Who is the most over-rated president of all-time?

Who is the most over-rated president of all-time?

  • Abraham Lincoln (#1 Ranking)

    Votes: 12 16.9%
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt (#2 Ranking)

    Votes: 15 21.1%
  • George Washington (#3 Ranking)

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • Thomas Jefferson (#4 Ranking)

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Theodore Roosevelt (#5 Ranking)

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Woodrow Wilson (#6 Ranking)

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • Harry Truman (#7 Ranking)

    Votes: 2 2.8%
  • Andrew Jackson (T-#8 Ranking)

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower (T-#8 Ranking)

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Other (Explain in your post)

    Votes: 29 40.8%

  • Total voters
Sorry, I didn't vote correctly. I would have voted on a contemporary person, except I didn't realize it was limited to historic figures. In that case, I would change my vote to Andrew Jackson.

Andrew Jackson engaged in the craven displacement of tribal Americans to the worst lands in America through ethnic cleansing of regions owned by natives. Today, the people in those desolate places have one of the highest ethnic suicide rates in the world and occupy the very poorest counties in this nation.

Andrew Jackson made a small number of Europeans wealthy at the expense of all native tribal people, by giving them the best hunting grounds, mineral resource areas, etc., as these resources became known and exploited.

Not much of a human being was Jackson, and he taught European Americans the idea that if you make racial and ethnic displacement a law, you can benefit extraordinarily and kid yourself that the people you displaced were animals or insects.

Andrew Jackson set a precedent of things to come for ethnic groups in this part of North America.
Sorry, I didn't vote correctly. I would have voted on a contemporary person, except I didn't realize it was limited to historic figures. In that case, I would change my vote to Andrew Jackson.

Andrew Jackson engaged in the craven displacement of tribal Americans to the worst lands in America through ethnic cleansing of regions owned by natives. Today, the people in those desolate places have one of the highest ethnic suicide rates in the world and occupy the very poorest counties in this nation.

Andrew Jackson made a small number of Europeans wealthy at the expense of all native tribal people, by giving them the best hunting grounds, mineral resource areas, etc., as these resources became known and exploited.

Not much of a human being was Jackson, and he taught European Americans the idea that if you make racial and ethnic displacement a law, you can benefit extraordinarily and kid yourself that the people you displaced were animals or insects.

Andrew Jackson set a precedent of things to come for ethnic groups in this part of North America.

I agree that it looks bad on paper; but I don't think people really understand the times. There was a lot of Indian savagery during that time. I'd be interested to learn more about it. I know that what I've read on some of the Western tribes, they were quite barbaric and murderous. I will say that there is some history to indicate that the white men did mistreat peaceful Indians as well.
Sorry, I didn't vote correctly. I would have voted on a contemporary person, except I didn't realize it was limited to historic figures. In that case, I would change my vote to Andrew Jackson.

Andrew Jackson engaged in the craven displacement of tribal Americans to the worst lands in America through ethnic cleansing of regions owned by natives. Today, the people in those desolate places have one of the highest ethnic suicide rates in the world and occupy the very poorest counties in this nation.

Andrew Jackson made a small number of Europeans wealthy at the expense of all native tribal people, by giving them the best hunting grounds, mineral resource areas, etc., as these resources became known and exploited.

Not much of a human being was Jackson, and he taught European Americans the idea that if you make racial and ethnic displacement a law, you can benefit extraordinarily and kid yourself that the people you displaced were animals or insects.

Andrew Jackson set a precedent of things to come for ethnic groups in this part of North America.

I agree that it looks bad on paper; but I don't think people really understand the times. There was a lot of Indian savagery during that time. I'd be interested to learn more about it. I know that what I've read on some of the Western tribes, they were quite barbaric and murderous. I will say that there is some history to indicate that the white men did mistreat peaceful Indians as well.

Andrew Jackson was a land stealing racist who force marched nearly 50,000 natives, over 4,000 to their deaths.

Fuck him.

And the next time someone brings up FDR as the only president to intern a population, mention Andrew Jackson, the Trail of Tears, Indian Reservations and OH YEAH, slavery. Amazing how partisan minds like to conveniently forget all of that.
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To those that are saying Kennedy would have lost or had zero chance of being re-elected. Lets take a look at history. Everyone seems to think he was unpopular during his presidency and only popular after his death, this is completely untrue. In fact, during his presidency, it could be argued he was the most popular president in the last 60 years.
Presidential Approval Ratings -- Gallup Historical Statistics and Trends
According to Gallup, since they have kept track, JFK has had the highest average approval rating of any president, at 70.1% approval rating during his time in office, Ike comes in 2nd at 65%.

The lowest he was ever rated was 56%, which is the best since Gallup has been keeping track. 2nd was Ike again at 48%. When he died he had a 59% approval rating. No president has ever lost an election with over a 48% approval rating (since Gallup has been keeping track, also there were no presidents rated between 49-51).

So to assume that he had 0 chance of winning, you would have to assume that his approval would drop at least 8 points and more likely around 12 points.

How the hell do you only have 28 rep when you post brilliant data and analysis like that?
Lincoln. He solidified the already over reaching authorities given to the federal govt when the constitution was ratified. He was a tyrant, plain and simple. And yet almost all of written history treats him as though he "saved America". The states should have been allowed to secede from the union without physical or economic violence.

After him, I'd go with FDR. For the same reasons. His programs were unconstitutional and he cheated to get them into law. They are a looming disaster today and yet, most main stream history holds this man up as some sort of savior of the country. He too was a tyrant.

Easily, the worst was Lincoln. And thanks to him, the government created by the Founders was destroyed and socialism was introduced into America.

Wow, that's ...just...ignorant.

If I hadn't already given out the stupid hat today, you would be the winner. But you know what, your post is so stupid and historically inaccurate that it may just trump everything tomorrow and you'll get to drool in the corner and wear it tomorrow.
Sorry, I didn't vote correctly. I would have voted on a contemporary person, except I didn't realize it was limited to historic figures. In that case, I would change my vote to Andrew Jackson.

Andrew Jackson engaged in the craven displacement of tribal Americans to the worst lands in America through ethnic cleansing of regions owned by natives. Today, the people in those desolate places have one of the highest ethnic suicide rates in the world and occupy the very poorest counties in this nation.

Andrew Jackson made a small number of Europeans wealthy at the expense of all native tribal people, by giving them the best hunting grounds, mineral resource areas, etc., as these resources became known and exploited.

Not much of a human being was Jackson, and he taught European Americans the idea that if you make racial and ethnic displacement a law, you can benefit extraordinarily and kid yourself that the people you displaced were animals or insects.

Andrew Jackson set a precedent of things to come for ethnic groups in this part of North America.

I agree that it looks bad on paper; but I don't think people really understand the times. There was a lot of Indian savagery during that time. I'd be interested to learn more about it. I know that what I've read on some of the Western tribes, they were quite barbaric and murderous. I will say that there is some history to indicate that the white men did mistreat peaceful Indians as well.

Andrew Jackson was a land stealing racist who force marched nearly 50,000 natives, over 4,000 to their deaths.

Fuck him.

And the next time someone brings up FDR as the only president to intern a population, mention Andrew Jackson, the Trail of Tears, Indian Reservations and OH YEAH, slavery. Amazing how partisan minds like to conveniently forget all of that.

Too bad there were plenty of incidents like this that preceded 'The trail of tears.'

On December 28, 1835 a group of Seminoles and blacks ambushed a U.S. Army company marching from Fort Brooke in Tampa to Fort King in Ocala. Out of 110 army troops only 3 survived, this came to be known as the Dade Massacre.

Stop being a revisionist historian that sees things with an agenda.
I agree that it looks bad on paper; but I don't think people really understand the times. There was a lot of Indian savagery during that time. I'd be interested to learn more about it. I know that what I've read on some of the Western tribes, they were quite barbaric and murderous. I will say that there is some history to indicate that the white men did mistreat peaceful Indians as well.

Andrew Jackson was a land stealing racist who force marched nearly 50,000 natives, over 4,000 to their deaths.

Fuck him.

And the next time someone brings up FDR as the only president to intern a population, mention Andrew Jackson, the Trail of Tears, Indian Reservations and OH YEAH, slavery. Amazing how partisan minds like to conveniently forget all of that.

Too bad there were plenty of incidents like this that preceded 'The trail of tears.'

On December 28, 1835 a group of Seminoles and blacks ambushed a U.S. Army company marching from Fort Brooke in Tampa to Fort King in Ocala. Out of 110 army troops only 3 survived, this came to be known as the Dade Massacre.

Stop being a revisionist historian that sees things with an agenda.

Really? You want to throw out revisionist like that while accusing native Americans of " savagery" for protecting their homeland from invaders?

Wake the fuck up, white kid. It wax THEIR land. You really gonna sit there with the 2nd amendment in your pocket and call them savages for dong EXACTLY what you or I would do if the situation were reversed?

Oh and while we are on the subject of your revisionism. I've seen what you post and I've seen your name. The Great Gatsby was a condemnation of the upper class and their elitism. It was a condemnation of the elitists., something your posts have shown you know nothing about.

Perhaps you should consider Gatsbys library of uncut books and the request a name change, because you exemplify everything that book condemned.

And until you can explain "uncut books" you've proven yourself an idiot.
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Oh and while we are on the subject of your revisionism. I've seen what you post and I've seen your name. The Great Gatsby was a condemnation of the upper class and their elitism. It was a condemnation of the elitists.

That simplification demonstrates an extremely superficial understanding of the novel.

And here you thought you were being 'intellectual.' :rolleyes:
Oh and while we are on the subject of your revisionism. I've seen what you post and I've seen your name. The Great Gatsby was a condemnation of the upper class and their elitism. It was a condemnation of the elitists.

That simplification demonstrates an extremely superficial understanding of the novel.

And here you thought you were being 'intellectual.' :rolleyes:

Yeah like the grammar nazi with no opinion of his own has any real understanding.

"uncut books" or you're a fraud too.
Andrew Jackson was a land stealing racist who force marched nearly 50,000 natives, over 4,000 to their deaths.

Fuck him.

And the next time someone brings up FDR as the only president to intern a population, mention Andrew Jackson, the Trail of Tears, Indian Reservations and OH YEAH, slavery. Amazing how partisan minds like to conveniently forget all of that.

Too bad there were plenty of incidents like this that preceded 'The trail of tears.'

On December 28, 1835 a group of Seminoles and blacks ambushed a U.S. Army company marching from Fort Brooke in Tampa to Fort King in Ocala. Out of 110 army troops only 3 survived, this came to be known as the Dade Massacre.

Stop being a revisionist historian that sees things with an agenda.

Really? You want to throw out revisionist like that while accusing native Americans of " savagery" for protecting their homeland from invaders?

Wake the fuck up, white kid. It wax THEIR land. You really gonna sit there with the 2nd amendment in your pocket and call them savages for dong EXACTLY what you or I would do if the situation were reversed?

Oh and while we are on the subject of your revisionism. I've seen what you post and I've seen your name. The Great Gatsby was a condemnation of the upper class and their elitism. It was a condemnation of the elitists., something your posts have shown you know nothing about.

Perhaps you should consider Gatsbys library of uncut books and the request a name change, because you exemplify everything that book condemned.

And until you can explain "uncut books" you've proven yourself an idiot.

Well then__ taking the subjective language out of it, you pretty much nailed why the Indians would be forced to go. If you fear for your lives and livelihood then you do something about it.

BTW - "Their land?" Indian tribes fought each other for land all the time. Take race out of it. That was the nature of the beast back then. The score's been settled. You lost. Get the fuck over it "black boy."
Sorry, I didn't vote correctly. I would have voted on a contemporary person, except I didn't realize it was limited to historic figures. In that case, I would change my vote to Andrew Jackson.

Andrew Jackson engaged in the craven displacement of tribal Americans to the worst lands in America through ethnic cleansing of regions owned by natives. Today, the people in those desolate places have one of the highest ethnic suicide rates in the world and occupy the very poorest counties in this nation.

Andrew Jackson made a small number of Europeans wealthy at the expense of all native tribal people, by giving them the best hunting grounds, mineral resource areas, etc., as these resources became known and exploited.

Not much of a human being was Jackson, and he taught European Americans the idea that if you make racial and ethnic displacement a law, you can benefit extraordinarily and kid yourself that the people you displaced were animals or insects.

Andrew Jackson set a precedent of things to come for ethnic groups in this part of North America.

I agree that it looks bad on paper; but I don't think people really understand the times. There was a lot of Indian savagery during that time. I'd be interested to learn more about it. I know that what I've read on some of the Western tribes, they were quite barbaric and murderous. I will say that there is some history to indicate that the white men did mistreat peaceful Indians as well.

Nice try, but the ones he moved were the "civilized" eastern tribes.
Sorry, I didn't vote correctly. I would have voted on a contemporary person, except I didn't realize it was limited to historic figures. In that case, I would change my vote to Andrew Jackson.

Andrew Jackson engaged in the craven displacement of tribal Americans to the worst lands in America through ethnic cleansing of regions owned by natives. Today, the people in those desolate places have one of the highest ethnic suicide rates in the world and occupy the very poorest counties in this nation.

Andrew Jackson made a small number of Europeans wealthy at the expense of all native tribal people, by giving them the best hunting grounds, mineral resource areas, etc., as these resources became known and exploited.

Not much of a human being was Jackson, and he taught European Americans the idea that if you make racial and ethnic displacement a law, you can benefit extraordinarily and kid yourself that the people you displaced were animals or insects.

Andrew Jackson set a precedent of things to come for ethnic groups in this part of North America.

I agree that it looks bad on paper; but I don't think people really understand the times. There was a lot of Indian savagery during that time. I'd be interested to learn more about it. I know that what I've read on some of the Western tribes, they were quite barbaric and murderous. I will say that there is some history to indicate that the white men did mistreat peaceful Indians as well.

Nice try, but the ones he moved were the "civilized" eastern tribes.

"Civilized" or not they made an act of war by butchering 107 Americans (in one particular attack among others). I don't have to agree with everything that happened regarding the Trail of Tears but I'm not going to be a dullard and pretend that the Indians did not have blood on their hands.
Andrew Jackson was a land stealing racist who force marched nearly 50,000 natives, over 4,000 to their deaths.

Fuck him.

And the next time someone brings up FDR as the only president to intern a population, mention Andrew Jackson, the Trail of Tears, Indian Reservations and OH YEAH, slavery. Amazing how partisan minds like to conveniently forget all of that.

Too bad there were plenty of incidents like this that preceded 'The trail of tears.'

On December 28, 1835 a group of Seminoles and blacks ambushed a U.S. Army company marching from Fort Brooke in Tampa to Fort King in Ocala. Out of 110 army troops only 3 survived, this came to be known as the Dade Massacre.

Stop being a revisionist historian that sees things with an agenda.

Really? You want to throw out revisionist like that while accusing native Americans of " savagery" for protecting their homeland from invaders?

Wake the fuck up, white kid. It wax THEIR land. You really gonna sit there with the 2nd amendment in your pocket and call them savages for dong EXACTLY what you or I would do if the situation were reversed?

Oh and while we are on the subject of your revisionism. I've seen what you post and I've seen your name. The Great Gatsby was a condemnation of the upper class and their elitism. It was a condemnation of the elitists., something your posts have shown you know nothing about.

Perhaps you should consider Gatsbys library of uncut books and the request a name change, because you exemplify everything that book condemned.

And until you can explain "uncut books" you've proven yourself an idiot.

It is easy to condemn Jackson using 21st century morality. In the early 19th century, Indians were looked at as savages who were a dangerous impediment to the expansion of our young country. Jackson looked at them like a military man would, an enemy to be eliminated

I do not see any record of 19th century Americans being outraged at the treatment of Indians or calling it a Trail of Tears
Gotta go with Jefferson. A man with soaring principles - which he himself rarely lived up to.

He invented the political attack ad, hiring the first propagandist/political hatchetman to go after his mentor John Adams.

He totally failed as governor of Virginia, handing the most prosperous colony of the nascent USA to the British. He failed to call up the militia, and fled in a panic. He was later accused of cowardice and derelection of duty, but he managed to talk his way out of it. He remained in hiding for most of the Revolutionary War.

He let his own family live as slaves in his household. Sally Hemmings was 75% white, either Jefferson or one of his male relatives was the father of many of her children - by law they could not be held as slaves if this was true. He refused to admit to their parentage, he refused to free them. Slimey beyond belief.

He couldn't run his own household, living well beyond his means, leaving a massive debt to his family.

He held a deep moral revulsion at the institution of slavery - yet profited it from it and never freed a slave in his life time.

Its hard to argue his relationship with Sally Hemmings was anything other than rape. How can you say no when the person you are refusing can legally kill you?

So while his achievements were soaring, his personal character was at times deplorable. I'd say he has a reputation well beyond what he deserves.
Of those on the actual list, I had to pick Lincoln. He did quite a bit of damage to the country. But, of those not on the list in the OP, I would agree that it was Kennedy hands down.
I don't think this was supposed to be worst or best president but the president that did badly but the public believed he did well. In short a president that was lousy but people thought what a great president. It can only be Reagan. We know Bush did badly and FDR well but the president that did badly but the public believed he did well has to be Reagan.
That impish little Reagan-grin does not make up for what Reagan did as president.

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