WHOA!! NYPD recruitment: We want kinder gentler cops; If you ARENT a "sensitive" person don't apply!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
NYPD Looking to Attract Kinder, Gentler Recruits | Officer.com

Well NYC...the 2 decades of declining crime and prosperity has been fun. Leave it to a looney leftist mayor to start this shit. First...bragging about how "diverse" their new promotions are...with whites being in the minority of new command level promotions (http://nypost.com/2015/10/30/bratton-hails-diversity-of-newly-promoted-nypd-captains/)

BUT NOW?? NYPD recruitment efforts are focused on "kinder, gentler" candidates and....get this....they say if you are NOT a "sensitive" person....dont bother...job isn't for you.

As an 8 year vet of policing an urban area...let me say...."sensitive" people burn out and get eaten alive by the job. They break. You have to shield emotions. Dead kids. Suicides. Rapes. Child abuse. That's just a weekend. Add the verbal abuse you get day to day. If you're "sensitive" you'll be out in 2 years or less.

But hey....it's wonderful. The thugs and meth heads and skin heads and rapists....they're gonna love it. No more hard charging cops. The 80s New Jack City era is about to be renewed!!! Nino Browns all over NYC are coming out of retirement! !

Maybe they'll take shooting out of the academy and have sensitivity tests. Show a poor hungry thug...and if the recruit doesn't cry and try to hug him....he's fired.
Let it go..Unless we get an american patriot in the white house this time, the nation isn't worth saving...buy some acreage, move to the country and watch it all collapse.
We'll rebuild another nation after the ethnic cleansing stops and the creation of new borders.
About 6 months or so ago, a cop got called out because 2 teenagers were threatening someone with a gun. The cop pulled up and one of the teenagers aimed. The cop was warning him to put the gun down and then he got shot. He STILL didn't shoot back and apparently was still telling him to put the gun down. So he got shot again. IDK if he died or not. Our local media, as far as I know, never did an update report...
Cops lives matter and their job ISNT to protect YOU. This is such stupid, limp wristed, bullshit.
Not to mention, how could a sensitive person HANDLE being a cop?
Is this bullshit or are these idiots THAT dumb?
Its like Morgan on Walking Dead lol
I like the guy, but I keep finding myself saying "grow up you naïve dumbfuck"
About 6 months or so ago, a cop got called out because 2 teenagers were threatening someone with a gun. The cop pulled up and one of the teenagers aimed. The cop was warning him to put the gun down and then he got shot. He STILL didn't shoot back and apparently was still telling him to put the gun down. So he got shot again. IDK if he died or not. Our local media, as far as I know, never did an update report...
Cops lives matter and their job ISNT to protect YOU. This is such stupid, limp wristed, bullshit.
Not to mention, how could a sensitive person HANDLE being a cop?
Is this bullshit or are these idiots THAT dumb?

Yes they are. Pussy mayors are pushing this shit.

Deep down inside...silently....they'd PREFER a dead cop or two...instead of a riot.

It's that simple.

A selfish pussy mayor is asked....which crisis would you rather have to deal with: 2 of your cops being murdered....or....a Ferguson style riot and media attention...on YOU and your "racist city"???

Society wants cops to go to dead bodies, dead kids, rapes, suicides, fatal car crashes, shootings, stabbings, etc etc...swallow the emotions...dont file for PTSD and don't dare need a month off to reset your nerves.....but then turn around and have the compassion of a nun for everyone else.

Humans don't work that way.

But hey....the trains on the move.

Welcome to 2015-and-beyond....the beginning of the era of the "sensitive cop".
Its like Morgan on Walking Dead lol
I like the guy, but I keep finding myself saying "grow up you naïve dumbfuck"

It's funny you mention that. I also love that show and the sociology of it.

Rick and his group have seen reality. The people who were holed up in Alexandria havent. They are naive. Rick and the others know once you've seen it and done it...you never come back from it to unknowing. You're changed. The Alexandrians....just dont get it.

That's kinda how modern policing is. The masses don't get it. We are living in bubbles of safety and ignorance. People don't know what kind of stuff goes on at 3am in parts of town they don't go to. Or...even right next door. Street cops do. Military members sure as hell know....even more so than everyone else.

But the Alexandrians are saying cops need to be kinder and gentler and more sensitive. And the cops...are saying "Hey dumbasses....there's zombies who will eat your face off if we don't do this".

Reality is reality. And it will break a weak minded person. Luckily...most of us never have to deal with it. But....sensitive people won't last. It's just not how shit works.

No no no....be sensitive.
NYPD Looking to Attract Kinder, Gentler Recruits | Officer.com

Well NYC...the 2 decades of declining crime and prosperity has been fun. Leave it to a looney leftist mayor to start this shit. First...bragging about how "diverse" their new promotions are...with whites being in the minority of new command level promotions (http://nypost.com/2015/10/30/bratton-hails-diversity-of-newly-promoted-nypd-captains/)

BUT NOW?? NYPD recruitment efforts are focused on "kinder, gentler" candidates and....get this....they say if you are NOT a "sensitive" person....dont bother...job isn't for you.

As an 8 year vet of policing an urban area...let me say...."sensitive" people burn out and get eaten alive by the job. They break. You have to shield emotions. Dead kids. Suicides. Rapes. Child abuse. That's just a weekend. Add the verbal abuse you get day to day. If you're "sensitive" you'll be out in 2 years or less.

But hey....it's wonderful. The thugs and meth heads and skin heads and rapists....they're gonna love it. No more hard charging cops. The 80s New Jack City era is about to be renewed!!! Nino Browns all over NYC are coming out of retirement! !

Good stuff. Now instead of attracting low intellect KKK members itching to kill Black people backed up by the legal system and a gun, they will get more professionals.
I wanna see these "sensitive" recruits get through police academy. Then get past their disgruntled 16 years of service FTO in field training who has a cigarette and black coffee for breakfast and lost track of how many dead bodies he's seen. And THEN....if they get by that.....start Day 1 for their patrol Sergeant....and explain to him how he feels emotionally and talk about all the community projects he wants to do to really reach out and understand the concerns of the "criminals". And the Sergeant says...hey rookie...Smith needs help scraping this dead chick off the road from this wreck. Shut up and go do it.
OP is a known bullshitter. Dont be fooled again

Ah...so you didn't read the links. Good.

I assume you support recruiting only sensitive, caring, compassionate people to be NYPD cops. Hell....do a job fair at the Peace Corp and UNICEF.
I wanna see these "sensitive" recruits get through police academy. Then get past their disgruntled 16 years of service FTO in field training who has a cigarette and black coffee for breakfast and lost track of how many dead bodies he's seen. And THEN....if they get by that.....start Day 1 for their patrol Sergeant....and explain to him how he feels emotionally and talk about all the community projects he wants to do to really reach out and understand the concerns of the "criminals". And the Sergeant says...hey rookie...Smith needs help scraping this dead chick off the road from this wreck. Shut up and go do it.

I know a guy that quit the police force simply because it was full of cave monkeys such as yourself. That was his lone reason for quitting. He was well respected in the community and fit the mold that the NYPD now wants.
NYPD Looking to Attract Kinder, Gentler Recruits | Officer.com

Well NYC...the 2 decades of declining crime and prosperity has been fun. Leave it to a looney leftist mayor to start this shit. First...bragging about how "diverse" their new promotions are...with whites being in the minority of new command level promotions (http://nypost.com/2015/10/30/bratton-hails-diversity-of-newly-promoted-nypd-captains/)

BUT NOW?? NYPD recruitment efforts are focused on "kinder, gentler" candidates and....get this....they say if you are NOT a "sensitive" person....dont bother...job isn't for you.

As an 8 year vet of policing an urban area...let me say...."sensitive" people burn out and get eaten alive by the job. They break. You have to shield emotions. Dead kids. Suicides. Rapes. Child abuse. That's just a weekend. Add the verbal abuse you get day to day. If you're "sensitive" you'll be out in 2 years or less.

But hey....it's wonderful. The thugs and meth heads and skin heads and rapists....they're gonna love it. No more hard charging cops. The 80s New Jack City era is about to be renewed!!! Nino Browns all over NYC are coming out of retirement! !

Good stuff. Now instead of attracting low intellect KKK members itching to kill Black people backed up by the legal system and a gun, they will get more professionals.

Hmmm. 1,000,000 cops in America in 2015. 28 unarmed black men killed (most justified). 999,972 cops must not have the itch.
I wanna see these "sensitive" recruits get through police academy. Then get past their disgruntled 16 years of service FTO in field training who has a cigarette and black coffee for breakfast and lost track of how many dead bodies he's seen. And THEN....if they get by that.....start Day 1 for their patrol Sergeant....and explain to him how he feels emotionally and talk about all the community projects he wants to do to really reach out and understand the concerns of the "criminals". And the Sergeant says...hey rookie...Smith needs help scraping this dead chick off the road from this wreck. Shut up and go do it.

I know a guy that quit the police force simply because it was full of cave monkeys such as yourself. That was his lone reason for quitting. He was well respected in the community and fit the mold that the NYPD now wants.

I'm sure he was a well respected crime fighting super cop.

There's a reason other cops shunned him out the door. Probably was a pussy and no one trusted him in a fight. Much like you I assume.
NYPD Looking to Attract Kinder, Gentler Recruits | Officer.com

Well NYC...the 2 decades of declining crime and prosperity has been fun. Leave it to a looney leftist mayor to start this shit. First...bragging about how "diverse" their new promotions are...with whites being in the minority of new command level promotions (http://nypost.com/2015/10/30/bratton-hails-diversity-of-newly-promoted-nypd-captains/)

BUT NOW?? NYPD recruitment efforts are focused on "kinder, gentler" candidates and....get this....they say if you are NOT a "sensitive" person....dont bother...job isn't for you.

As an 8 year vet of policing an urban area...let me say...."sensitive" people burn out and get eaten alive by the job. They break. You have to shield emotions. Dead kids. Suicides. Rapes. Child abuse. That's just a weekend. Add the verbal abuse you get day to day. If you're "sensitive" you'll be out in 2 years or less.

But hey....it's wonderful. The thugs and meth heads and skin heads and rapists....they're gonna love it. No more hard charging cops. The 80s New Jack City era is about to be renewed!!! Nino Browns all over NYC are coming out of retirement! !

Pretty sure all cops start off warm and fuzzy but about a week or so working dog watch and that changes to match the reality.
I wanna see these "sensitive" recruits get through police academy. Then get past their disgruntled 16 years of service FTO in field training who has a cigarette and black coffee for breakfast and lost track of how many dead bodies he's seen. And THEN....if they get by that.....start Day 1 for their patrol Sergeant....and explain to him how he feels emotionally and talk about all the community projects he wants to do to really reach out and understand the concerns of the "criminals". And the Sergeant says...hey rookie...Smith needs help scraping this dead chick off the road from this wreck. Shut up and go do it.

I know a guy that quit the police force simply because it was full of cave monkeys such as yourself. That was his lone reason for quitting. He was well respected in the community and fit the mold that the NYPD now wants.

I'm sure he was a well respected crime fighting super cop.

There's a reason other cops shunned him out the door. Probably was a pussy and no one trusted him in a fight. Much like you I assume.
Nope. I said he quit. He wasnt forced out.
When you think about the worst ever human crimincal atrocities committed and consider a cop had to deal with it it isn't hard to imagine where an officer's good humor went. When you have to remove a baby from the oven their whacked out parents put in there it tends to take away your good humor and patience for stupid people.

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