Who should we fault more, Obama for being an activist who always divides America, or GWB for making it possible for him to win?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
Blame yourself for being of low intellect and low education, so that you don't recognize a brilliant, articulated set of thoughts when you see it or hear it.
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
To this day I blame George W Bush for not preventing 911, every American soldier killed in Iraq and the crash of the financial industry in 2008 before the election. Always thought him a dumb son-of-a-Bush and probably always will. He is indeed the biggest reason Obama won, but to tell the truth, Obama as president didn't turn out bad for me, so I wish him well.
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
To this day I blame George W Bush for not preventing 911, every American soldier killed in Iraq and the crash of the financial industry in 2008 before the election. Always thought him a dumb son-of-a-Bush and probably always will. He is indeed the biggest reason Obama won, but to tell the truth, Obama as president didn't turn out bad for me, so I wish him well.
Now, come on. You can't blame anyone for 9/11 except the people who perpetrated it. We all got caught with our pants down. Our law enforcement and intelligence agencies were not set up to put together all of the clues and prevent that attack.
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
Blame yourself for being of low intellect and low education, so that you don't recognize a brilliant, articulated set of thoughts when you see it or hear it.

If you are going to troll me while having the great Robert Johnson as you avatar, at least be honest.

I'm a bloody Wile E Coyote, super genius!
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
"W" was a terrible President, but there was more to it. At the end of his second term the economy was in free fall and you had idiot John McCain saying at the same time that the economy was just fine and running against Obama. So add the unpopularity of "W" and the idiocy of McCan't and the economy in free fall and that equals Obama as President.

As for the blame of having Bush, I put that on Reagan. Reagan was so wildly popular his VP pick was almost certain to become President. So Bush Sr. became President, and his popularity extended to his son as well. Trouble is, the Bush family were anything by conservative. Reagan tried to unite the party by giving his VP pick to the unconservative portion of the GOP and it cost this country horribly.
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
To this day I blame George W Bush for not preventing 911, every American soldier killed in Iraq and the crash of the financial industry in 2008 before the election. Always thought him a dumb son-of-a-Bush and probably always will. He is indeed the biggest reason Obama won, but to tell the truth, Obama as president didn't turn out bad for me, so I wish him well.
Now, come on. You can't blame anyone for 9/11 except the people who perpetrated it. We all got caught with our pants down. Our law enforcement and intelligence agencies were not set up to put together all of the clues and prevent that attack.
Understand what you are saying, and yes it was a dastardly sneak attack, though not one of a the possibilities we identified in CNGSC during the section on Asymmetric Warfare and Actions Other Than War. If a bunch of dumbassed Captains and Major could see the possibility in the mid 90s, it wasn't out of the scope of probabilities. I hold him to blame because his administration did not catch and prevent it, 9 months into his watch after he accepted the hand off, it set the stage for passage of the Patriot Act and when progress slowed in Afghanistan chasing the perp (which he never did catch) he started his own little ill conceived war in Iraq, finally destabilizing the entire middle east. I link 911 and Iraq war as that is part of how it was packaged and sold, though I didn't buy it and still hold a grudge for all the dead on our soil and overseas.
W was not a good President, but he wasn't anti-American. Obama's goal was to weaken America into a passive sugar daddy to Iran, the EU, and China. And it looks like he may have succeeded. How? You divide the country racially and economically, empower your enemies and demonize and weaken law enforcement.

And without Marxist Obama's endorsement there is no Marxist Black Lives Matter organization screwing up the country.
W was not a good President, but he wasn't anti-American. Obama's goal was to weaken America into a passive sugar daddy to Iran, the EU, and China. And it looks like he may have succeeded. How? You divide the country racially and economically, empower your enemies and demonize and weaken law enforcement.

And without Marxist Obama's endorsement there is no Marxist Black Lives Matter organization screwing up the country.

W was a solid globalist, as was Obama, Clinton and Bush 41.

27 continuous years of that crap.
W was not a good President, but he wasn't anti-American. Obama's goal was to weaken America into a passive sugar daddy to Iran, the EU, and China. And it looks like he may have succeeded. How? You divide the country racially and economically, empower your enemies and demonize and weaken law enforcement.

And without Marxist Obama's endorsement there is no Marxist Black Lives Matter organization screwing up the country.

We all remember Obama's multiple apology tours and being lectured by him on how China, Europe, Canada were better than America. I remember thinking Obama, what a dick.
I go back to Perot. If he didn’t run, HW wins and we do not have the CLINTON Cartel.

amazing butterfly effect.
The thing that got HW was that stupid pledge, no new taxes, before he knew he needed to pay for a short duration, well run, well executed, very effective, no mission creep war, which he won hands down. He was right. The butt hurt anti-tax crowd was wrong and I voted for him. Not sure which side Perot drew the most vote from.
W was not a good President, but he wasn't anti-American. Obama's goal was to weaken America into a passive sugar daddy to Iran, the EU, and China. And it looks like he may have succeeded. How? You divide the country racially and economically, empower your enemies and demonize and weaken law enforcement.

And without Marxist Obama's endorsement there is no Marxist Black Lives Matter organization screwing up the country.

There is some truth to that. Many years later, as I look back objectively at his presidency, he did things far different then his dad. He was in the office for a different motive, surrounded himself with those who wanted the same.

Let's be honest, politicians shouldn't be leaving office with a massive fortune. Unless this is corrected, it's difficult to see future presidents being patriotic and reliable to the long term sustainability and Exceptionalism America had enjoyed for so long.

If Trump wins in 2020, the global socialist Establishment KNOWS it is a much steeper hill as many politicians will follow his lead to put America First again. This is why he has to push back before the election when dealing with mail in voting. They are using the Wuhan Virus as the excuse for doing so, which brings further to mind the timing of this plague...
Who should we fault more...


Careful dear. Remember you're pretending to be a Canadian.
There is so much disinformation regarding the recession under Bush... those wheels were set in motion before he became president.
Who should we fault more...


Careful dear. Remember you're pretending to be a Canadian.

Not again. When I say "we", I mean the public. GWB as as divisive a president in Canada as he was everywhere. Canadians by and large only support Dem presidents, because you let us steal from you, and these politicians probably get nice kickbacks to facilitate it.

A GOP president, from Texas? Canadians can never get on board with that. I supported him when he was in office and I wanted him to get justice after 9/11. His lengthy response did long term damage to Americas reputation and finances.
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

This is true ...
GW Bush was a progressive POS ...

I supported Obama,

That's because you are an uninformed USEFUL IDIOT !!!

I support every president.

I call BULLSHIT !!!

When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...

The Election was stolen.

The White Working Class DID NOT vote against their own best interest.

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe ....

Normal thinking AMERICANS DO NOT take Useful Idiots like you seriously ....
WoW, Trump must REALLY be doing badly to have this tripe of revisionist history pop-up at this hour.


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