Why Are Conservatives Meeting in Hungary?

"Hungary Orban is not a liberal secular globalist, but a conservative Christian nationalist."

That alone makes me respect him!:thup:

Anybody who hates Globalism deserves respect.

So it's a good sign that Conservatives are meeting in Hungary. :up:
This is an authoritarian controlled socialist country. So why are American conservatives meeting there?

Why Are Conservatives Meeting in Hungary?​

Hopefully they are there to learn more about the aggressive Hungarians first model….about how Hungary plans to keep Hungary core and Hungarian.
The U.S has showed them that multiculturalism DESTROYS nations…they know better.
Reading up more on this latest tantrum Liberals are throwing, the reasons for it seem obvious:

Hungary's leader is known for taking a hard stance against illegal immigration whe Biden is facilitating an illegal invasion in which terrorists, pefos, mules, Cartel members, violent gang members, and human, drug, child, and sex trafficking goes on through Biden's In-Constitutional / illegal Open Border.

Hungary's leader is also pushing ack hard against liberal extremists attempting to ram the radical 'woke' LGBTUVWXYZ agenda down the throats of their people as Democrats are trying to do here.

Finally, the usual left wing lying fake news media were denied press accreditation yo enter the country and spread their lies and propaganda. Being denied the right to misrepresent what is said and what is going on, as they have already coordinated and stated doing without being there, has pissed them off and made them bitter and vindictive. :p

I think refusing to allow faux media sources who have repeatedly been caught lying is perfectly justifiable. I wish we had a law that called for 'news media' being stripped of their accreditation if caught repeatedly lying and spreading propaganda.

'The Associated Press and other international news organizations were not granted accreditation to cover the CPAC meeting in Hungary despite making multiple requests over several months.'

Hungary is socialist. Considering Hungarians get free education and healthcare, which you guys consider socialist...

Actually it's a Bismark style welfare State, but thanks for playing.
Tucker Carlson, who has great man-love for Orban, likes to ask a lot of questions during his monologues.

Questions Tuckyo Rose does not ask about Viktator Orban:

"Why would a leader not want his people to own guns?"

"Why would a leader not want people to own guns for self-defense, even if they are under imminent threat? Is it because Orban might be an imminent threat to the people of Hungary one day?"

"Why would a leader not even allow off-duty soldiers to have guns?"

"Why is CPAC supporting someone who obviously does not believe in gun rights and has totally disarmed the people?"

"Why is 8.3 percent inflation in the US Biden's fault, but 9.5 percent inflation in Hungary is not Orban's fault?"

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Like I said.

Because Moscow would be too obvious.
HOLY FUCK…Dems should hold all their meetings in Mexico…remember when they campaigned there?
How many Russian’s have destroyed our healthcare, our public education and our social services? How many Russians have raped and killed themselves a Mollie Tibbetts?
“But but but RUSSIA!”
Tucker Carlson, who has great man-love for Orban, likes to ask a lot of questions during his monologues.

Questions Tuckyo Rose does not ask about Viktator Orban:

"Why would a leader not want his people to own guns?"

"Why would a leader not want people to own guns for self-defense, even if they are imminent threat? Is it because Orban might be an imminent threat to the people of Hungary one day?"

"Why would a leader not even allow off-duty soldiers to have guns?"

"Why is CPAC supporting someone who obviously does not believe in gun rights and has totally disarmed the people?"

"Why is 8.3 percent inflation in the US Biden's fault, but 9.5 percent inflation in Hungary is not Orban's fault?"

My guess is; Tucker admires Orbans immigration policy and his commitment to the people to keep Hungary sovereign…maybe he doesn’t admire much more?
Weird huh?
Is Hungry a socialist nation? I don’t believe they are. You do know they aren’t controlled by the USSR right?
They are fabricating BS at warp speed now ahead of the 2022 elections in order to demoralize republicans and conservatives and to sell a whole train load of BS to independents as well as this is their only chance in November and they know it.

We don't need the Russians or Chinese to bring the US to it's knees, the democrats are doing a masterful job of it without any help.

Hungary is also a major contributor to NATO and for good reason, they have firsthand experience with Russian Domination and what it entails.

Another Tuckyo Rose monologue we'll never hear:

KGB Putin really hates homosexuals. It is literally a crime in Russia to create an image of a Gay Putin.

Viktator Orban hates homosexuals, too. He has restricted gay rights in Hungary.

KGB Putin wants to prevent the mixing of races with his white people and replacing them with mongrels.

Viktator Orban is also trying to prevent race mixing in his country.

KGB Putin does not allow the Russian people to own handguns.

Viktator Orban has likewise disarmed his people.

KGB Putin has completely suppressed the press in his country. He has literally poisoned journalists who speak out against him.

Viktator Orban has turned the media into a party organ and silenced the independent media.

KGB Putin desperately wants NATO to be disbanded.

Viktator Orban also wants NATO disbanded.

So why is CPAC going to Hungary?

Because Moscow would be too obvious.


We now know the RINOS of CPAC are totally cool with harsh censorship of the press, universal healthcare, and totally disarming the people.
HOLY FUCK…Dems should hold all their meetings in Mexico…remember when they campaigned there?
How many Russian’s have destroyed our healthcare, our public education and our social services? How many Russians have raped and killed themselves a Mollie Tibbetts?
“But but but RUSSIA!”
None of what you say has happened.
They are fabricating BS at warp speed now ahead of the 2022 elections in order to demoralize republicans and conservatives and to sell a whole train load of BS to independents as well as this is their only chance in November and they know it.

We don't need the Russians or Chinese to bring the US to it's knees, the democrats are doing a masterful job of it without any help.

Hungary is also a major contributor to NATO and for good reason, they have firsthand experience with Russian Domination and what it entails.

More bullshit.
My guess is; Tucker admires Orbans immigration policy and his commitment to the people to keep Hungary sovereign…maybe he doesn’t admire much more?
Weird huh?
America lost sovereignty when whites got here.

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