Why Are Conservatives Meeting in Hungary?

So Democrats meeting with terrorists, dictators, and enemies, attempting to unofficially and privately work deals that undermine our President and hovt is ok, but Conservatives meeting in a country for a reason you don't even know is enough to trigger you?!

Careful, retard. Plenty of Republican politicians have met with the same people.

A little education for you. IT IS IN THEIR JOB DESCRIPTION. Dumbass.

Now try to answer IM2's question, coward. Your red herrings and straw men won't work here.
Don't lefties have enough on their plates with the current state of the Country with baby formula shortages, gas prices (I paid $54 to fill up a 4 cyl Ford Edge) and the crisis at the borders without worrying about C-Pac meeting in a friendly allied country in Europe? It beats talking about the doddering old fool we have to depend on.
This is an authoritarian controlled socialist country. So why are American conservatives meeting there?

Why does Biden support Ukraine, a nation supposedly full of WHITE SUPREMESISTS AND NAZIS?


What a fucking buffoon
Kalergi plan ain't happening in Hungary and Poland....open your borders you racists. Lol.
I love when snowflakes get so frustrated they just make shit up and throw it against the wall hoping it will stick.

George Soros provided arms to the George Floyd protesters! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Can you guys believe this tard dipshit claims to have a degree in journalism?!!? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Nope. Just how I see it. Slap doesn't do anything for free. So, why does the oxymoron called cpac go to an authoritarian leader to rub elbows?
They are following Tucker Carlson's lead. Tuckyo Rose has mad man-love for Orbán. He took a trip there last August to openly fellate Orbán on his show.

Orbán is going to be the keynote speaker at CPAC Hungary, with Tuckyo Rose speaking alongside him by videolink.

It's all about disbanding NATO.
What are the odds these supposed conservatives will ask Viktator Orban why someone can't own a gun for self-defense, even if they are under imminent threat?
The current inflation rate in Hungary is 9.5 percent.

I wonder if CPAC Hungary will try to pin that on Biden.
This is an authoritarian controlled socialist country. So why are American conservatives meeting there?

Because they are sidling up to foreign authoritarians who align with their ideology.

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