Why an R Purge but not a D one?

It is just as I said for years on this forum it would be. Elections are going to be decided by how many of the other party's voters you can convince to stay home.

Neither party has a hopeful message or a solution to our problems. All they know how to do is attack the other party and turn people off. Neither of them knows fuck-all about anything.

They both thoroughly suck.
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The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?

Where is your evidence the Democrats are pushing away independents to the GOP?
The WALK AWAY site has 2 million members. I was there just a few hours ago.

That's purely anecdotal. You have no idea who those two million members even are.
And you CAN'T prove they don't exist. They have a Youtube channel and you got? Nothing do ya?
R are retiring right and left but not the Ds. The Rs are being given their second unearned and unexpected victory.

If Hillary has campaigned more and spent less time on her premature victory tour she would have won. For the mid-terms the Ds are trying to block a SCOTUS nomination knowing that it will cost them Senate seats and result in far more radical nominee sailing through confirmation in the next congress.

The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?
The Russians did it. :icon_lol:
It is just as I said for years on this forum it would be. Elections are going to be decided by how many of the other party's voters you can convince to stay home.

Neither party has a hopeful message or a solution to our problems. All they know how to do is attack the other party and turn people off. Neither of them knows fuck-all about anything.

They both thoroughly suck.
It has been a rough run.

Clinton, Bush, Obama... but we are finally starting to make some progress with Trump. Lots of cleanup required from the past 24 years of failure.
The big problem for the Ds is that their geographical base is in the process of going belly up.
R are retiring right and left but not the Ds. The Rs are being given their second unearned and unexpected victory.

If Hillary has campaigned more and spent less time on her premature victory tour she would have won. For the mid-terms the Ds are trying to block a SCOTUS nomination knowing that it will cost them Senate seats and result in far more radical nominee sailing through confirmation in the next congress.

The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?

Not necessarily. It cuts both ways. This brings Roe vs Wade up and polls show voters strongly support it. That is not a road Republicans want to go down. It could cost them seats.
R are retiring right and left but not the Ds. The Rs are being given their second unearned and unexpected victory.

If Hillary has campaigned more and spent less time on her premature victory tour she would have won. For the mid-terms the Ds are trying to block a SCOTUS nomination knowing that it will cost them Senate seats and result in far more radical nominee sailing through confirmation in the next congress.

The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?
They are moving toward being full time Socialists. Sanders set the ball in motion. The "purge" as current will see D moderates driven from the party.

Right now it’s seeing Democrats win everything in sight. 46 special election seats and three governors so far. And almost entirely flipped control of the Virginia legislature last year.

There’s a purge alright. A purge of republican control.

Which a major purge is coming in november
The big problem for the Ds is that their geographical base is in the process of going belly up.
You can't prove that, and you know it. There are more Dems than Pubs. Real America hates Trump and his followers. DF is using a silly YouTube site for the silly "millions of Dems are fleeing the party."

You guys are terrified that the GOP is going to get hammered this fall, with good reason.
R are retiring right and left but not the Ds. The Rs are being given their second unearned and unexpected victory.

If Hillary has campaigned more and spent less time on her premature victory tour she would have won. For the mid-terms the Ds are trying to block a SCOTUS nomination knowing that it will cost them Senate seats and result in far more radical nominee sailing through confirmation in the next congress.

The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?

Because they are panicked and flailing about due to their loss of Power and the fact that Obabble destroyed their bench.
The GOP barely got by the graveyard in 2016.

Let's see if they can do it in 2018.
This brings Roe vs Wade up and polls show voters strongly support it.

Roe v. Wade only applied to the first trimester of pregnancy, which is probably the midpoint of public support. Ironically, SCOTUS could reaffirm this decision and at the same time grant constitutional rights to viable unborn children.
This brings Roe vs Wade up and polls show voters strongly support it.

Roe v. Wade only applied to the first trimester of pregnancy

You really ought to read that decision. It has always amazed me how many people talk about Roe v. Wade who have never read it.

which is probably the midpoint of public support.

Two-thirds of Americans believe abortion should be illegal after the first trimester, and that is in direct conflict with Roe v. Wade.
This brings Roe vs Wade up and polls show voters strongly support it.

Roe v. Wade only applied to the first trimester of pregnancy, which is probably the midpoint of public support. Ironically, SCOTUS could reaffirm this decision and at the same time grant constitutional rights to viable unborn children.

It would also have to include the same exemptions at the beginning and end of life as well as the rape/incest rule.
. . . and constitutional rights to those who are born despite mother's wishes to a post natal and pre natal government support through 12th grade, including medical care.
It would also have to include the same exemptions at the beginning and end of life as well as the rape/incest rule.

How so? Would you deny any protections for full term unborn children because of rape or incest? How about Down Syndrome babies?
This brings Roe vs Wade up and polls show voters strongly support it.

Roe v. Wade only applied to the first trimester of pregnancy, which is probably the midpoint of public support. Ironically, SCOTUS could reaffirm this decision and at the same time grant constitutional rights to viable unborn children.

First of all, a high percentage of Americans don’t know much about what Roe says or does. In a Pew Forum study done on the fortieth anniversary of Roe, we learned that 38 percent of Americans think Roe is a decision about something other than abortion. For those younger than 30 years old, this number rises to a shocking 56 percent.

Roe v. Wade at 40: Most Oppose Overturning Abortion Decision

Furthermore, of those who know that Roe was about abortion, many don’t know even the most basic details of the case. Many wrongly believe, for instance, that overturning Roe would make abortion flatly illegal instead of merely returning the issue to a legislative process for states to decide.

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