Zone1 who is the most outrageous liberal moderator? Why are there no conservative moderators?


"They talk as though they know you personally. Some of them want to know details of your personal life."

Holy granola bars Batman ...

That would almost be like they think you might be a human being ...
May actually care about the things in your life, good or bad ... And aren't just being polite for the sake of appearances.

Those Americans are rude as hell ... Keeping it real.


"They talk as though they know you personally. Some of them want to know details of your personal life."

Holy granola bars Batman ...

That would almost be like they think you might be a human being ...
May actually care about the things in your life, good or bad ... And aren't just being polite for the sake of appearances.

Those Americans are rude as hell ... Keeping it real.

Thanks for the info.

But l think they are polite. And helpful.
Thanks for the info.

But l think they are polite. And helpful.

Oh heck yeah ... We can be helpful ... I know plenty people that would literally give you the shirt off their back.
Or do something as meaningful as sit down next to someone they don't know and actually have a conversation with them.

Where I was raised ... Manners can be just as much a matter of respect ... And not just something to hide behind to avoid conflict.
In some cases ... You have to earn it ... And it actually means something when you do.

There is no greater respect you can give a casual acquaintance or passer-by ...
Than to ask them something about what they think ... Or something as simple as learn their name, and something about them.
Recognize them as a person ... Turn high ideas into everyday things.

It means something when it is not just "putting on airs".


And probably quite often followed with someone's Father and a shotgun ...
But then again ... It's a good thing you kept your boots on ... :auiqs.jpg:

I was more of a PF flyer sort of guy in my youth because I found in times such as these, I often needed to run faster and jump higher.
I was more of a PF flyer sort of guy in my youth because I found in times such as these, I often needed to run faster and jump higher.

So that's how the coach got the crazy idea you may actually show up for practice with the track team.
He had you signed up for the high jump and hurdles ... And you might have won a gold medal if they made them out of picket fences.

Morning Dog
I might should have added ... Because a lot of people don't know ...
Where I come from, busting on each is almost a professional sport ... Is most assuredly a term of endearment ...
And if no one is doing it to you ... It's because nobody likes you ... :auiqs.jpg:

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So that's how the coach got the crazy idea you may actually show up for practice with the track team.
He had you signed up for the high jump and hurdles ... And you might have won a gold medal if they made them out of picket fences.

When I asked the coach why he wanted me on the team, he just said "the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind"
When I asked the coach why he wanted me on the team, he just said "the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind"

He might have been referencing your desire to go commando in those skimpy shorts ...
You got to watch those guys sometimes.

I could be wrong, but that's my take.
Reading many of the posts by RightWinger, IM2 and a host of's simply hard to believe they could be THAT wrong and out of touch.
I have to agree. I've been on a few sites and have seen some pretty rank back and forth but those guys are like well worn stereotypes of the absolute worst example of Leftist/Marxist thought.
The current set of mods is pretty benign.

In a time long long ago and far far away, we had some truly whackjob prog mods. Modbert (the prog formerly known as Dogbert) comes to mind. What a waste of perfectly good protoplasm.
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This board is right leaning overall as are the moderators, in my opinion
I'd have to agree that the board leans some to the Right but I've noticed more of the mods seem to be Left leaning. I've not been mistreated by any of them here.
I'd have to agree that the board leans some to the Right but I've noticed more of the mods seem to be Left leaning. I've not been mistreated by any of them here.

I have to agree that in general moderation of the forums here is rather uneventful ... As a whole.
Not suggesting they do not work diligently to maintain that standard,
and perhaps that is due to their effectiveness rather than the lack thereof.

But ... That would still leave a certain question ...
If right-leaners tend to more often have a problem with actions from mods they perceive as left-leaners ...
Could that be the result of the idea the right-leaners are just a bunch of crying babies ...
Or might it have something to do with that in some cases ... A right-leaner doesn't even have to actually break the rules before incurring actions?

Personally ...
I think it just may be because the lefties Report the righties more often than the other way around ... Reports incur actions ...
But that's nothing more than an empty assumption ... And in the end, what difference does it really make?

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Well, except for the basement.

Oh please ... With some exceptions, the Basement here is a place where you can find some of the most intellectually honest people at USMB.
It's actually funnier for a lot of those folks Downstairs, to watch the nitwits Upstairs who think they are smart ...
while arguing with each other about absolute garbage.


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