Whore Brags About Being On Welfare

you don't want to be calling others anti-American.
As a patriotic citizen and a veteran.

I have a right to call people like LudNut anti-American for his constant seditious posts and traitorous attitude toward our beloved President Trump and beautiful 1st Lady Melania.. ..... :cool:
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Back to your corner bitch. Trump is President. Your free ride is over.
Put your crack pipe down, I want fries with my burger...
Amen to this! Welfare is for those who can't work, not for those who won't.

God bless you always!!!

"Amen to this"?

I guess it's true: if you let someone talk long enough they eventually reveal who they truly are.

So much for all your "God bless you always" bullshit. You have as much hatred as the rest of these conservative knuckle draggers.
If this statement of yours was really true, I would be wishing the people that I speak of here nothing but death and have I gone that far? Never.

God bless you and them always!!!

Would Jesus align himself with Liberal policies or conservative policies?
In my opinion, that is a question that only he can answer.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wouldn't be surprised though if we didn't find him in either camp.
But its okay with you that Melania is doing the same.



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