Why an R Purge but not a D one?


You really ought to read that decision. It has always amazed me how many people talk about Roe v. Wade who have never read it.


Two-thirds of Americans believe abortion should be illegal after the first trimester, and that is in direct conflict with Roe v. Wade.

Nope as in dope?

I am an attorney and have studied that decision extensively. The rationale used by the Court was the mother's health was paramount as long as abortion was safer than full term pregnancy, which it equated to the first trimester. At the same time, it affirmed that states have a valid interest in protecting viable fetuses, which it equated to the last trimester of pregnancy. As Justice O'Connor correctly noted, this decision was on a collision course with itself as the safety of abortions extend further into pregnancy while the point of fetal viability extended in the opposite direction.

As to your statistical assertion, a majority of Americans may prefer no abortions to completely unrestricted abortions, but even more would accept restrictions after the first three months of pregnancy. (This applies to a national policy on abortion, not individual state policies.)
which is probably the midpoint of public support.

You really ought to read that decision. It has always amazed me how many people talk about Roe v. Wade who have never read it.


Two-thirds of Americans believe abortion should be illegal after the first trimester, and that is in direct conflict with Roe v. Wade.

Nope as in dope?

I am an attorney and have studied that decision extensively. The rationale used by the Court was the mother's health was paramount as long as abortion was safer than full term pregnancy, which it equated to the first trimester. At the same time, it affirmed that states have a valid interest in protecting viable fetuses, which it equated to the last trimester of pregnancy. As Justice O'Connor correctly noted, this decision was on a collision course with itself as the safety of abortions extend further into pregnancy while the point of fetal viability extended in the opposite direction.

As to your statistical assertion, a majority of Americans may prefer no abortions to completely unrestricted abortions, but even more would accept restrictions after the first three months of pregnancy. (This applies to a national policy on abortion, not individual state policies.)
Roe v. Wade was about legalizing abortions up to "viability", which is 23 to 24 weeks. That is far beyond the first trimester.

And it is a fact that two-thirds of Americans believe abortions should be illegal after 13 weeks, which is in direct conflict with Roe v. Wade.
Roe v. Wade only applied to the first trimester of pregnancy

  • (a) For the stage prior to approximately the end of the first trimester, the abortion decision and its effectuation must be left to the medical judgment of the pregnant woman's attending physician. Pp. 163, 164.

  • (b) For the stage subsequent to approximately the end of the first trimester, the State, in promoting its interest in the health of the mother, may, if it chooses, regulate the abortion procedure in ways that are reasonably related to maternal health. Pp. 163, 164.

  • (c) For the stage subsequent to viability the State, in promoting its interest in the potentiality of human life, may, if it chooses, regulate, and even proscribe, abortion except where necessary, in appropriate medical judgment, for the preservation of the life or health of the mother. Pp. 163-164; 164-165.
Roe v Wade
Try to have your state ban abortions after the first trimester and watch what happens.

Roe v Wade was not only applicable to the first trimester.
The WALK AWAY site has 2 million members. I was there just a few hours ago.
1,999,000 of them are Russian bots.

Russian bots are back: #WalkAway attack on Democrats is a likely Kr...
NO, most of them are fed up blacks, Asians and queers. You had better pay attention to them. They are going to cost you dearly in the mid terms.
They aren't costing me anything.

They WILL.
Nope. I am a walk away Republican. I changed my party affiliation to "none" a few months ago.

So I am costing YOU.

You are no more a loss then Hillary dropping dead.
The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?

Where is your evidence the Democrats are pushing away independents to the GOP?
The WALK AWAY site has 2 million members. I was there just a few hours ago.

That's purely anecdotal. You have no idea who those two million members even are.
And you CAN'T prove they don't exist. They have a Youtube channel and you got? Nothing do ya?
He has every right to be skeptical and question an arguement that you’re making which you can not prove. I website and a YouTube channel prove nothing. Nice try but you lose
R are retiring right and left but not the Ds. The Rs are being given their second unearned and unexpected victory.

If Hillary has campaigned more and spent less time on her premature victory tour she would have won. For the mid-terms the Ds are trying to block a SCOTUS nomination knowing that it will cost them Senate seats and result in far more radical nominee sailing through confirmation in the next congress.

The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?
Because R’s are drowning in shame left and right

They have no shame, fail!
Both parties are making their older, more moderate members feel alienated. It's all about who can be more of a dumbass to rile up the dumbass base.
Will lefties ever stop whining about the election and accept defeat or should we open PTSD clinics for the chronically disappointed?

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