Whoopi: 'Abortion Is Between My Doctor, Myself, & My Child'

I dont believe that

But since you mention it most libs consider conservatives like me less than perfect

If thats all it takes to kill the young what happens to the elderly when they become more trouble to libs than they are worth?
its true
How much say does she have when deciding, and then how much say does the doctor and she also talk with her child and how much say does the unborn child have?
She won't ever need an abortion. No man is horny enough to screw her. She looks like she played Tackle for the Rams.

Bwuhahahaha.....where to start with this anti-Semite nut bag's comments and opinions......

1. 'My body, my choice', right?
That is unless you are talking forced govt mandatory experimental vaccitations. THEN its 'Your body, government mandate' - no choice involved. :p

2. 'Between my doctor, myself,, and MY BABY'

LOL ... these are the same people who have fought to define a living, viable human being capable of surviving outside the womb as a 'lump of non-living cells' in order to deny the baby's right of recognition as a human being, to deny its basic right to life, and to ensure neither the baby or anyone else has the ability to defend its right to life.

No where does a baby have a say in whether it gets murdered or not in the Democrat / liberal extremist argument.

Hell, illegal children plopped out as soon as their mother crosses our border have every Constitutional right Americans do, but Democrats attempted to make it legal to kill US citizens - babies fighting for survival outside the womb after a failed abortion.

Whoopi Gdberg is a deranged psycho and a poster child for liberal extremist pro-abortionists.
So, do you think the fetuses of immigrant women are not as valuable as American fetuses? Am I sensing some xenophobia in your post?
If you truly hate abortion, why aren't ALL unborn babies equal?
First of all the unborn child isn't your body as they have their own body and second of all why does she say that like the unborn child has a say in this matter?
"They have their own body". Really?
So, if the Mother dies the unborn baby would continue to live?
Question for the pro life folks: Do you support abortion in cases of incest?
This morning the Govenor of Mississippi was a guest on Meet the Press, and he wouldn't say he was against abortion in the case of incest. Now, that's sick.
What if you had other living children to raise? Would you give your life up for the unborn baby then?

I'm not sure actually, that's a tough question that I never thought of before. If I knew that the other children were already well taken care of then possibly.

"They have their own body". Really?
So, if the Mother dies the unborn baby would continue to live?

Yes, that's been known to happen at times. It just depends if they can get the child out in time.

Question for the pro life folks: Do you support abortion in cases of incest?

Me personally, no,.. but I realize that there are varied opinions on this and there really isn't a black and white answer as I think adoption is better, but I can understand now why some people might choose to abort in this case.
Also, I know the woman in the video comes back to life, but technically she did die. Here's another video.

Question for the pro life folks: Do you support abortion in cases of incest?
This morning the Govenor of Mississippi was a guest on Meet the Press, and he wouldn't say he was against abortion in the case of incest. Now, that's sick.
I would support it for incest, rape, and very extreme cases of birth defect deformities, but nothing else.
If they don't want people telling them what to do, then they need to stop murdering the defenseless.

Cross you goddamned legs, sew it up, tie it up, cut it out, or JUST FUCKING SAY NO!!
Premeditated murder is still murder, and all those involved should get the chair!
look it up she admitted it in many articles, look her is one. correction she did it 4 times. btw alyssa malono did it twice.

Whoopi Goldberg​

In The Choices We Made, a collection of essays by people effected by abortion, the actress details the abortion she gave herself with a coat hanger, alone, in a NYC park restroom. She was only 14. The story includes grueling details of the “looping” and “twisting” of the hanger wire. She had another abortion the following year when she was 15. She said that decision was more difficult because she “wasn’t exactly sure” about not wanting the baby, but her mother had confirmed for her by saying, “You can’t [have a baby] now. There’s too much you have to do.” In the story she said her mother was right and she knew she “wasn’t ready for a child.” She was still having unprotected sex-because she says it was difficult finding birth control at the time-and when she used birth control, she still got pregnant three more times, but had abortions because she still wasn’t prepared to be a mother.
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