Why Are Conservatives Meeting in Hungary?

Hungary is a socialist democracy in the process of being taken over by an ultra-nationalist dictatorship. They have had free education and health care for a while, but Orban is taking over the education system, and has all but gutted their health care.

The American right is snuggling up to him because the American right is being taken over by authoritarian ideas, pushing their conservatives ones aside.

Orban doesn't represent American conservative views, at all. He's not for small government, a free market, guaranteed rights and liberties, or strong democratic principles with lots of opportunity for those who work hard. He's for an intrusive one-party state, favored industries, the crushing of dissidents, and ethnic favoritism.

Any Americans who support him are making a mistake. He is blatantly anti-democratic.
Lefties cheered when Bill Clinton bombed Yugoslavia but they worry that a conservative pac. is meeting in Hungary. WTF?

Exactly right. That's what is called hypocrisy, the default position of the Left.

Tulsi Gabbard and even Pelosi met with Assad, who used WMD on his own people, like Hussein did

D-Sen Murphy met with the Iranian Foreign minister on his own...

John Kerry undermined President Trump by trying to negotiate his own deal with Iran...

"In 2009, the Washington Times reported that Rep. Laura Richardson, California Democrat, who also met Fidel Castro with Rep. Bobby L. Rush, Illinois Democrat, and former Black Panther, said he “looked directly into our eyes” and asked how Cuba could help Mr. Obama"

You sure are making a big deal about Conservatives making this one trip while having no idea what the reason for it is while ignoring the many times Democrays have met with terrorists and dictators.

The Democrats would never hear the end of it if they did so? You show you either don't remember the Democrats doing so or lying about those times.

Why are the cpac crew going there? Is some foreigner gonna give Matt Slap some money?
Oh gee I love how you conveniently claim they aren’t socialist because conservatives are meeting there. My god you are so transparent lol. It’s just pathetic. It also shows just how much of a terrible grasp you people have on what socialism actually is.
Lol. You people?

You think I’m a con like the idiot OP. lol
I was born in America. America is not a white country. We have propped whites up. That's what history shows. Educate yourself son, because your stupid comments show your ignorance.
Your fat lazy ass built nothing. You are a net taker.
Politicians in office do meet with foreign leaders
Correct. It's part of their job description.

The tard herd will dodge and weave and toss out as many red herring and straw men as they can to avoid answering your question.
Oh gee I love how you conveniently claim they aren’t socialist because conservatives are meeting there. My god you are so transparent lol. It’s just pathetic. It also shows just how much of a terrible grasp you people have on what socialism actually is.
Who gives a fuck where cons meet?

Apparently kooky lefties do.
The moonbats are flying out of their belfrys because Orban isn't taking any lip from the EU or NATO.

He wants secure borders for his nation and a strong sense of national identity.....Everything the WEF globalist scum hate.
The moonbats are complaining about a liberal country that is the leader of the world. 😂
Lol. Damn your crazy too. What’s up with you radical left wingers tonight? Did Tucker say something that set you off?
Yep, just as I thought. You can’t defend the original comment you made. Secretly you know you know you would call Hungary socialist in any other context, but because you’re rightwinger, you lack any real principles like an adult should have.
Yep, just as I thought. You can’t defend the original comment you made. Secretly you know you know you would call Hungary socialist in any other context, but because you’re rightwinger, you lack any real principles like an adult should have.
I don’t give a fuck nor should you.

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