Why All This Drama Over Obama?

Your hair. That mop of tight curls sittin atop your pinhead, framing your completely unremarkable features. Why have you not opted to change the way you style it since 1985? Or are you going for a retro look as you troll for men in that bar?

Is that supposed to hurt my feelings??? You have no idea how I styled it in 1985. As for now, I am pleased with my looks and so is my husband. Can you say the same??

Ok, so you are going with the retro look. Fair enough. And no, I cannot say the same. Unlike you and your husband, I find you to be rather hideous.:D
Your hair. That mop of tight curls sittin atop your pinhead, framing your completely unremarkable features. Why have you not opted to change the way you style it since 1985? Or are you going for a retro look as you troll for men in that bar?

Is that supposed to hurt my feelings??? You have no idea how I styled it in 1985. As for now, I am pleased with my looks and so is my husband. Can you say the same??

Ok, so you are going with the retro look. Fair enough. And no, I cannot say the same. Unlike you and your husband, I find you to be rather hideous.:D

Stay classy, Pho_King! Stay classy.....
If it has to be spelled out for you then one has to question your comprehension ability. What does race have to do with wanting to legitimize him. No Birth Certificate, a phoney SS#, a non existant address, sealed transcripts and you cry the new mantra racism?

Race has nothing to do with it. If people thought he was a Russiam spy and the same unanswered questions existed, people would be asking the same questions.

There is no reason to think these things. That has been proven over and over again. Get it???

Why haven't you changed your hair style since 1985?

Because that is her from 1985. Can't you tell from the grainy image what era that was from? She's a typical liberal - can't accept aging, wants to convince everyone she's still young because liberals are all superficial...
This is an excercise in futility, like it usually is to try and reach a hard headed know-it-all right wing bat crazy ass. You don't listen, your mind is alreay made up, and you are the bigot, not I. Worst of all, you won't even consider that you could be wrong. I'm done. Get lost.

Here are the facts Rinata:

1.) Unemployment skyrockted under Obama (from 7% to 10% and now to 8.2%)

2.) The national debt skyrockted under Obama (from $9 trillion to $15 trillion)

3.) Gas prices have skyrockted under Obama (from $1.84 to $3.68 per gallon)

Those are the FACTS - and they cannot be disputed. Obama has added more to the national debt in his first 3 years than all US Presidents in history combined during their first 3 years.


Where did you get that?? Out of your head?? Not a very reliable place.

Oh my God you psychopath, those are FACTS. Fuck, anyone who has turned on a tv in the past year could tell you this. What is wrong with you?!?!
How is obsessing over his Birth cert

Yeah, how dare us ask the president of the United States to prove he is LEGALLY authorized to hold the highest office in the land, especially after a mountain of evidence has proven he is not a US citizen. His own bio, created by him, stated "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii" from 1991 until 2007, right before he announced his candidacy for President.

Childhood back ground

Because it would show where he was born. Why are you guys so afraid of that?

and his college transcripts

Oh, you mean the same college transcripts that liberals talked about 24x7 when George W. Bush was in office? Why is it that Barack Obama has ordered his college transcripts at Columbia sealed?!?! What is he so afraid of? Were his grades that bad? Or is it because it will show he attended a prestigious institution for FREE as an exchange student? Which means he is either guilty of fraud then, or fraud now. Which one is it? God forbid we properly vet the president of the United States, right?
Forget the B.C. How about his transcripts? What's to hide.

IDK, you tell me, im not concerned with his college transcripts. I don't think if you looked at my college transcripts you could find out who I am or my internal beliefs.

We know is "internal beliefs". He is a die-hard Marxist whose father taught him that America was "the great imperialist". I don't need his college transcripts for that - all I need to do is listen to him (which you worshipping Obama-zombie's don't) and read his book "Dreams From My Father".

What we don't know, is where he was born or how a dirt poor boy attends the most prestigious Ivy League schools in the nation. Either he was cashing in on his foreign status, and thus committed fraud to be President now, or he lied about his status back then and thus committed fraud back then.

Either way ends with serious legal trouble for Obama and no re-election. Hence the abuse of power in sealing his records.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say... because it rhymes.
What we don't know, is where he was born or how a dirt poor boy attends the most prestigious Ivy League schools in the nation. Either he was cashing in on his foreign status, and thus committed fraud to be President now, or he lied about his status back then and thus committed fraud back then.

Either way ends with serious legal trouble for Obama and no re-election. Hence the abuse of power in sealing his records.

There are a few varieties of this new-fangled thing called "student loans". Perhaps you've heard of them. Obama has even spoken of how he and Michelle were paying student loans for decades.
Forget the B.C. How about his transcripts? What's to hide.

IDK, you tell me, im not concerned with his college transcripts. I don't think if you looked at my college transcripts you could find out who I am or my internal beliefs.

We know is "internal beliefs". He is a die-hard Marxist whose father taught him that America was "the great imperialist". I don't need his college transcripts for that - all I need to do is listen to him (which you worshipping Obama-zombie's don't) and read his book "Dreams From My Father".

What we don't know, is where he was born or how a dirt poor boy attends the most prestigious Ivy League schools in the nation. Either he was cashing in on his foreign status, and thus committed fraud to be President now, or he lied about his status back then and thus committed fraud back then.

Either way ends with serious legal trouble for Obama and no re-election. Hence the abuse of power in sealing his records.

you do know where he was born.

and he has said he took loans

he got into ivy league schools because he was smart, and was top 10% of his law school class.

surely that can't confuse you that much.

and how the president did in elementary school isn't nearly as important as mitt's tax returns.
Why haven't you changed your hair style since 1985?


Your hair. That mop of tight curls sittin atop your pinhead, framing your completely unremarkable features. Why have you not opted to change the way you style it since 1985? Or are you going for a retro look as you troll for men in that bar?

if you have ever seen Rinata?......your sounding like a dumbass.....if you have seen what she looks like.....then you would know your a dumbass....hey just sayin....
There is no reason to think these things. That has been proven over and over again. Get it???

Why haven't you changed your hair style since 1985?

Because that is her from 1985. Can't you tell from the grainy image what era that was from? She's a typical liberal - can't accept aging, wants to convince everyone she's still young because liberals are all superficial...

yea tell that to all the Rich Republican/Conservative Woman on my route....you can tell those older ones had some work done.........like only Liberal woman are Superficial....geezus you guys are something else......

Your hair. That mop of tight curls sittin atop your pinhead, framing your completely unremarkable features. Why have you not opted to change the way you style it since 1985? Or are you going for a retro look as you troll for men in that bar?

if you have ever seen Rinata?......your sounding like a dumbass.....if you have seen what she looks like.....then you would know your a dumbass....hey just sayin....

Because she posted her own picture for everyone to see several pages back, stupid. Way to open your mouth and comment without having ANY knowledge about the situation... What else would we expect from a liberal though? That's what the left has done since the beginning of their little communist/marxist/socialist club.
Your hair. That mop of tight curls sittin atop your pinhead, framing your completely unremarkable features. Why have you not opted to change the way you style it since 1985? Or are you going for a retro look as you troll for men in that bar?

if you have ever seen Rinata?......your sounding like a dumbass.....if you have seen what she looks like.....then you would know your a dumbass....hey just sayin....

Because she posted her own picture for everyone to see several pages back, stupid. Way to open your mouth and comment without having ANY knowledge about the situation... What else would we expect from a liberal though? That's what the left has done since the beginning of their little communist/marxist/socialist club.
that hairstyle is from 85?.....i better tell that to the Republican ladies i see on my route who have curly hair like she does.....dam your a real fashion sense kinda guy.....maybe you should get some knowledge about something before you open your ass and start talking....but what can you expect from a "rightwinger".....
Hey Rinata:

It's not "drama over Obama" when you run against the guy and his record and his policies.

If that was a valid definition of "drama," then the question would become: why does the incumbent get into such histrionics over Romney and Ryan?
if you have ever seen Rinata?......your sounding like a dumbass.....if you have seen what she looks like.....then you would know your a dumbass....hey just sayin....

Because she posted her own picture for everyone to see several pages back, stupid. Way to open your mouth and comment without having ANY knowledge about the situation... What else would we expect from a liberal though? That's what the left has done since the beginning of their little communist/marxist/socialist club.
that hairstyle is from 85?.....i better tell that to the Republican ladies i see on my route who have curly hair like she does.....dam your a real fashion sense kinda guy.....maybe you should get some knowledge about something before you open your ass and start talking....but what can you expect from a "rightwinger".....

And here you are exposing your ignorance further. If you could read and follow the thread, you would see it was Pho_King who mentioned 1985 stupid, not me. You're a typical liberal - completely ignorant of the facts, but willing to open your mouth anyway.
Don't let the FACTS here get in the way of your blind allegiance to Obama or your false accusations of racism Rinata...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKCFj_JYb9c]Why Obama's Stimulus Failed: A Case Study of Silver Spring, Maryland - YouTube[/ame]

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