Why are Democrats/liberals being so insulting?

It seems every time you turn around both in real life and on this board Democrats/liberals are being extremely insulting.


They achieved their goal. Ousting President Donald Trump (apparently) which has been their total goal for more than four years now. Why are they so upset? So they suffered losses at almost every other level of government and didn't achieve the "blue wave"? Did anyone really expect that to happen? No election victory is total. Reagan won 49 states in 1984 but the net Republican gains in the House were tiny (something like 14 seats IIRC). And there are numerous other examples.

Is it really that big a deal to them that 71 million American voters give or take still preferred Donald Trump? Is it really that big a deal that Republican gains set up the GOP well to retake the House in 2022? Is it really that big a deal that the GOP retained control of all the state legislatures they controlled meaning they will control redistricting in their states which thanks to the census means the GOP might well gain 5-10 more House seats by that alone before the 2022 election even takes place.

Come on. You got rid of Donald Trump (apparently). Can't you just rejoice in that and be done with it?
Here ya go: LINK

and now that the left won the WH you think your problems are over ....you just dont get it do you ?? the reason you are a democrat is very very simple ....you are a weakling and you will always be a weakling no matter whos in office ! and you know that you are not a real man .....

So a bunch of weaklings just fired that fat orange bastard. Imagine that.
with the help of big tech the msm and a pandemic from your chicom allies.
Yep. Everybody wanted in on getting rid of that ass hole. At least we didn't need Putin's help like fat donnie did,
It seems every time you turn around both in real life and on this board Democrats/liberals are being extremely insulting.


They achieved their goal. Ousting President Donald Trump (apparently) which has been their total goal for more than four years now. Why are they so upset? So they suffered losses at almost every other level of government and didn't achieve the "blue wave"? Did anyone really expect that to happen? No election victory is total. Reagan won 49 states in 1984 but the net Republican gains in the House were tiny (something like 14 seats IIRC). And there are numerous other examples.

Is it really that big a deal to them that 71 million American voters give or take still preferred Donald Trump? Is it really that big a deal that Republican gains set up the GOP well to retake the House in 2022? Is it really that big a deal that the GOP retained control of all the state legislatures they controlled meaning they will control redistricting in their states which thanks to the census means the GOP might well gain 5-10 more House seats by that alone before the 2022 election even takes place.

Come on. You got rid of Donald Trump (apparently). Can't you just rejoice in that and be done with it?
Pay back???

Now we're talking. Republicans have to use every procedure to block Biden from having a cabinet like they did to Trump. Let him sit alone in the White House basement. Payback's a bitch and it's your turn, darling

Tempting but Biden doesn't need Senate approval to fill his cabinet. There is a law that allows a president to install department heads WITHOUT Senate approval if those people are already serving in federal govt. positions.

Which is why it has been suggested that Biden make Dr. Fauci head of Department of Human Services.
the left is never happy ......no matter who is in the WH or congress ...they werent happy and rioted during obama and they will not be happy now ! they are incapable of taking responsibility for their own self inflicted problems...i predict that leftist will be even more unhappy 2yrs from now ! especially if their policies get implemented ...
Imagine how happy they will be after their masters no longer need them and start stuffing them in train cars to be incinerated.
It seems every time you turn around both in real life and on this board Democrats/liberals are being extremely insulting.


They achieved their goal. Ousting President Donald Trump (apparently) which has been their total goal for more than four years now. Why are they so upset? So they suffered losses at almost every other level of government and didn't achieve the "blue wave"? Did anyone really expect that to happen? No election victory is total. Reagan won 49 states in 1984 but the net Republican gains in the House were tiny (something like 14 seats IIRC). And there are numerous other examples.

Is it really that big a deal to them that 71 million American voters give or take still preferred Donald Trump? Is it really that big a deal that Republican gains set up the GOP well to retake the House in 2022? Is it really that big a deal that the GOP retained control of all the state legislatures they controlled meaning they will control redistricting in their states which thanks to the census means the GOP might well gain 5-10 more House seats by that alone before the 2022 election even takes place.

Come on. You got rid of Donald Trump (apparently). Can't you just rejoice in that and be done with it?

The idea was not to end Donald Trump, but to end "Trumpism" - the racism, xenophobia, and fear of "others" that is at the root of Trump's success. The fact that 71 million people voted for this incompetence and racism is indeed troubling for anyone who actually cares about the country.

Most of the economic problems in South America began with these national whipsawing between governments by authoritarians alternating with election of socialist reformers to undo the damage done by the authoritarians.

The USA has been tilting so far to the right over the past 40 years, such that your Democratic Party would be considered a right wing party in any other first world country. That you see the Democrats, who aren't even mildly "socialistic" as a grave danger to the Republic, and the Republicans, who are busy dismantling all of the checks and balances to prevent an authoritarian dictator from taking control of the country.

The Republican Party of Mitch McConnell - the party of "Party before Country", as we have seen repeatedly since January 1st of this year, needs to be burnt to the ground, and quick lime thrown over the ashes, while you still have a country and a functioning Constitution.

You are delusional. First off we have seen cases where the Republicans and Democrats have put party over country. That is the reason no one will compromise and any help for small business and the working class and why both sides were okay with everything hanging on by a thread today. Canadians have no room to talk about anything with the racist in your country leading the way. I am tired of the BS and the hypocrisy on all sides.

Now here are a couple articles refuting your silly, uninformed claims.

It seems every time you turn around both in real life and on this board Democrats/liberals are being extremely insulting.


They achieved their goal. Ousting President Donald Trump (apparently) which has been their total goal for more than four years now. Why are they so upset? So they suffered losses at almost every other level of government and didn't achieve the "blue wave"? Did anyone really expect that to happen? No election victory is total. Reagan won 49 states in 1984 but the net Republican gains in the House were tiny (something like 14 seats IIRC). And there are numerous other examples.

Is it really that big a deal to them that 71 million American voters give or take still preferred Donald Trump? Is it really that big a deal that Republican gains set up the GOP well to retake the House in 2022? Is it really that big a deal that the GOP retained control of all the state legislatures they controlled meaning they will control redistricting in their states which thanks to the census means the GOP might well gain 5-10 more House seats by that alone before the 2022 election even takes place.

Come on. You got rid of Donald Trump (apparently). Can't you just rejoice in that and be done with it?
Here ya go: LINK

and now that the left won the WH you think your problems are over ....you just dont get it do you ?? the reason you are a democrat is very very simple ....you are a weakling and you will always be a weakling no matter whos in office ! and you know that you are not a real man .....

So a bunch of weaklings just fired that fat orange bastard. Imagine that.
with the help of big tech the msm and a pandemic from your chicom allies.
Yep. Everybody wanted in on getting rid of that ass hole. At least we didn't need Putin's help like fat donnie did,
thanks for admitting that the status quo system worked for your advantage .....never complain about politicians being a part of the good ole boy system again !
You should not conflate democrat with liberal.

The democrats on this board are goose stepping authoritarian leftists who would not recognize the tenets of liberalism if it clobbered them along side their stupid little heads.
It seems every time you turn around both in real life and on this board Democrats/liberals are being extremely insulting.


They achieved their goal. Ousting President Donald Trump (apparently) which has been their total goal for more than four years now. Why are they so upset? So they suffered losses at almost every other level of government and didn't achieve the "blue wave"? Did anyone really expect that to happen? No election victory is total. Reagan won 49 states in 1984 but the net Republican gains in the House were tiny (something like 14 seats IIRC). And there are numerous other examples.

Is it really that big a deal to them that 71 million American voters give or take still preferred Donald Trump? Is it really that big a deal that Republican gains set up the GOP well to retake the House in 2022? Is it really that big a deal that the GOP retained control of all the state legislatures they controlled meaning they will control redistricting in their states which thanks to the census means the GOP might well gain 5-10 more House seats by that alone before the 2022 election even takes place.

Come on. You got rid of Donald Trump (apparently). Can't you just rejoice in that and be done with it?
Trump has brought this on himself by showing his ass and refusing to concede.

They achieved their goal. Ousting President Donald Trump (apparently) which has been their total goal for more than four years now. Why are they so upset?
I get a sense of hopelessness from the Right in this thread.

C'mon MAN !!!
You can have your Nation, your Constitution AND your Freedom.......but one catch.....you gotta FIGHT for them !!
If you're willing, you CAN have it ALL !!

Not interested? Too much work?
Enjoy your bondage and losses.
It seems every time you turn around both in real life and on this board Democrats/liberals are being extremely insulting.


They achieved their goal. Ousting President Donald Trump (apparently) which has been their total goal for more than four years now. Why are they so upset? So they suffered losses at almost every other level of government and didn't achieve the "blue wave"? Did anyone really expect that to happen? No election victory is total. Reagan won 49 states in 1984 but the net Republican gains in the House were tiny (something like 14 seats IIRC). And there are numerous other examples.

Is it really that big a deal to them that 71 million American voters give or take still preferred Donald Trump? Is it really that big a deal that Republican gains set up the GOP well to retake the House in 2022? Is it really that big a deal that the GOP retained control of all the state legislatures they controlled meaning they will control redistricting in their states which thanks to the census means the GOP might well gain 5-10 more House seats by that alone before the 2022 election even takes place.

Come on. You got rid of Donald Trump (apparently). Can't you just rejoice in that and be done with it?
Pay back???

Now we're talking. Republicans have to use every procedure to block Biden from having a cabinet like they did to Trump. Let him sit alone in the White House basement. Payback's a bitch and it's your turn, darling

Tempting but Biden doesn't need Senate approval to fill his cabinet. There is a law that allows a president to install department heads WITHOUT Senate approval if those people are already serving in federal govt. positions.

Which is why it has been suggested that Biden make Dr. Fauci head of Department of Human Services.

It seems every time you turn around both in real life and on this board Democrats/liberals are being extremely insulting.


They achieved their goal. Ousting President Donald Trump (apparently) which has been their total goal for more than four years now. Why are they so upset? So they suffered losses at almost every other level of government and didn't achieve the "blue wave"? Did anyone really expect that to happen? No election victory is total. Reagan won 49 states in 1984 but the net Republican gains in the House were tiny (something like 14 seats IIRC). And there are numerous other examples.

Is it really that big a deal to them that 71 million American voters give or take still preferred Donald Trump? Is it really that big a deal that Republican gains set up the GOP well to retake the House in 2022? Is it really that big a deal that the GOP retained control of all the state legislatures they controlled meaning they will control redistricting in their states which thanks to the census means the GOP might well gain 5-10 more House seats by that alone before the 2022 election even takes place.

Come on. You got rid of Donald Trump (apparently). Can't you just rejoice in that and be done with it?
Pay back???

Now we're talking. Republicans have to use every procedure to block Biden from having a cabinet like they did to Trump. Let him sit alone in the White House basement. Payback's a bitch and it's your turn, darling

Tempting but Biden doesn't need Senate approval to fill his cabinet. There is a law that allows a president to install department heads WITHOUT Senate approval if those people are already serving in federal govt. positions.

Which is why it has been suggested that Biden make Dr. Fauci head of Department of Human Services.


I think it was in the most recent issue of National Review.
It seems every time you turn around both in real life and on this board Democrats/liberals are being extremely insulting.


They achieved their goal. Ousting President Donald Trump (apparently) which has been their total goal for more than four years now. Why are they so upset? So they suffered losses at almost every other level of government and didn't achieve the "blue wave"? Did anyone really expect that to happen? No election victory is total. Reagan won 49 states in 1984 but the net Republican gains in the House were tiny (something like 14 seats IIRC). And there are numerous other examples.

Is it really that big a deal to them that 71 million American voters give or take still preferred Donald Trump? Is it really that big a deal that Republican gains set up the GOP well to retake the House in 2022? Is it really that big a deal that the GOP retained control of all the state legislatures they controlled meaning they will control redistricting in their states which thanks to the census means the GOP might well gain 5-10 more House seats by that alone before the 2022 election even takes place.

Come on. You got rid of Donald Trump (apparently). Can't you just rejoice in that and be done with it?
Pay back???

Now we're talking. Republicans have to use every procedure to block Biden from having a cabinet like they did to Trump. Let him sit alone in the White House basement. Payback's a bitch and it's your turn, darling

Tempting but Biden doesn't need Senate approval to fill his cabinet. There is a law that allows a president to install department heads WITHOUT Senate approval if those people are already serving in federal govt. positions.

Which is why it has been suggested that Biden make Dr. Fauci head of Department of Human Services.


I think it was in the most recent issue of National Review.

That referred to having undersecretaries fill their departed leaders. Not the sweeping you can have anyone in a federal position you claimed.

That is clearly not having his own administration
It seems every time you turn around both in real life and on this board Democrats/liberals are being extremely insulting.


They achieved their goal. Ousting President Donald Trump (apparently) which has been their total goal for more than four years now. Why are they so upset? So they suffered losses at almost every other level of government and didn't achieve the "blue wave"? Did anyone really expect that to happen? No election victory is total. Reagan won 49 states in 1984 but the net Republican gains in the House were tiny (something like 14 seats IIRC). And there are numerous other examples.

Is it really that big a deal to them that 71 million American voters give or take still preferred Donald Trump? Is it really that big a deal that Republican gains set up the GOP well to retake the House in 2022? Is it really that big a deal that the GOP retained control of all the state legislatures they controlled meaning they will control redistricting in their states which thanks to the census means the GOP might well gain 5-10 more House seats by that alone before the 2022 election even takes place.

Come on. You got rid of Donald Trump (apparently). Can't you just rejoice in that and be done with it?
Pay back???

Now we're talking. Republicans have to use every procedure to block Biden from having a cabinet like they did to Trump. Let him sit alone in the White House basement. Payback's a bitch and it's your turn, darling

Tempting but Biden doesn't need Senate approval to fill his cabinet. There is a law that allows a president to install department heads WITHOUT Senate approval if those people are already serving in federal govt. positions.

Which is why it has been suggested that Biden make Dr. Fauci head of Department of Human Services.
Although I don't remember all the particulars, Trump has been installing "Acting" heads without senate approval his whole term.
President Trump (for whom I voted twice) is not a politician.

If he were, he would not be in this pickle.

He is just himself. No President has ever acted this way before. At least not to this extent.

He just says what he (and a lot of other Americans) think.

For some people, he is a refreshing character.

For others, he is a demagogue.

Chances are that the election results were substantially correct. Besides, it is almost impossible to "prove" fraud.

President Trump is a broken man. And, sadly, some vindictive Dems are just salivating at the the thought of breaking him even more.

I hope that President Biden will be wise enough and strong enough to stop hotheads in his administration from prosecuting former President Trump. Just let him return to his businesses (which will no doubt be boycotted by many Dems).

President Biden has a lot on his plate. He needs to use his remaining strength to address them, especially the horrific COVID-19 situation that causing such mental & financial distress for most Americans.

I do hope that the Dems and the Pubs will start acting like adults. Currently, many of those leaders are setting a terrible example for our children.
It seems every time you turn around both in real life and on this board Democrats/liberals are being extremely insulting.


They achieved their goal. Ousting President Donald Trump (apparently) which has been their total goal for more than four years now. Why are they so upset? So they suffered losses at almost every other level of government and didn't achieve the "blue wave"? Did anyone really expect that to happen? No election victory is total. Reagan won 49 states in 1984 but the net Republican gains in the House were tiny (something like 14 seats IIRC). And there are numerous other examples.

Is it really that big a deal to them that 71 million American voters give or take still preferred Donald Trump? Is it really that big a deal that Republican gains set up the GOP well to retake the House in 2022? Is it really that big a deal that the GOP retained control of all the state legislatures they controlled meaning they will control redistricting in their states which thanks to the census means the GOP might well gain 5-10 more House seats by that alone before the 2022 election even takes place.

Come on. You got rid of Donald Trump (apparently). Can't you just rejoice in that and be done with it?

The idea was not to end Donald Trump, but to end "Trumpism" - the racism, xenophobia, and fear of "others" that is at the root of Trump's success. The fact that 71 million people voted for this incompetence and racism is indeed troubling for anyone who actually cares about the country.

Most of the economic problems in South America began with these national whipsawing between governments by authoritarians alternating with election of socialist reformers to undo the damage done by the authoritarians.

The USA has been tilting so far to the right over the past 40 years, such that your Democratic Party would be considered a right wing party in any other first world country. That you see the Democrats, who aren't even mildly "socialistic" as a grave danger to the Republic, and the Republicans, who are busy dismantling all of the checks and balances to prevent an authoritarian dictator from taking control of the country.

The Republican Party of Mitch McConnell - the party of "Party before Country", as we have seen repeatedly since January 1st of this year, needs to be burnt to the ground, and quick lime thrown over the ashes, while you still have a country and a functioning Constitution.

HOLY fuck but was that some of THE most pathetic sack of cow shit ever posted in this forum, Dragonklunt......allow me to school your stupid, marxist spewing ass...

The idea was not to end Donald Trump, but to end "Trumpism" - the racism, xenophobia, and fear of "others" that is at the root of Trump's success. The fact that 71 million people voted for this incompetence and racism is indeed troubling for anyone who actually cares about the country.

Racism? How so? By wanting to secure the southern border? Illegals come over and squirt out anchor babies that Americans have to pay for. I had to pay UPFRONT for both of my children before momma was even allowed in the hospital. Pray tell as to how WE should pay the freight for those that snuck across the border for the sole intent of dropping an anchor baby? Tell me why it is OUR responsibility to feed, educate and subsidize them when Mexico pawns their poorest and least educated off on America while being one of the richer countries on the western part of the globe? Why should America openly embrace third world muslims that have no intention of assimilating into western culture and their sole intent is to "muslim-ize" America like they are doing in Europe? Tell me how that has worked out for the native citizens of those countries, ya ignorant sack of shit? Don't you fucking DARE tell me that by protecting our borders and traditions that we don't "care" about this country and are "racist" for not wanting it to become a third-world shithole.

The USA has been tilting so far to the right over the past 40 years, such that your Democratic Party would be considered a right wing party in any other first world country. That you see the Democrats, who aren't even mildly "socialistic" as a grave danger to the Republic, and the Republicans, who are busy dismantling all of the checks and balances to prevent an authoritarian dictator from taking control of the country.
This country has been in the process of being washed away in a flood of filth with the commie/progressives riding the waves on boogie boards. Porn is viewed as an art form, militant faggots and other genetic freaks insist on being recognized and God help anyone that doesn't view their lifestyle choices as mainstream. LGBTQ and their offshoot faction like GLSEN is given access to grade school children to tout the virtues of homosexuality and transgenderism and God help any parent that doesn't acknowledge "Queer Pride" week by sending their kids off with some kind of "rainbow themed" attire....this country has veered "extreme right"? I don't know what it is that you are smoking but it has fried what few brain cells you were born with...GTFO. Abortion as a means of bir5th control and then profiting from the selling of their body parts is "far right"????

"Checks and balances", my ass...the commie leftists have been doing all they can to dismantle them while lamely attempting to marginalize and demonize anyone that isn't onboard with their commie agenda. Take your progressive indignation of what YOU wish to push on us and shove it sideways up that commie ass of yours.

I hope that clears things up....let me know if further clarification is needed......I am here to help as I am a "giver" almost to a fault.

It seems every time you turn around both in real life and on this board Democrats/liberals are being extremely insulting.


They achieved their goal. Ousting President Donald Trump (apparently) which has been their total goal for more than four years now. Why are they so upset? So they suffered losses at almost every other level of government and didn't achieve the "blue wave"? Did anyone really expect that to happen? No election victory is total. Reagan won 49 states in 1984 but the net Republican gains in the House were tiny (something like 14 seats IIRC). And there are numerous other examples.

Is it really that big a deal to them that 71 million American voters give or take still preferred Donald Trump? Is it really that big a deal that Republican gains set up the GOP well to retake the House in 2022? Is it really that big a deal that the GOP retained control of all the state legislatures they controlled meaning they will control redistricting in their states which thanks to the census means the GOP might well gain 5-10 more House seats by that alone before the 2022 election even takes place.

Come on. You got rid of Donald Trump (apparently). Can't you just rejoice in that and be done with it?
Pay back???

Now we're talking. Republicans have to use every procedure to block Biden from having a cabinet like they did to Trump. Let him sit alone in the White House basement. Payback's a bitch and it's your turn, darling

Tempting but Biden doesn't need Senate approval to fill his cabinet. There is a law that allows a president to install department heads WITHOUT Senate approval if those people are already serving in federal govt. positions.

Which is why it has been suggested that Biden make Dr. Fauci head of Department of Human Services.
Although I don't remember all the particulars, Trump has been installing "Acting" heads without senate approval his whole term.

You don't have to list all of them. Just list some of them
There is a tiny part of me that would like to see the leftists get exactly what they voted for.

But there are too many good people who will also get hurt, so I don't wish for that.

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