Why A "Good Guy with a Gun" is Bullshit

Food for thought, sadly the NRA crowd is on a life long fast from critical thinking.

LOL, bitch tits enters the conversation backing up one of the biggest trolls on the board.

You are judged by the company you keep.
You are number the number 1 troll on this or any board.

Says the Queen of trolls.

I think you don't know the definition of a troll.

You do know what a mouth breathing oxygen thief is, as long as you own a mirror.
Best you could do?
No, you are being stupid here. The OP nailed the situation, and in very few active shooter situations did a civilian with a conceal carry permit ever stop the shooter. 99% of the time it's law enforcement AFTER the fact. Guns don't help. They are the problem.

Suck up, and also, see my response, twat-waddle.
Perhaps you think being snide and snarky will stop a shooter, too? What if the active shooter never was able to get that gun, to begin with? Wouldn't that be more effective and address the issue? And how do we do THAT, you may ask. You fill in the blanks. It may involve everything gun huggers and the NRA fears.

So to stop gun violence your solution is only government actors should get guns? And when that impossible event happens, do you propose on confiscating every type of machine tool that could produce guns? because if you ban people from buying them, and there is still a demand from criminals, people will figure out how to make them.
Another over the top conspiracy theory.
No matter what is suggested you'll spew the same comin' to take out guns bullshit.

For me its a prevent me from getting a gun with bullshit laws designed to make it as difficult and expensive as possible

Try to keep up.
LOL, bitch tits enters the conversation backing up one of the biggest trolls on the board.

You are judged by the company you keep.
You are number the number 1 troll on this or any board.

Says the Queen of trolls.

I think you don't know the definition of a troll.

You do know what a mouth breathing oxygen thief is, as long as you own a mirror.
Best you could do?

Why use the best this early? I'd rather keep you strung along with some base level insults, it only adds to my post count.
Your premise is wrong at the most basic level. The correct mode of action for a CCW holder is to hold in place, and if the shooter tries to enter the area he controls, take him out.

Private CCW holders can be compared to a minefield, what you are hoping for is the active shooter doesn't expect armed resistance and the CCW holder can get some shots in before the active shooter realizes he is being confronted.
No, you are being stupid here. The OP nailed the situation, and in very few active shooter situations did a civilian with a conceal carry permit ever stop the shooter. 99% of the time it's law enforcement AFTER the fact. Guns don't help. They are the problem.

Suck up, and also, see my response, twat-waddle.
Your lame as always one?

Lol, "lame"

Are you capable of more than a 2-3 sentence or word response, or does that tax the empty space in your head you call a brain?
Lame and pretentious.
Communication is most accurate when it's concise .
Blathering on like you do, is what stupid people do to appear intelligent.

Suck up, and also, see my response, twat-waddle.
Perhaps you think being snide and snarky will stop a shooter, too? What if the active shooter never was able to get that gun, to begin with? Wouldn't that be more effective and address the issue? And how do we do THAT, you may ask. You fill in the blanks. It may involve everything gun huggers and the NRA fears.

So to stop gun violence your solution is only government actors should get guns? And when that impossible event happens, do you propose on confiscating every type of machine tool that could produce guns? because if you ban people from buying them, and there is still a demand from criminals, people will figure out how to make them.
Another over the top conspiracy theory.
No matter what is suggested you'll spew the same comin' to take out guns bullshit.

For me its a prevent me from getting a gun with bullshit laws designed to make it as difficult and expensive as possible

Try to keep up.
Bullshit !
You are like a spoiled child who got everything they ever wanted and is abruptly taking in hand.
You are number the number 1 troll on this or any board.

Says the Queen of trolls.

I think you don't know the definition of a troll.

You do know what a mouth breathing oxygen thief is, as long as you own a mirror.
Best you could do?

Why use the best this early? I'd rather keep you strung along with some base level insults, it only adds to my post count.
I'll take that as a yes, that's your best .
The rest is rationalizing.
No, you are being stupid here. The OP nailed the situation, and in very few active shooter situations did a civilian with a conceal carry permit ever stop the shooter. 99% of the time it's law enforcement AFTER the fact. Guns don't help. They are the problem.

Suck up, and also, see my response, twat-waddle.
Your lame as always one?

Lol, "lame"

Are you capable of more than a 2-3 sentence or word response, or does that tax the empty space in your head you call a brain?
Lame and pretentious.
Communication is most accurate when it's concise .
Blathering on like you do, is what stupid people do to appear intelligent.

Ooohhh! Three sentences. No content though. So go get yourself a cookie, but a meh cookie, like oatmeal raisin.
Suck up, and also, see my response, twat-waddle.
Perhaps you think being snide and snarky will stop a shooter, too? What if the active shooter never was able to get that gun, to begin with? Wouldn't that be more effective and address the issue? And how do we do THAT, you may ask. You fill in the blanks. It may involve everything gun huggers and the NRA fears.

So to stop gun violence your solution is only government actors should get guns? And when that impossible event happens, do you propose on confiscating every type of machine tool that could produce guns? because if you ban people from buying them, and there is still a demand from criminals, people will figure out how to make them.
Another over the top conspiracy theory.
No matter what is suggested you'll spew the same comin' to take out guns bullshit.

For me its a prevent me from getting a gun with bullshit laws designed to make it as difficult and expensive as possible

Try to keep up.
Bullshit !
You are like a spoiled child who got everything they ever wanted and is abruptly taking in hand.

It's the only obvious answer. Why does NYC take 3-6 months and $1000 to issue a license for a handgun?
Says the Queen of trolls.

I think you don't know the definition of a troll.

You do know what a mouth breathing oxygen thief is, as long as you own a mirror.
Best you could do?

Why use the best this early? I'd rather keep you strung along with some base level insults, it only adds to my post count.
I'll take that as a yes, that's your best .
The rest is rationalizing.

Ah the progressives 2nd favorite word, "rationalizing", right after any word with ist,ism, or ic at the end.

And like the latter, you don't really know what it means, or how to properly use it.
This is the reality of being in an active shooting situation, whether it's a crowded store or a building with hallways and several levels.

So say you actually pull your gun out and stay in place until you are found? You have a lot of explaining to do when the cops arrive, and explain very quickly.

The Clinton Foundation has done more to harm our nation than people with guns.
From ABC news Denver......they aren't exactly conspiracy websites are they?

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.

The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.

Shit happens, and can be corrected.

Let's digress:

Liberals support the Innocents Project

Conservatives reject it and want executions immediate after sentencing and oppose appeals.

Is it better to make an error, and allow a civilian jet liner to crash and kill all aboard, or to delay the purchase of a firearm to try and ensure innocent will live?

Conservatives define themselves on what they dislike, and this exposes their hypocrisy, a necessary element in the character of 21st Century conservatives.

I support the innocence project. You know why? Because I believe that all rights should be protected for all people.

You obviously think it's just fine to arbitrarily deny people their rights and yet you claim to support the innocence project

Seems like a conflicted view to me

Looks like you're not a conservative. Holding view of liberals wrong is a necessary and sufficient requirement to be a 21st Century conservative.
well I must not be a liberal either because I am against the arbitrary denial of all constitutionally protected rights and you so called liberals sure the hell aren't

Really? So do you support the right of men to marry men, and women to marry women, a women's right to choose, the absolute right to vote unless denied by due process, the right of the LGBT community to serve in our military, a progressive federal income tax, age appropriate sex education in a comprehensive health care curriculum in public schools, contraceptives supplied as are all prescriptions as part of health care and a fiscally responsible Congress, not one which uses tax cuts to take away freedoms from our citizens?

The Bill of Rights are supported by men and women on both sides of the aisle, don't pretend only Libertarians support the Bill of Rights, the Libertarian Platform is far from pragmatic, realistic, democratic or fair.

Cute, but most of those "rights" were made up by you: not described by the Bill of Rights.
From ABC news Denver......they aren't exactly conspiracy websites are they?

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.

The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.

Shit happens, and can be corrected.

Let's digress:

Liberals support the Innocents Project

Conservatives reject it and want executions immediate after sentencing and oppose appeals.

Is it better to make an error, and allow a civilian jet liner to crash and kill all aboard, or to delay the purchase of a firearm to try and ensure innocent will live?

Conservatives define themselves on what they dislike, and this exposes their hypocrisy, a necessary element in the character of 21st Century conservatives.

I support the innocence project. You know why? Because I believe that all rights should be protected for all people.

You obviously think it's just fine to arbitrarily deny people their rights and yet you claim to support the innocence project

Seems like a conflicted view to me

Looks like you're not a conservative. Holding view of liberals wrong is a necessary and sufficient requirement to be a 21st Century conservative.
well I must not be a liberal either because I am against the arbitrary denial of all constitutionally protected rights and you so called liberals sure the hell aren't

Really? So do you support the right of men to marry men, and women to marry women, a women's right to choose, the absolute right to vote unless denied by due process, the right of the LGBT community to serve in our military, a progressive federal income tax, age appropriate sex education in a comprehensive health care curriculum in public schools, contraceptives supplied as are all prescriptions as part of health care and a fiscally responsible Congress, not one which uses tax cuts to take away freedoms from our citizens?

The Bill of Rights are supported by men and women on both sides of the aisle, don't pretend only Libertarians support the Bill of Rights, the Libertarian Platform is far from pragmatic, realistic, democratic or fair.

You know I think we've been through this before but I'll answer you because I like seeing the heads of 2 dimensional thinkers like you explode

I have absolutely no problem with gay marriage. I'll go one better and say no marriage performed in a church should be recognized as legal by the state
I have no problem with abortion
If a person is a citizen and not prohibited by law to vote no problem
Gays in the military don't care at all. I used to know a gay guy that could kick most men's asses in the ring. If a woman canmeet the same standards as all other soldiers no problem with combat
Sex ed doesn't bother me
No problem with contraception in fact I wish more of you idiots would use it

I also think the second amendment is equal to all the other rights. You don't.
Your premise is wrong at the most basic level. The correct mode of action for a CCW holder is to hold in place, and if the shooter tries to enter the area he controls, take him out.

Private CCW holders can be compared to a minefield, what you are hoping for is the active shooter doesn't expect armed resistance and the CCW holder can get some shots in before the active shooter realizes he is being confronted.
No, you are being stupid here. The OP nailed the situation, and in very few active shooter situations did a civilian with a conceal carry permit ever stop the shooter. 99% of the time it's law enforcement AFTER the fact. Guns don't help. They are the problem.

How many of these shooting occurred at locations that declared themselves "gun free zones" but did nothing to assure that?

You can't say "CCW's do nothing" when most of these shootings take place in areas CCW's are either disarmed by law, or by the desire of the property owner.
Until recently all public areas were gun free zones.
People were being shot in them long before that stupid name was slapped on them.
Making the term meaningless .
Then you assholes have since attempted to
Make a false correlation between the gun toting zone and gun free zones
Not really people have been carrying concealed weapons with permits for decades
Private CCW holders can be compared to a minefield, what you are hoping for is the active shooter doesn't expect armed resistance and the CCW holder can get some shots in before the active shooter realizes he is being confronted.

LMAO. You really have no business with a gun.
"What you are hoping is the active shooter......".
You gotta be kidding. Hoping isn't a plan. Today's criminals don't expect to encounter someone with a gun eh?

It is claimed that over 4000 DGUs per day happen. I think criminals don't have any problem with you having a gun. The crazed shooters expect to die anyway. So what difference does it make to them?
Shit happens, and can be corrected.

Let's digress:

Liberals support the Innocents Project

Conservatives reject it and want executions immediate after sentencing and oppose appeals.

Is it better to make an error, and allow a civilian jet liner to crash and kill all aboard, or to delay the purchase of a firearm to try and ensure innocent will live?

Conservatives define themselves on what they dislike, and this exposes their hypocrisy, a necessary element in the character of 21st Century conservatives.

I support the innocence project. You know why? Because I believe that all rights should be protected for all people.

You obviously think it's just fine to arbitrarily deny people their rights and yet you claim to support the innocence project

Seems like a conflicted view to me

Looks like you're not a conservative. Holding view of liberals wrong is a necessary and sufficient requirement to be a 21st Century conservative.
well I must not be a liberal either because I am against the arbitrary denial of all constitutionally protected rights and you so called liberals sure the hell aren't

Really? So do you support the right of men to marry men, and women to marry women, a women's right to choose, the absolute right to vote unless denied by due process, the right of the LGBT community to serve in our military, a progressive federal income tax, age appropriate sex education in a comprehensive health care curriculum in public schools, contraceptives supplied as are all prescriptions as part of health care and a fiscally responsible Congress, not one which uses tax cuts to take away freedoms from our citizens?

The Bill of Rights are supported by men and women on both sides of the aisle, don't pretend only Libertarians support the Bill of Rights, the Libertarian Platform is far from pragmatic, realistic, democratic or fair.

You know I think we've been through this before but I'll answer you because I like seeing the heads of 2 dimensional thinkers like you explode

I have absolutely no problem with gay marriage. I'll go one better and say no marriage performed in a church should be recognized as legal by the state
I have no problem with abortion
If a person is a citizen and not prohibited by law to vote no problem
Gays in the military don't care at all. I used to know a gay guy that could kick most men's asses in the ring. If a woman canmeet the same standards as all other soldiers no problem with combat
Sex ed doesn't bother me
No problem with contraception in fact I wish more of you idiots would use it

I also think the second amendment is equal to all the other rights. You don't.

Cool, you have some progressive instincts, and to admit shall not infringe doesn't mean shall not infringe is enlightening. Other rights are not absolute and the 2nd A. is no exception.

What makes me two dimensional, in your opinion? Examples please.
I support the innocence project. You know why? Because I believe that all rights should be protected for all people.

You obviously think it's just fine to arbitrarily deny people their rights and yet you claim to support the innocence project

Seems like a conflicted view to me

Looks like you're not a conservative. Holding view of liberals wrong is a necessary and sufficient requirement to be a 21st Century conservative.
well I must not be a liberal either because I am against the arbitrary denial of all constitutionally protected rights and you so called liberals sure the hell aren't

Really? So do you support the right of men to marry men, and women to marry women, a women's right to choose, the absolute right to vote unless denied by due process, the right of the LGBT community to serve in our military, a progressive federal income tax, age appropriate sex education in a comprehensive health care curriculum in public schools, contraceptives supplied as are all prescriptions as part of health care and a fiscally responsible Congress, not one which uses tax cuts to take away freedoms from our citizens?

The Bill of Rights are supported by men and women on both sides of the aisle, don't pretend only Libertarians support the Bill of Rights, the Libertarian Platform is far from pragmatic, realistic, democratic or fair.

You know I think we've been through this before but I'll answer you because I like seeing the heads of 2 dimensional thinkers like you explode

I have absolutely no problem with gay marriage. I'll go one better and say no marriage performed in a church should be recognized as legal by the state
I have no problem with abortion
If a person is a citizen and not prohibited by law to vote no problem
Gays in the military don't care at all. I used to know a gay guy that could kick most men's asses in the ring. If a woman canmeet the same standards as all other soldiers no problem with combat
Sex ed doesn't bother me
No problem with contraception in fact I wish more of you idiots would use it

I also think the second amendment is equal to all the other rights. You don't.

Cool, you have some progressive instincts, and to admit shall not infringe doesn't mean shall not infringe is enlightening. Other rights are not absolute and the 2nd A. is no exception.

What makes me two dimensional, in your opinion? Examples please.

Funny how you asked those question with the presumption of my answers

THAT makes you 2 dimensional because a guy who supports the 2nd can't be for gay marriage right?

Why do you think the "shall not be infringed" clause was not included in any of the other enumerated rights?

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