Who's occupying who ?

Classic denial tactics

Present the same series of questions again and again and eventually circle back to the beginning.

You've been presented with the proofs over and over.

Your argument has been debunked multiple times. I suggest you go back and look up the answers you've already been given ten times over
Classic denial tactics

Present the same series of questions again and again and eventually circle back to the beginning.

You've been presented with the proofs over and over.

Your argument has been debunked multiple times. I suggest you go back and look up the answers you've already been given ten times over
Yeah, yeah, show me a document that nullifies the state of Palestine.
Where does it say it IS?
I have an idea...why not create your OWN State because there's no document that says it doesn't exist?
Tinmore, where do you come up with this stuff.

Palestine was never a state let alone a successor state to Turkey. And I think you are thinking about the Ottoman Syrian provinces

The mandates citizen order doesn't' actually denote statehood. It just gave temporary citizenship to the mandate for legal purposes

And I'm curious, how does anyone become a citizen of a non existent state ?

None of your previous statements makes one lick of sense, as they say here in the west
Successor state to Turkey. Now that was funny.
Wow what an answer! You sure proved the existence of this mythical Palestine that the "Zionists" are now occupying!
You are missing the critical points of history.

Palestine became a successor state to Turkey upon the signing of the Treaty of Lauasanne.

The normal inhabitants of the state of Palestine that was defined by its international borders, by international legal norms, became Palestinians.

The Palestinians became the citizens of Palestine.

Those who did not normally live there were not citizens.

Take it from there.
Actually that is wrong and insane on so many levels, I don't even know where to start.

There was no Palestine in the last 700 years of the Ottoman Empire, the British and French took over all the lands after the Turks were defeated, and divided 99.9% of the lands into Arab Muslim states, except Jewish Palestine aka Israel and Arab Palestine, aka Jordan.

Arabs refused, they started a civil war, lost, then 5 Arab nations attacked Isrsel, lost again, and since then, it's been a constant series of Arabs attacking and getting their butts kicked.

The occupied terroritories aren't really occupied at all, they're areas that ware supposed to be part of the designated Jewish state, which were regained in one of the Arab attacks against Israel.

The Palestinians not occupied, they are Arabs who sided with their brethren in trying to destroy the Jewish state, and got stuck in the crossfire. Israel doesn't owe them anything.
Instead of just blowing smoke out of your ass, refute any of the points I made.
You didn't make any points. What point did you make? You made some insane allegations and called them points.
Where does it say it IS?
I have an idea...why not create your OWN State because there's no document that says it doesn't exist?
Where does it say Mars isn't occupied Palestine? Hmmm?!
Wow what an answer! You sure proved the existence of this mythical Palestine that the "Zionists" are now occupying!
You are missing the critical points of history.

Palestine became a successor state to Turkey upon the signing of the Treaty of Lauasanne.

The normal inhabitants of the state of Palestine that was defined by its international borders, by international legal norms, became Palestinians.

The Palestinians became the citizens of Palestine.

Those who did not normally live there were not citizens.

Take it from there.
Actually that is wrong and insane on so many levels, I don't even know where to start.

There was no Palestine in the last 700 years of the Ottoman Empire, the British and French took over all the lands after the Turks were defeated, and divided 99.9% of the lands into Arab Muslim states, except Jewish Palestine aka Israel and Arab Palestine, aka Jordan.

Arabs refused, they started a civil war, lost, then 5 Arab nations attacked Isrsel, lost again, and since then, it's been a constant series of Arabs attacking and getting their butts kicked.

The occupied terroritories aren't really occupied at all, they're areas that ware supposed to be part of the designated Jewish state, which were regained in one of the Arab attacks against Israel.

The Palestinians not occupied, they are Arabs who sided with their brethren in trying to destroy the Jewish state, and got stuck in the crossfire. Israel doesn't owe them anything.
Instead of just blowing smoke out of your ass, refute any of the points I made.
You didn't make any points. What point did you make? You made some insane allegations and called them points.

Did you use "insane" in a post to Tinmore?
Couldn't be?
You'll excuse me, there's an Island on Jupiter I'm having my local astronomer look into.
Classic denial tactics

Present the same series of questions again and again and eventually circle back to the beginning.

You've been presented with the proofs over and over.

Your argument has been debunked multiple times. I suggest you go back and look up the answers you've already been given ten times over

Even though the argument has been debunked and disproved hundreds of time, Tinmore will still repeat the same old same old like a dog trying to bite it's own tale.

Wow what an answer! You sure proved the existence of this mythical Palestine that the "Zionists" are now occupying!
You are missing the critical points of history.

Palestine became a successor state to Turkey upon the signing of the Treaty of Lauasanne.

The normal inhabitants of the state of Palestine that was defined by its international borders, by international legal norms, became Palestinians.

The Palestinians became the citizens of Palestine.

Those who did not normally live there were not citizens.

Take it from there.
Actually that is wrong and insane on so many levels, I don't even know where to start.

There was no Palestine in the last 700 years of the Ottoman Empire, the British and French took over all the lands after the Turks were defeated, and divided 99.9% of the lands into Arab Muslim states, except Jewish Palestine aka Israel and Arab Palestine, aka Jordan.

Arabs refused, they started a civil war, lost, then 5 Arab nations attacked Isrsel, lost again, and since then, it's been a constant series of Arabs attacking and getting their butts kicked.

The occupied terroritories aren't really occupied at all, they're areas that ware supposed to be part of the designated Jewish state, which were regained in one of the Arab attacks against Israel.

The Palestinians not occupied, they are Arabs who sided with their brethren in trying to destroy the Jewish state, and got stuck in the crossfire. Israel doesn't owe them anything.
Instead of just blowing smoke out of your ass, refute any of the points I made.
You didn't make any points. What point did you make? You made some insane allegations and called them points.
Got nothing, huh?

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