Why Are Democrats Protecting Debbie Wassrerman-Schultz's Pakistani Spies?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Chris Bedford Drops The Latest Update On The Awan IT Scandal Rocking Congress To Maria Bartiromo
-- 'Democrats in Congress have refused to bring complaints'

"The Foundation for Accountability And Civic Trust is bringing an ethics complaint against Rep. Emanuel Cleaver potentially for paying people who weren’t members of his staff and giving Awan as well, access to his IT networks without paying him and these things could be pretty serious for Rep. Cleaver,” Bedford added.

The Foundation and Accountability and Civic Trust is claiming the payment scheme represents a ghost employee scheme that allowed Awan to defraud Congress.

“So far people have been slow walking this and Democrats in Congress have refused to bring complaints. They’re the victims since members of Congress actually own the information inside of their offices, but what they don’t own is the money they used to pay their staff,” Bedford said. “If this goes onward then it will be referred to the ethics committee and they’re going to have to investigate whether or not [Cleaver] broke House law.”

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and House Democrats hired Pakistani IT spies who did not have required security clearances to access classified House systems / files; however, the Pakistanis DID access classified House files, downloading TERA-bytes of Info from House servers after accessing House Intelligence Committee files, files on other foreign nations, and more.

Once they were caught they were fired, banned from the House, and an Espionage investigation was begin on them. Wasserman-Schultz immediately hired one of the Pakistani spies again and again gave him access to classified House servers and files.

Not only that, but evidence shows she gave the Pakistan access not only to the emails of all DNC members but also gave him their usernames and passwords. (Not long after this the news about the DNC rigging their primaries, cheating in debates, Hillary using DNC money intended for use by other Democrats, etc AND the leaked DNC e-mails surfaced...While refusing to allow the FBI to see the servers to prove their claim, Democrats declared it was the RUSSIANS who had hacked them, not Debbie's Pakistani Spies...)

So WTF is up with pro-espionage Democrats refusing to file complaints or to get behind the investigation / indictment / prosecution of these Pakistani spies (AND Wassererman-Schultz)?!

A simple background check on these spies showed they were connected to terrorists...that they had 'kidnapped' their mother...and were spending all of their dead father's money while they held their mother...

They should NEVER have been hired

Simple monitoring of these Pakistanis revealed / would have exposed their ghost employment, accessing classified information, and downloading tera-bytes of information off House servers!

I guess, as former FBI Director Comey said about Hillary, ALL of the Democrats in the House / involved were too STUPID to know they were breaking the law / helping terrorist spies break the law (being victimized by / had hired / were aiding and abetting Pakistani spies.....)?!

Chris Bedford Peels Back The Onion On Capitol Hill IT Scandal
It makes you wonder if there's any truth to the conspiracy theory that Seth Rich was murdered by Waterhead's Paki.
Democrats don't want to touch the Pakistani spy ring / spies THEY hired / protected.

Democrats don't want to draw attention to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani Spy Ring.

Democrats don't want to draw attention to how Democrats claimed the Russians hacked the DNC, struggled to find evidence to support that claim, refused to turn over their server to let the FBI confirm their story, and have remained silent on how it was proven the Pakistanis were GIVEN complete access to those servers, DNC e-mails, and the usernames and passwords to those e-mails by Wasserman-Schultz....making it more realistic to assume the leaked DNC personal e-mails came from the Pakistani spies who had access to those e-mails rather than the Russians.

Democrats don't want to draw attention to the fact that after it was discovered Wasserman-Schultz IGNORED the Pakistanis being fired, ignored the Pakistanis being banned from the House, and an espionage investigation on them after they were fired, she re-hired them and gave them access again to classified information.....and virtually the same exact day she was fired for doing so, Hillary hired her to be part of the Clinton campaign.

Between Obama illegally spying on Americans / Reporters / the Media / US Senators / USSC Justices, Hillary's espionage / Server Scandal, and DWS' Pakistani Spy Ring, Democrats have proven they are a danger to our national security and they can't be trusted with a computer any stronger than a 'Commodore 64'. :p
For all the mattresses they've soiled over their Trump/ russian collusion fantasy they've obviously forgotten how Ted Kennedy attempted to conspire with the soviets to undermine Reagan.

There's documented proof of it, but what the hell.

The mother fucker got away with killing a woman, what's a little treason among comrades?


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