Who woulda guessed it: ANOTHER Muslim arrested for attacks on US soil

Not when we're comparing Christian versus Islamic terrorism since 9/11, it doesn't.

Unless you're a dumbass leftist, that is. Are you a dumbass leftist?

Nothing before 9/11 matters to any of you, does it? That way you can turn a blind eye to anything BUT muslim crimes against humanity....and yes, there are muslim crimes against humanity.
Just as I thought. You're a dumbass leftist.

Of course, there was never any doubt.

The reason I chose 9/11, dumbass leftist, is because that's the point the website I referenced started counting Islamic terror attacks. For any meaningful comparison, a similar count of Christian terror attacks must be made from the same point.

But you don't care about that. That's because you're a dumbass leftist.

Why do you turn a blind eye to ALL of religious fanatism history? Because you find awkward facts you don't want to face.

And when that is pointed out to you, you call names.
Sure, if you go back a thousand years.

Newsflash: The Crusades are over. Have been for a long time.

Islam...and braindead retards such as yourself...haven't gotten the message.


What's the body count for Christians since 9/11?

Nazi Germany?

I'd say about 6 mil or so.
The Nazis in Germany have killed 6 million people since 9/11/2001?

Huh. You'd think I'd have read about that in the papers.

Well your parameters sort of sucked and you stopped at the Crusades. There's been a whole lotta Christian stomping on everyone else since then.
Nothing before 9/11 matters to any of you, does it? That way you can turn a blind eye to anything BUT muslim crimes against humanity....and yes, there are muslim crimes against humanity.
Just as I thought. You're a dumbass leftist.

Of course, there was never any doubt.

The reason I chose 9/11, dumbass leftist, is because that's the point the website I referenced started counting Islamic terror attacks. For any meaningful comparison, a similar count of Christian terror attacks must be made from the same point.

But you don't care about that. That's because you're a dumbass leftist.

Why do you turn a blind eye to ALL of religious fanatism history? Because you find awkward facts you don't want to face.

And when that is pointed out to you, you call names.
You want to compare apples to oranges and call it valid.

Can you acknowledge that Christianity has changed since the Crusades?
Not how it works...YOU made an accusation against me not caring about this Muslim TERRORIST....now...prove it or apologize.

There are three threads on this issue that turn up with a search for "marine reservist":



And this thread we're in now: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...r-muslim-arrested-for-attacks-on-us-soil.html

You haven't posted in the first two.

As for this thread, this is your only post referencing the terrorist:
Let us say it is just a coincidence that he is a religious fanatic....
So, your only mention of him is a deflection of the charge that his religion has something to do with his actions. No condemnation of his actions at all. Most of your posts are discussing what I've written.

It looks like you're far more upset over what I wrote than the terrorist.

He is a Muslim Religious Fanatic. A regular Joe Schmoe Muslim would not do this...just like a regular Joe Schmoe Christian would not do this...just like a regular Joe Schmoe Hindu would not do this......the operative term is FANATIC.

so if we say Muslim fundie or fanatic, thats ok?

as long as we qualify Muslim with 'fanatic' etc....
The Nazis in Germany have killed 6 million people since 9/11/2001?

Huh. You'd think I'd have read about that in the papers.

Well your parameters sort of sucked and you stopped at the Crusades. There's been a whole lotta Christian stomping on everyone else since then.
I'm sure it comforts you to feel that way.

you aren't seriously discussing this with him are you? U bored?:eusa_eh:
So, the Muslim that parked his car in some trees and was snooping around the military cemetery is now found to be the one that was firing live bullets and multiple US government targets last fall.Another Muslim. Wow. That religion of peace gets more and more peaceful by the year, doesn't it?

Yep, Muslims have no right to RETALIATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Let me explain to you the most fundamental principle of American foreign policy: Any country where the people have unpronounceable names can be bombed by the US with impunity. For you Rockwell readers who are a little slow on the uptake, "impunity" means they aren’t allowed to bomb us back. "We called no tag-backs." It hardly qualifies as impunity when they blow up our biggest buildings, now does it? They aren’t playing by the rules."
Yeah. Do you have any credible links to the number of innocents we killed in Iraq?

Just so's you know, if you post that bogus study from the Lancet, I'm going to laugh in your stupid face.

You already have a number in your head so you can stick to that, the total number if it's 50,000 or 100,000 or 100,000,000 would still disgust me.

I'm a man of principle, not a man of scale.
In other words..."America sucks!"

A nice talking point, but like most of them, utter jibberish.

American bureacrats suck for being warmongers, now you can get offended that I spoke ill of your bureacratic heros.
The Nazis in Germany have killed 6 million people since 9/11/2001?

Huh. You'd think I'd have read about that in the papers.

Well your parameters sort of sucked and you stopped at the Crusades. There's been a whole lotta Christian stomping on everyone else since then.
I'm sure it comforts you to feel that way.

Some time ago..part of my family fled Christian oppression in Germany to settle in Baldwin Long Island. There they were met with some other Christians that saw it fit to burn a cross on their lawn. The odds were a little better..there were seven Christians vs. my raging Jewish Uncle and his wife. And thanks to a Louisville slugger, the nice little welcoming committee spent the rest of the day on the mend in the hospital.

Always makes me feel good when I hear that story.:lol:
Just as I thought. You're a dumbass leftist.

Of course, there was never any doubt.

The reason I chose 9/11, dumbass leftist, is because that's the point the website I referenced started counting Islamic terror attacks. For any meaningful comparison, a similar count of Christian terror attacks must be made from the same point.

But you don't care about that. That's because you're a dumbass leftist.

Why do you turn a blind eye to ALL of religious fanatism history? Because you find awkward facts you don't want to face.

And when that is pointed out to you, you call names.
You want to compare apples to oranges and call it valid.

Can you acknowledge that Christianity has changed since the Crusades?

And....? Fanatics are Fanatics. Christianity for the most part has grown out of that Fanatical "our way or we kill you" stage. Some areas of Islam (particularly the Theocratic places) seem to be in it now. But it's still the Fanatics we need to look out for.
You already have a number in your head so you can stick to that, the total number if it's 50,000 or 100,000 or 100,000,000 would still disgust me.

I'm a man of principle, not a man of scale.
In other words..."America sucks!"

A nice talking point, but like most of them, utter jibberish.

American bureacrats suck for being warmongers, now you can get offended that I spoke ill of your bureacratic heros.
It's not bureaucrats who declare war. It's elected officials.
Well your parameters sort of sucked and you stopped at the Crusades. There's been a whole lotta Christian stomping on everyone else since then.
I'm sure it comforts you to feel that way.

Some time ago..part of my family fled Christian oppression in Germany to settle in Baldwin Long Island. There they were met with some other Christians that saw it fit to burn a cross on their lawn. The odds were a little better..there were seven Christians vs. my raging Jewish Uncle and his wife. And thanks to a Louisville slugger, the nice little welcoming committee spent the rest of the day on the mend in the hospital.

Always makes me feel good when I hear that story.:lol:
Yeah. Are you claiming Nazi Germany was motivated by Christianity?
In other words..."America sucks!"

A nice talking point, but like most of them, utter jibberish.

American bureacrats suck for being warmongers, now you can get offended that I spoke ill of your bureacratic heros.
It's not bureaucrats who declare war. It's elected officials.

1. An official in a government department

It's like debating with a child.
A nice talking point, but like most of them, utter jibberish.

American bureacrats suck for being warmongers, now you can get offended that I spoke ill of your bureacratic heros.
It's not bureaucrats who declare war. It's elected officials.

1. An official in a government department

It's like debating with a child.
Is the Executive a department? The Legislative?

Hint: No. They're branches. :cool:

Why is it that most everyone here with some variation of "doctor" in their username are dim bulbs?
And there you go. Presented with similar terrorist behavior in non-Muslims, some USMB forum posters run crying.

Actually, there is valid reason to dilineate between non Muslim terrorist behavior and Muslim Terrorist behavior.

Sure, there are a small percentage of domestic non Muslim terrorists...but they are not Anti -American...they have their own individual warped beefs and sadly act on them from time to time.

But only a fool would not recognize that there is a world-wide general theme amongst Muslim terrorists...kill Americans

Both terrorist groups are a concern.....but truth is, ignoring the threat of the Muslim group which is much more vast by comparing it to the domestic "non muslim" group, is acting blind....and it frustrates us when the left seems to play down Muslim attacks by comparing them to other non muslim attacks.

Unless, of course, those very same Terrorists are killing Russians.

Then if you are a conservative like George HW Bush or Ronald Reagan.

You fund them.:doubt:

Sallow, yes, I agree you make a very valid point.

The goal of much of Islam isn't just "kill Americans". It is "Kill all non-Muslims".
No! No! No! Nothing before 9/11 counts, Sallow!
Not when we're comparing Christian versus Islamic terrorism since 9/11, it doesn't.

Unless you're a dumbass leftist, that is. Are you a dumbass leftist?

Nothing before 9/11 matters to any of you, does it? That way you can turn a blind eye to anything BUT muslim crimes against humanity....and yes, there are muslim crimes against humanity.

I always expect stupidity from you, so I'm not suprised. But I'll humor your ideas.

Sure, some stuff before 9/11 matters.

For example, the 1st WTC bombing by Muslims in 1993. Or the USS Cole bombing...by Muslims, before 9/11. Or the embassy bombings, before 9/11, by Muslims. Or the Marine barracks bombing, by Muslims, before 9/11. Or the plane hijackings pre-9/11 by Muslims. The Jewish Olympic massacre, by Muslims, pre-9/11. The Chechnyan school massacre (over 350 kids slaughtered) by Muslims pre-9/11. The countless suicide bombings in Israel, by Muslims, pre-9/11. The unprovoked, pre-emptive war on Israel, by several Muslim nations, in 1967. Should I keep going about "Pre 9/11" stuff???????????

You, like most leftists, continue to reach into history for examples of other religions committing eviil. And you'll find it. But what you people always miss, or ignore, is how all other religions are evolving into a more peaceful form, while Islam evolves into a more violent form.
How many suicide bombings have occurred at the hands of Christians?
One of these idiots in here trying to equate the amount and intensity of Islamic terrorism to 'domestic Christian' terrorism, please show me the equivalent of having children playing suicide bomber.

There are ZERO Christian suicide bombers. McVeigh cited the murders of women and children by the ATF as his motivation to bomb federal buildings. Religion was never mentioned as his motivation.

The left's insistence on equating the sickening actions of Muslims around the world to American Christians demonstrates their true motivations and utter ignorance.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qx9VVJqcns]YouTube - ‪Shock Video Shows Afghan Children 'Playing' Suicide Bomb Game‬‏[/ame]

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