Why Americans are having fewer babies

Americans Are Having Fewer Babies. They Told Us Why.

Seems like it's hip these days to abstain from being human, and it's posh to ride the American repopulation ship below the waves; port out, extinction home. Point blank: do we blame it on the cultural revolution and women choosing career or life adventure over motherhood? Are men equally responsible for their modern willingness to reject the responsibility of fatherhood for something less complicated? Have we finally philosophized our way into species mass grave?

Does 'having a choice' as the article mentions speak to easy availability of family planning? Will America fade away into the night of one last old age, smartphones on drive mode, or will enough of us take the leap from surfing on-the-line to drowning in dirty diapers, thereby skin of teeth replenishing the suburban game preserve?

What does a decrease in immigration and immigrants reproducing say about our own decline in willingness to get it on for a soon to be walking talking spitting image?

Do we need people to be having babies? People want to enjoy their life, we can do this AND the population of the world keeps increasing.

Yes, actually, each culture MUST continue to 'make' people UNLESS they come to terms culturally and economically that they will cease to exist.

But each culture will change regardless. You can't force culture to remain, otherwise it becomes stagnant.

Change is inevitable, but conservatives will always fight the inevitable.

While millennia of history has demonstrated change, I think you're glossing over important historical patterns. Take practice of Saturnalia in ancient Rome for instance, which is an example of a cultural shift toward debauchery, which in some ways was answered by the rise of the Roman Catholic Church--a change toward conservatism from liberalism.

So it works both ways. Nothing stays the same, granted, and yet culture changes toward new, revolutionary ideas and also shifts back toward the traditional. Thus should the cultural wave we've experienced in America shift back toward a more rigid moral code of tradition, that shift must also be included in your "each culture will change" statement against conservatism.

And perhaps if people try and keep culture at the same point, it's when culture than snaps further from what it was.
Americans Are Having Fewer Babies. They Told Us Why.

Seems like it's hip these days to abstain from being human, and it's posh to ride the American repopulation ship below the waves; port out, extinction home. Point blank: do we blame it on the cultural revolution and women choosing career or life adventure over motherhood? Are men equally responsible for their modern willingness to reject the responsibility of fatherhood for something less complicated? Have we finally philosophized our way into species mass grave?

Does 'having a choice' as the article mentions speak to easy availability of family planning? Will America fade away into the night of one last old age, smartphones on drive mode, or will enough of us take the leap from surfing on-the-line to drowning in dirty diapers, thereby skin of teeth replenishing the suburban game preserve?

What does a decrease in immigration and immigrants reproducing say about our own decline in willingness to get it on for a soon to be walking talking spitting image?

Do we need people to be having babies? People want to enjoy their life, we can do this AND the population of the world keeps increasing.

Yes, actually, each culture MUST continue to 'make' people UNLESS they come to terms culturally and economically that they will cease to exist.

But each culture will change regardless. You can't force culture to remain, otherwise it becomes stagnant.

Change is inevitable, but conservatives will always fight the inevitable.

While millennia of history has demonstrated change, I think you're glossing over important historical patterns. Take practice of Saturnalia in ancient Rome for instance, which is an example of a cultural shift toward debauchery, which in some ways was answered by the rise of the Roman Catholic Church--a change toward conservatism from liberalism.

So it works both ways. Nothing stays the same, granted, and yet culture changes toward new, revolutionary ideas and also shifts back toward the traditional. Thus should the cultural wave we've experienced in America shift back toward a more rigid moral code of tradition, that shift must also be included in your "each culture will change" statement against conservatism.

And perhaps if people try and keep culture at the same point, it's when culture than snaps further from what it was.

I couldn't agree with you more. What you're describing is a well documented historical cycle from time out of mind to now. Citizens feel repressed under authoritarian regimes and laws so they start a cultural revolution for relaxed moral and legal freedoms. Said liberating revolution proceeds until cultural values become so twisted a majority of citizens no longer recognize them and feel threatened by the new social norm. What happens next is the People call for return to tradition, call for authoritarian unity to stop the revolution, and after it's stopped totalitarianism is cemented. The cycle begins anew. I wonder where America is currently at in that cycle?
Americans Are Having Fewer Babies. They Told Us Why.

Seems like it's hip these days to abstain from being human, and it's posh to ride the American repopulation ship below the waves; port out, extinction home. Point blank: do we blame it on the cultural revolution and women choosing career or life adventure over motherhood? Are men equally responsible for their modern willingness to reject the responsibility of fatherhood for something less complicated? Have we finally philosophized our way into species mass grave?

Does 'having a choice' as the article mentions speak to easy availability of family planning? Will America fade away into the night of one last old age, smartphones on drive mode, or will enough of us take the leap from surfing on-the-line to drowning in dirty diapers, thereby skin of teeth replenishing the suburban game preserve?

What does a decrease in immigration and immigrants reproducing say about our own decline in willingness to get it on for a soon to be walking talking spitting image?

Do we need people to be having babies? People want to enjoy their life, we can do this AND the population of the world keeps increasing.

Good point.

I'm not personally arguing for reproduction or against it. I found the article interesting, and the dynamic these days of doing 'other things' instead of having a family is interesting, if not kind of tragicomic--in a grand scheme of things sort of way. Indeed the world is ever changing, moving forward and less familiar than last generation.

Your point then is let the new generation do their thing?

Well, yes, let people live their lives. If we need more babies then let this happen. But we simply don't.

Less babies is a balancing act of too many babies in other countries.

Which translates to less white babies and far more black and brown babies. It’s all by design in order to eradicate whites.

No, it means that white people have reached a point where they want to enjoy life and have less babies.

Black people are often poorer.

Think about it. If you want to preserve white people, follow Trump, he'll make you poorer, then you can breed more.

But still doesn't make sense why Christianity, the white man's religion, thinks sex is bad.
...the blacks do not have the $$$/etc for these kids = more crime and lower graduation rates
those kids grow up without ability for good paying job = cycle continues
..this is undeniable in the crime/graduation numbers
...it's not smart to have kids you can't afford
Do we need people to be having babies? People want to enjoy their life, we can do this AND the population of the world keeps increasing.

Good point.

I'm not personally arguing for reproduction or against it. I found the article interesting, and the dynamic these days of doing 'other things' instead of having a family is interesting, if not kind of tragicomic--in a grand scheme of things sort of way. Indeed the world is ever changing, moving forward and less familiar than last generation.

Your point then is let the new generation do their thing?

Well, yes, let people live their lives. If we need more babies then let this happen. But we simply don't.

Less babies is a balancing act of too many babies in other countries.

Which translates to less white babies and far more black and brown babies. It’s all by design in order to eradicate whites.

No, it means that white people have reached a point where they want to enjoy life and have less babies.

Black people are often poorer.

Think about it. If you want to preserve white people, follow Trump, he'll make you poorer, then you can breed more.

But still doesn't make sense why Christianity, the white man's religion, thinks sex is bad.
...the blacks do not have the $$$/etc for these kids = more crime and lower graduation rates
those kids grow up without ability for good paying job = cycle continues
...it's not smart to have kids you can't afford

I agree it's not smart to have children you cannot afford. That said, there's got to be a middle ground where finances meet desire to start a family. Otherwise we'd be saving our whole lives for the first child. Still, at least have health insurance and solid savings underway.
the 'Catholics' have finally, correctly learned they can use birth control--they won't BURN in hell
Do we need people to be having babies? People want to enjoy their life, we can do this AND the population of the world keeps increasing.

Yes, actually, each culture MUST continue to 'make' people UNLESS they come to terms culturally and economically that they will cease to exist.

But each culture will change regardless. You can't force culture to remain, otherwise it becomes stagnant.

Change is inevitable, but conservatives will always fight the inevitable.

While millennia of history has demonstrated change, I think you're glossing over important historical patterns. Take practice of Saturnalia in ancient Rome for instance, which is an example of a cultural shift toward debauchery, which in some ways was answered by the rise of the Roman Catholic Church--a change toward conservatism from liberalism.

So it works both ways. Nothing stays the same, granted, and yet culture changes toward new, revolutionary ideas and also shifts back toward the traditional. Thus should the cultural wave we've experienced in America shift back toward a more rigid moral code of tradition, that shift must also be included in your "each culture will change" statement against conservatism.

And perhaps if people try and keep culture at the same point, it's when culture than snaps further from what it was.

I couldn't agree with you more. What you're describing is a well documented historical cycle from time out of mind to now. Citizens feel repressed under authoritarian regimes and laws so they start a cultural revolution for relaxed moral and legal freedoms. Said liberating revolution proceeds until cultural values become so twisted a majority of citizens no longer recognize them and feel threatened by the new social norm. What happens next is the People call for return to tradition, call for authoritarian unity to stop the revolution, and after it's stopped totalitarianism is cemented. The cycle begins anew. I wonder where America is currently at in that cycle?

Definitely on the way towards more totalitarianism.

In 1990 there was hope of a better world, by 2001 that hope was changing back towards no hope.

With the rise of China, and the enslavement of the Chinese people behind technology, and the Chinese govt becoming the most powerful government the world has ever seen, we're screwed.
Good point.

I'm not personally arguing for reproduction or against it. I found the article interesting, and the dynamic these days of doing 'other things' instead of having a family is interesting, if not kind of tragicomic--in a grand scheme of things sort of way. Indeed the world is ever changing, moving forward and less familiar than last generation.

Your point then is let the new generation do their thing?

Well, yes, let people live their lives. If we need more babies then let this happen. But we simply don't.

Less babies is a balancing act of too many babies in other countries.

Which translates to less white babies and far more black and brown babies. It’s all by design in order to eradicate whites.

No, it means that white people have reached a point where they want to enjoy life and have less babies.

Black people are often poorer.

Think about it. If you want to preserve white people, follow Trump, he'll make you poorer, then you can breed more.

But still doesn't make sense why Christianity, the white man's religion, thinks sex is bad.
...the blacks do not have the $$$/etc for these kids = more crime and lower graduation rates
those kids grow up without ability for good paying job = cycle continues
...it's not smart to have kids you can't afford

I agree it's not smart to have children you cannot afford. That said, there's got to be a middle ground where finances meet desire to start a family. Otherwise we'd be saving our whole lives for the first child. Still, at least have health insurance and solid savings underway.
I don't make much..I have 2 kids
the big $$$ is when they start driving and going to college ...
I have no problems
the main goal is to get a good financial start by not having kids before you are ready
Yes, actually, each culture MUST continue to 'make' people UNLESS they come to terms culturally and economically that they will cease to exist.

But each culture will change regardless. You can't force culture to remain, otherwise it becomes stagnant.

Change is inevitable, but conservatives will always fight the inevitable.

While millennia of history has demonstrated change, I think you're glossing over important historical patterns. Take practice of Saturnalia in ancient Rome for instance, which is an example of a cultural shift toward debauchery, which in some ways was answered by the rise of the Roman Catholic Church--a change toward conservatism from liberalism.

So it works both ways. Nothing stays the same, granted, and yet culture changes toward new, revolutionary ideas and also shifts back toward the traditional. Thus should the cultural wave we've experienced in America shift back toward a more rigid moral code of tradition, that shift must also be included in your "each culture will change" statement against conservatism.

And perhaps if people try and keep culture at the same point, it's when culture than snaps further from what it was.

I couldn't agree with you more. What you're describing is a well documented historical cycle from time out of mind to now. Citizens feel repressed under authoritarian regimes and laws so they start a cultural revolution for relaxed moral and legal freedoms. Said liberating revolution proceeds until cultural values become so twisted a majority of citizens no longer recognize them and feel threatened by the new social norm. What happens next is the People call for return to tradition, call for authoritarian unity to stop the revolution, and after it's stopped totalitarianism is cemented. The cycle begins anew. I wonder where America is currently at in that cycle?

Definitely on the way towards more totalitarianism.

In 1990 there was hope of a better world, by 2001 that hope was changing back towards no hope.

With the rise of China, and the enslavement of the Chinese people behind technology, and the Chinese govt becoming the most powerful government the world has ever seen, we're screwed.

This is what I think as well. And I definitely do not want America going in the same direction. Not talking MSM whining daily about POTUS becoming a tyrant. Am talking about fear of a real Tyrant coming to power in America. I like the middle ground where everyone is free to do whatever, but does not force said whatever on everyone else, especially kids.
the 'Catholics' have finally, correctly learned they can use birth control--they won't BURN in hell

I don't know, vampires and sunlight and silver toilet seats. Proceed with caution. Joking
we had 6 kids in our family ...my dad was very religious ...we were poor

My mother's family: nine siblings, one set of twins, one twin died at birth. Grandfather provided well enough for them, but they had land to grow food and livestock. Still, he found money to upgrade his small private aircraft several times over the years, then ended up with a one place biplane at the end, go figure. It's definitely a struggle though with all those mouths to feed.
But each culture will change regardless. You can't force culture to remain, otherwise it becomes stagnant.

Change is inevitable, but conservatives will always fight the inevitable.

While millennia of history has demonstrated change, I think you're glossing over important historical patterns. Take practice of Saturnalia in ancient Rome for instance, which is an example of a cultural shift toward debauchery, which in some ways was answered by the rise of the Roman Catholic Church--a change toward conservatism from liberalism.

So it works both ways. Nothing stays the same, granted, and yet culture changes toward new, revolutionary ideas and also shifts back toward the traditional. Thus should the cultural wave we've experienced in America shift back toward a more rigid moral code of tradition, that shift must also be included in your "each culture will change" statement against conservatism.

And perhaps if people try and keep culture at the same point, it's when culture than snaps further from what it was.

I couldn't agree with you more. What you're describing is a well documented historical cycle from time out of mind to now. Citizens feel repressed under authoritarian regimes and laws so they start a cultural revolution for relaxed moral and legal freedoms. Said liberating revolution proceeds until cultural values become so twisted a majority of citizens no longer recognize them and feel threatened by the new social norm. What happens next is the People call for return to tradition, call for authoritarian unity to stop the revolution, and after it's stopped totalitarianism is cemented. The cycle begins anew. I wonder where America is currently at in that cycle?

Definitely on the way towards more totalitarianism.

In 1990 there was hope of a better world, by 2001 that hope was changing back towards no hope.

With the rise of China, and the enslavement of the Chinese people behind technology, and the Chinese govt becoming the most powerful government the world has ever seen, we're screwed.

This is what I think as well. And I definitely do not want America going in the same direction. Not talking MSM whining daily about POTUS becoming a tyrant. Am talking about fear of a real Tyrant coming to power in America. I like the middle ground where everyone is free to do whatever, but does not force said whatever on everyone else, especially kids.

I think the biggest concern about Trump is the boundaries that he's breaking down. Another person comes along and sees what they can do, they can try and annul the other branches of government, they can try and repress protests against them, all of this, and someone might actually succeed in the future.

Trump is just playing games, but he doesn't realize how dangerous his games could be in the future.
Americans Are Having Fewer Babies. They Told Us Why.

Seems like it's hip these days to abstain from being human, and it's posh to ride the American repopulation ship below the waves; port out, extinction home. Point blank: do we blame it on the cultural revolution and women choosing career or life adventure over motherhood? Are men equally responsible for their modern willingness to reject the responsibility of fatherhood for something less complicated? Have we finally philosophized our way into species mass grave?

Does 'having a choice' as the article mentions speak to easy availability of family planning? Will America fade away into the night of one last old age, smartphones on drive mode, or will enough of us take the leap from surfing on-the-line to drowning in dirty diapers, thereby skin of teeth replenishing the suburban game preserve?

What does a decrease in immigration and immigrants reproducing say about our own decline in willingness to get it on for a soon to be walking talking spitting image?

Screw all that noise. It’s expensive to raise a child in a developed economy. Mystery solved.
the 'Catholics' have finally, correctly learned they can use birth control--they won't BURN in hell

I don't know, vampires and sunlight and silver toilet seats. Proceed with caution. Joking
we had 6 kids in our family ...my dad was very religious ...we were poor
but my dad made sure we got a good education
he disciplined us/etc
....I have 2 kids and a wife--and I thought it was mentally/physically/time-wise taxing with just 2 kids
We're leaving them 21 trillion dollars in debt and a 4 cent dollar at the time of this communication. Ain't nobody got no money for babies. lolol.
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While millennia of history has demonstrated change, I think you're glossing over important historical patterns. Take practice of Saturnalia in ancient Rome for instance, which is an example of a cultural shift toward debauchery, which in some ways was answered by the rise of the Roman Catholic Church--a change toward conservatism from liberalism.

So it works both ways. Nothing stays the same, granted, and yet culture changes toward new, revolutionary ideas and also shifts back toward the traditional. Thus should the cultural wave we've experienced in America shift back toward a more rigid moral code of tradition, that shift must also be included in your "each culture will change" statement against conservatism.

And perhaps if people try and keep culture at the same point, it's when culture than snaps further from what it was.

I couldn't agree with you more. What you're describing is a well documented historical cycle from time out of mind to now. Citizens feel repressed under authoritarian regimes and laws so they start a cultural revolution for relaxed moral and legal freedoms. Said liberating revolution proceeds until cultural values become so twisted a majority of citizens no longer recognize them and feel threatened by the new social norm. What happens next is the People call for return to tradition, call for authoritarian unity to stop the revolution, and after it's stopped totalitarianism is cemented. The cycle begins anew. I wonder where America is currently at in that cycle?

Definitely on the way towards more totalitarianism.

In 1990 there was hope of a better world, by 2001 that hope was changing back towards no hope.

With the rise of China, and the enslavement of the Chinese people behind technology, and the Chinese govt becoming the most powerful government the world has ever seen, we're screwed.

This is what I think as well. And I definitely do not want America going in the same direction. Not talking MSM whining daily about POTUS becoming a tyrant. Am talking about fear of a real Tyrant coming to power in America. I like the middle ground where everyone is free to do whatever, but does not force said whatever on everyone else, especially kids.

I think the biggest concern about Trump is the boundaries that he's breaking down. Another person comes along and sees what they can do, they can try and annul the other branches of government, they can try and repress protests against them, all of this, and someone might actually succeed in the future.

Trump is just playing games, but he doesn't realize how dangerous his games could be in the future.

Isn't it funny (funerary not humorous) how culture revolution in America takes us away from tradition toward freedom in one sense but loosens foundations to some degree, and a forced return to tradition can destroy the very foundations of what America was founded to be. You're right; it's a very slippery slope. We need balance, not a further tipping of the scales. That's about the most reasonable, rational argument I've heard lately.
the 'Catholics' have finally, correctly learned they can use birth control--they won't BURN in hell

I don't know, vampires and sunlight and silver toilet seats. Proceed with caution. Joking
we had 6 kids in our family ...my dad was very religious ...we were poor

My mother's family: nine siblings, one set of twins, one twin died at birth. Grandfather provided well enough for them, but they had land to grow food and livestock. Still, he found money to upgrade his small private aircraft several times over the years, then ended up with a one place biplane at the end, go figure. It's definitely a struggle though with all those mouths to feed.
my dad's family had 10 !!
...I will say, some of them didn't do well at school..with more kids, it takes a lot more effort to get them good schooling
Americans Are Having Fewer Babies. They Told Us Why.

Seems like it's hip these days to abstain from being human, and it's posh to ride the American repopulation ship below the waves; port out, extinction home. Point blank: do we blame it on the cultural revolution and women choosing career or life adventure over motherhood? Are men equally responsible for their modern willingness to reject the responsibility of fatherhood for something less complicated? Have we finally philosophized our way into species mass grave?

Does 'having a choice' as the article mentions speak to easy availability of family planning? Will America fade away into the night of one last old age, smartphones on drive mode, or will enough of us take the leap from surfing on-the-line to drowning in dirty diapers, thereby skin of teeth replenishing the suburban game preserve?

What does a decrease in immigration and immigrants reproducing say about our own decline in willingness to get it on for a soon to be walking talking spitting image?

I don't think men are bringing their A (or B game) anymore. They have become more awkward in social skills, all too many either passive or belligerent or aggressive. They're married to their devices--which includes around the clock PORN (who needs real sex?) Many are content to live in their parents basements or extra bedroom.

These young men had mothers who worked yet still managed to do it all including 'take care' of them and watched fathers either walk out and who never came close to pulling their fair share in parental or home duties. All too many young men have become mentally and even physically slothy and are becoming far LESS EDUCATED THAN WOMEN with each passing decade. They are not pitching in at the 50% rate young women have every right to expect. Why would young women want them?

If women want babies, they can do it on their own they can have them by several means. If that is too much to take on, it's their CHOICE to say no, not for me.

I've been been watching this play out for about 20 years. I've never said a word about it till this very post.

Less than amazing post for a 20 year wait.

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