Who will be next?

The DNC is desperately looking for a way to dump her. Maybe obama will help them.

Dump Hillary, really?

And replace her with who, Bernie? You think wall street would go for that?

And Obama won't do anything, he'll never admit that his secretary of state screwed up.


right, the DNC has a real problem. They know that the hildebeast is a loser, they know that sanders is a loser, biden is a loser and they don't know what to do.

What I find funny is that they do have one good candidate and they have totally dumped on him. Jim Webb is a good man with a good background. Maybe thats why he doesn't fit the dem mold.
right, the DNC has a real problem. They know that the hildebeast is a loser, they know that sanders is a loser, biden is a loser and they don't know what to do.

What I find funny is that they do have one good candidate and they have totally dumped on him. Jim Webb is a good man with a good background. Maybe thats why he doesn't fit the dem mold.

You should know how it works by now, they're not interested in a "good man". What's needed is someone who will keep the campaign bribes,... eh, donations flowing and who won't rock the boat. That's Hillary.

On the other side, that would be Bu$h.

And at selection time, the voting sheep can choose the lesser of the two evils which would be Hillary.

All the rest is just for show, like the Romans did, bread and circusses.

Doesn't mean we can't enjoy the show of course

Who will be next to leave the clown car? Hillary

Hillary is simply unable to quit, not now she has finally got rid of the competition and has been promised the pretzeldency by the establishment.


The DNC is desperately looking for a way to dump her. Maybe obama will help them.

If the DNC wanted her gone, she'd be gone. I think Obama wants to pave the way for Minnie-Me should he decide to run. As pathetic as it sounds, Hillary is still their best bet against the Republicans.
You believe the biggest clown/liar on your side will win?

There is no "my side" in the race since you don't have a socialist party (and no, Bernie isn't my side either ever since he sold out to Obama).

But I believe Hillary will take her rightful place in the oval office which will be very satisfying since Bill will be the first husband and that will drive all the tea cultists absolutely nuts so I can laugh at their outrage.


But I believe Hillary will take her rightful place in the oval office

Neither Hillary nor JEB have a 'RIGHTFUL' place in the Oval Office.

Hillary has yet to hold an office she 'earned'.
Uhm, no. She was elected twice to the US Senate, and by big margins, too.

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I think the biggest problem with you rightwing morons is a total lack of humor and self depreciation.
If you want to test our humor, try saying something funny instead of your constant dribble of leftard hack dumbfuckery.

You really expect people to take that seriously and not call them clowns????
The majority of mature Americans don't call them clowns. You identify yourself as a twit when you do. You are the minority.

80% of the people supporting Trump say they are doing so because he vows to deport all the illegal aliens, and that even includes some democrats... chew on that.
Yes, you seem to be permanently angry.

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You believe the biggest clown/liar on your side will win?

There is no "my side" in the race since you don't have a socialist party (and no, Bernie isn't my side either ever since he sold out to Obama).

But I believe Hillary will take her rightful place in the oval office which will be very satisfying since Bill will be the first husband and that will drive all the tea cultists absolutely nuts so I can laugh at their outrage.


But I believe Hillary will take her rightful place in the oval office

Neither Hillary nor JEB have a 'RIGHTFUL' place in the Oval Office.

Hillary has yet to hold an office she 'earned'.
Uhm, no. She was elected twice to the US Senate, and by big margins, too.

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IN dark blue New York, running as First Lady.

At that time, Roger Clinton could have run in NY and won.

She didn't 'earn it, it was given to her.

If she had run in Arkansas, she might have earned it.

Because she would have had to run on something besides Bills last name.
You believe the biggest clown/liar on your side will win?

There is no "my side" in the race since you don't have a socialist party (and no, Bernie isn't my side either ever since he sold out to Obama).

But I believe Hillary will take her rightful place in the oval office which will be very satisfying since Bill will be the first husband and that will drive all the tea cultists absolutely nuts so I can laugh at their outrage.


But I believe Hillary will take her rightful place in the oval office

Neither Hillary nor JEB have a 'RIGHTFUL' place in the Oval Office.

Hillary has yet to hold an office she 'earned'.
Uhm, no. She was elected twice to the US Senate, and by big margins, too.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

IN dark blue New York, running as First Lady.

At that time, Roger Clinton could have run in NY and won.

She didn't 'earn it, it was given to her.

If she had run in Arkansas, she might have earned it.

Because she would have had to run on something besides Bills last name.

Uhm, no. She was duly elected. You need to get a grip on some real, hard facts. Thanks.
Now that Perry has dropped out there are 15 clowns left, well 16 if you count Jim Gilmore but it seems nobody does.

The question is, who will be the next one to leave the clown car?

These are the possibilities with the CNN rankings

1) Donald Trump: 27.8

2) Ben Carson: 14.0

3) Jeb Bush: 9.2

4) Ted Cruz: 7.4

5) Scott Walker: 5.6

6) Marco Rubio: 5.4

T-7) Carly Fiorina: 4.4

T-7) Mike Huckabee: 4.4

9) Rand Paul: 3.2

10) John Kasich: 3.6

11) Chris Christie: 2.8

12) Rick Perry: 1.08 X

13) Rick Santorum: 0.8

14) Bobby Jindal: 0.56

15) George Pataki: 0.44

16) Lindsey Graham: 0.28

I think the Christie clown will go down next, probably with the excuse that he wants to spend more time with his donuts


From a guy who supports a party that has given us a crook (Clinton), a Socialist (Sanders) and a failed mayor (O'Malley)... you haven't much wiggle room when referring to clown cars.
You believe the biggest clown/liar on your side will win?

There is no "my side" in the race since you don't have a socialist party (and no, Bernie isn't my side either ever since he sold out to Obama).

But I believe Hillary will take her rightful place in the oval office which will be very satisfying since Bill will be the first husband and that will drive all the tea cultists absolutely nuts so I can laugh at their outrage.


But I believe Hillary will take her rightful place in the oval office

Neither Hillary nor JEB have a 'RIGHTFUL' place in the Oval Office.

Hillary has yet to hold an office she 'earned'.
Uhm, no. She was elected twice to the US Senate, and by big margins, too.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

IN dark blue New York, running as First Lady.

At that time, Roger Clinton could have run in NY and won.

She didn't 'earn it, it was given to her.

If she had run in Arkansas, she might have earned it.

Because she would have had to run on something besides Bills last name.

Uhm, no. She was duly elected. You need to get a grip on some real, hard facts. Thanks.

You need to get a grip on some real, hard facts.

You should take your own advice

She wouldn't have had a chance in hell in a purple or red state.

The name Clinton will only get her to a certain pint, and she reached that point in 2008
Fun to watch Righties moan and groan here.

Carry on.

moaning and groaning with laughter at the hopeless dem party and their list of idiot candidates.

The hildebeast
the ancient socialist
plugs the pervert
o'malley the incompetent

what a bunch of losers, it really is pathetic how you fools have let obozo destroy your party.
Fun to watch Righties moan and groan here.

Carry on.

moaning and groaning with laughter at the hopeless dem party and their list of idiot candidates.

The hildebeast
the ancient socialist
plugs the pervert
o'malley the incompetent

what a bunch of losers, it really is pathetic how you fools have let obozo destroy your party.
On name "Donald Trump"
Avert your Eyes or Suffer cognitive dissonance that will have you reaching for Kaopectate


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