Who would you rather as president managing the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?" (poll)

Who would you rather as president managing the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?"

  • Trump

    Votes: 75 68.2%
  • Biden

    Votes: 35 31.8%

  • Total voters
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
How about the guy who doesn't think he's smarter than scientists and Doctors?
Medical doctors are experts in their field, saving lives, but they are not economists.
Getting the economy going again can also save many lives.

Trump is neither an economist or a medical expert, and I agree that a dead economy will result in suicides as happened during the Clinton and Bush recessions. The medical experts must be in charge of this pandemic crisis, regardless. We know the results if the economy opened before the pandemic was brought under control.
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

ummmm.... no. most were unnecessary deaths. the vast majority could have been prevented if donny didn't ignore the warnings, waived the regs early on, signed & enforced the DPA early on, AND signed off on a NATION WIDE shelter in place directive. if he didn't finally do what was needed, the numbers would be as high as the SCIENTISTS modeled. they are still gonna rise due to the selfish dumbfuck hayseed states that refused to be inconvenienced for a few weeks & stay the fuck home.
1. Unnecessary deaths? Got a link proving that? Even the crazy "hoax" democrats aren't claiming that?!
2. Donny can waive regs, but NOT LAWS. Read the fucking LAW. I gave you the link

simply not having the PPE or ventilators or even fucking SWABS for the tests is a fail on donny's part. bigley. that's the first thing in line to saving lives. they knew this was coming & shut the experts out of meetings specifically held regarding COVID 19 held in a SCIF at the HHS.

that's another thing di-rectly attributed to deaths occurring needlessly.
I see words but no link or proof.
Words are meaningless without proof.
They're doing 150,000 tests a day. The CDC started out doing 300. That's a win. The capacity is increasing in leaps and bounds, so democrats have no room to talk after the disaster, train-wreck, embarrassment, known as the Obamacare rollout happened, when the web site didn't work. His crowning achievement?!. You can try to pick nits against Trump, but everyone sees how a government is supposed to function, especially after 8-years of BO & Biden.

whatever happened to:
"Over a million tests have been distributed," Pence said, and "before the end of this week, another 4 million tests will be distributed." ?

or donny sayingAnybody that wants a test [for the coronavirus] can get a test.”

NONE of that has even been close to happening; guess they fucking lied.

that is a FAIL on donny's part. a bigley FAIL.

anyhoo, about them thar links? i never claim a thing without credible links to back it up:

Ventilators for coronavirus patients are in short supply. How scientists might pivot
By Melissa HealyStaff Writer
April 7, 2020
12:39 PM
The United States has roughly 173,000 ventilators scattered across the country, according to the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University. It may sound like a lot, but there could be 31 times as many patients who need one, experts from Harvard Medical School predict.
Ventilators for coronavirus patients are in short supply. How scientists might pivot

Why is there still a coronavirus test kit shortage in the US?

Audrey Conklin
Fox BusinessApril 7, 2020
The United States' shortage of novel coronavirus test kits is the result of rapidly increasing demand met with a weak national supply chain and disruptive federal regulations.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General interviewed 323 hospitals across 46 States in March and issued a report Monday that found most U.S. hospitals are experiencing testing shortages and extended wait times for test results.

A shortage of COVID-19 test kits is similarly a direct result of rapidly growing demand for COVID-19 kits and a "shortage of physical components" needed to make the tests, The New Yorker reported on March 24.

The physical components in question include virtual transport media, which are used to safely transport a specimen taken from a patient to a lab; extraction kits, which isolate viral RNA from biological samples; reagents, which are substances or compounds added to a sample to determine whether it contains COVID-19; and test swabs, according to The New Yorker.
Why is there still a coronavirus test kit shortage in the US?

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
March 11, 2020 / 4:29 PM / a month ago

Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor
7 Min Read

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.
Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

you're welcome.

1. They are doing 100,000 to 150,000 tests per day, that adds up to over 1m in a few days. Additional capacity is being added as it becomes available, such as the 15-minute test and the 5-minute test. Anyone can get a test as long as they have a doctor's order. US Historical Data

2. Ventilators are adequate. They are being moved from cool spots to hot spots, they are also being mass produced by GM & Tesla & Ford.
"The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) estimates that the concurrent need for ventilators in the United States will peak at about 17,000 on April 14, though the actual number could fall anywhere within a range of about 8,000 to 35,500. It’s estimated that we have about 170,000 ventilators in the country..."

3. Test kit shortage? Not true, its not March 4th???. Try to stay current. They are doing about 150,000 tests per day, and that will be ramping up as more equipment comes online. The new 15-minute and 5-minute tests will be game-changers when widely available, as well as the new "anti-body" tests. US Historical Data

4. Trump is having daily pressers with any questions the MSM wants to ask. If the WH has classified meetings, that is their prerogative.

5. You're welcome again, see how well the Federal Government can be run with competent managers.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
I always knew this site had more cons than libs. That's all this poll is showing us. Just confirming what I already knew. And it's ridiculous to say Trump has handled this well. Clearly by the discussions we've all been having these past months, he is showing his lack of leadership.

At the start of this those on the left, along with the NT crowd, all mocked him for closing travel from China's infected areas, even trying to label him racist for doing so...That experts agree, was probably the single best thing he could have done....

And even after such, Trump has been managing this better than many I can think of....Just remember the past administration waiting a full 8 months to declare in a similar circumstance, allowing a thousand people to die, including children.....

Snopes has rated that report as FALSE.

Jesus Christ on a bike, son. Snopes is owned and run by a couple of inbred shitsticks from mexifornia via canada the land of snowbound sister-fuckers. They're left of Chairman Mao for chrissakes...

Not trying to be mean, but this is what you're worshiping:


I dunno, maybe you look like that too. Carry on.

I don't worship anyone, pal, and I don't care where they get their information. They do not make things up as do Fox and their leader the grifter Trump. If their info is correct, it is backed up. And their info on Trump is accurate. Maybe you should
listen to his babbling instead of sucking his ......... You are uninformed.

nothing in your post is true. the articles you cited are all lies, even Cuomo and Newsome are saying the Trump team has done a great job.

Cuomo told Trump if he acts like an ass he's going to tell everyone he's acting like an ass and if he treats NY right he will admit it. So far Trump has not acted like an asshole.

I wish Cuomo were our nominee.
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

ummmm.... no. most were unnecessary deaths. the vast majority could have been prevented if donny didn't ignore the warnings, waived the regs early on, signed & enforced the DPA early on, AND signed off on a NATION WIDE shelter in place directive. if he didn't finally do what was needed, the numbers would be as high as the SCIENTISTS modeled. they are still gonna rise due to the selfish dumbfuck hayseed states that refused to be inconvenienced for a few weeks & stay the fuck home.
1. Unnecessary deaths? Got a link proving that? Even the crazy "hoax" democrats aren't claiming that?!
2. Donny can waive regs, but NOT LAWS. Read the fucking LAW. I gave you the link

simply not having the PPE or ventilators or even fucking SWABS for the tests is a fail on donny's part. bigley. that's the first thing in line to saving lives. they knew this was coming & shut the experts out of meetings specifically held regarding COVID 19 held in a SCIF at the HHS.

that's another thing di-rectly attributed to deaths occurring needlessly.
I see words but no link or proof.
Words are meaningless without proof.
They're doing 150,000 tests a day. The CDC started out doing 300. That's a win. The capacity is increasing in leaps and bounds, so democrats have no room to talk after the disaster, train-wreck, embarrassment, known as the Obamacare rollout happened, when the web site didn't work. His crowning achievement?!. You can try to pick nits against Trump, but everyone sees how a government is supposed to function, especially after 8-years of BO & Biden.

whatever happened to:
"Over a million tests have been distributed," Pence said, and "before the end of this week, another 4 million tests will be distributed." ?

or donny sayingAnybody that wants a test [for the coronavirus] can get a test.”

NONE of that has even been close to happening; guess they fucking lied.

that is a FAIL on donny's part. a bigley FAIL.

anyhoo, about them thar links? i never claim a thing without credible links to back it up:

Ventilators for coronavirus patients are in short supply. How scientists might pivot
By Melissa HealyStaff Writer
April 7, 2020
12:39 PM
The United States has roughly 173,000 ventilators scattered across the country, according to the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University. It may sound like a lot, but there could be 31 times as many patients who need one, experts from Harvard Medical School predict.
Ventilators for coronavirus patients are in short supply. How scientists might pivot

Why is there still a coronavirus test kit shortage in the US?

Audrey Conklin
Fox BusinessApril 7, 2020
The United States' shortage of novel coronavirus test kits is the result of rapidly increasing demand met with a weak national supply chain and disruptive federal regulations.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General interviewed 323 hospitals across 46 States in March and issued a report Monday that found most U.S. hospitals are experiencing testing shortages and extended wait times for test results.

A shortage of COVID-19 test kits is similarly a direct result of rapidly growing demand for COVID-19 kits and a "shortage of physical components" needed to make the tests, The New Yorker reported on March 24.

The physical components in question include virtual transport media, which are used to safely transport a specimen taken from a patient to a lab; extraction kits, which isolate viral RNA from biological samples; reagents, which are substances or compounds added to a sample to determine whether it contains COVID-19; and test swabs, according to The New Yorker.
Why is there still a coronavirus test kit shortage in the US?

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
March 11, 2020 / 4:29 PM / a month ago

Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor
7 Min Read

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.
Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

you're welcome.

1. They are doing 100,000 to 150,000 tests per day, that adds up to over 1m in a few days. Additional capacity is being added as it becomes available, such as the 15-minute test and the 5-minute test. Anyone can get a test as long as they have a doctor's order. US Historical Data

2. Ventilators are adequate. They are being moved from cool spots to hot spots, they are also being mass produced by GM & Tesla & Ford.
"The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) estimates that the concurrent need for ventilators in the United States will peak at about 17,000 on April 14, though the actual number could fall anywhere within a range of about 8,000 to 35,500. It’s estimated that we have about 170,000 ventilators in the country..."

3. Test kit shortage? Not true, its not March 4th???. Try to stay current. They are doing about 150,000 tests per day, and that will be ramping up as more equipment comes online. The new 15-minute and 5-minute tests will be game-changers when widely available, as well as the new "anti-body" tests. US Historical Data

4. Trump is having daily pressers with any questions the MSM wants to ask. If the WH has classified meetings, that is their prerogative.

5. You're welcome again, see how well the Federal Government can be run with competent managers.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
I always knew this site had more cons than libs. That's all this poll is showing us. Just confirming what I already knew. And it's ridiculous to say Trump has handled this well. Clearly by the discussions we've all been having these past months, he is showing his lack of leadership.

At the start of this those on the left, along with the NT crowd, all mocked him for closing travel from China's infected areas, even trying to label him racist for doing so...That experts agree, was probably the single best thing he could have done....

And even after such, Trump has been managing this better than many I can think of....Just remember the past administration waiting a full 8 months to declare in a similar circumstance, allowing a thousand people to die, including children.....

Snopes has rated that report as FALSE.

Jesus Christ on a bike, son. Snopes is owned and run by a couple of inbred shitsticks from mexifornia via canada the land of snowbound sister-fuckers. They're left of Chairman Mao for chrissakes...

Not trying to be mean, but this is what you're worshiping:


I dunno, maybe you look like that too. Carry on.

I don't worship anyone, pal, and I don't care where they get their information. They do not make things up as do Fox and their leader the grifter Trump. If their info is correct, it is backed up. And their info on Trump is accurate. Maybe you should
listen to his babbling instead of sucking his ......... You are uninformed.

nothing in your post is true. the articles you cited are all lies, even Cuomo and Newsome are saying the Trump team has done a great job.
Don't you get it yet red ? Sure they say great job If they tell the truth and call trump the scumbag he is they get no supplies

horseshit, they were calling him names and they still got the supplies.

this is not about politics, its about doing the right things for america.

Stop the political bullshit and lets get this country back on track and defeat the virus. and yes, if it happens on Trump's watch, he gets the credit, thats how it works.

Do you really, honestly think Hillary would have handled this better? if you say yes, tell us exactly what she would have done differently.
Yeah?? Ask the Gov of Michigan,,and btw does he get credit for 16 million unemployed too? and how many deaths attributed to the AH for pooh pooing the virus in the beginning?

Did you watch the press conference yesterday? He played clips of the media and the dems saying the virus was not a threat, Fauci saying it was not a threat, the chinese and WHO saying it could not be passed from human to human. In January all of the "experts" were saying that it was not a big deal.

Those unemployed by the shutdown are the fault of China, WHO, and all of the "leaders" in DC. There are dems today begging for the shutdown to last for a year, so who is responsible for the recent unemployed? To put that solely on Trump is partisanly stupid.

We all know that Trump doesn't want to hear what he needs to hear, but he only wants to hear what he wants to hear, so those medical and scientific experts have to placate Trump or be fired. These experts know that they are the only hope
for the silencing of this pandemic and they don't want to leave us in the hands of that imbecile grifter. Trump's clips are taken out of context as usual so we can't believe a word he says. He did tweet on several occasions that he wants to fire
Fauci and tells a story of a president who doesn't listen unless he likes what he hears. Trump is weak and is the worst person
to make decisions driven by crisis. His history of crisis management is available for all to see. Read a book.
This is why we said it mattered when Trump insisted that hurricane hit Alabama. Now no one trust Trump. Trump trusters don't trust science or government.
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

ummmm.... no. most were unnecessary deaths. the vast majority could have been prevented if donny didn't ignore the warnings, waived the regs early on, signed & enforced the DPA early on, AND signed off on a NATION WIDE shelter in place directive. if he didn't finally do what was needed, the numbers would be as high as the SCIENTISTS modeled. they are still gonna rise due to the selfish dumbfuck hayseed states that refused to be inconvenienced for a few weeks & stay the fuck home.
1. Unnecessary deaths? Got a link proving that? Even the crazy "hoax" democrats aren't claiming that?!
2. Donny can waive regs, but NOT LAWS. Read the fucking LAW. I gave you the link

simply not having the PPE or ventilators or even fucking SWABS for the tests is a fail on donny's part. bigley. that's the first thing in line to saving lives. they knew this was coming & shut the experts out of meetings specifically held regarding COVID 19 held in a SCIF at the HHS.

that's another thing di-rectly attributed to deaths occurring needlessly.
I see words but no link or proof.
Words are meaningless without proof.
They're doing 150,000 tests a day. The CDC started out doing 300. That's a win. The capacity is increasing in leaps and bounds, so democrats have no room to talk after the disaster, train-wreck, embarrassment, known as the Obamacare rollout happened, when the web site didn't work. His crowning achievement?!. You can try to pick nits against Trump, but everyone sees how a government is supposed to function, especially after 8-years of BO & Biden.

whatever happened to:
"Over a million tests have been distributed," Pence said, and "before the end of this week, another 4 million tests will be distributed." ?

or donny sayingAnybody that wants a test [for the coronavirus] can get a test.”

NONE of that has even been close to happening; guess they fucking lied.

that is a FAIL on donny's part. a bigley FAIL.

anyhoo, about them thar links? i never claim a thing without credible links to back it up:

Ventilators for coronavirus patients are in short supply. How scientists might pivot
By Melissa HealyStaff Writer
April 7, 2020
12:39 PM
The United States has roughly 173,000 ventilators scattered across the country, according to the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University. It may sound like a lot, but there could be 31 times as many patients who need one, experts from Harvard Medical School predict.
Ventilators for coronavirus patients are in short supply. How scientists might pivot

Why is there still a coronavirus test kit shortage in the US?

Audrey Conklin
Fox BusinessApril 7, 2020
The United States' shortage of novel coronavirus test kits is the result of rapidly increasing demand met with a weak national supply chain and disruptive federal regulations.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General interviewed 323 hospitals across 46 States in March and issued a report Monday that found most U.S. hospitals are experiencing testing shortages and extended wait times for test results.

A shortage of COVID-19 test kits is similarly a direct result of rapidly growing demand for COVID-19 kits and a "shortage of physical components" needed to make the tests, The New Yorker reported on March 24.

The physical components in question include virtual transport media, which are used to safely transport a specimen taken from a patient to a lab; extraction kits, which isolate viral RNA from biological samples; reagents, which are substances or compounds added to a sample to determine whether it contains COVID-19; and test swabs, according to The New Yorker.
Why is there still a coronavirus test kit shortage in the US?

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
March 11, 2020 / 4:29 PM / a month ago

Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor
7 Min Read

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.
Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

you're welcome.

1. They are doing 100,000 to 150,000 tests per day, that adds up to over 1m in a few days. Additional capacity is being added as it becomes available, such as the 15-minute test and the 5-minute test. Anyone can get a test as long as they have a doctor's order. US Historical Data

2. Ventilators are adequate. They are being moved from cool spots to hot spots, they are also being mass produced by GM & Tesla & Ford.
"The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) estimates that the concurrent need for ventilators in the United States will peak at about 17,000 on April 14, though the actual number could fall anywhere within a range of about 8,000 to 35,500. It’s estimated that we have about 170,000 ventilators in the country..."

3. Test kit shortage? Not true, its not March 4th???. Try to stay current. They are doing about 150,000 tests per day, and that will be ramping up as more equipment comes online. The new 15-minute and 5-minute tests will be game-changers when widely available, as well as the new "anti-body" tests. US Historical Data

4. Trump is having daily pressers with any questions the MSM wants to ask. If the WH has classified meetings, that is their prerogative.

5. You're welcome again, see how well the Federal Government can be run with competent managers.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
I always knew this site had more cons than libs. That's all this poll is showing us. Just confirming what I already knew. And it's ridiculous to say Trump has handled this well. Clearly by the discussions we've all been having these past months, he is showing his lack of leadership.

At the start of this those on the left, along with the NT crowd, all mocked him for closing travel from China's infected areas, even trying to label him racist for doing so...That experts agree, was probably the single best thing he could have done....

And even after such, Trump has been managing this better than many I can think of....Just remember the past administration waiting a full 8 months to declare in a similar circumstance, allowing a thousand people to die, including children.....

Snopes has rated that report as FALSE.

Jesus Christ on a bike, son. Snopes is owned and run by a couple of inbred shitsticks from mexifornia via canada the land of snowbound sister-fuckers. They're left of Chairman Mao for chrissakes...

Not trying to be mean, but this is what you're worshiping:


I dunno, maybe you look like that too. Carry on.

I don't worship anyone, pal, and I don't care where they get their information. They do not make things up as do Fox and their leader the grifter Trump. If their info is correct, it is backed up. And their info on Trump is accurate. Maybe you should
listen to his babbling instead of sucking his ......... You are uninformed.

nothing in your post is true. the articles you cited are all lies, even Cuomo and Newsome are saying the Trump team has done a great job.
Don't you get it yet red ? Sure they say great job If they tell the truth and call trump the scumbag he is they get no supplies

horseshit, they were calling him names and they still got the supplies.

this is not about politics, its about doing the right things for america.

Stop the political bullshit and lets get this country back on track and defeat the virus. and yes, if it happens on Trump's watch, he gets the credit, thats how it works.

Do you really, honestly think Hillary would have handled this better? if you say yes, tell us exactly what she would have done differently.

Her advisory team would have more knowledge and experience than the meatheads and yesmen that Trump has surrounded himself with for 3 years. She, or anybody, would have enough common sense to start the process 2 months earlier instead of flapping stupidly about the opposition and the "fake" news, etc. The medical and scientific experts would
be encouraged to express themselves based on their experience without some stupid tweeting that insults their intelligence.
No surprise here. An overwhelmingly far right forum voting for this bucket of piss trump.

The forum conveniently far right, but more likely uninformed, uneducated and conned by a professional grifter.

actually this forum seems to be predominately made up of intelligent americans who understand the constitution and that Trump is the first president in our lifetimes to actually follow it.

But we also have the leftists like you and several others who are unable to acknowledge the truth because your small minds have been totally indoctrinated with leftist bullshit from the media and the lying dems like Pelosi, pencil neck, toad boy Nadler, crying Schumer, and senile Biden.

I suspect that most of you went to some liberal college and obtained a useless degree in gender studies or racial harmony. You are the products of left wing tyranny, you remind us of the Germans in the 1930s that were indoctrinated by Hitler. Your only emotion is hate, your only thought it intolerance, your only goal is to be equally miserable. You have become sheep.

I suspect that most of you did not go to college, be socialized by such an institution and obtain a useful degree that just might challenge your mind. It is you and your ilk who are intolerant and hateful. Your only thought is to follow a grifter who
doesn't read and who is destroying our democracy as he ignores our laws and has no respect for our 3 equal branches of government. He does, however, like to grab women by the pussy. My guess is that you think that it is ok, yes?
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

ummmm.... no. most were unnecessary deaths. the vast majority could have been prevented if donny didn't ignore the warnings, waived the regs early on, signed & enforced the DPA early on, AND signed off on a NATION WIDE shelter in place directive. if he didn't finally do what was needed, the numbers would be as high as the SCIENTISTS modeled. they are still gonna rise due to the selfish dumbfuck hayseed states that refused to be inconvenienced for a few weeks & stay the fuck home.
1. Unnecessary deaths? Got a link proving that? Even the crazy "hoax" democrats aren't claiming that?!
2. Donny can waive regs, but NOT LAWS. Read the fucking LAW. I gave you the link

simply not having the PPE or ventilators or even fucking SWABS for the tests is a fail on donny's part. bigley. that's the first thing in line to saving lives. they knew this was coming & shut the experts out of meetings specifically held regarding COVID 19 held in a SCIF at the HHS.

that's another thing di-rectly attributed to deaths occurring needlessly.
I see words but no link or proof.
Words are meaningless without proof.
They're doing 150,000 tests a day. The CDC started out doing 300. That's a win. The capacity is increasing in leaps and bounds, so democrats have no room to talk after the disaster, train-wreck, embarrassment, known as the Obamacare rollout happened, when the web site didn't work. His crowning achievement?!. You can try to pick nits against Trump, but everyone sees how a government is supposed to function, especially after 8-years of BO & Biden.

whatever happened to:
"Over a million tests have been distributed," Pence said, and "before the end of this week, another 4 million tests will be distributed." ?

or donny sayingAnybody that wants a test [for the coronavirus] can get a test.”

NONE of that has even been close to happening; guess they fucking lied.

that is a FAIL on donny's part. a bigley FAIL.

anyhoo, about them thar links? i never claim a thing without credible links to back it up:

Ventilators for coronavirus patients are in short supply. How scientists might pivot
By Melissa HealyStaff Writer
April 7, 2020
12:39 PM
The United States has roughly 173,000 ventilators scattered across the country, according to the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University. It may sound like a lot, but there could be 31 times as many patients who need one, experts from Harvard Medical School predict.
Ventilators for coronavirus patients are in short supply. How scientists might pivot

Why is there still a coronavirus test kit shortage in the US?

Audrey Conklin
Fox BusinessApril 7, 2020
The United States' shortage of novel coronavirus test kits is the result of rapidly increasing demand met with a weak national supply chain and disruptive federal regulations.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General interviewed 323 hospitals across 46 States in March and issued a report Monday that found most U.S. hospitals are experiencing testing shortages and extended wait times for test results.

A shortage of COVID-19 test kits is similarly a direct result of rapidly growing demand for COVID-19 kits and a "shortage of physical components" needed to make the tests, The New Yorker reported on March 24.

The physical components in question include virtual transport media, which are used to safely transport a specimen taken from a patient to a lab; extraction kits, which isolate viral RNA from biological samples; reagents, which are substances or compounds added to a sample to determine whether it contains COVID-19; and test swabs, according to The New Yorker.
Why is there still a coronavirus test kit shortage in the US?

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
March 11, 2020 / 4:29 PM / a month ago

Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor
7 Min Read

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.
Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

you're welcome.

1. They are doing 100,000 to 150,000 tests per day, that adds up to over 1m in a few days. Additional capacity is being added as it becomes available, such as the 15-minute test and the 5-minute test. Anyone can get a test as long as they have a doctor's order. US Historical Data

2. Ventilators are adequate. They are being moved from cool spots to hot spots, they are also being mass produced by GM & Tesla & Ford.
"The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) estimates that the concurrent need for ventilators in the United States will peak at about 17,000 on April 14, though the actual number could fall anywhere within a range of about 8,000 to 35,500. It’s estimated that we have about 170,000 ventilators in the country..."

3. Test kit shortage? Not true, its not March 4th???. Try to stay current. They are doing about 150,000 tests per day, and that will be ramping up as more equipment comes online. The new 15-minute and 5-minute tests will be game-changers when widely available, as well as the new "anti-body" tests. US Historical Data

4. Trump is having daily pressers with any questions the MSM wants to ask. If the WH has classified meetings, that is their prerogative.

5. You're welcome again, see how well the Federal Government can be run with competent managers.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
I always knew this site had more cons than libs. That's all this poll is showing us. Just confirming what I already knew. And it's ridiculous to say Trump has handled this well. Clearly by the discussions we've all been having these past months, he is showing his lack of leadership.

At the start of this those on the left, along with the NT crowd, all mocked him for closing travel from China's infected areas, even trying to label him racist for doing so...That experts agree, was probably the single best thing he could have done....

And even after such, Trump has been managing this better than many I can think of....Just remember the past administration waiting a full 8 months to declare in a similar circumstance, allowing a thousand people to die, including children.....

Snopes has rated that report as FALSE.

Jesus Christ on a bike, son. Snopes is owned and run by a couple of inbred shitsticks from mexifornia via canada the land of snowbound sister-fuckers. They're left of Chairman Mao for chrissakes...

Not trying to be mean, but this is what you're worshiping:


I dunno, maybe you look like that too. Carry on.

I don't worship anyone, pal, and I don't care where they get their information. They do not make things up as do Fox and their leader the grifter Trump. If their info is correct, it is backed up. And their info on Trump is accurate. Maybe you should
listen to his babbling instead of sucking his ......... You are uninformed.

nothing in your post is true. the articles you cited are all lies, even Cuomo and Newsome are saying the Trump team has done a great job.
Don't you get it yet red ? Sure they say great job If they tell the truth and call trump the scumbag he is they get no supplies

horseshit, they were calling him names and they still got the supplies.

this is not about politics, its about doing the right things for america.

Stop the political bullshit and lets get this country back on track and defeat the virus. and yes, if it happens on Trump's watch, he gets the credit, thats how it works.

Do you really, honestly think Hillary would have handled this better? if you say yes, tell us exactly what she would have done differently.

Her advisory team would have more knowledge and experience than the meatheads and yesmen that Trump has surrounded himself with for 3 years. She, or anybody, would have enough common sense to start the process 2 months earlier instead of flapping stupidly about the opposition and the "fake" news, etc. The medical and scientific experts would
be encouraged to express themselves based on their experience without some stupid tweeting that insults their intelligence.
And when you show video of Trump doing what you say he did back in January and February, Trump supporters say "fake news from CNN"

Just because CNN is the news organization that is holding Trump's feet to the fire doesn't make them automatically fake news or liberally bias media. This is the same shit Bush did to us and the media didn't call him out for lying us into Iraq. Fuck yea the media is liberal. Republicans, corporations and the rich hate the media.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
How about the guy who doesn't think he's smarter than scientists and Doctors?
Medical doctors are experts in their field, saving lives, but they are not economists.
Getting the economy going again can also save many lives.
Getting it going too soon can take many lives too
Agreed, there's a smart way to do things and a dumb way to do things.
People need to get back to work and make some money.
Sorry for bars, cruises, concerts, sports crowds, and churches, crowds needs to be prohibited until a vaccine is developed.
Work smart and wear a mask.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
How about the guy who doesn't think he's smarter than scientists and Doctors?
Medical doctors are experts in their field, saving lives, but they are not economists.
Getting the economy going again can also save many lives.

Trump is neither an economist or a medical expert, and I agree that a dead economy will result in suicides as happened during the Clinton and Bush recessions. The medical experts must be in charge of this pandemic crisis, regardless. We know the results if the economy opened before the pandemic was brought under control.
Medical experts are not elected to run the US government.
The medical experts give their opinions of "the what if "x", then "y"".
Their projections have been awful lately. First 2.2m dead, then 100,000 to 240,000 dead, and now 60,000.
So factor in that a normal flu season has about 40,000 to 60,000 dead.
The killer decision is that the US economy may already be toast from all the Debt we're incurring, $4T or so.
We must get back to work or we'll become Venezuela/Somalia/Bangladesh when the "Debt Bomb" goes off.
We just can't keep printing money.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
How about the guy who doesn't think he's smarter than scientists and Doctors?
Medical doctors are experts in their field, saving lives, but they are not economists.
Getting the economy going again can also save many lives.

Trump is neither an economist or a medical expert, and I agree that a dead economy will result in suicides as happened during the Clinton and Bush recessions. The medical experts must be in charge of this pandemic crisis, regardless. We know the results if the economy opened before the pandemic was brought under control.
Medical experts are not elected to run the US government.
The medical experts give their opinions of "the what if "x", then "y"".
Their projections have been awful lately. First 2.2m dead, then 100,000 to 240,000 dead, and now 60,000.
So factor in that a normal flu season has about 40,000 to 60,000 dead.
The killer decision is that the US economy may already be toast from all the Debt we're incurring, $4T or so.
We must get back to work or we'll become Venezuela/Somalia/Bangladesh when the "Debt Bomb" goes off.
We just can't keep printing money.
What you say is true imo but trump better realize governors are elected to take care of their states They don't need a king getting in their way And Trump will decide when people go back to work??? When pigs fly
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
I always knew this site had more cons than libs. That's all this poll is showing us. Just confirming what I already knew. And it's ridiculous to say Trump has handled this well. Clearly by the discussions we've all been having these past months, he is showing his lack of leadership.
Oh yeah, that Biden is a born leader and sharp, huh.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
How about the guy who doesn't think he's smarter than scientists and Doctors?
Medical doctors are experts in their field, saving lives, but they are not economists.
Getting the economy going again can also save many lives.

Trump is neither an economist or a medical expert, and I agree that a dead economy will result in suicides as happened during the Clinton and Bush recessions. The medical experts must be in charge of this pandemic crisis, regardless. We know the results if the economy opened before the pandemic was brought under control.
Medical experts are not elected to run the US government.
The medical experts give their opinions of "the what if "x", then "y"".
Their projections have been awful lately. First 2.2m dead, then 100,000 to 240,000 dead, and now 60,000.
So factor in that a normal flu season has about 40,000 to 60,000 dead.
The killer decision is that the US economy may already be toast from all the Debt we're incurring, $4T or so.
We must get back to work or we'll become Venezuela/Somalia/Bangladesh when the "Debt Bomb" goes off.
We just can't keep printing money.
What you say is true imo but trump better realize governors are elected to take care of their states They don't need a king getting in their way And Trump will decide when people go back to work??? When pigs fly

Totally agree. Trump fuckedup when he said he "makes the call".
He seemed to get back on track when he said that he's coordinating with the governors, instead of "making the call".
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
How about the guy who doesn't think he's smarter than scientists and Doctors?
Medical doctors are experts in their field, saving lives, but they are not economists.
Getting the economy going again can also save many lives.
Getting it going too soon can take many lives too
Agreed, there's a smart way to do things and a dumb way to do things.
People need to get back to work and make some money.
Sorry for bars, cruises, concerts, sports crowds, and churches, crowds needs to be prohibited until a vaccine is developed.
Work smart and wear a mask.

The 6 feet apart problem comes into focus in the workplace.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Biden didn't call Trump's travel ban "xenophobic"...

This has been explained and proved with video many times now...

Why do you need to repeat this lie? Is it because Trump incompetence is killing people and we have to tells lies and hope people don't notice.
We went from 2 million projected deaths to 60,000.

Trump is doing fine. Pelosi is the dumb whore who went to Chinatown and told everybody to visit in a really stupid political stunt.

unfuckingbelievable; only a deplorable would think that 60K dead is a win for donny.

60k dead is a win for Donny, look at the EU for comparison, the EU has 3x the US deaths

The "experts" predicted 2,200,000 US deaths at the start of the pandemic based on global rates:

Then the US did so well that the "experts" revised their predictions downward to between 100,00 and 200,000 US deaths

The "experts" latest predictions are for about 60,000 US deaths, so I'd say that the Trump/Pence team is doing just fine, that's a win.

ummmm.... no. most were unnecessary deaths. the vast majority could have been prevented if donny didn't ignore the warnings, waived the regs early on, signed & enforced the DPA early on, AND signed off on a NATION WIDE shelter in place directive. if he didn't finally do what was needed, the numbers would be as high as the SCIENTISTS modeled. they are still gonna rise due to the selfish dumbfuck hayseed states that refused to be inconvenienced for a few weeks & stay the fuck home.
1. Unnecessary deaths? Got a link proving that? Even the crazy "hoax" democrats aren't claiming that?!
2. Donny can waive regs, but NOT LAWS. Read the fucking LAW. I gave you the link

simply not having the PPE or ventilators or even fucking SWABS for the tests is a fail on donny's part. bigley. that's the first thing in line to saving lives. they knew this was coming & shut the experts out of meetings specifically held regarding COVID 19 held in a SCIF at the HHS.

that's another thing di-rectly attributed to deaths occurring needlessly.
I see words but no link or proof.
Words are meaningless without proof.
They're doing 150,000 tests a day. The CDC started out doing 300. That's a win. The capacity is increasing in leaps and bounds, so democrats have no room to talk after the disaster, train-wreck, embarrassment, known as the Obamacare rollout happened, when the web site didn't work. His crowning achievement?!. You can try to pick nits against Trump, but everyone sees how a government is supposed to function, especially after 8-years of BO & Biden.

whatever happened to:
"Over a million tests have been distributed," Pence said, and "before the end of this week, another 4 million tests will be distributed." ?

or donny sayingAnybody that wants a test [for the coronavirus] can get a test.”

NONE of that has even been close to happening; guess they fucking lied.

that is a FAIL on donny's part. a bigley FAIL.

anyhoo, about them thar links? i never claim a thing without credible links to back it up:

Ventilators for coronavirus patients are in short supply. How scientists might pivot
By Melissa HealyStaff Writer
April 7, 2020
12:39 PM
The United States has roughly 173,000 ventilators scattered across the country, according to the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University. It may sound like a lot, but there could be 31 times as many patients who need one, experts from Harvard Medical School predict.
Ventilators for coronavirus patients are in short supply. How scientists might pivot

Why is there still a coronavirus test kit shortage in the US?

Audrey Conklin
Fox BusinessApril 7, 2020
The United States' shortage of novel coronavirus test kits is the result of rapidly increasing demand met with a weak national supply chain and disruptive federal regulations.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General interviewed 323 hospitals across 46 States in March and issued a report Monday that found most U.S. hospitals are experiencing testing shortages and extended wait times for test results.

A shortage of COVID-19 test kits is similarly a direct result of rapidly growing demand for COVID-19 kits and a "shortage of physical components" needed to make the tests, The New Yorker reported on March 24.

The physical components in question include virtual transport media, which are used to safely transport a specimen taken from a patient to a lab; extraction kits, which isolate viral RNA from biological samples; reagents, which are substances or compounds added to a sample to determine whether it contains COVID-19; and test swabs, according to The New Yorker.
Why is there still a coronavirus test kit shortage in the US?

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
March 11, 2020 / 4:29 PM / a month ago

Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor
7 Min Read

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.

The officials said that dozens of classified discussions about such topics as the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions have been held since mid-January in a high-security meeting room at the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), a key player in the fight against the coronavirus.
Staffers without security clearances, including government experts, were excluded from the interagency meetings, which included video conference calls, the sources said.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official said. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

you're welcome.

1. They are doing 100,000 to 150,000 tests per day, that adds up to over 1m in a few days. Additional capacity is being added as it becomes available, such as the 15-minute test and the 5-minute test. Anyone can get a test as long as they have a doctor's order. US Historical Data

2. Ventilators are adequate. They are being moved from cool spots to hot spots, they are also being mass produced by GM & Tesla & Ford.
"The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) estimates that the concurrent need for ventilators in the United States will peak at about 17,000 on April 14, though the actual number could fall anywhere within a range of about 8,000 to 35,500. It’s estimated that we have about 170,000 ventilators in the country..."

3. Test kit shortage? Not true, its not March 4th???. Try to stay current. They are doing about 150,000 tests per day, and that will be ramping up as more equipment comes online. The new 15-minute and 5-minute tests will be game-changers when widely available, as well as the new "anti-body" tests. US Historical Data

4. Trump is having daily pressers with any questions the MSM wants to ask. If the WH has classified meetings, that is their prerogative.

5. You're welcome again, see how well the Federal Government can be run with competent managers.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
I always knew this site had more cons than libs. That's all this poll is showing us. Just confirming what I already knew. And it's ridiculous to say Trump has handled this well. Clearly by the discussions we've all been having these past months, he is showing his lack of leadership.

At the start of this those on the left, along with the NT crowd, all mocked him for closing travel from China's infected areas, even trying to label him racist for doing so...That experts agree, was probably the single best thing he could have done....

And even after such, Trump has been managing this better than many I can think of....Just remember the past administration waiting a full 8 months to declare in a similar circumstance, allowing a thousand people to die, including children.....

Snopes has rated that report as FALSE.

Jesus Christ on a bike, son. Snopes is owned and run by a couple of inbred shitsticks from mexifornia via canada the land of snowbound sister-fuckers. They're left of Chairman Mao for chrissakes...

Not trying to be mean, but this is what you're worshiping:


I dunno, maybe you look like that too. Carry on.

I don't worship anyone, pal, and I don't care where they get their information. They do not make things up as do Fox and their leader the grifter Trump. If their info is correct, it is backed up. And their info on Trump is accurate. Maybe you should
listen to his babbling instead of sucking his ......... You are uninformed.

nothing in your post is true. the articles you cited are all lies, even Cuomo and Newsome are saying the Trump team has done a great job.
Don't you get it yet red ? Sure they say great job If they tell the truth and call trump the scumbag he is they get no supplies

horseshit, they were calling him names and they still got the supplies.

this is not about politics, its about doing the right things for america.

Stop the political bullshit and lets get this country back on track and defeat the virus. and yes, if it happens on Trump's watch, he gets the credit, thats how it works.

Do you really, honestly think Hillary would have handled this better? if you say yes, tell us exactly what she would have done differently.

Her advisory team would have more knowledge and experience than the meatheads and yesmen that Trump has surrounded himself with for 3 years. She, or anybody, would have enough common sense to start the process 2 months earlier instead of flapping stupidly about the opposition and the "fake" news, etc. The medical and scientific experts would
be encouraged to express themselves based on their experience without some stupid tweeting that insults their intelligence.
And she wouldn't have told her advisory team that their findings were a hoax designed to make him a 1 term president.
I would rather have Biden leading us - he has some great ideas. Oh wait, he got all of those from President Trump.

At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)

Biden didn't call Trump's travel ban "xenophobic"...

This has been explained and proved with video many times now...
Why do you need to repeat this lie? Is it because Trump incompetence is killing people and we have to tells lies and hope people don't notice.
Wrong. Trump isn't killing anyone, a virus is along with the ignorance of people that ignore instructions on how to keep safe.
At present the 538 poll shows that Trump's approval and disapproval are both about 48%.

Those numbers are very partisan with both parties disagreeing.

So lets look at it differently.
Since Biden originally called Trump's travel ban "xenophobic", and now supports it.
Who would you rather as president to manage the COVID-19 response, Trump or Biden?
(hint: remember the Obamacare rollout and how well that went?)
How about the guy who doesn't think he's smarter than scientists and Doctors?
Medical doctors are experts in their field, saving lives, but they are not economists.
Getting the economy going again can also save many lives.
Getting it going too soon can take many lives too
Agreed, there's a smart way to do things and a dumb way to do things.
People need to get back to work and make some money.
Sorry for bars, cruises, concerts, sports crowds, and churches, crowds needs to be prohibited until a vaccine is developed.
Work smart and wear a mask.

The 6 feet apart problem comes into focus in the workplace.

If office people can work in shifts, or keep working from home, or keep wearing masks, its not as bad.
Cuomo said he doesn't have enough masks for everyone to return to work with one.
No one said we could work and maintain the perfect mitigation measures, but being mindful, washing hands, disinfecting more, is still an improvement.

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