Whole Mid-East has turned into one big fiasco for the Americans


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
I know the answer why, but I want to listen to your perspective.
After reading a consensus opinion from the answers, I'll state my explanation why USA failed in Mid-East.

This is horrific mismanagement. The Brits in particular are quite angry. Outside of the U.S, they lost the most blood in that shytehole.

It appears to be an extraordinary level of disarray and disorganization. Like most, I am so far removed from the situation to know anything more than media shows and the articles I have read. It's just stunning to me.
...for those of you who know about wars/conflicts/etc, not really a failure.....,ie Afghanistan --we killed the big guy--that is a monumental accomplishment right there...we also took out saddam in Iraq--
..wars are very complicated--wars like Afghanistan and Iraq ever MORE so
....did they really think they could train and equip the ANA so that it would do '''some good'''?? well, according to Biden-yes--that is a huge mistake....[ but who else REALLY thought that ? ] .but, there are a lot of politics and rub my back-I rub yours in wars.....the US was in a tough place ...we needed the Afghans to help.....so, we have to ''give in'' to their demands/wants/etc
...even some of the Afghans that HATE the Taliban, did not like the US being there = very complex
There is no reason beyond lack of will by Biden's administration (no one knows who's making the decisions) that an orderly withdrawal couldn't have happened. The only answer now is to send in a division or two of hardcore killers to overwhelm the Taliban in the area where our people are present. An air assault on Bagram would be the first step. A major airport should be reclaimed to serve as a base of operations for multiple outgoing flights on a continuous schedule. If the Taliban want to start this war over in earnest, they need to understand that killing Americans and our allies still on the ground is a good way to allow the MIC ghouls that very chance. They will be QUITE delighted to begin this chaos anew.
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I know the answer why, but I want to listen to your perspective.
After reading a consensus opinion from the answers, I'll state my explanation why USA failed in Mid-East.


The Most anti war president before trump jimmy carter correctly said both Bush and Obama are equally to blame for the middle east mess.they are both mass murderers and traiters
I know the answer why, but I want to listen to your perspective.
After reading a consensus opinion from the answers, I'll state my explanation why USA failed in Mid-East.

You won't see many opinions here. So, you can offer yours. And btw, what were their goals there? I hope building democratic and social paradise wasn't the case.
RE: Whole Mid-East has turned into one big fiasco for the Americans
SUBTOPIC: Concerns for Afghanistan
※→. harmonica, et al,

BLUF: This will be perceived as another war (International Armed Conflict). But it is really about the "lost causes" we (Americans) find ourselves entangled.

...for those of you who know about wars/conflicts/etc, not really a failure.....,ie Afghanistan --we killed the big guy--that is a monumental accomplishment right there...we also took out saddam in Iraq--
..wars are very complicated--wars like Afghanistan and Iraq ever MORE so

Lost Causes are generally initiated by civilians that know they won't be around when the project collapses. And, much like Vietnam, Iraq, and Yemen --- Afghanistan was a lost cause from the moment the US decided to widen the conflict beyond the original intent.

While the US Military establishment has made its share of mistakes, ultimately • the fiasco we see today can, once again, be placed squarely at the feet of the (consecutive) White House administrations, and the Country Team Chief of the Diplomatic Corps.


Most Respectfully,
I haven't looked but you may be right. RIP to all those who fought for liberty there.
I am right. No one fought for liberty there. Canada is no more free than it was before, nor had it lost any liberty. Canada fought for NATO, which the US then threw in its face.

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