Who should we fault more, Obama for being an activist who always divides America, or GWB for making it possible for him to win?

Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...

You apparently didn't listen much to Obama.
I don't blame either. The way I see it Americans are pretty much a moderate bunch and we exercise that moderation in our politics by alternating the presidency between parties every 8 years. Reagan/GHW Bush had a good run of 12 years. I blame Jimmy Carter who lost re-election and provided the Democrats with the presidency for only 4 years between Nixon/Ford and Reagan. I'll add Trump to the loser list if he is likewise defeated.
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
To this day I blame George W Bush for not preventing 911, every American soldier killed in Iraq and the crash of the financial industry in 2008 before the election. Always thought him a dumb son-of-a-Bush and probably always will. He is indeed the biggest reason Obama won, but to tell the truth, Obama as president didn't turn out bad for me, so I wish him well.
Now, come on. You can't blame anyone for 9/11 except the people who perpetrated it. We all got caught with our pants down. Our law enforcement and intelligence agencies were not set up to put together all of the clues and prevent that attack.
Understand what you are saying, and yes it was a dastardly sneak attack, though not one of a the possibilities we identified in CNGSC during the section on Asymmetric Warfare and Actions Other Than War. If a bunch of dumbassed Captains and Major could see the possibility in the mid 90s, it wasn't out of the scope of probabilities. I hold him to blame because his administration did not catch and prevent it, 9 months into his watch after he accepted the hand off, it set the stage for passage of the Patriot Act and when progress slowed in Afghanistan chasing the perp (which he never did catch) he started his own little ill conceived war in Iraq, finally destabilizing the entire middle east. I link 911 and Iraq war as that is part of how it was packaged and sold, though I didn't buy it and still hold a grudge for all the dead on our soil and overseas.
W was one of our worst presidents. To lie a nation to war, is one of the most evil things a potus can do.

Thing is, O wasn’t any better. He inherited two wars and took it to seven. He mass murdered thousands.

So, every little difference between W and O. They are blood brothers from different mothers.

Now look at Don and Joe. Every similar. The ruling class won’t allow Americans a chance at voting for real change.
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
GWB and Obama are twin brothers
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...

Apparently, we should blame the people who voted for him.
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
To this day I blame George W Bush for not preventing 911, every American soldier killed in Iraq and the crash of the financial industry in 2008 before the election. Always thought him a dumb son-of-a-Bush and probably always will. He is indeed the biggest reason Obama won, but to tell the truth, Obama as president didn't turn out bad for me, so I wish him well.
Now, come on. You can't blame anyone for 9/11 except the people who perpetrated it. We all got caught with our pants down. Our law enforcement and intelligence agencies were not set up to put together all of the clues and prevent that attack.
Understand what you are saying, and yes it was a dastardly sneak attack, though not one of a the possibilities we identified in CNGSC during the section on Asymmetric Warfare and Actions Other Than War. If a bunch of dumbassed Captains and Major could see the possibility in the mid 90s, it wasn't out of the scope of probabilities. I hold him to blame because his administration did not catch and prevent it, 9 months into his watch after he accepted the hand off, it set the stage for passage of the Patriot Act and when progress slowed in Afghanistan chasing the perp (which he never did catch) he started his own little ill conceived war in Iraq, finally destabilizing the entire middle east. I link 911 and Iraq war as that is part of how it was packaged and sold, though I didn't buy it and still hold a grudge for all the dead on our soil and overseas.
W was one of our worst presidents. To lie a nation to war, is one of the most evil things a potus can do.

Thing is, O wasn’t any better. He inherited two wars and took it to seven. He mass murdered thousands.

So, every little difference between W and O. They are blood brothers from different mothers.

Now look at Don and Joe. Every similar. The ruling class won’t allow Americans a chance at voting for real change.
I see a lot of clear differences between Donnie and Joe Biden, from upbringing to history of public service, to personal wealth, knowledge of constitutional government, to view point on about every that I can think of, being almost diametrically different. While far from perfect he may possibly mislead, to his advantage, (yes he is a politician) but he will not just stand there lying like a rug and getting his minions to come out and rationalize/justify/agree to the lie. Joe is far more conservative and rightfully holds little core trust for the words and actions of Communists, dictators, and historic enemies. Joe doesn't treat women like whores and doesn't screw anything cute that will hold still whenever he is away from his wife. He will not support a right of white supremacists to act out as white supremacists just to keep the KKK vote, not because he doesn't want every vote he can get, but because it is wrong. He will not push points of view or actions, just to piss people off that he doesn't agree with, like the petty ass we have now. While far from perfect and being open to at least listening to the left wing and right wing loons in the room, he will attempt a more centrist plan in most cases. He will attempt to lead the entire nation, not just playing to the most radical of his supporters. That is my opinion and that is why I will Vote For Joseph R Biden for President Of the United States of America in 2020.
Who should we fault more, Obama for being an activist who always divides America, or GWB for making it possible for him to win?
John McCain for have that "it's my turn" entitled attitude, yet being a shitty candidate. (See Hillary)
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
To this day I blame George W Bush for not preventing 911, every American soldier killed in Iraq and the crash of the financial industry in 2008 before the election. Always thought him a dumb son-of-a-Bush and probably always will. He is indeed the biggest reason Obama won, but to tell the truth, Obama as president didn't turn out bad for me, so I wish him well.
Now, come on. You can't blame anyone for 9/11 except the people who perpetrated it. We all got caught with our pants down. Our law enforcement and intelligence agencies were not set up to put together all of the clues and prevent that attack.
Understand what you are saying, and yes it was a dastardly sneak attack, though not one of a the possibilities we identified in CNGSC during the section on Asymmetric Warfare and Actions Other Than War. If a bunch of dumbassed Captains and Major could see the possibility in the mid 90s, it wasn't out of the scope of probabilities. I hold him to blame because his administration did not catch and prevent it, 9 months into his watch after he accepted the hand off, it set the stage for passage of the Patriot Act and when progress slowed in Afghanistan chasing the perp (which he never did catch) he started his own little ill conceived war in Iraq, finally destabilizing the entire middle east. I link 911 and Iraq war as that is part of how it was packaged and sold, though I didn't buy it and still hold a grudge for all the dead on our soil and overseas.
W was one of our worst presidents. To lie a nation to war, is one of the most evil things a potus can do.

Thing is, O wasn’t any better. He inherited two wars and took it to seven. He mass murdered thousands.

So, every little difference between W and O. They are blood brothers from different mothers.

Now look at Don and Joe. Every similar. The ruling class won’t allow Americans a chance at voting for real change.
I see a lot of clear differences between Donnie and Joe Biden, from upbringing to history of public service, to personal wealth, knowledge of constitutional government, to view point on about every that I can think of, being almost diametrically different. While far from perfect he may possibly mislead, to his advantage, (yes he is a politician) but he will not just stand there lying like a rug and getting his minions to come out and rationalize/justify/agree to the lie. Joe is far more conservative and rightfully holds little core trust for the words and actions of Communists, dictators, and historic enemies. Joe doesn't treat women like whores and doesn't screw anything cute that will hold still whenever he is away from his wife. He will not support a right of white supremacists to act out as white supremacists just to keep the KKK vote, not because he doesn't want every vote he can get, but because it is wrong. He will not push points of view or actions, just to piss people off that he doesn't agree with, like the petty ass we have now. While far from perfect and being open to at least listening to the left wing and right wing loons in the room, he will attempt a more centrist plan in most cases. He will attempt to lead the entire nation, not just playing to the most radical of his supporters. That is my opinion and that is why I will Vote For Joseph R Biden for President Of the United States of America in 2020.
My point was the two are very close on policy. Of course, their lives are very different. On policy, very little difference. In fact, I think it can be argued Trump is less conservative than Biden.

Joe has made it perfectly clear he isn't going to change a thing. He isn’t for universal HC, UBI, student loan forgiveness, Green New Deal. None of the things Bernie ran so successfully on. His long track record shows he’s a warmonger. He votes for every war, every war department budget. Every trade deal that harmed the working class. The Clinton crime bill that sent thousands of minorities to prison. He authored the Patriot Act.
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
To this day I blame George W Bush for not preventing 911, every American soldier killed in Iraq and the crash of the financial industry in 2008 before the election. Always thought him a dumb son-of-a-Bush and probably always will. He is indeed the biggest reason Obama won, but to tell the truth, Obama as president didn't turn out bad for me, so I wish him well.
Now, come on. You can't blame anyone for 9/11 except the people who perpetrated it. We all got caught with our pants down. Our law enforcement and intelligence agencies were not set up to put together all of the clues and prevent that attack.
Understand what you are saying, and yes it was a dastardly sneak attack, though not one of a the possibilities we identified in CNGSC during the section on Asymmetric Warfare and Actions Other Than War. If a bunch of dumbassed Captains and Major could see the possibility in the mid 90s, it wasn't out of the scope of probabilities. I hold him to blame because his administration did not catch and prevent it, 9 months into his watch after he accepted the hand off, it set the stage for passage of the Patriot Act and when progress slowed in Afghanistan chasing the perp (which he never did catch) he started his own little ill conceived war in Iraq, finally destabilizing the entire middle east. I link 911 and Iraq war as that is part of how it was packaged and sold, though I didn't buy it and still hold a grudge for all the dead on our soil and overseas.
W was one of our worst presidents. To lie a nation to war, is one of the most evil things a potus can do.

Thing is, O wasn’t any better. He inherited two wars and took it to seven. He mass murdered thousands.

So, every little difference between W and O. They are blood brothers from different mothers.

Now look at Don and Joe. Every similar. The ruling class won’t allow Americans a chance at voting for real change.
I see a lot of clear differences between Donnie and Joe Biden, from upbringing to history of public service, to personal wealth, knowledge of constitutional government, to view point on about every that I can think of, being almost diametrically different. While far from perfect he may possibly mislead, to his advantage, (yes he is a politician) but he will not just stand there lying like a rug and getting his minions to come out and rationalize/justify/agree to the lie. Joe is far more conservative and rightfully holds little core trust for the words and actions of Communists, dictators, and historic enemies. Joe doesn't treat women like whores and doesn't screw anything cute that will hold still whenever he is away from his wife. He will not support a right of white supremacists to act out as white supremacists just to keep the KKK vote, not because he doesn't want every vote he can get, but because it is wrong. He will not push points of view or actions, just to piss people off that he doesn't agree with, like the petty ass we have now. While far from perfect and being open to at least listening to the left wing and right wing loons in the room, he will attempt a more centrist plan in most cases. He will attempt to lead the entire nation, not just playing to the most radical of his supporters. That is my opinion and that is why I will Vote For Joseph R Biden for President Of the United States of America in 2020.
My point was the two are very close on policy. Of course, their lives are very different. On policy, very little difference. In fact, I think it can be argued Trump is less conservative than Biden.

Joe has made it perfectly clear he isn't going to change a thing. He isn’t for universal HC, UBI, student loan forgiveness, Green New Deal. None of the things Bernie ran so successfully on. His long track record shows he’s a warmonger. He votes for every war, every war department budget. Every trade deal that harmed the working class. The Clinton crime bill that sent thousands of minorities to prison. He authored the Patriot Act.
Did search found link to Biden bragging about Patriot act being almost as he wrote it. Disturbing. I liked the crime bill and care nothing about criminal prisoners, as they should not have continued to commit crime. Not worried about what Bernie ran on, as I didn't vote for Bernie.
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
To this day I blame George W Bush for not preventing 911, every American soldier killed in Iraq and the crash of the financial industry in 2008 before the election. Always thought him a dumb son-of-a-Bush and probably always will. He is indeed the biggest reason Obama won, but to tell the truth, Obama as president didn't turn out bad for me, so I wish him well.
Now, come on. You can't blame anyone for 9/11 except the people who perpetrated it. We all got caught with our pants down. Our law enforcement and intelligence agencies were not set up to put together all of the clues and prevent that attack.
Understand what you are saying, and yes it was a dastardly sneak attack, though not one of a the possibilities we identified in CNGSC during the section on Asymmetric Warfare and Actions Other Than War. If a bunch of dumbassed Captains and Major could see the possibility in the mid 90s, it wasn't out of the scope of probabilities. I hold him to blame because his administration did not catch and prevent it, 9 months into his watch after he accepted the hand off, it set the stage for passage of the Patriot Act and when progress slowed in Afghanistan chasing the perp (which he never did catch) he started his own little ill conceived war in Iraq, finally destabilizing the entire middle east. I link 911 and Iraq war as that is part of how it was packaged and sold, though I didn't buy it and still hold a grudge for all the dead on our soil and overseas.
W was one of our worst presidents. To lie a nation to war, is one of the most evil things a potus can do.

Thing is, O wasn’t any better. He inherited two wars and took it to seven. He mass murdered thousands.

So, every little difference between W and O. They are blood brothers from different mothers.

Now look at Don and Joe. Every similar. The ruling class won’t allow Americans a chance at voting for real change.
I see a lot of clear differences between Donnie and Joe Biden, from upbringing to history of public service, to personal wealth, knowledge of constitutional government, to view point on about every that I can think of, being almost diametrically different. While far from perfect he may possibly mislead, to his advantage, (yes he is a politician) but he will not just stand there lying like a rug and getting his minions to come out and rationalize/justify/agree to the lie. Joe is far more conservative and rightfully holds little core trust for the words and actions of Communists, dictators, and historic enemies. Joe doesn't treat women like whores and doesn't screw anything cute that will hold still whenever he is away from his wife. He will not support a right of white supremacists to act out as white supremacists just to keep the KKK vote, not because he doesn't want every vote he can get, but because it is wrong. He will not push points of view or actions, just to piss people off that he doesn't agree with, like the petty ass we have now. While far from perfect and being open to at least listening to the left wing and right wing loons in the room, he will attempt a more centrist plan in most cases. He will attempt to lead the entire nation, not just playing to the most radical of his supporters. That is my opinion and that is why I will Vote For Joseph R Biden for President Of the United States of America in 2020.
My point was the two are very close on policy. Of course, their lives are very different. On policy, very little difference. In fact, I think it can be argued Trump is less conservative than Biden.

Joe has made it perfectly clear he isn't going to change a thing. He isn’t for universal HC, UBI, student loan forgiveness, Green New Deal. None of the things Bernie ran so successfully on. His long track record shows he’s a warmonger. He votes for every war, every war department budget. Every trade deal that harmed the working class. The Clinton crime bill that sent thousands of minorities to prison. He authored the Patriot Act.
Did search found link to Biden bragging about Patriot act being almost as he wrote it. Disturbing. I liked the crime bill and care nothing about criminal prisoners, as they should not have continued to commit crime. Not worried about what Bernie ran on, as I didn't vote for Bernie.

If you think our justice system is fair, blind, and impartial, you need to think again. If you’re unaware poor minorities get railroaded while the rich walk, you’re uninformed. If you don’t know about the for-profit system the US prison system has become, you’ve missed the boat.

At any rate, the D Party claims to be the progressive party, but they offer progressives nothing. I’m not a progressive and won’t ever vote for either party, so I don’t give shit either way.

I’m just trying to keep you informed
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
To this day I blame George W Bush for not preventing 911, every American soldier killed in Iraq and the crash of the financial industry in 2008 before the election. Always thought him a dumb son-of-a-Bush and probably always will. He is indeed the biggest reason Obama won, but to tell the truth, Obama as president didn't turn out bad for me, so I wish him well.
Now, come on. You can't blame anyone for 9/11 except the people who perpetrated it. We all got caught with our pants down. Our law enforcement and intelligence agencies were not set up to put together all of the clues and prevent that attack.
Understand what you are saying, and yes it was a dastardly sneak attack, though not one of a the possibilities we identified in CNGSC during the section on Asymmetric Warfare and Actions Other Than War. If a bunch of dumbassed Captains and Major could see the possibility in the mid 90s, it wasn't out of the scope of probabilities. I hold him to blame because his administration did not catch and prevent it, 9 months into his watch after he accepted the hand off, it set the stage for passage of the Patriot Act and when progress slowed in Afghanistan chasing the perp (which he never did catch) he started his own little ill conceived war in Iraq, finally destabilizing the entire middle east. I link 911 and Iraq war as that is part of how it was packaged and sold, though I didn't buy it and still hold a grudge for all the dead on our soil and overseas.
W was one of our worst presidents. To lie a nation to war, is one of the most evil things a potus can do.

Thing is, O wasn’t any better. He inherited two wars and took it to seven. He mass murdered thousands.

So, every little difference between W and O. They are blood brothers from different mothers.

Now look at Don and Joe. Every similar. The ruling class won’t allow Americans a chance at voting for real change.
I see a lot of clear differences between Donnie and Joe Biden, from upbringing to history of public service, to personal wealth, knowledge of constitutional government, to view point on about every that I can think of, being almost diametrically different. While far from perfect he may possibly mislead, to his advantage, (yes he is a politician) but he will not just stand there lying like a rug and getting his minions to come out and rationalize/justify/agree to the lie. Joe is far more conservative and rightfully holds little core trust for the words and actions of Communists, dictators, and historic enemies. Joe doesn't treat women like whores and doesn't screw anything cute that will hold still whenever he is away from his wife. He will not support a right of white supremacists to act out as white supremacists just to keep the KKK vote, not because he doesn't want every vote he can get, but because it is wrong. He will not push points of view or actions, just to piss people off that he doesn't agree with, like the petty ass we have now. While far from perfect and being open to at least listening to the left wing and right wing loons in the room, he will attempt a more centrist plan in most cases. He will attempt to lead the entire nation, not just playing to the most radical of his supporters. That is my opinion and that is why I will Vote For Joseph R Biden for President Of the United States of America in 2020.
My point was the two are very close on policy. Of course, their lives are very different. On policy, very little difference. In fact, I think it can be argued Trump is less conservative than Biden.

Joe has made it perfectly clear he isn't going to change a thing. He isn’t for universal HC, UBI, student loan forgiveness, Green New Deal. None of the things Bernie ran so successfully on. His long track record shows he’s a warmonger. He votes for every war, every war department budget. Every trade deal that harmed the working class. The Clinton crime bill that sent thousands of minorities to prison. He authored the Patriot Act.
Did search found link to Biden bragging about Patriot act being almost as he wrote it. Disturbing. I liked the crime bill and care nothing about criminal prisoners, as they should not have continued to commit crime. Not worried about what Bernie ran on, as I didn't vote for Bernie.

If you think our justice system is fair, blind, and impartial, you need to think again. If you’re unaware poor minorities get railroaded while the rich walk, you’re uninformed. If you don’t know about the for-profit system the US prison system has become, you’ve missed the boat.

At any rate, the D Party claims to be the progressive party, but they offer progressives nothing. I’m not a progressive and won’t ever vote for either party, so I don’t give shit either way.

I’m just trying to keep you informed
I am aware that with money you have an unfair advantage. I have seen public defenders in action and am far less than impressed on the low advantage side. I see people who make multiple admissions of guilt on paper and in person before the court on the influentially advantaged side have their sentencing suddenly dropped without further testimony or justification in court, and I have seen white collar crime punished at far less punishment in much nicer country club prison. Not blind to it. Just do not care. Very seldom is someone railroaded who is not guilty. If the best defense you can afford is going to be a public defender and the punishment will probably be general population in shitty prison, perhaps you should consider this before going into crime for a quick buck or short term get over. At lower return and poor planning of the dumb ass low income masses, crime does not pay and assholes like me are quite willing to forget you exist while you are in prison posing no immediate danger to society.
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
To this day I blame George W Bush for not preventing 911, every American soldier killed in Iraq and the crash of the financial industry in 2008 before the election. Always thought him a dumb son-of-a-Bush and probably always will. He is indeed the biggest reason Obama won, but to tell the truth, Obama as president didn't turn out bad for me, so I wish him well.
Now, come on. You can't blame anyone for 9/11 except the people who perpetrated it. We all got caught with our pants down. Our law enforcement and intelligence agencies were not set up to put together all of the clues and prevent that attack.
Understand what you are saying, and yes it was a dastardly sneak attack, though not one of a the possibilities we identified in CNGSC during the section on Asymmetric Warfare and Actions Other Than War. If a bunch of dumbassed Captains and Major could see the possibility in the mid 90s, it wasn't out of the scope of probabilities. I hold him to blame because his administration did not catch and prevent it, 9 months into his watch after he accepted the hand off, it set the stage for passage of the Patriot Act and when progress slowed in Afghanistan chasing the perp (which he never did catch) he started his own little ill conceived war in Iraq, finally destabilizing the entire middle east. I link 911 and Iraq war as that is part of how it was packaged and sold, though I didn't buy it and still hold a grudge for all the dead on our soil and overseas.
W was one of our worst presidents. To lie a nation to war, is one of the most evil things a potus can do.

Thing is, O wasn’t any better. He inherited two wars and took it to seven. He mass murdered thousands.

So, every little difference between W and O. They are blood brothers from different mothers.

Now look at Don and Joe. Every similar. The ruling class won’t allow Americans a chance at voting for real change.
I see a lot of clear differences between Donnie and Joe Biden, from upbringing to history of public service, to personal wealth, knowledge of constitutional government, to view point on about every that I can think of, being almost diametrically different. While far from perfect he may possibly mislead, to his advantage, (yes he is a politician) but he will not just stand there lying like a rug and getting his minions to come out and rationalize/justify/agree to the lie. Joe is far more conservative and rightfully holds little core trust for the words and actions of Communists, dictators, and historic enemies. Joe doesn't treat women like whores and doesn't screw anything cute that will hold still whenever he is away from his wife. He will not support a right of white supremacists to act out as white supremacists just to keep the KKK vote, not because he doesn't want every vote he can get, but because it is wrong. He will not push points of view or actions, just to piss people off that he doesn't agree with, like the petty ass we have now. While far from perfect and being open to at least listening to the left wing and right wing loons in the room, he will attempt a more centrist plan in most cases. He will attempt to lead the entire nation, not just playing to the most radical of his supporters. That is my opinion and that is why I will Vote For Joseph R Biden for President Of the United States of America in 2020.
My point was the two are very close on policy. Of course, their lives are very different. On policy, very little difference. In fact, I think it can be argued Trump is less conservative than Biden.

Joe has made it perfectly clear he isn't going to change a thing. He isn’t for universal HC, UBI, student loan forgiveness, Green New Deal. None of the things Bernie ran so successfully on. His long track record shows he’s a warmonger. He votes for every war, every war department budget. Every trade deal that harmed the working class. The Clinton crime bill that sent thousands of minorities to prison. He authored the Patriot Act.
Did search found link to Biden bragging about Patriot act being almost as he wrote it. Disturbing. I liked the crime bill and care nothing about criminal prisoners, as they should not have continued to commit crime. Not worried about what Bernie ran on, as I didn't vote for Bernie.

If you think our justice system is fair, blind, and impartial, you need to think again. If you’re unaware poor minorities get railroaded while the rich walk, you’re uninformed. If you don’t know about the for-profit system the US prison system has become, you’ve missed the boat.

At any rate, the D Party claims to be the progressive party, but they offer progressives nothing. I’m not a progressive and won’t ever vote for either party, so I don’t give shit either way.

I’m just trying to keep you informed
I am aware that with money you have an unfair advantage. I have seen public defenders in action and am far less than impressed on the low advantage side. I see people who make multiple admissions of guilt on paper and in person before the court on the influentially advantaged side have their sentencing suddenly dropped without further testimony or justification in court, and I have seen white collar crime punished at far less punishment in much nicer country club prison. Not blind to it. Just do not care. Very seldom is someone railroaded who is not guilty. If the best defense you can afford is going to be a public defender and the punishment will probably be general population in shitty prison, perhaps you should consider this before going into crime for a quick buck or short term get over. At lower return and poor planning of the dumb ass low income masses, crime does not pay and assholes like me are quite willing to forget you exist while you are in prison posing no immediate danger to society.
Railroaded is not what you think it is. Many wealthy people commit crimes, but easily get off because they can afford a good lawyer. The poor don’t get that advantage and often do time for offenses wealthy get off scot-free.
I don't blame either. The way I see it Americans are pretty much a moderate bunch and we exercise that moderation in our politics by alternating the presidency between parties every 8 years. Reagan/GHW Bush had a good run of 12 years. I blame Jimmy Carter who lost re-election and provided the Democrats with the presidency for only 4 years between Nixon/Ford and Reagan. I'll add Trump to the loser list if he is likewise defeated.

Do you believe the efforts of global powers to control your elections can be overcome when you have 20M new illegals potential able to vote, mail-in voting and other methods employed to ensure only one party (the supporter of global socialism and "harmony", over American Exceptionalism) keeps power?

Just listen to the words used. From getting rid of the filibuster to adding additional S.C judges. How is it a Canadian can see it but many of you can't (or won't)? This isn't a regular flip flop attempt that U.S is generally used to, this is a global effort. For what purpose? Not to ensure the U.S constitution is stronger?
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
To this day I blame George W Bush for not preventing 911, every American soldier killed in Iraq and the crash of the financial industry in 2008 before the election. Always thought him a dumb son-of-a-Bush and probably always will. He is indeed the biggest reason Obama won, but to tell the truth, Obama as president didn't turn out bad for me, so I wish him well.
Now, come on. You can't blame anyone for 9/11 except the people who perpetrated it. We all got caught with our pants down. Our law enforcement and intelligence agencies were not set up to put together all of the clues and prevent that attack.
Two warmongers and a pedophile.
I don't blame either. The way I see it Americans are pretty much a moderate bunch and we exercise that moderation in our politics by alternating the presidency between parties every 8 years. Reagan/GHW Bush had a good run of 12 years. I blame Jimmy Carter who lost re-election and provided the Democrats with the presidency for only 4 years between Nixon/Ford and Reagan. I'll add Trump to the loser list if he is likewise defeated.

Do you believe the efforts of global powers to control your elections can be overcome when you have 20M new illegals potential able to vote, mail-in voting and other methods employed to ensure only one party (the supporter of global socialism and "harmony", over American Exceptionalism) keeps power?

Just listen to the words used. From getting rid of the filibuster to adding additional S.C judges. How is it a Canadian can see it but many of you can't (or won't)? This isn't a regular flip flop attempt that U.S is generally used to, this is a global effort. For what purpose? Not to ensure the U.S constitution is stronger?

I totally disagree with your premise about what has and is taking place in America over these last 4 years. My take is that the Democrats thought Hillary was Benghazi'd out of the presidency. American politics is no different than anything else, success gets imitated. Thus in a "monkey see, monkey do" mindset the Democrats game plan since Trump's election has been a shameless attempt in similar fashion to drag Trump through the mud using faux foreign influence as their means.
Without George W Bush, the chances of Obama winning would have been much lower. Even if Hillary had won the Primary in 2008, she wouldn't have been an activist, at least at that time.

I supported Obama, I support every president. When he speaks about America though, or race relations, he rarely has anything positive to say. Completely ironic when the white working class gave him the office...twice...
To this day I blame George W Bush for not preventing 911, every American soldier killed in Iraq and the crash of the financial industry in 2008 before the election. Always thought him a dumb son-of-a-Bush and probably always will. He is indeed the biggest reason Obama won, but to tell the truth, Obama as president didn't turn out bad for me, so I wish him well.
Now, come on. You can't blame anyone for 9/11 except the people who perpetrated it. We all got caught with our pants down. Our law enforcement and intelligence agencies were not set up to put together all of the clues and prevent that attack.
Understand what you are saying, and yes it was a dastardly sneak attack, though not one of a the possibilities we identified in CNGSC during the section on Asymmetric Warfare and Actions Other Than War. If a bunch of dumbassed Captains and Major could see the possibility in the mid 90s, it wasn't out of the scope of probabilities. I hold him to blame because his administration did not catch and prevent it, 9 months into his watch after he accepted the hand off, it set the stage for passage of the Patriot Act and when progress slowed in Afghanistan chasing the perp (which he never did catch) he started his own little ill conceived war in Iraq, finally destabilizing the entire middle east. I link 911 and Iraq war as that is part of how it was packaged and sold, though I didn't buy it and still hold a grudge for all the dead on our soil and overseas.
W was one of our worst presidents. To lie a nation to war, is one of the most evil things a potus can do.

Thing is, O wasn’t any better. He inherited two wars and took it to seven. He mass murdered thousands.

So, every little difference between W and O. They are blood brothers from different mothers.

Now look at Don and Joe. Every similar. The ruling class won’t allow Americans a chance at voting for real change.
I see a lot of clear differences between Donnie and Joe Biden, from upbringing to history of public service, to personal wealth, knowledge of constitutional government, to view point on about every that I can think of, being almost diametrically different. While far from perfect he may possibly mislead, to his advantage, (yes he is a politician) but he will not just stand there lying like a rug and getting his minions to come out and rationalize/justify/agree to the lie. Joe is far more conservative and rightfully holds little core trust for the words and actions of Communists, dictators, and historic enemies. Joe doesn't treat women like whores and doesn't screw anything cute that will hold still whenever he is away from his wife. He will not support a right of white supremacists to act out as white supremacists just to keep the KKK vote, not because he doesn't want every vote he can get, but because it is wrong. He will not push points of view or actions, just to piss people off that he doesn't agree with, like the petty ass we have now. While far from perfect and being open to at least listening to the left wing and right wing loons in the room, he will attempt a more centrist plan in most cases. He will attempt to lead the entire nation, not just playing to the most radical of his supporters. That is my opinion and that is why I will Vote For Joseph R Biden for President Of the United States of America in 2020.
My point was the two are very close on policy. Of course, their lives are very different. On policy, very little difference. In fact, I think it can be argued Trump is less conservative than Biden.

Joe has made it perfectly clear he isn't going to change a thing. He isn’t for universal HC, UBI, student loan forgiveness, Green New Deal. None of the things Bernie ran so successfully on. His long track record shows he’s a warmonger. He votes for every war, every war department budget. Every trade deal that harmed the working class. The Clinton crime bill that sent thousands of minorities to prison. He authored the Patriot Act.
Did search found link to Biden bragging about Patriot act being almost as he wrote it. Disturbing. I liked the crime bill and care nothing about criminal prisoners, as they should not have continued to commit crime. Not worried about what Bernie ran on, as I didn't vote for Bernie.

If you think our justice system is fair, blind, and impartial, you need to think again. If you’re unaware poor minorities get railroaded while the rich walk, you’re uninformed. If you don’t know about the for-profit system the US prison system has become, you’ve missed the boat.

At any rate, the D Party claims to be the progressive party, but they offer progressives nothing. I’m not a progressive and won’t ever vote for either party, so I don’t give shit either way.

I’m just trying to keep you informed
I am aware that with money you have an unfair advantage. I have seen public defenders in action and am far less than impressed on the low advantage side. I see people who make multiple admissions of guilt on paper and in person before the court on the influentially advantaged side have their sentencing suddenly dropped without further testimony or justification in court, and I have seen white collar crime punished at far less punishment in much nicer country club prison. Not blind to it. Just do not care. Very seldom is someone railroaded who is not guilty. If the best defense you can afford is going to be a public defender and the punishment will probably be general population in shitty prison, perhaps you should consider this before going into crime for a quick buck or short term get over. At lower return and poor planning of the dumb ass low income masses, crime does not pay and assholes like me are quite willing to forget you exist while you are in prison posing no immediate danger to society.
Railroaded is not what you think it is. Many wealthy people commit crimes, but easily get off because they can afford a good lawyer. The poor don’t get that advantage and often do time for offenses wealthy get off scot-free.
Very true. I just consider railroaded as when charged but not actually guilty and they try to nail you to the wall, anyway. Sometime charged with with a bunch of rinki-dink crap as if it lends credibility to the more serious charge they think you guilty, but cannot actually conclusively prove. I have not got the slightest clue how to keep wealth or influential from gaming the system, but it does not in anyway changed the fact of some disadvantaged little scumbag breaking in and tearing up the place looking for something worth stealing to get money to buy some $150 tennis shoes or score some drugs on the street. Bottom line is most of the wealthier perps are probably not going to get a chance to effect me or mine, but I have had some of my stuff stolen from my property and had a pistol stuck in my back in an alley, given up my pocket cash, considering myself lucky he only wanted money and didn't have some BS grievance against the world to take out on me. If poor and decide crime is the way to go and get caught, I am unsympathetic. Life can be like eating a $hit sandwich exactly 1 inch thick. The more bread you got for your sandwich, the less $hit you got to eat. If you have enough bread, you might not have any $hit filling at all.

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