Why Americans are having fewer babies

And perhaps if people try and keep culture at the same point, it's when culture than snaps further from what it was.

I couldn't agree with you more. What you're describing is a well documented historical cycle from time out of mind to now. Citizens feel repressed under authoritarian regimes and laws so they start a cultural revolution for relaxed moral and legal freedoms. Said liberating revolution proceeds until cultural values become so twisted a majority of citizens no longer recognize them and feel threatened by the new social norm. What happens next is the People call for return to tradition, call for authoritarian unity to stop the revolution, and after it's stopped totalitarianism is cemented. The cycle begins anew. I wonder where America is currently at in that cycle?

Definitely on the way towards more totalitarianism.

In 1990 there was hope of a better world, by 2001 that hope was changing back towards no hope.

With the rise of China, and the enslavement of the Chinese people behind technology, and the Chinese govt becoming the most powerful government the world has ever seen, we're screwed.

This is what I think as well. And I definitely do not want America going in the same direction. Not talking MSM whining daily about POTUS becoming a tyrant. Am talking about fear of a real Tyrant coming to power in America. I like the middle ground where everyone is free to do whatever, but does not force said whatever on everyone else, especially kids.

I think the biggest concern about Trump is the boundaries that he's breaking down. Another person comes along and sees what they can do, they can try and annul the other branches of government, they can try and repress protests against them, all of this, and someone might actually succeed in the future.

Trump is just playing games, but he doesn't realize how dangerous his games could be in the future.

Isn't it funny (funerary not humorous) how culture revolution in America takes us away from tradition toward freedom in one sense but loosens foundations to some degree, and a forced return to tradition can destroy the very foundations of what America was founded to be. You're right; it's a very slippery slope. We need balance, not a further tipping of the scales. That's about the most reasonable, rational argument I've heard lately.

And balance is what the US is losing massively, especially with partisan politics and the rich trying to take as much as they can.

Unless you're black... The African Americans think it's too hard to change to the American culture, so they continue to push their culture onto everyone else, and then get upset when we reject it.

I don't know. I was a teen in the late 80's and a Headbanger. I think cultures influence each other both positively and negatively. Everyone thought Slayer was the end of American civilization. Bah! It was Metal Church!
And balance is what the US is losing massively, especially with partisan politics and the rich trying to take as much as they can.

We wouldn't have three branches of Republican majority if the Dems had a brain like they used to.

When you keep trying to make minorities equal or the majority... There starts the problem. Now add in PC (which anyone who is mentally stable hates), the healthcare system failure (Obamcare and its taxes weren't the answer), the appointment of Sotomoron to the Supreme Court, excess handouts like Obamaphone, food stamps, excess regulation like the Durbin Amendment, etc., then of course your party is going to get their asses wiped clean in all three government branches during the next election. The Democratic party has become literally INSANE.

Americans don't want excess regulations on businesses, excess taxes on the middle class, and to bow down to the minorities in this country.
And balance is what the US is losing massively, especially with partisan politics and the rich trying to take as much as they can.

We wouldn't have three branches of Republican majority if the Dems had a brain like they used to.

When you keep trying to make minorities equal or the majority... There starts the problem. Now add in PC (which anyone who is mentally stable hates), the healthcare system failure (Obamcare and its taxes weren't the answer), the appointment of Sotomoron to the Supreme Court, excess handouts like Obamaphone, food stamps, excess regulation like the Durbin Amendment, etc., then of course your party is going to get their asses wiped clean in all three government branches during the next election. The Democratic party has become literally INSANE.

Well, partisan politics is leading to decisions being made for "winning" rather than for actual politics.

This is why I believe Proportional Representation would work better. It'd bring politics back to the people.
And balance is what the US is losing massively, especially with partisan politics and the rich trying to take as much as they can.

We wouldn't have three branches of Republican majority if the Dems had a brain like they used to.

When you keep trying to make minorities equal or the majority... There starts the problem. Now add in PC (which anyone who is mentally stable hates), the healthcare system failure (Obamcare and its taxes weren't the answer), the appointment of Sotomoron to the Supreme Court, excess handouts like Obamaphone, food stamps, excess regulation like the Durbin Amendment, etc., then of course your party is going to get their asses wiped clean in all three government branches during the next election. The Democratic party has become literally INSANE.

Well, partisan politics is leading to decisions being made for "winning" rather than for actual politics.

This is why I believe Proportional Representation would work better. It'd bring politics back to the people.

Interesting. Apparently John Adams was one of the first proponents of proportionality in his 1776 pamphlet Thoughts on Government. Thoughts on Government - Wikipedia
And balance is what the US is losing massively, especially with partisan politics and the rich trying to take as much as they can.

We wouldn't have three branches of Republican majority if the Dems had a brain like they used to.

When you keep trying to make minorities equal or the majority... There starts the problem. Now add in PC (which anyone who is mentally stable hates), the healthcare system failure (Obamcare and its taxes weren't the answer), the appointment of Sotomoron to the Supreme Court, excess handouts like Obamaphone, food stamps, excess regulation like the Durbin Amendment, etc., then of course your party is going to get their asses wiped clean in all three government branches during the next election. The Democratic party has become literally INSANE.

Well, partisan politics is leading to decisions being made for "winning" rather than for actual politics.

This is why I believe Proportional Representation would work better. It'd bring politics back to the people.

Interesting. Apparently John Adams was one of the first proponents of proportionality in his 1776 pamphlet Thoughts on Government. Thoughts on Government - Wikipedia

I didn't know that. A man ahead of his times.

The system gained prominence after WW1. The Germans found it could cause problems if you don't have a cut off point.

But they decided on a system after WW2 which has both FPTP and PR at the same time, which seems to work well.
People putting Materialism before Families,Tradition,Expansion of the best and brightest. We did the opposite. We are poor,we struggle but we have 4 kids. You LEARN to buy cheap. Kids don't NEED new clothes or shoes...they tear them up anyways so we do yard sales and thrift stores. I considered one more and if it happens it happens but we aren't actively trying for a 5th...My kids KNOW the ONLY way they are gonna pay for college is a scholarship or working through school or they end up in debt....We are looking at European colleges and different ideas...maybe military for a few of them...who knows. We stress academics constantly though. We are leading by example though by going back to college ourselves.
The potency of male sperm has dropped fifty percent since the late 1950's.......water fluoridation, GMO foods (that are proven to cause cancer and sterility in mice). Pesticides, insecticides, vaccines. Syngenta's product Atrazine (that is sprayed on 50 percent of all corn crops causes gender confusion and deformed genitalia in amphibians. Dr. Tyrone Hayes, a FB friend of mine did the study and they tried to bully him into shutting up about it. Birth control for the women, screwed up menstrual cycles for those that use diaphragms but all of the sudden want to get pregnant. Economic reasons which is why 97 percent of all abortions are performed because having a child at that time is not a convenient time.

Of course the third world shitholers never got the memo about birth control or abstaining, don't believe in vaccines, don't have access to fluoridated water and GMO foods so they have been chosen to fill the void created by those here that do not have children ...of course they are disease ridden but their women are fertile and the invasion doesn't require a gun...they simply aim the uteruses of their women at us. It's not a eloquent picture I painted but it is the truth.

They didn't "get the memo" about birth control because it was never sent. Remember that it has been the so-called "conservatives" who have refused every effort to have the United States participate in bringing this information, and accompanying access to the necessary technology to the less developed nations.

The whole "abstinence" thing is a joke. Do you honestly think that guys across the world will accept their wives' declaration that there cannot be any sex for a few years? While some of the more stupid men make condescending comments suggesting that women be abstinent, are men seriously going to get on board with the abstinence movement?

If you do, I've got a bridge that I can sell you real cheap. It's in Brooklyn.

Hey, dipshit, they are not in third world countries now...they have invaded here and Europe where birth control is easily available. Why do asswipes like yourself always attempt to make every fucking thing a political issue? Neither political party is worth a shit...but keep on waving that rainbow colored flag.

Hey, lardass. Care to explain why the radical right is always trying to limit access to birth control and attacking PP? It has been the bone-headed "conservatives" who are responsible for doing this. They have been the monkeys who have made sex and reproduction a political issue. From Comstock to the present.

Anthony Comstock's "Chastity" Laws | American Experience | PBS


Why are people so ignorant of the fact that women haven't wanted a good deal of the pregnancies they have endured. Unwanted pregnancy has been a major problem throughout history. Ancient societies like the Egyptians had their ways of trying to deal with it. It is said that Casanova's ladies used half of a lemon.

Just what is this obsession that "conservatives" have about sex anyway? Don't these monkeys realize that they wouldn't be here if daddy didn't do "it" with mommy? But most men and women like to get some practice in.

You mean the right doesn't want to pay for birth control for sluts that can't keep their legs together....that is the real issue.
Why should taxpayers be on the hook because liberal skanks can't control their hormones? If they are mature enough to fuck, they are mature enough to pay for their own b.c...and why should we subsidize PP that makes money off of unwanted pregnancies and the tissue that they sell afterwards?

Please tell me that you didn't reproduce.....lie to me if you must.
Americans Are Having Fewer Babies. They Told Us Why.

Seems like it's hip these days to abstain from being human, and it's posh to ride the American repopulation ship below the waves; port out, extinction home. Point blank: do we blame it on the cultural revolution and women choosing career or life adventure over motherhood? Are men equally responsible for their modern willingness to reject the responsibility of fatherhood for something less complicated? Have we finally philosophized our way into species mass grave?

Does 'having a choice' as the article mentions speak to easy availability of family planning? Will America fade away into the night of one last old age, smartphones on drive mode, or will enough of us take the leap from surfing on-the-line to drowning in dirty diapers, thereby skin of teeth replenishing the suburban game preserve?

What does a decrease in immigration and immigrants reproducing say about our own decline in willingness to get it on for a soon to be walking talking spitting image?
There was a study several years ago in which parents were asked if they were happier before or after having children, 60% said they were happier "before" they had kids. The spontaneity of just taking your woman out on the spur-of-the-moment for some partying, ends when kids enter the picture.
The cost of living skyrockets with having them. They bring home all sorts of crap from interactions with other kids at school and social events. They
scream and throw tantrums when things don't go their way.
....... The spontaneity of just taking your woman out on the spur-of-the-moment for some partying, ends when kids enter the picture.
The cost of living skyrockets with having them. They bring home all sorts of crap from interactions with other kids at school and social events. They
scream and throw tantrums when things don't go their way.

And nothing is better in life.
....... The spontaneity of just taking your woman out on the spur-of-the-moment for some partying, ends when kids enter the picture.
The cost of living skyrockets with having them. They bring home all sorts of crap from interactions with other kids at school and social events. They
scream and throw tantrums when things don't go their way.

And nothing is better in life.
Having the kids or, not having the kids?
....... The spontaneity of just taking your woman out on the spur-of-the-moment for some partying, ends when kids enter the picture.
The cost of living skyrockets with having them. They bring home all sorts of crap from interactions with other kids at school and social events. They
scream and throw tantrums when things don't go their way.

And nothing is better in life.
Having the kids or, not having the kids?

Having children, of course.
Americans Are Having Fewer Babies. They Told Us Why.

Seems like it's hip these days to abstain from being human, and it's posh to ride the American repopulation ship below the waves; port out, extinction home. Point blank: do we blame it on the cultural revolution and women choosing career or life adventure over motherhood? Are men equally responsible for their modern willingness to reject the responsibility of fatherhood for something less complicated? Have we finally philosophized our way into species mass grave?

Does 'having a choice' as the article mentions speak to easy availability of family planning? Will America fade away into the night of one last old age, smartphones on drive mode, or will enough of us take the leap from surfing on-the-line to drowning in dirty diapers, thereby skin of teeth replenishing the suburban game preserve?

What does a decrease in immigration and immigrants reproducing say about our own decline in willingness to get it on for a soon to be walking talking spitting image?
There was a study several years ago in which parents were asked if they were happier before or after having children, 60% said they were happier "before" they had kids. The spontaneity of just taking your woman out on the spur-of-the-moment for some partying, ends when kids enter the picture.
The cost of living skyrockets with having them. They bring home all sorts of crap from interactions with other kids at school and social events. They
scream and throw tantrums when things don't go their way.


How I wonder would this study compare to similar studies conducted just after the second world war and the baby boom? Was there really some kind of nationwide sigh of relief post 1945 that motivated reproduction? Is this something our current American society lacks? Or is it purely a matter of cultural differences between time periods?

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