who was best president of usa ?

who was best president of usa ?

  • Abraham Lincoln

    Votes: 15 41.7%
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • jfk

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • barak obama

    Votes: 3 8.3%

  • Total voters
FDR lied the US into war!
FDR attacked a country that did not attack the US.
FDR locked up Americans and gave them loyalty tests..
FDR created the infamous Military Industrial complex.

Silly far left drones still se this man as their Messiah!
No, he didn't. What lie?
No, he didn't. What country?
It wasn't a test, it was an oath of allegiance and promise not to support
the Japanese government. Those who refused were sent to one particular camp.
They were released at the end of the war.
There is no way to know if he would have allowed the MIC since he died before the
end of the war. What kind of restrictions he may or may not have imposed is pure
No amount of proof changes you. You know what that means about your mental state?

FDR instigated the Japanese attack, knew it was coming beforehand, refused to warn the commanders, then took the nation to war on false pretenses. That makes him tied with dishonest Abe as the WORST POTUS OF ALL TIME. ACCEPT THE TRUTH...IT IS TIME TO GROW UP.
You, as usual, can not back up your conspiracy theories with anything but your one sided opinions and distortions of reality. For folks who promote these ideas, the USA's refusal to be bullied or extorted into facilitating horrendous war crimes was in your minds, "instigating a Japanese attack"
If a number of key mistakes hadn't been made, the Japanese attack would have been a miserable failure. FDR refused to be pushed around by Germany or Japan. Your fantasies have been promoted since Dec. 8th 1941 and still don't hold weight. All the investigations and scholarly academic works classify your conspiracy theories as unprovable speculative fantasy. 75 years of exciting and dramatic "NEW" conspiracy theories that in the end are just a rewriting of the same old nonsense.
Your silly hero worship is misguided...
FDR was a rotten president... We as a country are paying every day for his corruption.
Yet when asked to provide factual evidence, folks like you are lost and only able to parrot opinions while his supporters are able to provide reams and endless links and provable data to explain why he is judged one of the best and most favored Presidents. Just like on this very page. Lots of talking until challenged to provide even a minimum of data and the talkers vanish. And you are the same. Only able to babble out a lame opinion but unable to provide any data to give your opinion credibility or even an academic reason for reaching your opinions about FDR. You just blindly parrot the talking points you have been provided.
The Top 5 Reasons Why FDR Sucked As President | Liberty Viral
I cast my vote for the other Roosevelt - Teddy.

He screwed over Korea.

Fuck Korea.

Fuck YOU, nobody.

Some day, Dripping Poop, you'll add something to a conversation.

Some day.

Today isn't that day.

Tomorrow isn't looking promising, either.
Let's just rectify this misinformation. The National Defense Act of 1920 that decimated the military and prevented it from growing was implemented by a Republican Congress and President.
"The 1920 Act was the basis for the Army's organization through World War II, and remained largely in effect until passage of the National Security Act of 1947."

Not an oops at all. The strengths of the different branch's were changed while the structure of the NDA stayed the same. Do you honestly want to argue that the strength of the military stayed the same in WWII as it was in 1920?
Military strength under FDR was maintained so weak that Japan and Germany thought it was a their best move to declare war on America.
Worst decision they ever made
The only reason why Japan did not attack the US mainland...

Missouri GOP Rep.: Japan Didn't Invade U.S. in World War II Because of Armed Populace
Complete silliness.

5000 miles of ocean had more to do with our defense than a redneck with a shotgun
They declared war because FDR refused to allow them to bully or dictate to the USA. In the case of Germany. he would not allow them to tell us who we could trade with or change our freedom to operate on the high seas. Pearl Harbor overshadows the fact that Germany was not only harassing US flagged ships, but attacking US Navy ships and actually killing US Sailors in those attacks. Japan, with a treaty with Germany, knew that situation was leading to a war that would place it in a war with America. In addition, of course, was the anger Japan felt about being cut off from it's necessary oil supply. FDR let it be known that the US would not be pressured or bullied into contributing to the war atrocities such as the Rape of Nanking.
Countries only attack other countries when they believe the other to be weaker.
Every war in history has followed that scenario.
And both Japan and Germany knew America was much weaker than they were.

Thanks to FDR keeping our Army at 19th place in the world, right behind Portugal.
FDR turned us into a super power and the worlds only nuclear power
After he set up America with a weak military. So weak we had to pull forces from the Pacific to fight in Europe, leaving Japan to rule half the world for almost 4 years.

He fought a major war on two fronts

Our greatest commander in chief in history
What color is the sky in your bubble world? Operation Orange wasn't implemented until late 43 because FDR left our military in such rags.
FDR transitioned our isolationist nation into a superpower

All in three years
"The 1920 Act was the basis for the Army's organization through World War II, and remained largely in effect until passage of the National Security Act of 1947."

Not an oops at all. The strengths of the different branch's were changed while the structure of the NDA stayed the same. Do you honestly want to argue that the strength of the military stayed the same in WWII as it was in 1920?
Military strength under FDR was maintained so weak that Japan and Germany thought it was a their best move to declare war on America.
Worst decision they ever made
The only reason why Japan did not attack the US mainland...

Missouri GOP Rep.: Japan Didn't Invade U.S. in World War II Because of Armed Populace
Complete silliness.

5000 miles of ocean had more to do with our defense than a redneck with a shotgun
...millions of people with firearms
Countries only attack other countries when they believe the other to be weaker.
Every war in history has followed that scenario.
And both Japan and Germany knew America was much weaker than they were.

Thanks to FDR keeping our Army at 19th place in the world, right behind Portugal.
FDR turned us into a super power and the worlds only nuclear power
After he set up America with a weak military. So weak we had to pull forces from the Pacific to fight in Europe, leaving Japan to rule half the world for almost 4 years.

He fought a major war on two fronts

Our greatest commander in chief in history
What color is the sky in your bubble world? Operation Orange wasn't implemented until late 43 because FDR left our military in such rags.
FDR transitioned our isolationist nation into a superpower

All in three years
The Top 5 Reasons Why FDR Sucked As President | Liberty Viral
Countries only attack other countries when they believe the other to be weaker.
Every war in history has followed that scenario.
And both Japan and Germany knew America was much weaker than they were.

Thanks to FDR keeping our Army at 19th place in the world, right behind Portugal.
FDR turned us into a super power and the worlds only nuclear power
After he set up America with a weak military. So weak we had to pull forces from the Pacific to fight in Europe, leaving Japan to rule half the world for almost 4 years.

He fought a major war on two fronts

Our greatest commander in chief in history
What color is the sky in your bubble world? Operation Orange wasn't implemented until late 43 because FDR left our military in such rags.
FDR transitioned our isolationist nation into a superpower

All in three years
FDR led an isolationist nation until Japan and Germany decided declaring war on America was a good idea because FDR kept our military so weak.
"lot of people don’t know about this, but FDR issued an executive order that basically stole people’s private gold. In 1933, FDR signed executive order number 6102, “forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States”.

I mean seriously, what the hell is that? He STOLE people’s gold and prosecuted people for having private property. The Secret Service even got involved in investigating merchants and doing all kinds of nasty stuff that is usually reserved for today’s modern-day DEA agents. Government thugs gonna thug, I guess?

It wasn’t until 1974 when president Gerald Ford finally signed a bill that would “permit United States citizens to purchase, hold, sell, or otherwise deal with gold in the United States or abroad.” Of course, by that time, Richard Nixon had already taken the U.S. fully off the gold standard and lots of the people who had their stuff stolen and were prosecuted by the Feds were dead already."

Any president that would do this is corrupt to the core... And any person that would agree with it should be pistol whipped in their sleep.
FDR was the best!

Reagan was the one that destroyed our middle class and flooded our country with the third world. He sucked.

the only one worse than FDR was Obama. FDR started the liberal overspending, welfare state that is destroying the country today.
"lot of people don’t know about this, but FDR issued an executive order that basically stole people’s private gold. In 1933, FDR signed executive order number 6102, “forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States”.

I mean seriously, what the hell is that? He STOLE people’s gold and prosecuted people for having private property. The Secret Service even got involved in investigating merchants and doing all kinds of nasty stuff that is usually reserved for today’s modern-day DEA agents. Government thugs gonna thug, I guess?

It wasn’t until 1974 when president Gerald Ford finally signed a bill that would “permit United States citizens to purchase, hold, sell, or otherwise deal with gold in the United States or abroad.” Of course, by that time, Richard Nixon had already taken the U.S. fully off the gold standard and lots of the people who had their stuff stolen and were prosecuted by the Feds were dead already."

Any president that would do this is corrupt to the core... And any person that would agree with it should be pistol whipped in their sleep.
That's why the left love FDR. Stealing people's wealth to feed Big Brother is every leftists wet dream.
FDR turned us into a super power and the worlds only nuclear power
After he set up America with a weak military. So weak we had to pull forces from the Pacific to fight in Europe, leaving Japan to rule half the world for almost 4 years.

He fought a major war on two fronts

Our greatest commander in chief in history
What color is the sky in your bubble world? Operation Orange wasn't implemented until late 43 because FDR left our military in such rags.
FDR transitioned our isolationist nation into a superpower

All in three years
FDR led an isolationist nation until Japan and Germany decided declaring war on America was a good idea because FDR kept our military so weak.
Worst decision they ever made don't ya think?
Not an oops at all. The strengths of the different branch's were changed while the structure of the NDA stayed the same. Do you honestly want to argue that the strength of the military stayed the same in WWII as it was in 1920?
Military strength under FDR was maintained so weak that Japan and Germany thought it was a their best move to declare war on America.
Worst decision they ever made
The only reason why Japan did not attack the US mainland...

Missouri GOP Rep.: Japan Didn't Invade U.S. in World War II Because of Armed Populace
Complete silliness.

5000 miles of ocean had more to do with our defense than a redneck with a shotgun
...millions of people with firearms
After he set up America with a weak military. So weak we had to pull forces from the Pacific to fight in Europe, leaving Japan to rule half the world for almost 4 years.

He fought a major war on two fronts

Our greatest commander in chief in history
What color is the sky in your bubble world? Operation Orange wasn't implemented until late 43 because FDR left our military in such rags.
FDR transitioned our isolationist nation into a superpower

All in three years
FDR led an isolationist nation until Japan and Germany decided declaring war on America was a good idea because FDR kept our military so weak.
Worst decision they ever made don't ya think?
Millions died because FDR kept our military so weak we were not even a threat to Germany and Japan.
He fought a major war on two fronts

Our greatest commander in chief in history
What color is the sky in your bubble world? Operation Orange wasn't implemented until late 43 because FDR left our military in such rags.
FDR transitioned our isolationist nation into a superpower

All in three years
FDR led an isolationist nation until Japan and Germany decided declaring war on America was a good idea because FDR kept our military so weak.
Worst decision they ever made don't ya think?
Millions died because FDR kept our military so weak we were not even a threat to Germany and Japan.

Millions of who?
What color is the sky in your bubble world? Operation Orange wasn't implemented until late 43 because FDR left our military in such rags.
FDR transitioned our isolationist nation into a superpower

All in three years
FDR led an isolationist nation until Japan and Germany decided declaring war on America was a good idea because FDR kept our military so weak.
Worst decision they ever made don't ya think?
Millions died because FDR kept our military so weak we were not even a threat to Germany and Japan.

Millions of who?
You're ignorance is on full display.

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