Who was the best president in the past 20 years?

that was before I was born. I don't know much of Regan actually. The only time I've ever really learned much about him was the Iran-Contra, and people haven't really said much about him that I know other than he had a certain specialized quality about him which made him stand out among those around him. Like, he wanted his security updates to be films rather than dry reports.

My favorite president of the 20th century that I know more that just general stuff is Dwight Eisenhower.
Thanks. You just depressed the hell out of Me.

Ronald Reagan was My Commander-in-chief. I guess I forget that there are now people who were born after he passed, and only know him from history books.

And it appears that the history being taught about him is nothing but lies.

Go figure.

The Iran Contra was a lie? He DID give weapons to Iran. Fact. I still wouldn't call him a bad president, but far from the idol people on the right worship.

More on topic, I would say Clinton was the best president of the past 25 years. Bush Sr. may be second.
Iran Contra happened, yes, but the liberals will not tell the real story. Oliver North sold obsolete weapons to the Ayatollah at an extremely inflated price. He paid the U.S. government for the weapons (tow missiles), and gave the profit to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua, who were fighting the communist Sandanistas (financed by the Soviet Union). They had overthrown Somoza and installed puppet Daniel Ortega.
The money from the weapons sale was enough to keep the communists at bay until Reagan could collapse the economy of the Soviet Union. The result? The U.S.S.R. fell apart, the wall came down, and there were free elections in Nicaragua.
To protect Reagan, North, Poindexter, Casey, and several others took the fall (they should have been given medals). This is one of a number of ways Reagan won the cold war and eliminated the biggest threat to peace in the 20th century (nuclear war with the U.S.S.R.).
Bill Clinton, on the other hand, gave sensitive nuclear technology to the communist Chinese after they funded his re-election campaign. There's no comparison.
Why do you guys say such stupid things?
You don't know much, do you? Loral Space and Communications paid China to launch communications satellites for them. 2 rockets crashed, and China requested assistance to fix the problem. Bernard Schwartz, the CEO of the company, didn't want to bear the cost of sending experts to China to correct it, so he requested permission from the State Dept. to send China the technology to fix the problem themselves. The problem was that this technology could be used for military purposes.

Warren Christopher (Sec. of State) said "no fucking way". Warren was probably the only Clinton cabinet member with any sense of integrity or patriotism. Anyway, the request was denied. Schwartz, not wanting to pay the cost of sending experts to China to straighten out the problem with the rockets, asked Bill Clinton to do something about it (Schwartz had contributed more than $600,000 to Clinton's political campaigns).

Clinton then sent the request for technology transfer to the Commerce Dept. (headed by Ron Brown). and told Ron to approve the transfer. He did. Shortly after that, Christopher resigned. The Chinese got the technology (which enabled them to develop ICBMs, which they could not previously do). Now China has the ability to reach U.S. soil with their missiles.

Later on, Ron Brown was sent to Croatia, and his plane crashed into a mountain. When his body was recovered, there was a hole in his skull the exact size of a .45 caliber bullet. At his funeral, Bill Clinton was caught on camera laughing, and as soon as he saw the camera, he immediately got a somber look on his face as though he was grieving.

I remember watching it on tv. Brown was one of many people associated with Clinton who lost his life under questionable circumstances. Monica could have ended up that way if Linda Tripp hadn't exposed the affair.

Ron Brown?s Death Still A Mystery

Ron Brown: Evidence Of A Cover up | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

There is a Conspiracy Theory folder on this board. I suggest you find it..

I suggest you refute the facts or the shut the fuck up.
More than 20 years ago, but Reagan has been flat out the greatest president in recent US history. The bitterness of leftists and the resulting vociferous but feeble attempts to mitigate his accomplishments bear testament to just that.
There is a Conspiracy Theory folder on this board. I suggest you find it..

I suggest you refute the facts or the shut the fuck up.

I have on at least four other occasions on this board. I'll be fucked if I'm gonna show them again to some Newb. They're on here somewhere. Don't be a typical neocon whackjob lazy arse and get somebody else to look it up for you. There is a search function. Use it...

You haven't refuted shit. If the dude takes the time to put together points and you come back with a slap then my point is fuck off.
I'd say Clinton - but then it isn't like there is much competition, is there?

The past 25 years have probably been the worst period for conservative leadership in American history. How the GOP need an Eisenhower or a Roosevelt today!
I have on at least four other occasions on this board. I'll be fucked if I'm gonna show them again to some Newb. They're on here somewhere. Don't be a typical neocon whackjob lazy arse and get somebody else to look it up for you. There is a search function. Use it...

You haven't refuted shit. If the dude takes the time to put together points and you come back with a slap then my point is fuck off.

I have refuted them. Just not in this thread....

No you haven't. I'd love to see you try.
The only decent Democrat president since Kennedy was Clinton. Clinton did well by adopting a "Third Way" (as Blair did in the UK), essentially adopting Reagan-Bush and Thatcher policies and abandoning those which Obama is trying to resurrect. The others, with the arguable exception of LBJ, whose failures were as notable as his achievements, were flat out failures.
"Third Way" (as Blair did in the UK), essentially adopting Reagan-Bush and Thatcher policies

Um...you realise that isn't what 'third way' means, right?

'Third Way' refers to left wing capitalism similar to that practised in Sweden, in particular, during the 1980's. The name comes from the idea of finding an alternative to either socialism or free market capitalism, essentially a kind of humane capitalism. Blair and Clinton both supported this idea - but nothing to do with Thatcher!

Third Way - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Third Way" (as Blair did in the UK), essentially adopting Reagan-Bush and Thatcher policies

Um...you realise that isn't what 'third way' means, right?

'Third Way' refers to left wing capitalism similar to that practised in Sweden, in particular, during the 1980's. The name comes from the idea of finding an alternative to either socialism or free market capitalism, essentially a kind of humane capitalism. Blair and Clinton both supported this idea - but nothing to do with Thatcher!

Third Way - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You're out of your league here shorty. Read your own link. The Third Way as used by Clinton and Blair was a way of moderation relevant to the failed economic policies of previous socialist administration. It was adopted as a way not to repeal the economic successes of a period of unusually strong Anglo-American leadership of the 1980s. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The pretense of being liberal/socialist in economic terms was superficial at best.
The Third Way as used by Clinton and Blair was a way of moderation relevant to the failed economic policies of previous socialist administration. It was adopted as a way not to repeal the economic successes of a period of unusually strong Anglo-American leadership of the 1980s. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The pretense of being liberal/socialist in economic terms was superficial at best.

So you do accept that 'Third Way' has nothing whatsoever to do with Reagan or Thatcher, right?

The 'third way' refers to rejecting the choices of capitalism and socialism by fusing elements from each - where you get thi idea from that to do so involved channeling Thatcher I have no idea.

Here's perhaps a clearer definition from a BBC article -

Put at its most basic the Third Way is something different and distinct from liberal capitalism with its unswerving belief in the merits of the free market and democratic socialism with its demand management and obsession with the state. The Third Way is in favour of growth, entrepeneurship, enterprise and wealth creation but it is also in favour of greater social justice and it sees the state playing a major role in bringing this about. So in the words of one of its gurus Anthony Giddens of the LSE the Third Way rejects top down socialism as it rejects traditional neo liberalism.

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That question goes without saying...

"Slick Willie"
is the best President. No one else comes close!

What other President left office with a 70% approval rating?

What other President could get "impeached" and still "remain" in office?

And in 2016, he will be back in that office doing what he does best! :eusa_angel:
The Third Way as used by Clinton and Blair was a way of moderation relevant to the failed economic policies of previous socialist administration. It was adopted as a way not to repeal the economic successes of a period of unusually strong Anglo-American leadership of the 1980s. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The pretense of being liberal/socialist in economic terms was superficial at best.

So you do accept that 'Third Way' has nothing whatsoever to do with Reagan or Thatcher, right?

The 'third way' refers to rejecting the choices of capitalism and socialism by fusing elements from each - where you get thi idea from that to do so involved channeling Thatcher I have no idea.

Or do you need me to post more proof of that?
Come on kid, I have no idea how you could have read my post and then tell me I agree that the Third Way had nothing to do with Reagan or Thatcher. I enjoy political discourse, but in the few exchanges we have had, you come up with some ponderous assumptions and responses. Anybody with a lick of historical sense knows why Clinton and Blair adopted the Third Way.

Come up with something less vacuous or let's be both on our way.
that was before I was born. I don't know much of Regan actually. The only time I've ever really learned much about him was the Iran-Contra, and people haven't really said much about him that I know other than he had a certain specialized quality about him which made him stand out among those around him. Like, he wanted his security updates to be films rather than dry reports.

My favorite president of the 20th century that I know more that just general stuff is Dwight Eisenhower.
Thanks. You just depressed the hell out of Me.

Ronald Reagan was My Commander-in-chief. I guess I forget that there are now people who were born after he passed, and only know him from history books.

And it appears that the history being taught about him is nothing but lies.

Go figure.

The Iran Contra was a lie? He DID give weapons to Iran. Fact. I still wouldn't call him a bad president, but far from the idol people on the right worship.

More on topic, I would say Clinton was the best president of the past 25 years. Bush Sr. may be second.
and the left threw the clintons under the bus for a black man they knew nothing about .
He was better than the last 3 (including Osama), but go back one more and you've got the best one of the 20th century.

that was before I was born. I don't know much of Regan actually. The only time I've ever really learned much about him was the Iran-Contra, and people haven't really said much about him that I know other than he had a certain specialized quality about him which made him stand out among those around him. Like, he wanted his security updates to be films rather than dry reports.

My favorite president of the 20th century that I know more that just general stuff is Dwight Eisenhower.
Thanks. You just depressed the hell out of Me.

Ronald Reagan was My Commander-in-chief. I guess I forget that there are now people who were born after he passed, and only know him from history books.

And it appears that the history being taught about him is nothing but lies.

Go figure.

If you go back to 1990, Clinton. If you go back to 1980, Reagan. I've often said that Reagan doesn't belong on Mt. Rushmore....he deserves his own mountain.

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