Who shipped jobs overseas?

Who shipped jobs overseas?

  • The consumer, that shopped at big box stores for bargains

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • High taxes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Union's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Greedy business owners

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters
Over the years, on various forums I have seen this a lot folks putting the blame solely on greedy big business.

Or on taxes

Or on Unions

But not many people, put the blame on the American consumer, why is that? They stoped shopping at the local mom and pops hardware store or local butcher (that used to pay good wages) and instead started to shop for bargains at the big box stores.

I agree, in principle with your assertion. However, I only place a VERY small percentage of the blame on the consumer. We have been screwed ROYALLY by Business, Unions and government - and now, with the Pacific Rim treaty, will see hundreds of thousands MORE jobs lost to pennies on the dollar wages. You see, the GOVERNMENT has made it financially feasible for COMPANIES to mover their operations off-shore - getting rid of the threat of UNIONS. Now, business is free to move their manufacturing overseas, where they pay slave wages then ship their junk back here, where they mark it up 10,000 percent and sell it to the consumer.

2 years later, the product breaks, we throw it in the trash and the cycle begins again.

How do we stop it? We have a Chief Executive who says BULLSHIT!! and immediately seeks to institute a massive tax on American companies who choose (their choice) to mover offshore and then screw Americans. You want America to return to the greatness it once had? BRING THE DAMNED JOBS BACK! Abolish the strangling regulations that have been instituted against business and allow them to operate say, pre 1985.

My God - the way it is going, in another 30 years - Americans will have NOTHING to do but sit on their fat asses and be taken care of by Uncle Sugar. Do we REALLY want that? Hell no.
Over the years, on various forums I have seen this a lot folks putting the blame solely on greedy big business.

Or on taxes

Or on Unions

But not many people, put the blame on the American consumer, why is that? They stoped shopping at the local mom and pops hardware store or local butcher (that used to pay good wages) and instead started to shop for bargains at the big box stores.
Excellent post. Will be interesting how many members will respond to this topic. This has impacted just about everyone cheap labor, jobs lost, unemployment, force retirement to name a few. There several members on this board that are business owners like me but not sure who is in the manufacturing business. We manufacture medical instruments for hospitals, labs, research and pharmaceuticals + consumables. Constantly courted by at least 3 Chinese companies to manufacture our instruments in China. For very personal reasons it will NEVER happen.
I have a lot of things to say about this topic. However I don't want to repeat what has already been posted.
Post #3 and #6 excellently describes what had happened before, after and on going with this dilemma.
I may add, we are the victim of our success.

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Over the years, on various forums I have seen this a lot folks putting the blame solely on greedy big business.

Or on taxes

Or on Unions

But not many people, put the blame on the American consumer, why is that? They stoped shopping at the local mom and pops hardware store or local butcher (that used to pay good wages) and instead started to shop for bargains at the big box stores.

I agree, in principle with your assertion. However, I only place a VERY small percentage of the blame on the consumer. We have been screwed ROYALLY by Business, Unions and government - and now, with the Pacific Rim treaty, will see hundreds of thousands MORE jobs lost to pennies on the dollar wages. You see, the GOVERNMENT has made it financially feasible for COMPANIES to mover their operations off-shore - getting rid of the threat of UNIONS. Now, business is free to move their manufacturing overseas, where they pay slave wages then ship their junk back here, where they mark it up 10,000 percent and sell it to the consumer.

2 years later, the product breaks, we throw it in the trash and the cycle begins again.

How do we stop it? We have a Chief Executive who says BULLSHIT!! and immediately seeks to institute a massive tax on American companies who choose (their choice) to mover offshore and then screw Americans. You want America to return to the greatness it once had? BRING THE DAMNED JOBS BACK! Abolish the strangling regulations that have been instituted against business and allow them to operate say, pre 1985.

My God - the way it is going, in another 30 years - Americans will have NOTHING to do but sit on their fat asses and be taken care of by Uncle Sugar. Do we REALLY want that? Hell no.
Germany ran into this same problem years before us, how they combat it (I will use my profession as an example because been in injection molding 30 years plus) instead of manufacturing low end forks and spoons they manufacture high tech complicated plastic parts or big stuff and we are starting to do it here.

Also Germany just went to free colleges, they are putting a lot of emphasis on education, and we all know They have the strongest economy and lowest unemployment rate in Europe.
Politics in the US have not adapted to globalization effectively and we have become a global leader in the push to end protectionist trade practices which has opened the US up to some very unhealthy trade relationships. Our domestic policy concerning things like corporate taxation, income tax, or UHC are stuck in the politics of the past. If the US wanted to be more competitive in global trade we would fundamentally change our corporate tax code to place a larger emphasis on consumption instead of production and we would establish UHC which would significantly help the American worker. (note UHC is not about healthcare fore the poor, we already have that)

Many people think that the problem with US trade relationships is low cost labor in other countries but it is really more about our trade relationships with nations that practice protectionism. Namely China, Germany, and Japan. Each nation presents unique challenges for the US but it is very important that the US address those relationships and those policies at home that only make it harder on the American worker.

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