with a stick before the mods ban him."
I a Prophet.

I write about new ideas.

This information there is not in Internet becouse it is new Ideas.

If I wrote about old ideas I am not be Mashiah.

Did you mean mashgiah?

More suggestions:

Or are you claiming to be alien Jesus?

I am a prophet for Aliens.
sorry, I just remembered a promise I made not to mess with people that are actually crazy.

This is my last reply to you.

please seek medical help.
I regularly communicate with the psychiatrist. The psychiatrist considers that I am sick.

But the Equipment for telepathy can be connected to any person.

It turns out that all are potentially mentally sick.

Psychiatrists are criminals who forcibly treat healthy people.
The way of the Beggar is a noble way. I ask to give me money for the service to God purposes.

My purses in the WebMoney system:


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