Why Are Conservatives Meeting in Hungary?

Your vacuousness and duplicity duly noted.
Your post was loaded with factually untrue bullshit. I don't give a damn how many times you right wingers repeat this crap, it is still crap.
Another Tuckyo Rose monologue we'll never hear:

KGB Putin really hates homosexuals. It is literally a crime in Russia to create an image of a Gay Putin.

Viktator Orban hates homosexuals, too. He has restricted gay rights in Hungary.

KGB Putin wants to prevent the mixing of races with his white people and replacing them with mongrels.

Viktator Orban is also trying to prevent race mixing in his country.

KGB Putin does not allow the Russian people to own handguns.

Viktator Orban has likewise disarmed his people.

KGB Putin has completely suppressed the press in his country. He has literally poisoned journalists who speak out against him.

Viktator Orban has turned the media into a party organ and silenced the independent media.

KGB Putin desperately wants NATO to be disbanded.

Viktator Orban also wants NATO disbanded.

So why is CPAC going to Hungary?

Because Moscow would be too obvious.


You are nuts.

Orban is fiercely nationalistic and led the movement to move Hungary into NATO to begin with.

His only real conflict with NATO was when he didn't want weapons being shipped through Hungary into Ukraine for fear of getting at serious odds with Russia and possibly inviting Russian action to interdict those weapons being transferred while still in Hungary.
You are nuts.

Orban is fiercely nationalistic and led the movement to move Hungary into NATO to begin with.

His only real conflict with NATO was when he didn't want weapons being shipped through Hungary into Ukraine for fear of getting at serious odds with Russia and possibly inviting Russian action to interdict those weapons being transferred while still in Hungary.
Orban's opinion of NATO has considerably weakened since Hungary joined NATO in 1999 on his watch. He has become closer to Putin in the intervening years.

He has also expressed opposition to Sweden and Finland joining NATO.

Viktator Orban, like Putin, has strong man aspirations and they both have been running their countries far past their expiration dates. They both changed their countries' constitutions to do so. And Orban is about to change the constitution again.

Any right-minded conservative would be deeply concerned about Orban's disarming of his people and his censorship of the press. They would not touch him with a ten foot pole.

But RINOs love them some strongmen. Big burly manly men who know how to suppress opposition and be dictators for life.
The moonbats are flying out of their belfrys because Orban isn't taking any lip from the EU or NATO.

He wants secure borders for his nation and a strong sense of national identity.....Everything the WEF globalist scum hate.
I believe if you have three children you pay no taxes. They like families.
Orban's opinion of NATO has considerably weakened since Hungary joined NATO in 1999 on his watch. He has become closer to Putin in the intervening years.

He has also expressed opposition to Sweden and Finland joining NATO.

Viktator Orban, like Putin, has strong man aspirations and they both have been running their countries far past their expiration dates. They both changed their countries' constitutions to do so. And Orban is about to change the constitution again.

Any right-minded conservative would be deeply concerned about Orban's disarming of his people and his censorship of the press. They would not touch him with a ten foot pole.

But RINOs love them some strongmen. Big burly manly men who know how to suppress opposition and be dictators for life.
If you are just going to project you can shorten the post.
"Hungary Orban is not a liberal secular globalist, but a conservative Christian nationalist."

That alone makes me respect him!:thup:

Anybody who hates Globalism deserves respect.

So it's a good sign that Conservatives are meeting in Hungary. :up:
The man is a fascist dictator.
White families.

Breed! Breed, damn you! Before the darkies replace us!
You could make this easy and cut to the chase…show us ANY evidence…show us that a darker America is a better America…you can’t so you won’t.
This begs the question…why would anybody sane want a less productive, dirtier, more dangerous America?
None of what you say has happened.
Really now.. .

This is an authoritarian controlled socialist country. So why are American conservatives meeting there?

What's it to you, are they spending your money?


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