Whose Side Are They On???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What, exactly, does the resistance of the Muslim community to assimilation, mean for other citizens?

1. How often must real Americans hear the brain-dead apologists say...'well, it's not all Muslims....'
How many does it have to be to represent an existential danger to innocents?

"In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls

2. But the evidence is that it is far, far more than 1% who are enemies of Western Civilization.
"Astonishing" two in three British Muslims would NOT give police terror tip-offs
TWO thirds of British Muslims would not inform the police if they thought that somebody close to them had become involved with terrorist sympathisers, according to a poll."
Two thirds of British Muslims would not give police terror tip-offs | UK | News | Express.co.uk

3. This from a fellow Muslim who knew Saipov...
A worshipper who knew terror truck driver Sayfullo Saipov and attended the same mosque says he 'totally gets what he did'.

A cement mixer by trade and living in the U.S. now for nearly three decades, Abu described the murder suspect as having a 'beautiful smile, was a nice guy, and someone who never cursed. He called me brother and I did the same back at him.'

'I totally get what he did,' Abu said of the suspect. 'It's in response to Muslims dying every day as a result of this ongoing conflict. Why doesn't the media cover that? The U.S. needs to get out and let us run our own affairs. But as long as they meddle and interfere, these terrorist attacks will continue to happen.'

Read more: Mosque-goer who knew NY terrorist says 'I get what he did' | Daily Mail Online

4. "NYPD disbands controversial unit behind Muslim surveillance program
The New York Times reported on Tuesday that the police unit behind NYPD's Muslim surveillance program was disbanded."
Report: NYPD disbands controversial unit behind Muslim surveillance program

Whose side are they on????
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recorded history proves there is little difference between the desert religions where modern society should have a use for any of them.
They are on Gods side!!!!

You mean the sadistic monster described in the Quran., who will burn and boil unbelievers in Muhammad for all eternity?
A God that is such a pathetic ridiculous figure he says in the Quran, " I created Jinn and humankind only that they would worship me"
Only an idiot would worship such a beast. Even the devil is better than Allah.

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