Who will be next?


Member of the Politburo
Oct 12, 2013
51°55′N 4°30′E
Now that Perry has dropped out there are 15 clowns left, well 16 if you count Jim Gilmore but it seems nobody does.

The question is, who will be the next one to leave the clown car?

These are the possibilities with the CNN rankings

1) Donald Trump: 27.8

2) Ben Carson: 14.0

3) Jeb Bush: 9.2

4) Ted Cruz: 7.4

5) Scott Walker: 5.6

6) Marco Rubio: 5.4

T-7) Carly Fiorina: 4.4

T-7) Mike Huckabee: 4.4

9) Rand Paul: 3.2

10) John Kasich: 3.6

11) Chris Christie: 2.8

12) Rick Perry: 1.08 X

13) Rick Santorum: 0.8

14) Bobby Jindal: 0.56

15) George Pataki: 0.44

16) Lindsey Graham: 0.28

I think the Christie clown will go down next, probably with the excuse that he wants to spend more time with his donuts

They're all clowns on the other side ...

I would cut the current list down to Trump, Carson, Walker, Rubio, Cruz, Kasich and Fiorina.

The others have virtually no chance, and rank-and-file Republicans do not want Bush.
no "clowns" on the other side, I notice.

partisan message ignored.

Of course there are clowns on the other side too, but there are only a few of them and if you're honest you'll have to admit that all the entertainment is on the republican side.

But if it makes you happy, you can guess which of the democrat clowns will be the first to go...


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no "clowns" on the other side, I notice.

partisan message ignored.

Of course there are clowns on the other side too, but there are only a few of them and if you're honest you'll have to admit that all the entertainment is on the republican side.

But if it makes you happy, you can guess which of the democrat clown will be the first to go...



oh look!..a cartoon, too! You're a deep thinker, I can tell.
In 2008, Gilmore dropped out after one month. So, he's just about due..... and no one cared back then: no one will care now.

Princess Lindsey will throw in the pearl necklace soon enough.

And Rick Santorum is just not frothing up the mix like he did in 2011-2012. At some point in time, he will need to pay the rent, you know.

Now that KY changed it's rules to accomodate Rand Paul, he won't drop out before the super duper special GOP caucuses they scheduled just for him (in March).

I am gonna go out on a limb there and say that Marco Rubio will exit the race sooner than later and I bet it will be a very surprising, very unawaited exit, like, BOOM.
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Now that Perry has dropped out there are 15 clowns left, well 16 if you count Jim Gilmore but it seems nobody does.

The question is, who will be the next one to leave the clown car?

These are the possibilities with the CNN rankings

1) Donald Trump: 27.8

2) Ben Carson: 14.0

3) Jeb Bush: 9.2

4) Ted Cruz: 7.4

5) Scott Walker: 5.6

6) Marco Rubio: 5.4

T-7) Carly Fiorina: 4.4

T-7) Mike Huckabee: 4.4

9) Rand Paul: 3.2

10) John Kasich: 3.6

11) Chris Christie: 2.8

12) Rick Perry: 1.08 X

13) Rick Santorum: 0.8

14) Bobby Jindal: 0.56

15) George Pataki: 0.44

16) Lindsey Graham: 0.28

I think the Christie clown will go down next, probably with the excuse that he wants to spend more time with his donuts


oh look!..a cartoon, too! You're a deep thinker, I can tell.

No deep thought required comrade.

But if you want to make an effort you could ask yourself why there are so many pictures of the republican candidates appearing when you google for clown car images. The vast left wing conspiracy at work?

oh look!..a cartoon, too! You're a deep thinker, I can tell.

No deep thought required comrade.

But if you want to make an effort you could ask yourself why there are so many pictures of the republican candidates appearing when you google for clown car images. The vast left wing conspiracy at work?


But if you want to make an effort you could ask yourself why there are so many pictures of the republican candidates appearing when you google for clown car images.

google bombing?
oh look!..a cartoon, too! You're a deep thinker, I can tell.

No deep thought required comrade.

Yes..we know...

But if you want to make an effort you could ask yourself why there are so many pictures of the republican candidates appearing when you google for clown car images.

Oh..there are?..well that settles it...the race is over...there are hyperpartisans creating cartoons of clowns..

The vast left wing conspiracy at work?

vast left wing conspiracy?..nahhh.......I'd say vast left wing immaturity...
oh look!..a cartoon, too! You're a deep thinker, I can tell.

No deep thought required comrade.

Yes..we know...

But if you want to make an effort you could ask yourself why there are so many pictures of the republican candidates appearing when you google for clown car images.

Oh..there are?..well that settles it...the race is over...there are hyperpartisans creating cartoons of clowns..

The vast left wing conspiracy at work?

vast left wing conspiracy?..nahhh.......I'd say vast left wing immaturity...

I think the biggest problem with you rightwing morons is a total lack of humor and self depreciation

You have a bunch of candidates outdoing each other in craziness, from building a wall and having the mexicans pay for it, copying federal express to track illegals, promising to bomb Iran the first day in office to vowing to outlaw abortion and installing christian sharia law....

You really expect people to take that seriously and not call them clowns????

Better to just relax and enjoy the show because there's no way the establishment will let that happen anyway, you'll get a choice between two corporate candidates in the end and this time it will be Hillary who wins.

oh look!..a cartoon, too! You're a deep thinker, I can tell.

No deep thought required comrade.

Yes..we know...

But if you want to make an effort you could ask yourself why there are so many pictures of the republican candidates appearing when you google for clown car images.

Oh..there are?..well that settles it...the race is over...there are hyperpartisans creating cartoons of clowns..

The vast left wing conspiracy at work?

vast left wing conspiracy?..nahhh.......I'd say vast left wing immaturity...

I think the biggest problem with you rightwing morons is a total lack of humor and self depreciation

You have a bunch of candidates outdoing each other in craziness, from building a wall and having the mexicans pay for it, copying federal express to track illegals, promising to bomb Iran the first day in office to vowing to outlaw abortion and installing christian sharia law....

You really expect people to take that seriously and not call them clowns????

Better to just relax and enjoy the show because there's no way the establishment will let that happen anyway, you'll get a choice between two corporate candidates in the end and this time it will be Hillary who wins.

oh look!..a cartoon, too! You're a deep thinker, I can tell.

No deep thought required comrade.

Yes..we know...

But if you want to make an effort you could ask yourself why there are so many pictures of the republican candidates appearing when you google for clown car images.

Oh..there are?..well that settles it...the race is over...there are hyperpartisans creating cartoons of clowns..

The vast left wing conspiracy at work?

vast left wing conspiracy?..nahhh.......I'd say vast left wing immaturity...

I think the biggest problem with you rightwing morons is a total lack of humor and self depreciation

You have a bunch of candidates outdoing each other in craziness, from building a wall and having the mexicans pay for it, copying federal express to track illegals, promising to bomb Iran the first day in office to vowing to outlaw abortion and installing christian sharia law....

You really expect people to take that seriously and not call them clowns????

Better to just relax and enjoy the show because there's no way the establishment will let that happen anyway, you'll get a choice between two corporate candidates in the end and this time it will be Hillary who wins.

oh look!..a cartoon, too! You're a deep thinker, I can tell.

No deep thought required comrade.

Yes..we know...

But if you want to make an effort you could ask yourself why there are so many pictures of the republican candidates appearing when you google for clown car images.

Oh..there are?..well that settles it...the race is over...there are hyperpartisans creating cartoons of clowns..

The vast left wing conspiracy at work?

vast left wing conspiracy?..nahhh.......I'd say vast left wing immaturity...

I think the biggest problem with you rightwing morons is a total lack of humor and self depreciation

You have a bunch of candidates outdoing each other in craziness, from building a wall and having the mexicans pay for it, copying federal express to track illegals, promising to bomb Iran the first day in office to vowing to outlaw abortion and installing christian sharia law....

You really expect people to take that seriously and not call them clowns????

Better to just relax and enjoy the show because there's no way the establishment will let that happen anyway, you'll get a choice between two corporate candidates in the end and this time it will be Hillary who wins.


You believe the biggest clown/liar on your side will win?
You believe the biggest clown/liar on your side will win?

There is no "my side" in the race since you don't have a socialist party (and no, Bernie isn't my side either ever since he sold out to Obama).

But I believe Hillary will take her rightful place in the oval office which will be very satisfying since Bill will be the first husband and that will drive all the tea cultists absolutely nuts so I can laugh at their outrage.

You believe the biggest clown/liar on your side will win?

There is no "my side" in the race since you don't have a socialist party (and no, Bernie isn't my side either ever since he sold out to Obama).

But I believe Hillary will take her rightful place in the oval office which will be very satisfying since Bill will be the first husband and that will drive all the tea cultists absolutely nuts so I can laugh at their outrage.


But I believe Hillary will take her rightful place in the oval office

Neither Hillary nor JEB have a 'RIGHTFUL' place in the Oval Office.

Hillary has yet to hold an office she 'earned'.
Neither Hillary nor JEB have a 'RIGHTFUL' place in the Oval Office.

Hillary has yet to hold an office she 'earned'.

See, that's what I mean with a lack of a sense of humor

Of course Hillary hasn't "earned" anything in the normal sense of the word, but in Hillary's worldview she has put up with Bill and his blowjobs, agreed to play second fiddle to Obama for the good of the party, sucked up to wall street and all the lobbyists for decades so now it's her turn and she's damn well entitled to the oval office this time, no matter what all the peasants think.

oh look!..a cartoon, too! You're a deep thinker, I can tell.

No deep thought required comrade.

Yes..we know...

But if you want to make an effort you could ask yourself why there are so many pictures of the republican candidates appearing when you google for clown car images.

Oh..there are?..well that settles it...the race is over...there are hyperpartisans creating cartoons of clowns..

The vast left wing conspiracy at work?

vast left wing conspiracy?..nahhh.......I'd say vast left wing immaturity...

I think the biggest problem with you rightwing morons is a total lack of humor and self depreciation

You have a bunch of candidates outdoing each other in craziness, from building a wall and having the mexicans pay for it, copying federal express to track illegals, promising to bomb Iran the first day in office to vowing to outlaw abortion and installing christian sharia law....

You really expect people to take that seriously and not call them clowns????

Better to just relax and enjoy the show because there's no way the establishment will let that happen anyway, you'll get a choice between two corporate candidates in the end and this time it will be Hillary who wins.


They're crazy? Your leading candidate thinks she talks to dead people and gets shot at while exiting planes. She's so intelligent she couldn't figure out that you can use several e-mails on one phone instead of carrying two around.
Neither Hillary nor JEB have a 'RIGHTFUL' place in the Oval Office.

Hillary has yet to hold an office she 'earned'.

See, that's what I mean with a lack of a sense of humor

Of course Hillary hasn't "earned" anything in the normal sense of the word, but in Hillary's worldview she has put up with Bill and his blowjobs, agreed to play second fiddle to Obama for the good of the party, sucked up to wall street and all the lobbyists for decades so now it's her turn and she's damn well entitled to the oval office this time, no matter what all the peasants think.

but in Hillary's worldview she has put up with Bill and his blowjobs, agreed to play second fiddle to Obama for the good of the party, sucked up to wall street and all the lobbyists for decades

That qualifies her for a corner in Las Vegas, not the Oval Office.

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