Whoopi: 'Abortion Is Between My Doctor, Myself, & My Child'

Abortion is murder. The people that find it acceptable love the idea of killing and should be locked up for life.
Whatever Happened to "Let There Be No Strange Gods"?

If abortion is murder, then saving the life of the "mother" can't be used as an excuse for abortion. Neither can rape or incest, but it must be brought out first that if the Fetish Fetistists had any logical consistency to their lucrative wedge issue, they would have to let any woman having a life-threatening pregnancy die. Then they would preach that she would go to heaven as a reward for her sacrifice to their weird theology.
Whatever Happened to "Let There Be No Strange Gods"?

If abortion is murder, then saving the life of the "mother" can't be used as an excuse for abortion. Neither can rape or incest, but it must be brought out first that if the Fetish Fetistists had any logical consistency to their lucrative wedge issue, they would have to let any woman having a life-threatening pregnancy die. Then they would preach that she would go to heaven as a reward for her sacrifice to their weird theology.

Well, I do believe that any real mother would give their life up for their child. I know I would.
Goldberg said >> ""But you won't let me make my decision about my body. You are not the person to make that decision. My doctor and myself and my child, that's who makes the decision,"

WRONG! I, and everyone in America, ARE the persons to make that decision. That's because we are effectively taking the place of the unborn child, and speaking up for it, when it cannot do that for itself.

Goldberg doesn't know it, but the "You" in her 2nd sentence is the unborn baby, who indeed IS the person to make that decision.
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Goldberg said >> ""But you won't let me make my decision about my body. You are not the person to make that decision. My doctor and myself and my child, that's who makes the decision,"

WRONG! I, and everyone in America, ARE the persons to make that decision. That's because we are effectively taking the place of the unborn child, and speaking up for it, when it cannot do that for itself.

Goldberg doesn't know it, but the "You" in her 2nd sentence is the unborn baby, who indeed IS the person to make that decision.
What on earth does the Sage of Main Street disagree with about Post # 27 ? :dunno:
Whatever Happened to "Let There Be No Strange Gods"?

If abortion is murder, then saving the life of the "mother" can't be used as an excuse for abortion. Neither can rape or incest, but it must be brought out first that if the Fetish Fetistists had any logical consistency to their lucrative wedge issue, they would have to let any woman having a life-threatening pregnancy die. Then they would preach that she would go to heaven as a reward for her sacrifice to their weird theology.
What ridiculous twisted thinking. It is murder IF not done to save the life of the mother.
The rest of this contorted post need not even be looked at.
Another one who admits an unborn person is a CHILD. Joe Biden just said the same thing.

The fact that they still advocate for murdering these children makes them even more despicable.
oh yeah before this she called that child fetus and acted like it was piece of meat.
The fetus can't talk to give its opinion. Whoopi is a high school dropout who lies about being Jewish.

Being defenseless is no excuse to kill an innocent human life

most babies aborted are because they are less then perfect. If a baby has a syndrome or is missing limb or something some people think they are not aloud to live. Playing god with lives is not their right.
most babies aborted are because they are less then perfect. If a baby has a syndrome or is missing limb or something some people think they are not aloud to live. Playing god with lives is not their right.
I dont believe that

But since you mention it most libs consider conservatives like me less than perfect

If thats all it takes to kill the young what happens to the elderly when they become more trouble to libs than they are worth?
I dont believe that

But since you mention it most libs consider conservatives like me less than perfect

If thats all it takes to kill the young what happens to the elderly when they become more trouble to libs than they are worth?
Bear in mind that nut case libs are now advocating killing LIVE babies, up to 28 days old.


Bwuhahahaha.....where to start with this anti-Semite nut bag's comments and opinions......

1. 'My body, my choice', right?
That is unless you are talking forced govt mandatory experimental vaccitations. THEN its 'Your body, government mandate' - no choice involved. :p

2. 'Between my doctor, myself,, and MY BABY'

LOL ... these are the same people who have fought to define a living, viable human being capable of surviving outside the womb as a 'lump of non-living cells' in order to deny the baby's right of recognition as a human being, to deny its basic right to life, and to ensure neither the baby or anyone else has the ability to defend its right to life.

No where does a baby have a say in whether it gets murdered or not in the Democrat / liberal extremist argument.

Hell, illegal children plopped out as soon as their mother crosses our border have every Constitutional right Americans do, but Democrats attempted to make it legal to kill US citizens - babies fighting for survival outside the womb after a failed abortion.

Whoopi Gdberg is a deranged psycho and a poster child for liberal extremist pro-abortionists.
Whoopie’s child has little say in the matter.

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