who says a President doesn't affect gas prices??

When Bush/Cheney left power, gas was $1.78 - the liberals cried fowl; claiming that it was so high, because of the two " oil men. " Now it is $3.64, and no blame on Obama; not a peep - liberals are full of shit!

In the summer of 2008 prices hit the $4.40 range.

In the summer of 2009 prices were down around $2.60 - $2.70

Why is that do you suppose?

In the 8 years of Bush/Cheney took over the average price of gas steadily increased until their recession became a meltdown.

When they finally left office the economy was also shedding half a million jobs a month too.

The refineries were stuck with a gasoline glut because so many people stopped driving to work.


GIVE ME A FACT to support that claim..."When they finally left office the economy was also shedding half a million jobs a month too."
Because HERE are the monthly employment figures for 2008 "when they left offices"..
FACT from this table Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National) Home Page

Dec 2007 to Jan 29,000 fewer people in Jan 2008
Jan to Feb 49,000 fewer people
Feb to Mar 78,000
Mar to Apr 140,000
Apr to May 81,000
May to Jun 116,000
Jun to Jul 123,000
Jul to Aug 110,000
Aug to Sep 149,000
Sep to Oct 204,000
Oct to Nov 272,000
Nov to Dec 302,000
SO tell me how that works out to a "half a million jobs a month"???
The average would be 150,000 per month !

Based on your track record YOUR guesses are really really way off.
Please substantiate which you can't obviously your hyperbole!

obs Picture, January 9, 2009

Job losses ballooned in final quarter of 2008

by Heidi Shierholz with research assistance from Tobin Marcus

This morning the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the nation shed 524,000 jobs last month, capping 12 months of declining payroll employment.

Job losses ballooned in final quarter of 2008 | Economic Policy Institute
When Bush/Cheney left power, gas was $1.78 - the liberals cried fowl; claiming that it was so high, because of the two " oil men. " Now it is $3.64, and no blame on Obama; not a peep - liberals are full of shit!

$3.64!!!! I'd love to pay $3.64. I'm paying $3.89 and that's because I look for low prices, most are at $3.99.

Last summer was the highest I ever paid for gas and that was $4.09, I think it is going to go higher this summer. I'm thinking $4.50, which Obama wanted.
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In the summer of 2008 prices hit the $4.40 range.

In the summer of 2009 prices were down around $2.60 - $2.70

Why is that do you suppose?

In the 8 years of Bush/Cheney took over the average price of gas steadily increased until their recession became a meltdown.

When they finally left office the economy was also shedding half a million jobs a month too.

The refineries were stuck with a gasoline glut because so many people stopped driving to work.


GIVE ME A FACT to support that claim..."When they finally left office the economy was also shedding half a million jobs a month too."
Because HERE are the monthly employment figures for 2008 "when they left offices"..
FACT from this table Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National) Home Page

Dec 2007 to Jan 29,000 fewer people in Jan 2008
Jan to Feb 49,000 fewer people
Feb to Mar 78,000
Mar to Apr 140,000
Apr to May 81,000
May to Jun 116,000
Jun to Jul 123,000
Jul to Aug 110,000
Aug to Sep 149,000
Sep to Oct 204,000
Oct to Nov 272,000
Nov to Dec 302,000
SO tell me how that works out to a "half a million jobs a month"???
The average would be 150,000 per month !

Based on your track record YOUR guesses are really really way off.
Please substantiate which you can't obviously your hyperbole!

obs Picture, January 9, 2009

Job losses ballooned in final quarter of 2008

by Heidi Shierholz with research assistance from Tobin Marcus

This morning the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the nation shed 524,000 jobs last month, capping 12 months of declining payroll employment.

Job losses ballooned in final quarter of 2008 | Economic Policy Institute

The hyperbolic statement ..."shedding half a million jobs a month too."
Perception: half a million jobs each month... LIE
ONE month.. over half million NOT each month perception.
That's the point.

But of course Bush basher NEVER seem to remember that:

1)There was a dot.com bubble bust in that cost $5 trillion in losses.. 300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs
SOURCE:The dot-com bubble: How to lose $5 trillion ? Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs

2)4) And of the 10 Costliest Catastrophes..
SOURCE: 10 Costliest Catastrophes in the U.S. - Slide Show-Kiplinger
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
3. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks 2001
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...
GEEZ notice something similar??? All during 2001 to 2008!!! GEEZ think that had ANY affect on people losing their jobs???
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
3) and of course NOT ONE of you Bush basher seems to realize A minor event --- 9/11!
800,000 jobs lost directly in travel/transportation businesses due to closures which means UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
SOURCE:The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade
1,500,000 jobs lost to the above 3 events... BUT AGAIN NONE of you Bush Bashers seem to realize that IN SPITE of those losses..
Year End AVERAGE/year
2000...... 131,785,000 dot.com and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Dot.com Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.


But again... YOU and Bush bashers have NOT remembered these events and FACTS!!!
He's not.
In fact we gave $1 billion to help one oil company (that is enjoying record profits) to re-tool a refinery.

Hmmmmmm facts sure are pesky little things, huh?


Please don't show yourself as such fool!
First you write a made up story.."we gave $1 billion to help one oil company (that is enjoying record profits) to re-tool a refinery."
and then have the audacity and stupidity NOT to link it so we can read it for ourselves!

Then to top THAT stupid action off YOU write:"facts sure are pesky little things,"

How dumb of you to state "FACTS" but you don't support YOUR hyperbole!
Give me the link to verify "we gave $1 billion..."

"The refineries that are linked to the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline as committed shippers will receive between $1 billion and $1.8 billion in tax breaks. They are paid specifically for investing in equipment to process the heavy sour oil the pipeline promises to deliver."

Keystone XL benefits from taxpayer subsidies | Oil Change International

I'm sorry that google proves to be just a little too tough for you.

But I'm not surprised.

Eat some FACTS.

Apology accepted
I want ALL YOU BUSH BASHERS to answer the above comment!



DUMMY READ what the people who know a hell of lot more then you do say about it!!!

So, there are 68 million acres of leased land on which companies aren’t extracting oil,
but Obama went too far when he said oil companies "haven’t touched" them. As Bureau of Land Management Petroleum Engineer Bill Gewecke, who manages the onshore sites, told us, he "wouldn’t say untouched, would say undeveloped."

That’s because these leased lands that don’t contain productive drilling operations likely are not lying idle as Obama implies.
There are a lot of steps and procedures involved in setting up a productive oil well on leased land, both onshore and off. The Bureau of Land Management’s Web site lists the regulatory hurdles that need to be cleared as part of the larger five-step life cycle of a well.
The path to setting up an offshore drilling operation is even longer, as shown in a large flow chart developed by the MMS.
And there is a lot of activity occurring on leased lands that does not qualify as "production."
That’s a total of more than 15,000 holes that were being proposed, started or finished that do not count as "productive" holes.
Unused Offshore Potential?
Gee you cite the BLM in 2007 as knowing more than the BLM in 2011 that I cite. :cuckoo:

From the NYT article in 2011 citing BLM..

"Operators in the basin have been given a drilling window of as little as a few months as they move westward into critical habitat for sage grouse and big game species, Murphy said."
Ennenga said some operators in the West may also be struggling to find available drilling rigs as companies
flock to more profitable oil in North Dakota's Bakken or Texas' Eagle Ford Shale formation.
There's also a finite number of teams available to hydraulically fracture wells, Ennenga said.
Oil and Gas Industry Sitting on 7,200 Drilling Permits - NYTimes.com

NOW please explain how come the only two factors i.e. signing federal leases and the Energy secretary can affect the market is the President.
Explain why would Obama sign more leases when he has told us:Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly"
LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly

And so Obama hires people that believe that also like Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe."

And now the facts:
Refinery shuts down putting 2,000+ people out of work due to EPA requirements even after per the EPA:
1)has recovered 99% (43.212 million gallons) of the released underground oil, with only an estimated 306,000 gallons of recoverable oil currently remaining underground, but being hydraulically contained so as to prevent migration off the HOVENSA site, while continuing to be actively recovered;
Waste | Region 2 | US EPA

The Bureau of Economic Research projected the V.I. economy as a whole would see a $580 million shortfall in economic output attributed to the refinery's closure.
OK, using the part you cited, since there are only a finite number of teams available, and obviously there are over 7,000 permits not being used at present, the number of permits is not the limiting factor!!!!!

Your argument just went poof!
He's not.
In fact we gave $1 billion to help one oil company (that is enjoying record profits) to re-tool a refinery.

Hmmmmmm facts sure are pesky little things, huh?


Please don't show yourself as such fool!
First you write a made up story.."we gave $1 billion to help one oil company (that is enjoying record profits) to re-tool a refinery."
and then have the audacity and stupidity NOT to link it so we can read it for ourselves!

Then to top THAT stupid action off YOU write:"facts sure are pesky little things,"

How dumb of you to state "FACTS" but you don't support YOUR hyperbole!
Give me the link to verify "we gave $1 billion..."

"The refineries that are linked to the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline as committed shippers will receive between $1 billion and $1.8 billion in tax breaks. They are paid specifically for investing in equipment to process the heavy sour oil the pipeline promises to deliver."

Keystone XL benefits from taxpayer subsidies | Oil Change International

I'm sorry that google proves to be just a little too tough for you.

But I'm not surprised.

Eat some FACTS.

Where did you get this quote?:
"The refineries that are linked to the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline as committed shippers will receive between $1 billion and $1.8 billion in tax breaks. They are paid specifically for investing in equipment to process the heavy sour oil the pipeline promises to deliver."

I went to your link.
I did a search on that page for "between $1 billion and $1.8 billion " NOTHING!
I then did a search on that page for "Keystone XL tar sands pipeline as committed shippers" NOTHING!!

I then downloaded "Download the full report." http://priceofoil.org/content/uploads/2011/09/OCIkeystoneXL_2011R.pdf
I did a search on that report for "between $1 billion and $1.8 billion " NOTHING!
I then did a search on that page for "Keystone XL tar sands pipeline as committed shippers" NOTHING!!

So where did you get the above quote????

Now page 6 of the report stated "This amounts to a sizeable subsidy to the oil industry to export refined oil products."
That is the ONLY single reference to "subsidy"
There was NOT ONE reference to "tax breaks"

So WHERE did you get that quote? Please prove!
ALSO are you aware of this FACT???

SOURCE: What are the largest tax expenditures?

Deduction Type of deduction that government ALLOWS tax payer to subtract from taxes
  1. $131.0 billion Benefits individual: Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care
  2. $117.7 Benefits Individual: Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings
  3. $ 88.5 Benefits Individual : Deductibility of mortgage interest on owner-occupied homes
  4. $ 55.9 Benefits company: Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment
What you are looking at are the STANDARD ALLOWED DEDUCTIONS FOR DOING WHAT THIS "$1 billion and $1.8 billion in tax breaks."
IDIOTS WHO HAVE NO IDEA OF WHAT tax breaks are like nodoginnafight obviously doesn't comprehend!
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2nd paragraph of the story einstein

This is the page I went to and that page does NOT show that statement...
Report: Exporting Energy Security: Keystone XL Exposed | Oil Change International

That was my mistake. I was wrong. I went to the same website but different web page.
Keystone XL benefits from taxpayer subsidies | Oil Change International

So where did pricefoil get this information:
"The refineries that are linked to the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline as committed shippers will receive between $1 billion and $1.8 billion in tax breaks. They are paid specifically for investing in equipment to process the heavy sour oil the pipeline promises to deliver."
So I followed this link: "committed shippers".. DID YOU???
Transcanada CEO says shippers still committeed to Keystone XL project - Oil | Platts News Article & Story

There was NOTHING in that link to show $1 billion and $1.8 billion...

Now this statement "The refineries that are linked "links to this web page: Report: Exporting Energy Security: Keystone XL Exposed | Oil Change International

And guess what you numbskull... THERE WAS NO numbers in that page showing $1 billion and $1.8 billion"!
So again when you link to this report:http://priceofoil.org/content/uploads/2011/09/OCIkeystoneXL_2011R.pdf
AGAIN NO REFERENCES to $1 billion and $1.8 billion.

SO again... IDIOT where did you get those numbers?? Fro the biased priceofoil.org that made this up totally!
Prove it!@!
[MENTION=32646]healthmyths[/MENTION]: The fact that you claim you couldn't find the info - even after I spoon fed you the correct link ..... even after you made an ass of yourself declaring the link I provided didn't include the info ....

along with the fact that you start posting a lot of lengthy, off-topic posts .....

all adds up to the fact that you are exceedingly dishonest.

The REAL facts have been laid out before you and your bullshit exposed.

Not being man enough (or woman enough) to admit your mistake and being childish enough to try to blame others for your mistake marks you as someone beneath my time and effort.

Have a nice weekend.
Last edited:
GIVE ME A FACT to support that claim..."When they finally left office the economy was also shedding half a million jobs a month too."
Because HERE are the monthly employment figures for 2008 "when they left offices"..
FACT from this table Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National) Home Page

Dec 2007 to Jan 29,000 fewer people in Jan 2008
Jan to Feb 49,000 fewer people
Feb to Mar 78,000
Mar to Apr 140,000
Apr to May 81,000
May to Jun 116,000
Jun to Jul 123,000
Jul to Aug 110,000
Aug to Sep 149,000
Sep to Oct 204,000
Oct to Nov 272,000
Nov to Dec 302,000
SO tell me how that works out to a "half a million jobs a month"???
The average would be 150,000 per month !

Based on your track record YOUR guesses are really really way off.
Please substantiate which you can't obviously your hyperbole!

obs Picture, January 9, 2009

Job losses ballooned in final quarter of 2008

by Heidi Shierholz with research assistance from Tobin Marcus

This morning the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the nation shed 524,000 jobs last month, capping 12 months of declining payroll employment.

Job losses ballooned in final quarter of 2008 | Economic Policy Institute

The hyperbolic statement ..."shedding half a million jobs a month too."
Perception: half a million jobs each month... LIE
ONE month.. over half million NOT each month perception.
That's the point.

But of course Bush basher NEVER seem to remember that:

1)There was a dot.com bubble bust in that cost $5 trillion in losses.. 300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs
SOURCE:The dot-com bubble: How to lose $5 trillion ? Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs

2)4) And of the 10 Costliest Catastrophes..
SOURCE: 10 Costliest Catastrophes in the U.S. - Slide Show-Kiplinger
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
3. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks 2001
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...
GEEZ notice something similar??? All during 2001 to 2008!!! GEEZ think that had ANY affect on people losing their jobs???
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
3) and of course NOT ONE of you Bush basher seems to realize A minor event --- 9/11!
800,000 jobs lost directly in travel/transportation businesses due to closures which means UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
SOURCE:The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade
1,500,000 jobs lost to the above 3 events... BUT AGAIN NONE of you Bush Bashers seem to realize that IN SPITE of those losses..
Year End AVERAGE/year
2000...... 131,785,000 dot.com and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Dot.com Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.


But again... YOU and Bush bashers have NOT remembered these events and FACTS!!!

United States[edit]

Job losses caused by the Great Recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Percent of US civilian working age population employed, 1995–2012
September 2008 – 432,000 jobs lost
October 2008 – 489,000 jobs lost
November 2008 – 803,000 jobs lost
December 2008 – 661,000 jobs lost[2]
January 2009 – 818,000 jobs lost
February 2009 – 724,000 jobs lost
March 2009 – 799,000 jobs lost
April 2009 – 692,000 jobs lost
May 2009 – 361,000 jobs lost

[MENTION=32646]healthmyths[/MENTION]: The fact that you claim you couldn't find the info - even after I spoon fed you the correct link ..... even after you made an ass of yourself declaring the link I provided didn't include the info ....

along with the fact that you start posting a lot of lengthy, off-topic posts .....

all adds up to the fact that you are exceedingly dishonest.

The REAL facts have been laid out before you and your bullshit exposed.

Not being man enough (or woman enough) to admit your mistake and being childish enough to try to blame others for your mistake marks you as someone beneath my time and effort.

Have a nice weekend.

This "man' enough CRAP! YOU repeated numbers made up by priceofoil.org! Blame them not me! They put out a false number and YOU being the idiot just repeated it!
With out checking the source! Also for you info...
Board of Directors of priceofoil.org...

Michael Brune, Executive Director, Sierra Club

Alvin Carlos, Development Director, Bank Information Center

Thomas Cavanagh, Executive Director, Bandaloop

D. Cole Frates, Co-Founder, Renewable Resources Group & EndOil

Stephen Kretzmann, Executive Director, Oil Change International

Katherine Redford, Esq., Co-Founder and US Office Director of EarthRights International (ERI)

Jason Scott, EKO Asset Management Partners

John Sellers, Founder, Agit-Pop & Other 98%

Katherine Silverthorne, Environmental Consultant

TELL ME THEIR BIAS isn't showing!!!
Bull crap!
Who made up this number then for "The refineries that are linked to the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline as committed shippers will receive between $1 billion and $1.8 billion in tax breaks. They are paid specifically for investing in equipment to process the heavy sour oil the pipeline promises to deliver."
So I followed this link: "committed shippers". DID YOU???
Transcanada CEO says shippers still committeed to Keystone XL project - Oil | Platts News Article & Story

There was NOTHING in that link to show $1 billion and $1.8 billion...
YOU believed the made up number by The Price of Oil - Oil Change International
There was NO substantiation by Priceofoil.org for the statement "receive $1 billion..." tax breaks! NOTHING!
Prove where they got the number that YOU falsely presented. The FACTS are funny like that!

And that "have a nice weekend shit... people like you are so phony!!!
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I want ALL YOU BUSH BASHERS to answer the above comment!




Why do you want to use external events as excuses for Bush but you won't use them as excuses for Obama?
Jeez. I wonder who has the control over all of that and who has lobbyists to get laws passed that their companies make maximum profits according to drilling and using wells that they don't (won't) use.
The protectors of the business world never think about who really is to blame in many of the factors that affect this country. According to energy policys.:cuckoo:

According to this site we are exporting finished motor gasoline at twice the amount as 4 years ago.

U.S. Exports of Finished Motor Gasoline (Thousand Barrels)

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