Who Taught You To Hate The United States Postal Service?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"To avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded," DeJoy said in a statement. He went on to say that between now and Election Day, retail hours at post offices will not change, no mail processing facilities will be closed, mail processing equipment and collection boxes will remain in place and that overtime for workers will be approved when needed."

All mail-in ballot fear-mongering aside -- I've never understood where this hatred for the post office stems from -- aside from a desire by donors to privatize it -- which I am sure is Louis Dejoy's wet dream...but exactly why do we feel the post office is suppose to turn a profit in order to offer a good service to Americans??


91% of Americans favorably approve of the Postal Service, that is the highest among any government agency -- and this is the same agency who are forced to fully fund employee pensions 75 years into the future -- and this is who we are complaining about not turning a profit?

It is called the Postal Service in the Constitution for a reason, not to provide a profit to shareholders, but to provide a service to Americans, just like the police department and the fire department -- both of which are not required to make a profit...

"To avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded," DeJoy said in a statement. He went on to say that between now and Election Day, retail hours at post offices will not change, no mail processing facilities will be closed, mail processing equipment and collection boxes will remain in place and that overtime for workers will be approved when needed."

All mail-in ballot fear-mongering aside -- I've never understood where this hatred for the post office stems from -- aside from a desire by donors to privatize it -- which I am sure is Louis Dejoy's wet dream...but exactly why do we feel the post office is suppose to turn a profit in order to offer a good service to Americans??

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91% of Americans favorably approve of the Postal Service, that is the highest among any government agency -- and this is the same agency who are forced to fully fund employee pensions 75 years into the future -- and this is who we are complaining about not turning a profit?

It is called the Postal Service in the Constitution for a reason, not to provide a profit to shareholders, but to provide a service to Americans, just like the police department and the fire department -- both of which are not required to make a profit...
Newman on Seinfeld.

"To avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded," DeJoy said in a statement. He went on to say that between now and Election Day, retail hours at post offices will not change, no mail processing facilities will be closed, mail processing equipment and collection boxes will remain in place and that overtime for workers will be approved when needed."

All mail-in ballot fear-mongering aside -- I've never understood where this hatred for the post office stems from -- aside from a desire by donors to privatize it -- which I am sure is Louis Dejoy's wet dream...but exactly why do we feel the post office is suppose to turn a profit in order to offer a good service to Americans??

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91% of Americans favorably approve of the Postal Service, that is the highest among any government agency -- and this is the same agency who are forced to fully fund employee pensions 75 years into the future -- and this is who we are complaining about not turning a profit?

It is called the Postal Service in the Constitution for a reason, not to provide a profit to shareholders, but to provide a service to Americans, just like the police department and the fire department -- both of which are not required to make a profit...
The postal service needs massive infusions of junk mail to keep the everyday mail we need to keep arriving at a reasonable price. The competition the post office has is better. The tradition though is what it lives off of. Kind of a comfort to people.
I don't hate the post office. It is one thing a country should always maintain. What I do not care for are a few crooked post people like the one who accepted another person's signature as mine for an extremely important document; all the while knowing damn well isn't wasn't me giving that sig out.

"To avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded," DeJoy said in a statement. He went on to say that between now and Election Day, retail hours at post offices will not change, no mail processing facilities will be closed, mail processing equipment and collection boxes will remain in place and that overtime for workers will be approved when needed."

All mail-in ballot fear-mongering aside -- I've never understood where this hatred for the post office stems from -- aside from a desire by donors to privatize it -- which I am sure is Louis Dejoy's wet dream...but exactly why do we feel the post office is suppose to turn a profit in order to offer a good service to Americans??

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91% of Americans favorably approve of the Postal Service, that is the highest among any government agency -- and this is the same agency who are forced to fully fund employee pensions 75 years into the future -- and this is who we are complaining about not turning a profit?

It is called the Postal Service in the Constitution for a reason, not to provide a profit to shareholders, but to provide a service to Americans, just like the police department and the fire department -- both of which are not required to make a profit...
WOW! Pension plans for American workers. That's bad! <sar>
I don't hate the post office. It is one thing a country should always maintain. What I do not care for are a few crooked post people like the one who accepted another person's signature as mine for an extremely important document; all the while knowing damn well isn't wasn't me giving that sig out.
So you committed fraud by sending someone to the post office to pick up your mail?
Have fun watching your ballot go up in flames if you are dumb enough to put your vote in one of these mailboxes. The left will be stealing these mailboxes or just setting them on fire on Election Day. These are terrorists we are dealing with, they will do anything to steal the election.
I don't hate the post office. It is one thing a country should always maintain. What I do not care for are a few crooked post people like the one who accepted another person's signature as mine for an extremely important document; all the while knowing damn well isn't wasn't me giving that sig out.
So you committed fraud by sending someone to the post office to pick up your mail?
Only a deviant mind would think that. I wasn't even aware of the letter for several years and I wasn't in the state that they sent the letter to at that time but the sender already knew that.

Not only that incident but the local city here in Iowa and the Post office also pulled a fast one to get one of our properties. We were buried under a pile of the bankers fraudulent acts and the court assisting them in covering their fraud at the time so that never got address either. That time I did not find out until after the fact either when I was checking city records and it showed the postal guy claimed he delivered a letter that he never actually delivered to neither my husband or me.

As one person I met called them; "moldy post offices"
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I don't hate the post office. It is one thing a country should always maintain. What I do not care for are a few crooked post people like the one who accepted another person's signature as mine for an extremely important document; all the while knowing damn well isn't wasn't me giving that sig out.
So you committed fraud by sending someone to the post office to pick up your mail?

I will never understand why leftists think pretending to be ridiculously obtuse and ignorant is somehow a brilliant debate ploy. "It's so clever to pretend that Trump said anything to do with the mail was fraud, because REASONS!"

Or maybe I'm giving you too much credit. Maybe you actually ARE stupid enough that drawing lame connections between unrelated references to the Post Office is the height of intelligence for you.
Outdated business model for the 21st century.

In fairness, it's not really a "business model", since their mandate is something other than making a profit.
The US Post Office mandate is if you have a registered address and a mail box, you have to receive mail. Something that Federal Express et Al doesn't have to do.

Yes, thank you for "informing" me of that, Captain Obvious. Did you want a cookie or a gold star?

"To avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded," DeJoy said in a statement. He went on to say that between now and Election Day, retail hours at post offices will not change, no mail processing facilities will be closed, mail processing equipment and collection boxes will remain in place and that overtime for workers will be approved when needed."

All mail-in ballot fear-mongering aside -- I've never understood where this hatred for the post office stems from -- aside from a desire by donors to privatize it -- which I am sure is Louis Dejoy's wet dream...but exactly why do we feel the post office is suppose to turn a profit in order to offer a good service to Americans??

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91% of Americans favorably approve of the Postal Service, that is the highest among any government agency -- and this is the same agency who are forced to fully fund employee pensions 75 years into the future -- and this is who we are complaining about not turning a profit?

It is called the Postal Service in the Constitution for a reason, not to provide a profit to shareholders, but to provide a service to Americans, just like the police department and the fire department -- both of which are not required to make a profit...
WOW! Pension plans for American workers. That's bad! <sar>
Government workers were never supposed to or intended to be making more than the average worker. Pension plans throughout are breaking the peoples bank accounts and people cannot support more taxes to just keep giving government workers more and more. Everyone should pay into and get SS and everyone should be responsible for an other retirement plans that they desire to have.
I don't hate the post office. It is one thing a country should always maintain. What I do not care for are a few crooked post people like the one who accepted another person's signature as mine for an extremely important document; all the while knowing damn well isn't wasn't me giving that sig out.
there are things that say MUST BE SIGNED BY ADDRESSE and other things anyone can sign for......
Outdated business model for the 21st century.

In fairness, it's not really a "business model", since their mandate is something other than making a profit.
The US Post Office mandate is if you have a registered address and a mail box, you have to receive mail. Something that Federal Express et Al doesn't have to do.
not true....i had people who had PO boxes and they told me please do not put anything in the box because they wont be checking it...so anything they got i wasted or returned it to sender with an explanation per their orders.....

"To avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded," DeJoy said in a statement. He went on to say that between now and Election Day, retail hours at post offices will not change, no mail processing facilities will be closed, mail processing equipment and collection boxes will remain in place and that overtime for workers will be approved when needed."

All mail-in ballot fear-mongering aside -- I've never understood where this hatred for the post office stems from -- aside from a desire by donors to privatize it -- which I am sure is Louis Dejoy's wet dream...but exactly why do we feel the post office is suppose to turn a profit in order to offer a good service to Americans??

View attachment 376548

91% of Americans favorably approve of the Postal Service, that is the highest among any government agency -- and this is the same agency who are forced to fully fund employee pensions 75 years into the future -- and this is who we are complaining about not turning a profit?

It is called the Postal Service in the Constitution for a reason, not to provide a profit to shareholders, but to provide a service to Americans, just like the police department and the fire department -- both of which are not required to make a profit...
WOW! Pension plans for American workers. That's bad! <sar>
Government workers were never supposed to or intended to be making more than the average worker. Pension plans throughout are breaking the peoples bank accounts and people cannot support more taxes to just keep giving government workers more and more. Everyone should pay into and get SS and everyone should be responsible for an other retirement plans that they desire to have.
as of 1982 postal workers pay into SS.......

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