Who The (Bleep) Did I Marry?

Oh Gee.

A celebrity couple has marital issues. How can such a thing happen in Obama's Happy Happy Land of Free Money and Unicorns?
Dina Eastwood In Rehab: Clint Eastwood's Wife Checks Into Treatment For Depression & Anxiety

After embarrassing himself and his family at the Republican National Convention, it's no wonder why a gold digger like 47 year old Dina Ruiz Eastwood is depressed and kicking Clinton Eastwood's tired old Republican ass to the curb.

Is "tired", "old", "Republican" a redundancy?

And in other right wing celebrity news... Lizzy Hasselbeck axed from The View. Oh the humanity!!!!
Dina Easton was a Reporter when they met. As the story goes, Clint approached HER first and they went from there.

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